
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Unexpected reunion.

Finding the second book was relatively easy, the book in question was titled, Monster Discoveries on the Demon Continent.

It wasn't about the local wildlife, however, Alex felt that it would provide a better understanding of the world's creatures overall, and he was drawn in by the word "monster."

Once he had the books in hand, he and his mother began to make their way to the clerk.

The clerk was an older man, with gray hair and slightly sagging skin, his eyes were a dim blue and they sunken in, he was dressed in a suit with no tie, and he wore thick glasses.

Age has not been kind to this old geezer, Alex thought.

As he reached the clerk, a smile began to form on his face, his dim eyes seemingly shining bright as Alexander and his mother grew closer.

"Ahh, Erica, how long has it been since I last saw you, three years no?" His voice was shaky, but full of joy.

Alexander's mother chuckled, "That is indeed the case Mr. Baldwin, it was when I brought my daughter to your shop to find a journal, from the letters she has been sending I'd say she's been visiting you quite often no?"

Mr. Baldwin chuckled, "Yes, in fact, she came here just last week to drop off a book she had written herself, she said it was for her baby brother."

Alexander's expression grew perplexed, he looked up towards his mother, and noticed she had a mischievous grin on her face.

"Surprise!" She said with a chuckle, "Are you excited?"

Alex laughed, "You mean the whole time we were here to get a book from Ava?"

His mother nodded, "And that's not all, we're also going to stop by the academy to see her."

Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing, he had been wondering when he would see Ava again, but he never expected it to happen so quickly, he always assumed it would be after ten years.

"You really mean we get to see her?" Alex asked with a smile, "You mean it?"

His mother nodded, "of course, it was the whole point of this trip, and the best part is that Ava planned the entire thing just for you."

Alex could feel his heart skip a beat at his mother's words, he had wanted to see Ava for the last three years, and now was his chance.

"Well what are we waiting for mama, let's go, let's go see her," Alex said as he pulled on his mother's dress, the long silky fabric was soft to the touch.

"Wait Alex, I have to pay for your books, and we have to receive Ava's book from Mr. Baldwin, ok?" His mother said with a giggle.

Alex's face grew red with embarrassment, he had forgotten all about the books and Mr. Baldwin.

Get it together man, you can wait a few minutes, Alex said to himself.

Alex shifted his gaze over towards Mr. Baldwin, "I'm sorry sir, I was just, a little excited."

Mr. Baldwin smiled, "It's no problem, my child, I think it's a wonderful thing to see, it's too often that noble children despise each other, fighting for material gain and wealth, to see such raw emotion is truly something special."

Alex nodded in agreement, he hadn't seen the children of other nobles, but he had suspected that they wouldn't get along, however, he didn't know how bad it truly was.

"Anyway I'll be fetching that book now, is there anything else I should get while I'm in the back room?" Mr. Baldwin said as he began to take a step back.

Alexander's mother nodded, "Yes, I'd like the most recent map you have and one that shows the largest amount of landmass."

"Of course."

Mr. Baldwin smiled as he walked to the room behind him and disappeared behind the piles of boxes.

As Mr. Baldwin was fetching the maps and book from the back room, Alex began to grow curious about what Ava's Academy looked like and what would he see there.

Would she have a boyfriend?

Ava was thirteen and that's typically when girls began seeking relationships, according to Alex's experience anyway.

"He better be good, otherwise I'll kill him, and no one will stop me," Alex mumbled as he processed his thoughts.

His mother looked down at him a chuckled, "Are you talking about Mr. Baldwin, I don't think you have to worry about the quality of his products."

Alex looked up to his mother with a confused expression, "I wasn't talking about Mr. Baldwin, I was talking about Ava's boyfriend."

His mother nodded in agreement, "Of course, he'll face the wrath of the entire Daname household, and we'll burn him at the stake." His mother had a burning passion in her eyes, she stuck a pose with her right hand balled into a fist.

"Mama, no!" Alex said with a chuckle, "we won't actually burn him right?"

"Ahh, you lost all of your sprint, I can't believe I had my faith in you." His mother's words were playful, and she turned her head for dramatic effect.

Alex rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, "You don't know the true power I hold back in these tiny fists mother, I just want to show him true fear, and fire just isn't enough."

His mother chuckled, "Ahh, I have been mistaken, you truly are a warrior, Alex, please forgive your poor fool of a mother."

"You are forgiven, but do not underestimate me again, or I will destroy you in a fierce battle of cuddles and kisses."

His mother grinned, "Perhaps I should rechallenge you."

As the duo continued to banter, Mr. Baldwin returned from the back room with two scrolls and a book.

"I've gotten the most recent maps that I could find, there's one that shows our home kingdom and its surrounding territories, and then one of the largest maps ever produced it's definitely out of date, but the geography is relatively accurate, and I've also got the book from Ava, which I assume belongs to you young man."

Mr. Baldwin smiled as he handed the book to Alex.

Alex stood on his tippy toes and reached up his hands to grab the book from over the counter.

"Thank you, Mr. Baldwin, I appreciate you keeping it warm for me." He said as he accepted the book with care.

Mr. Baldwin nodded as he shifted his gaze to Alexander's mother, "And for you, I'll give you everything for just three Embers, as you being here has already more than made my day."

Alexander's mother chuckled as she reached into her purse, "I'll be sure to visit again then."

She then pulled out three gold strips of paper and handed them to Mr. Baldwin, he accepted them with a smile as he pushed forward the maps.

"Would you like some help, Erica, I'm sure one of these young men shopping would be more than happy to help you."

Alexander's mother shook her head, "No I've brought one of my guards with me, Alex do you mind fetching Ben for me?"

Alex nodded and quickly made his way out of the store, as he made his way out of the store, he began to scan the sidewalk until eventually, he spotted Ben chatting with a rather beautiful woman, she had long legs and long black hair, her eyes were a silver color, and she was dressed in a white trench coat.

Man, Ben has taste, Alex thought as he nodded in approval.