
Ten Infinities Minus Eleven

The records of a man seeking perfection in the river of time and the wretchedness of incorporeality. This is a BNHA/MHA fanfiction with crossover elements. Extra Tags:- #TimeTravel, #Regressor, #OP, #ImmortalMC, #Harem-SeekingMC, #ParentalMC, #SmartMC, #ScifiElements, #NeutrallyAlignedMC, #ImmoralMC, #Crossover

Exalted_Felix · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Devil and Angel

Author Note:- WOW. This chapter turned out to be a whopping 10,000 words. I can't believe I was that lost in writing it. Anyway, even if it turned out a little longer than expected, here is the third chapter.


The second day of UA came fast. The students of class 1A weren't aware of it yet, but this day would be one they would never forget for the rest of their lives.


"Alright, show me some enthusiasm!"

Standing in front of the class was a thin man with pointy blond hair. He spoke loud and boisterously in English as his sight trailed across the bored students.

"That's not happening," a certain student commented, "they're probably eager to kick some ass rather than this."

"Ah, Hado," responded the teacher, "that won't do! Normal classes are just as important as heroics!" (A/N:- He uses the -kun suffix, but once again, I ain't writing that shit.)

"I'd say that the only ones being enthusiastic about this class are Izuku and Momo."

"Huh?" "?!" Izuku uttered out subconsciously upon hearing his name, while Momo was more fixated on Sora's usage of her first name.

"What about you?" their English teacher, Present Mic, asked curiously, "Are you saying that you're not enthusiastic about my class?"

"I am not. My English is already perfected, so is every other language that I speak."

That statement got some curious murmuring going as many wondered about the latter bit of what he said. From the way he said it, he must be proficient in a few languages at least. They wondered what. And so did their teacher.

"What other languages do you speak?" Curiosity got the best of their teacher.

"How about this: I will grant a million yen to anyone that manages to find an officially recognized language that I don't speak."

"Woah!" "What?!" "No way!" The claim was simply that absurd. Firstly, can someone speak that many languages? Second, does he seriously have a million yen and will give it out?

"I am serious, by the way. So, if any of you guys feel like taking up the challenge, do so. A million yen is chump change to me anyway."

"We get it, Prince Charming. You're a smart and rich fucker." Katsuki simply couldn't help but taunt.

"Feeling jealous, terrorist?" Sora taunted back.

In response to that, Katsuki seethed with rage. No one has ever spoken back to him in school. This all felt new. However, he wasn't an idiot. Katsuki knew that Sora was not to be trifled with. If anything, the previous day's humiliation was still at the forefront of his mind.

"Coward." Sora said with a scoff before he smiled at the teacher. "You should continue the lesson."

"R-right." Okay, Sora is creepy. Hizashi had concluded and decided to refrain from pissing him off, just in case. Shota did say that you're better off having every single villain after you rather than be targeted by 'that one Satan incarnate'.

Hizashi had a gut feeling that the Satan incarnate Shota referred to was none other than this student. He had this entire 'I will feed you your inner organs' vibe to him. Seriously, what the hell was a student like this doing in the hero course?!


Lunch Time


"Excuse me."

As Sora was walking to the cafeteria alongside Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya, a voice called out behind them. Turning around, he found himself facing five of his female classmates. Momo, Kyoka, Mina, Tsuyu, and Tooru.

The one that had called to them(him?) was Momo. "You are making your way to the cafeteria, correct?"

"Yeah?" Sora responded.

"May we accompany you there?"

"You're welcome to join us." He shrugged as the other three agreed as well.

"Thank you."

Now, their group had grown to nine as they walked through the hallways. It didn't take them long to reach the cafeteria that was already half-packed with students from their year and above.

Oddly enough, the moment they stepped into the cafeteria, a lot of students turned to look in their direction with widened eyes.

"What's going on?" Momo muttered quietly.

Sora simply shook his head with an exasperated look on his face before he continued walking over to the counter.

There were a few students from the other years lining up, but to his classmates dismay, the moment he walked up, they left their line and made way for him.

"What do you guys want?" Sora questioned as he turned his head.

"We can just get it ourselves." Mina responded, but Sora shook his head.

"Just tell me. It will be much faster."

After a bit of hesitation, each of them told him what they wished to eat. Once everyone was done, Sora simply nodded his head before nine kitchen trays floated into the air. Then, a magical show is what followed as each tray had food flying into proper sections.

