
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Fantasy
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14 Chs

exploring the shop.

As Alexander's mother mentioned the shopping trip, his mind quickly shifted focus, he had no clue what he was going to get, or what he was even going to see, but he was full of energy and ready to explore.

As Alex began to wonder what he would find, Ben was already making his way towards the carriage door, as he got there, he quickly opened the door of the carriage and reached his hand up towards Alex.

He smiled at Alex and gently gestured for him to come closer, Alex wasted no time in grabbing Ben's hand, and as he did so Ben gently helped Alexander out of the carriage, and placed him on the ground.

As Alexander's feet touched the ground, he began to stumble forward slightly, he quickly stopped himself before he crossed into the street, where various carriages were being pulled by wind walkers, and a tram carrying a cabin full of passengers riding by.

Alex turned from the street and towards the store they were parked in front of.

The shop was sandwiched between two other stores, all of which were elegant by design, with large glass windows showing their interiors, the bookstore however had a small neon outline over a wooden sign that had the name of the bookstore and the address.

Marloon's Library and Shop

Alex chuckled as he read the sign, "library is a bit of an overstatement, this place isn't nearly as big enough."

As Alex mused aloud, the footsteps of his mother could be heard from behind him, "It may be for a library, but it has just as many books if not more than your average library." His mother said as she reached out her hand towards Alex.

Alex quickly accepted it, and the two intertwined their fingers, Alex then looked up at his mother with a a curious expression, "Mother, you said we were here for a book right, what kind are we looking for?"

"You'll see when the time comes, for now, let's just look around the store for a while, maybe find some other interesting reads along the way."

Alex nodded, he wasn't totally against the idea of browsing through the store's shelves for interesting reads, maybe he'd even find some novels for his free time.

In fact, maybe even if he could be a writer, he'd have ample opportunity and knowledge, space fantasy, thriller, horror, and so many other possibilities, and he'd practically build a fortune by just rewriting books from Earth.

As Alex began to daydream of his future plans for plagiarism, he was quickly brought back to reality when his mother pushed open the glass door of the bookshop, the small bell above the door ringing, alerting all inside of their presence.

The duo got a few nods of approval from the other nobles and members of the upper class, while others just ignored them altogether, their noses stuck into thick books.

However what drew Alexander's attention weren't the people, but the store itself.

There were rows of shelves that contained what looked to be dozens upon dozens of books, all different shapes and sizes.

It was no Library of Alexandria, but Alex's mother was right about the Sheer number of books this place had packed inside.

"You were right Mother, I've never seen so many books in one place, well besides your study," Alex said as he walked towards one of the shelves with a curious glint in his eyes.

"See, now come on let's browse their selection." His mother said with a smile.

With his mother in hand, they began to study the first of many shelves.

As his eyes glanced over the spines of several books, he began to notice that there were small paper signs that showed what genre each section of the shelf held.

As he read them an idea began to form, he had been in this world for six years now, yet he had no clue about the local life, or the history, or even the geography of his new world.

Alex decided that it would be best to get such things, if not for practical reasons, then at least he could satisfy his curiosity.

"Mother, I have an idea of what books I want to get, where is the history and geography section?" Alex asked as he continued to scan the shelves.

His mother chuckled as she raised her hand to her chin, "Well, what think it is the sixth shelf, though I haven't been here in quite some time."

The sixth shelf huh?

Alex nodded and pulled his mother towards the sixth shelf, when he finally got there, he began to read all of the small signs on the shelf, his eyes narrowed and his focus unbroken, eventually he found it.

Alex swiftly began to run his finger down the spine of several books, reading their titles in a low voice, the leather backing of the books sending a cold shiver down his back.

And soon he found exactly what he was looking for.

History of the main continent: the last thousand years.

"Bingo," Alex muttered as he let go of his mother's hand to grab the book with both hands.

The book was thick and heavy, it smelled of ink and fresh paper, and its cover was fairly new, with only a few minor scratches.

As Alex studied the book, his mother's expression grew curious, her brow raising and her eyes staring down.

"Isn't that too advanced for you?" She asked with a laugh.

Alex looked up at his mother and smiled, "That may be the case now, but I can always read it with you right?"

His mother blushed and quickly turned her gaze, "Who are you, so wise in the ways of words." She said with a smile.

Alex chuckled, "Perhaps I get it from Father, I mean he managed to sway you with his words did he not?"

"That he did Alex, that he did."

Alex chuckled as he looked back down at the book, now all he needed was a map and a book about local creatures and plants, and then he'd have a good base of knowledge, to begin with.

"Mother, does this place sell maps?"

His mother nodded, "Yes, if I recall correctly this place has several maps, however, they might be a few years out of date."

Alex was confused, there were only two ways these maps would be out of date, either A they hadn't updated the map in years, or B the counties that would be on that map looked completely different because of war and whatnot, but there's a problem, if there are so many wars that the maps need to be continually updated, then why haven't he heard anything on the radio?

I guess the only logical thing to do is ask why.

"Why is that mother?"

"Well, from what I know, the Stafren's borders change often, from political marriages to wars, and it's hard to map out these exact changes as the Stafrens don't like our people all that much, luckily we have Ambur to defend our kingdom and all other Jakshi nations for that matter."

"So we share the main continent with the Stafren?" Alex asked.

His mother nodded, "Yeah, though we can discuss that topic later at home, for now, let's get that map you want."

Alex shook his head, "no first I need to get a book about local wildlife, then we get the map."
