
Powder Play

It would be incredibly satisfying to say I had, through wit and intelligence, discovered how to use the crystals purposefully. But that would be a lie…

It had been a week sense the creeper encounter. After that mom forbid me to go mine. That was fair, almost getting blown up is a good reason. I went to the town library. It was a good thing our town was very large, bordering on being called a city. If it was smaller a library wouldn't probably be here. There would probably only be some person that likes buying and collecting books.

Now I was looking for something on the crystals I've collected. Shame to say "There is barely anything about them!"

"Shh" hissed a annoyed librarian.

"Sorry" I mumbled. Still this was frustrating. It says here, and I quote 'The red one feels hot, but isn't. The blue one feels wet, but isn't. The yellow one feels like it could float away, but won't. The green one feels like it weighs a lot, but doesn't. Looking at the white one makes you feel like it can't be broken. It can, don't recommend breaking the crystals. And the back one feels like it wants to crumble, but won't'.

That was basically it, other than the fact that you can grind them down, nothing I didn't already figure out. Except for the breaking them, I only had fifteen each.

The mine was ecstatic to discover those crystals. They apparently were very valuable in jewelry. It became a association only mining area. I wasn't allowed back.

I knew there was something more to these tinny glowing rocks. I was going to figure it out. That feeling in the cave was so familiar, and yet not threatening. Not like that accursed crater.

I still visit there occasionally. That place has been closed off by a big fence. I just stare at that bit of nothing. Direct my anger towards it. That probably won't do anything, but it makes me feel better.

"Well that was less helpful than I thought it would be." I grouched

I stopped by an apothecary on my way back home. I've bought a mortar n' pestle. Gotta see if I can find something out. I in all my ten year old glory, just had to be smarter than that author. I can do this!

And I got nothing. I've crushed a few on the table with my basin on it. I've rubbed a few together. I've even juggled some. That last one, didn't really know what I was thinking there. So there I was, frustratingly staring at my reflection.

"Hi honey!"

"Wjbups!" My hart hammered in my chest as a series of events happened. The plate of powders, launched into my basin. My chair tipped backwards. Mother started to laugh, hard. And my very non threatening glare was in full effect.

"Dave, dinner is done" still chuckling my mom managed to speak. What a dinner it was, steak with potatoes and chopped carrots.

It felt good to be called by name. It hasn't happened in a while. My inner boy was drowning in all the cute pet names. My name at birth was highly contested. Mom won, dad's pick was Steve. I couldn't imagine my name being Steve.

As I prepared for bed, I cleaned up the mess mom caused. I also counted my remaining crystals, thirteen of each. And as I finished washing my face, discovered something amazing.

It was strange. The blurry lines and clouds of colors that didn't exist. I could see a kaleidoscope. It didn't even hinder my normal vision. Feeling like it was always there but I just didn't pay attention. I was shocked and excited.

I was also very tired. Leaving it for tomorrow, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The first sight is alway the most beautiful. Nowadays it is just ehh…