With that over, they now had to find a table. Sora simply cast one glance at the tables that were already preoccupied. That was more than enough as, all of a sudden, most students got up from their seats and offered the table they were seated at.

Seeing this, Sora's classmates got all the more confused. Just what was going on? Was Sora messing with their minds or something?

In the end, Sora ended up choosing a table as he thanked the ones that offered it. His gratitude was met with peculiar responses that felt reverent in nature, once again further confusing his classmates.

"Come on, take a seat." Sora stated calmly as if nothing was wrong.

Not knowing what to say, they simply did that.

"That was weird." Tsuyu commented.

"Yeah, they are all acting like he is royalty or something…" Tooru added.

"Maybe he is one? Hey, Sora. I can call you Sora, right?" Mina's eyes shone as the questioned.

"Feel free to do that."

"Alright. Now, spill the beans. Are you an actual prince from a foreign country?"

"He certainly doesn't look like a native." Tooru stated between bites.

"Me, a prince?" Sora scoffed, "No, that's not the reason for their treatment. Let's just say that I've had contact with them before."

"Huh? Aren't you a first-year like us? Have you been to UA before being a student?"

"Why, yes." Sora responded calmly, "I happen to be close friends with Nezu."

"Nezu? Wait, you mean you're friends with UA's principal?!" Izuku almost shouted out the question as Ochaco nodded in curiosity.

"I've wondered this, but you seem oddly familiar with everyone," Tsuyu suddenly said.

"That's because I am." Sora simply said but refused to elaborate.

"Just you wait," Mina suddenly proclaimed, "we will figure out all your secrets soon."

"Good luck with that," Sora challenged with a smirk.

"You'll see!" Tooru chimed in.

During the conversation, Tenya appeared to be lost in his thoughts. Then, he suddenly asked something.

"Hey, Hado, do you happen to know my brother?"

"You brother? Ah, Tensei. Yes, I do know him. Now that I think about it, I have seen you around a few times when visiting his agency."

Hearing this, Tenya's brows suddenly furrowed. "I suspected something but wasn't sure of it. But with that response, I have reasoned that you are-"

"Stop! No spoilers!" Sora interjected with a hearty laugh. "Keep that information to yourself for now."

"What?! No!" Mina and Tooru cried out. "Tell us his secret!"

"My apologies, but I can't do that now that I have been told not to."

Izuku and Ochaco curiously examined Sora's face as he grinned cheekily. He was having fun. Honestly, they felt a little timid when it came to Sora due to yesterday's events. Now, however, they were sure that he was a nice guy.

"By the way," Kyoka suddenly spoke up for the first time, "you listen to music?"

"I often do. I can play a number of instruments as well."

"Wait, seriously?" Suddenly, Kyoka's interest seemed to intensify quite a bit. "What instruments do you play?"

"Probably anything you have at home," he responded with a wink.

Kyoka suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine. No one has ever acted like this with her before. Sora being extremely attractive with captivating eyes didn't help.

"I-is that so?"

"Yes, I am sure of it. Perhaps, I can pay you a visit to prove it?"

Now, Kyoka was simply shocked still. What was she supposed to say!?

"Haha, calm down. I was joking." Sora stated, much to her relief and disappointment(?). "Mostly." Suddenly, she felt overwhelmed once again.

"You should stop teasing her." Tsuyu remarked.

"I guess. Her reactions are just too cute for me not to." Sora shrugged.

"Uhm, guys," Ochaco spoke up, "we should finish our lunch. We don't have much time left."

"Oh, crap, you're right!" Mina began to hastily gobble up the rest of her food. Seeing that, the rest also followed suit.

Except Sora. He continued to eat at a leisurely pace.


Class 1A. Afternoon classes – Heroics class


Izuku Midoriya was excited. It was finally time. While his fellow classmates discussed who could possibly be their heroics teacher, he trembled in excitement as he already had an inclination of who it might be.

As he contemplated telling the others about this, a loud voice resounded just outside the door to their class.


"He seriously has repeated this for every cycle?" Sora muttered to himself, unheard by most except Kyoka who had found herself oddly fixated on the guy. Naturally, she was confused by what he meant.

Her thoughts would have to be put to a halt for now, as All Might walked into their classroom, wearing something different than his usual hero costume.

"Hey, isn't that All Might's silver age costume?!"

"No way, that's so cool!"

