
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Fantasy
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14 Chs

the capital.

As Ben handed off Liz to Elise, he turned his attention towards Alexander and his mother, "Your grace, if you and the young lord will follow me."

He said with a nod as he headed towards one of the carriages.

Erica nodded, and Alex even in his drowsy state, managed to smile.

Ben guided them towards the middle carriage while Elise followed with Liz.

Ben opened the door of the carriage and extended his hand towards Erica, she accepted his hand and he gently guided her into the carriage, once he was done with Erica, Ben reached out a hand towards Alex.

However, Alex was spacing out, daydreaming about sleeping on one of the various clouds that passed by.

"My lord." Ben said as he gestured toward Alex, "if you'd be so inclined."

Ben's gentle words snapped Alexander out of his daydream, causing him to chuckle softly, Alexander then began to make his way towards Ben and accepted his hand.

Ben gently guided Alex into the carriage, once inside, Erica quickly took hold of Alexander and began to cuddle him, her arms wrapped around his waist and her cheek rubbing against his.

Alex was slightly embarrassed, but he was too tired to fight her, so he decided to enjoy his mother's embrace.

Ben smiled as he closed the carriage door, he then made his way towards the driver's box, where Elise was securing Liz to the carriage.

"I know Liz is a bit of a handful, but she's a good girl," Elise said to Ben and she began to play with Liz's ears.

Ben chuckled as he climbed into the driver's box, "As long as she doesn't make our ride bumpy, then I won't complain." Ben said as he reached out his hands for the reins.

Elise grinned as she handed them to him.

Back inside the carriage, Alex was leaning against his mother's side, her arm wrapped around him and her hand on his stomach, as Alex continued to be held in such a way, his will to stay awake was slowly fading.

"Mama, I not going to make it if you keep holding me like," Alex said softly as his eyelids grew heavier, and as his consciousness began to slip.

His mother chuckled as she looked down at her son, "It's alright, the journey is fairly long as we're going to the capital, it's a few hours of travel time."

Alex nodded slightly, he barely registered what his mother said past the word 'journey'.

Alex slowly drifted to sleep, the gentle rocking of the carriage acting as a lullaby, while the warmth of his mother acted as a blanket.

As Alex's mother watched him sleep, she began to smile, his hand patting her son's stomach, "Alex why are you so adorable, hmm?"

Alex remained silent, his chest slowly rising and falling, his long black hair swaying with every bump and vibration of the carriage, his golden eyes hidden behind his eyelids, and his mind in a far-off place, dreaming of a life that was long gone.

Hours later, Alexander was awakened by a gentle shake from his mother, as he opened his eyes he was greeted by his mother's smiling face.

"Wake up Alex we're in the capital." She said softly as Alex began to look around the carriage cabin.

As Alex looked out of the window he was greeted by a far more advanced city than what his home city offered, there were small neon signs outside of shops, booths that looked to hold some kind of phone inside of them, and the streets were lined with lamp posts, and tall poles that had wires stretched across the sky.

The sky itself was lined with skyscrapers, most of them still under construction, but there were a few completed ones that had large zeppelins docked to them, flags of the kingdom were hanging from every building, their blue and black colors showing the strength of the Fallen Kingdom.

Alex couldn't believe what he was seeing, at first he thought the world he was reborn in had a mixture of medieval and early 19th-century Europe, but now it was more like the early 20th century.

Holy hell, I can't tell where medieval architecture stops and Victorian-era architecture begins.

"Mom, where did all of this come from?" Alex asked in disbelief as his face was pressed against the glass window of the carriage.

Erica sighed as she slowly slid over to join Alex at the window, "well, it's all mostly from the Ambur kingdom, they send over architects and engineers to construct these buildings, as for the zeppelins they are purchased directly from the Ambur kingdom as far as I know." His mother said as she slowly pulled Alex away from the window.

Alex reluctantly allowed himself to be taken, eventually settling by his mother's side, "So Amber must be a powerhouse, were they just always like this?" Alex asked curiously.

He always had his suspicions that the amber kingdom was technologically advanced, but if they were so advanced, that they were ushering in a new age for their neighboring kingdoms, then there must be things that they aren't sharing.

Erica took a deep breath as she shifted her gaze toward the window of the carriage, "Well no, this wasn't always the case, in fact I've actually been in contact with the person who made all of this happen, Queen Charlotte of the Ambur kingdom, she was always an ambitious woman, even when we were children she was creating things people have never seen before, she came up with revolutionary ideas and reforms that turned the Ambur kingdom into something truly powerful and this was all before she even turned ten."

Alexander nodded as he listened to his mother speak, to think that all of this came from one person was already hard to believe, but the fact that she was doing it as a child was mind-boggling for Alex.

"Anyway, when she turned ten, she attended the highest academy in the Ambur kingdom, the same academy that I attended, I got to talk to her and learn from her, we became friends and talked almost every day, I would watch as she would write in her journal every night, inventing things and writing policies for her father to pass into law, it was genuinely incredible to watch such a young girl run a kingdom, attend classes, and make time for me, it was almost surreal."

This is like straight out of a documentary, I can't believe Elise thought I couldn't be on this woman's level of intelligence, I got about a snowman's chance in hell to even compare to that.

Alex then began to grow curious, he remembered that time his mother grew angry at the mention of Queen Charlotte's name, yet now she was speaking fondly of their memories, there was also the fact that his mother no longer lived in the Amber kingdom.

What could have happened, he wondered.

He lifted his head back to look his mother in the eyes, both of their golden eyes locked with a loving gaze, Alex smiled, however just as he was about to ask her for an answer to his question, their carriage stopped, and Ben began to knock on the carriage.

"My lady, we're here."

A large grin appeared on Erica's face, "we have shopping to do my son."