The students were brimming with excitement. How couldn't they? It was All Might! The top hero in the country and possibly the continent! And here he was, as a teacher at UA that will be teaching them about heroics. It was at this moment that the students felt like UA high school was truly the best choice they could've made for a hero school.

"GOOD AFTERNOON, YOU ZYGOTES!" Proclaimed the man as his eyes swept across the students. Then, he spotted HIM. "Fuck."

His mutter was unheard by all except two students as they doubted their ears. Did All Might just curse? Following the general direction in which he was staring, they noticed that he was staring right at Sora. Even All Might knew him?!

The two students in question were Kyoka and Tsuyu. The former simply heard because of her enhanced hearing, while the latter was seated right at the front and was focused enough on the man himself.

"The hell's up with that guy," Kyoka muttered as she stared Sora. Then, Sora turned his head to face her then winked.

Kyoka felt her cheeks get hot as she quickly looked away. Okay, he was hot enough for her to let the matter be.

"How adorable," Sora voiced in a low tone as he continued to observe her. Since she was still focused on him, Kyoka happened to hear his voice even when it was drowned out by the rest of her classmates. She felt the flush on her cheeks grow as even her ears felt a little hot now.

"NOW, NOW," All Might said as he raised his hands in hopes of calming the students down, "WE HAVE A CLASS TO GO THROUGH WITH. SO, FOR STARTERS, YOU ARE GOING TO NEED THESE!"

As soon as he said that, the left wall of the class began to make mechanical noises as several compartments extended with each one labeled by a number one through twenty. Oddly enough, number nineteen was the only one that remained stationary.



All Might had left the class for Ground Beta. The students were excited as they looked into the compartments for their hero costume. However, a few were curious about number nineteen.

"Hey, does anyone know why that one is like that? Is it broken?" Mina voiced curiously.

"That compartment was supposed to hold my hero costume, but I don't exactly need one in the same way you guys do." Sora's voice reached her ears as he suddenly appeared beside her.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked as she felt her body get hot due to his close presence.

Sora simply grinned as he playfully said, "You will see soon enough."

"No fair, you tease." She pouted.

Sora simply shrugged before suddenly informing the students to quickly grab their costume and make their way to the changing rooms. Those who were dazed in excitement broke out of their revelry and did as they were told. Their teacher had already clarified that they should listen to the overseer.

Once he saw that they were doing what they were supposed to, Sora simply nodded with satisfaction before abruptly vanishing from sight.

"What the hell?!" "Woah!" "Did he just freaking teleport?!"

Awe was apparent on the face of many students, but a few were less impressed. Katsuki for one looked like he was fed shit.


Izuku arrived at Ground Beta, where the students were already grouped up. To one side, Sora stood tall with his arms crossed. Around him were a few of their female classmates as they asked him a number of questions that were on their mind.

Looking elsewhere, he found a student in full armor costume. "Is that…?"

Curious, Izuku walked over to the student. "Iida?"

"Ah, Midoriya. You're here. I was hoping we could stay by Hado's side, but he appeared to be preoccupied with a few classmates already."

"Yeah… I noticed."

The truth was that Izuku admired and somewhat envied his classmate. He was powerful, smart, and confident. The name of his quirk fit him perfectly (pun intended). Izuku vividly remembered the advice his classmate gave him the day before. Confidence. He needed confidence. Then, maybe, just maybe, he could become like him.

If there was one thing that Izuku was sure of ever since he got home yesterday, it would be that out of everyone in their class, the one that appeared to have the brightest future was none other than Sora. He had it all. Be it connections, guts, or power. So, he had made it his goal to make Sora look his way. If he could impress him, Izuku felt like anything might be possible for him. But first, he had to somehow impress him.

"WHY AM I RANKED LAST?!" A loud shout caused everyone to cease their conversations as they looked over at a seething Katsuki.

"Because you are currently a major failure of a hero."

They didn't need to look to guess who was the one that made that statement. Class 1A had come to realize that if you got on Sora's shit-list, you were going to have a hard time. So, it had become something of an unspoken agreement to do as he says as long as it wasn't anything outrageous. As for him insulting them, well, he probably wouldn't do that unless you really deserved it – as was the case with Katsuki and his attitude that was unbecoming of a hero student.

"YOU!" Katsuki felt his scalp tingle as he contemplated rushing at Sora once again. But, he held back. Nothing good would come out of it. Not only did the fucker have some sort of cheat power, but the teachers kissed up to his ass for some reason. He will wait it out. There will be an opportunity to teach him a lesson later.

"Aaand he backs away." Sora remarked in an unamused tone. "Damn coward. Only knows to pick on the weak."

"Can you blame him though?" Mina, who was standing to his right, said, "Fighting you is a death wish. Heck, look at All Might."

Those that heard her turned to examine their teacher, who had nervous look on his face as he stared at Sora.

"Even All Might is wary of you for some reason!" Mina stated. "Seriously, who are you?"

"I might tell you if you fulfill a challenge." Sora responded.

"Wait, seriously?! What's the challenge?" Mina got excited as the the other two girls, Tooru and Tsuyu listened on with wonder.

"Hm… How about this: Soon, All Might will begin a special test. If you manage to do well, I might tell you a bit about myself. However…"

Sora suddenly peered into her eyes as he grinned widely, "If you do bad, then I will punish you. What do you say?"

Mina gulped. She could only imagine what the punishment was going to be. While there was a chance that it was going to be some normal one, Mina felt like the way he said the word felt lewd in nature. Oh boy.

"Alright, I will take you up on that!" She declared confidently.

"How about you two?" Sora turned to look at Tooru and Tsuyu. "Though, Tooru, I am curious as to why you're not wearing any clothing."

"Ah…" Tooru uttered, "well, given my quirk, this was the best choice there was for me. Since I am invisible, a costume would make my quirk pointless."

"Wait, you're invisible?" Sora suddenly said. The atmosphere turned frigid.

"H-huh?" Tooru responded as her arms subconsciously moved to cover certain parts of her body.

"Oh, crap, I completely forgot." Sora muttered to himself, but the three girls heard him properly.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Tsuyu questioned.

"Well, the way I 'see' the world is different to you guys. Due to the nature of my quirk, one can say that I am blind in a way."

"You're blind?!" Mina voiced loudly, earning a few curious looks from those that overheard her.

"Not exactly. I just see differently and instead of a limited vision, I have a domain around me that lets me see in three-sixty degrees."

"Woah." Mina voiced. "That sounds awesome."

"Forget that! How differently do you see?!" Tooru hastily asked. "Can you see me?!"

"Yes, I can." He responded, much to Tooru's horror. "Don't worry! You have a beautiful figure!"

"No!!!" Tooru fell to her knees as she covered herself.

"Hold up, Tooru," Sora said as he got down to one knee beside her as he placed his hand on top of her head. "Did you know that there is a method of incorporating your quirk into hero costumes. If you do that, they can make you an invisible costume. Heck, I can make one for you if you want me to."

Tooru took a moment to get over her embarrassment. He had already seen whatever there was to see. Might as well leave their class's top hottie with a good impression. (Hopefully, he didn't see her as an exhibitionist already.)

"Really?" Tooru asked somewhat timidly as she lifted her head to face Sora.

"Of course. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." With that said, Sora proceeded to wrap his arms around her shoulders and pull her into a hug. If she wasn't invisible, everyone would've noticed her face burning in red. Though, she didn't struggle, but even hugged him back.

"No fair!" Mina exclaimed, "You can't just get a step ahead of us like this!"

The one that reacted to that was Sora as he moved his head to give her an odd look. Mina suddenly found the ground very interesting as she examined it closely. Wow, UA must've hired some great construction company for this.

Seeing that, Sora snickered before Mina suddenly felt a force pull her toward him. And just like that, Sora ended up with each arm around a girl. In his right arm was Tooru, and in his left was now a lavender-blushing Mina.

In the distance, a few of the guys who were grouped up were looking at the scene with an agitated look on their faces. They obviously wanted to spend some time with the girls as well, but now that there was the perfect guy in their class, it seemed like an impossibility. Just one look at the other girls proved that, as most had an envious look on their eyes as they also stared at the hugging trio.

Suddenly, an exaggeratedly loud cough was heard by the students as All Might called out for attention.


At that, the students shifted their focus over to All Might. Sora and the two girls rose to their feet, but instead of letting go, the two girls each held on to an arm.


Once he said that, All Might looked over at Sora, who had a wide grin on his face. Fuck. Sora is too smart for his own good. He probably deduced from the word "principal" alone that it was going to be something related to him.


The moment he finished, almost the entire class looked over at Sora. There was a good reason for that. Going by the name of the test, there are two possibilities. Either the student would be picked randomly and he/she would be the one that's in a hopeless situation. Or… the one that's going to be picked as the villain was going to be overwhelmingly powerful. The way All Might said it suggested that the latter was the case. As such, they could all think of one student that they somewhat feared facing off against.

"Hey, Buff Oaf," Sora suddenly shouted, to which All Might immediately looked over. Buff Oaf?! He had a weird nickname for All Might too?! "How far into acting as a villain should I get? Should I go for maximum realism?"

All Might shuddered. The students were screwed and they weren't even aware of it. He could only hope someone figured out the secret objective of the test, or else they might as well declare him the winner already.


Did All Might almost call him Satan as well?! For the students, it made sense (somewhat) for Shota to call him that. But now that even All Might was doing so as well? They felt like something was up. All of a sudden, they felt much more cautious about this peculiar classmate of theirs.

"Alright, alright." Sora responded nonchalantly as the two girls to his sides let go of his arms. "ARCH, equip power-suit Type-T."


The three girls close enough to hear the response were startled as they looked over at the bracelet around his left wrist.

Then, the coolest transformation process occurred. Sora's casual clothes (he still refused to wear the school uniform, and somehow the teachers were okay with it) began to shift in place and change color. It looked like hundreds of thousands of tiny insects that were making up his clothes now moved and changed colors. In a matter of fifteen seconds, Sora's entire attire changed to a bodysuit with glowing blue lines along it that pulsed every few seconds. On his head was a shiny black helmet that obscured his face completely.

"That. Is. Fucking. Awesome." Kyoka uttered as Momo nodded beside her. While she didn't appreciate the vulgar expression, it was currently the best way to describe what just occurred.

Each of the students had different reactions to the transformation. Izuku was muttering to himself about what could possibly be the composition of his costume, while most of the other guys were mostly complimenting how badass it looked.

The three girls closest to Sora bombarded him with questions, which he refused to answer, stating that if they were that curious, then they should try their best in the test.

However, there was two people that had reactions completely contrasting the rest. One of them was Tenya who simply muttered "I knew it!", while the other was All Might, who looked like he was witnessing the end of the world.

"L-LET'S GET STARTED!" All Might proclaimed as he wished to get this over with already. "YOUNG HADO, YOU MAY TAKE POSITION IN THE CITY."

Sora simply nodded once before disappearing from sight. This time, the students reacted less intensively to the act of what appeared to be teleportation.


And so, All Might left them to their own. Now, they had to figure out how to defeat their mysterious yet powerful classmate. At first glance, it seemed impossible. They had seen how easily Sora took down Katsuki without so much lifting a finger. Then, they recalled how he froze them all in place. Not to mention the results of his quirk apprehension test. Shota had supposedly had him limited to 0.5% of his full capabilities, yet he still came out at the top and by a huge margin at that. Strength, speed, smarts, and whatever quality there was to a true hero – Sora seemed to have it all in leagues.

However, that doesn't mean they would just take the loss lying down. No. They were hero students that made into UA through their own efforts. Even if the situation was hopeless, they will still struggle to come up with a solution. After all, that's what it means to be a hero.

With the odd conviction coursing through their bloodstream, the students of 1A quickly came up with an efficient method to face off against Satan.

"We need to pick some leaders and have them form balanced teams." Momo suggested. "We can't all go at our opponent at once. It would be wise to do so in groups instead, since if one group fails, the rest can continue to try."

"And there would be more information to make use of since the other groups would take note of how the defeated group suffered." Tenya added.

"Oi, why the fuck is everyone being so serious about this. There are nineteen of us. The fucker won't be able to do shit if we all go at him together!" Katsuki voiced.

"We can win," Shoto Todoroki voiced.

"Man, I want to win as well," the red-haired guy, Eijiro, spoke up, "but not treating that guy seriously is crazy. He made you fall in two seconds flat, Bakubro."

"Don't call me that, Shitty Hair! Also, he caught me off guard yesterday! That didn't count!"

"And what do you plan to do today? Do you have any idea what he did to you yesterday and if there is a counter to it?" Momo inquired.

"I don't need to know what his shitty quirk is. You extras distract him while I sneak some explosions into that glossy face of his."

While it seemed stupid to do that, it was also a viable strategy. Their opponent himself had told them yesterday that they had no hope in direct combat. While it's not right to take one's word for it like this, they felt like there was some other meaning to his statement. So, it would be foolish to ignore it.

"That… could work." Momo said, though with displeasure. Thinking of Katsuki's explosions ruining Sora's face felt… wrong.

"Indeed. But we can't just stick to one strategy." Tenya stated. "We need a backup plan in case that fails."

The rest agreed as they began to work on choosing the leaders and the ones that were going to be in their group.


"Mmmh," Sora hummed as he stretched his arms to the back in hopes of cracking his back. He felt bored. It has already been twenty minutes since he chose a random spot, yet, he still couldn't sense any students coming at him.

"I wonder what sort of villain should I act like? Hm… Oh, that might work. Hehehe…"

Around three minutes later, Sora felt some presences at the edge of his domain. The domain was the result of one half of his quirk. At a certain radius around him, Sora held something akin to perfect sight and clarity of what was going on. Not only that, but he could manipulate matter with a simple thought, as long as it was in his domain.

Psychokinesis. That was one half of his quirk. Despite it's power and versatility, it was amounted to almost nothing when compared to the other half of his quirk. But together, the two halves formed the most potent quirk in existence.

The students had no chance of winning. Quite literally, none. However, this test wasn't about them 'winning'. It was something done for them to grow as heroes. They needed to experience a truly hopeless situation to realize that being a hero is no joke.

That was why he was made to act as a villain. The idea was one that Nezu came up with, so Sora got the gist of it already.

He focused on the approaching students and noticed that they were divided into groups. Good. However, they were being too cautious. Perhaps, they thought that he would render them unconscious the same way he did with Katsuki? Oh, dear. Taking them out with minimal injuries is something that heroes would do, not a villain…


The Sixth Cycle


Sora Hado sat while frowning as he observed those seated at the table as well. Aside from him and one other student, everyone else was a pro-hero. The reason they were all there was to prepare for an upcoming raid on the Eight Precepts of Death – a Yakuza group that had been growing in power and influence for a while now.

The one that had the most knowledge out of everyone present was Sora, considering he had experienced this raid in previous cycles. However, he couldn't just inform them about what he knew, since that would be suspicious.

So, he decided to the raid play out the same way it did in the previous cycles. Perhaps, he could prevent a death or two that would've occurred otherwise.

Then, the raid happened. Nothing played out like it was supposed to. Eventually, near the end, Sora found himself in a horrible situation. The leader of the Eight Percepts of Death was a man known as Overhaul. Said leader was cornered, but he had Eri with him. Sora wanted nothing more than to save Eri, so he was unsure of what actions to take.

At that time, Sora's control over his quirk was limited. While still powerful, he couldn't simply render someone unconscious with a mere thought. Then, it happened.

Overhaul was cornered to the point that he decided that if he was going down, he was taking a few heroes down. The way he planned to do that wasn't by fighting heroes, no, it was by breaking them mentally. And, what better way was there to do that than to traumatize them? It only took a second for Sora to realize what Overhaul was planning as he placed his palm atop Eri's head.

Eyes widening in terror, Sora reached out with his arm, strongly willing for what Overhaul was planning to not happen. Even if he suffered. Even if he disappeared.

And that's when it happened – Overhaul released an anguished scream as he literally fissured out of existence. That was the day that Sora finally figured out why he 'reset' every time he died. His quirk. He had suspected that to be the case before, but the information he had regarding his quirk was that he controlled objects with his mind and that he erased quirks.

As it turned out, the latter was only an application of the true power of his quirk. That was the day that Sora set on the path of perfection.


Present Time – Ground Beta; Team Momo


Four students were lead by a graceful Momo as she guided them toward where their opponent might be. Her team consisted of Ochaco and her, the ranged supports, Tenya, the scout, and Eijiro and Mezo as the vanguard duo.

"I will go to check ahead." Tenya stated before making use of his quirk to move briskly.

Momo and the rest slowed their pace as they got a little more cautious. None them knew what their opponent was truly capable of. For all they knew, everything he had shown so far could be a mere fraction of his real capabilities. In which case, sticking together would be their best bet.

After a short while, the transmitter inside her left ear buzzed as Tenya's voice came through, "I have found the target. He is standing at the edge of a six floor building. Team Todoroki is nearby as well. Out."

"Understood. Describe your location properly. We will change our course so that we can approach from behind. Out.

"Yes. Earlier, I passed…"


Team Shoto


"He's up there." Mina pointed at the top of a building. The rest followed the direction in which she pointed and saw Sora standing with arms behind him.

"Wow, he really has the villain vibe going for him," Tooru commented.

Team Shoto consisted of Shoto and Yuuga as the vanguards, Mina and Tooru as the support, and Hanta as the scout. Initially, Shoto wanted to make Tooru the scout, but she revealed Sora's statement about being able to see her. Also, she mentioned how he had three-sixty vision and was blind in some way.

The intel proved to be vital, as Tooru would've been assigned to a useless position. So, with the new revelations, Hanta was chosen as the scout due to his maneuverability (or so he claimed should be reason he act as the scout).

"I will attack," Shoto announced before he simply made his way to the building as Yuuga followed after him. He wasn't sure of Sora's range with his quirk, but he could work something out if it didn't reach him.

"Uh, I think I go through the side of the building. Saw some open windows." Hanta declared before running off.

Tooru and Mina were the only ones left to choose their course of action. They needed to play an active role in the battle or else this entire thing would be pointless. So, they decided to wait for Shoto and Yuuga to reach the opponent before they make a move.

Shoto and Yuuga reached the front entrance of the building and came to a stop. Shoto looked up at where Sora stood before huffing in mild frustration. His quirk would probably be rendered useless if he attempted an attack from where he stood. Sora would simply fly or teleport(?) away from the danger – he had no doubt about that.

For that reason, the two entered the building, hoping to climb up the stairs all the way to the roof, if not the floor right below it.

As Mina and Tooru watched the two enter, Sora suddenly made a move. He waved his right arm vertically upward. A loud shout was heard by the two as a figure floated up from the side of the building and remained in the air. Upon focusing on the figure, the two realized it was their scout, Hanta.

Hanta had a somewhat horrified look on his face as he continued to struggle in the air. "Man, let me go! Ugh!"

Sora's head slowly turned toward him as the helmet around his face fissured down into his outfit. A breathtaking face was revealed to the world, an expression of utter boredom on it. His hair swirled with the wind as he looked at his opponent.

"How pathetically weak." He uttered in a frigid tone.

Upon hearing the cold voice and processing the words, Hanta felt his blood freeze. All of a sudden, the bad situation felt like a true crisis. He didn't get it. He really didn't get it, but… it felt like his life was actually in danger. No way, right? This was just a test.

"You will serve a purpose. The catalyst to your team's demise." Sora announced as he shifted his arm to the left, Hanta's body moving along with it.

Now, instead of the roof, he was floating right in front of the building. Should he drop from this height, Hanta was sure that the best case scenario would be him breaking both of his legs. As for the worst…

"Hey, stop! Don't drop me, dude!" Hanta exclaimed nervously.

"That's exactly what I plan to do." Sora declared with a toothy smile. "However, your quirk would render my objective pointless. So, we shall disable that."

The next moment, an shrill scream resounded in the area as Hanta's drooped to his sides.

"With the nerves to your elbows severed, you will be unable to use your quirk. Enjoy the drop."

"N-no! Stop! Help, teacher!" Hanta had never felt so afraid in his life. This guy was insane!

"Off you go." Hanta dropped.

"Sero!" x2

The two viewing the entire thing from the ground exclaimed worriedly as they ran toward the building at their fastest speed.

However, Hanta dropped faster.

Then, the two witnessed the horrifying sight of their classmate's body striking the ground at high velocity, a pool of blood bursting out from multiple parts of his body.

"NO!!!" Mina screamed as she reached Hanta's side. His eyes were stuck open, his eyeballs unmoving. "No, no, this can't be happening!"

"No…" Tooru also reached the two. Her legs felt weak as she fell to her knees, tears slowly making their way down her cheeks.

"That, is the price of weakness." A cold voice resounded loudly. "Foolishly approaching me in such a manner. Truly a pathetic excuse of a hero."

It was at that moment that Shoto and Yuuga arrived at the roof. They were unaware of what had transpired. However, they did hear his rather loud voice. Something had happened. Something really bad.

Shoto quickly made his move as he slammed his right foot into the ground, a wave of cold mist and ice sprouting right from the tip of his leg and quickly growing in Sora's direction.

"Weak!" Sora simply muttered, yet his voice was as loud as the roar of thunder. Following that, the ice from Shoto's quirk turned into fine dust as it scattered into the air.

Seeing that, Shoto's eyes widened in surprise and agitation. His attack was rendered useless in a split-second. Maybe, just maybe, he was in trouble.

To his side, Yuuga also was surprised, but only for a few seconds. "Here, experience my magnificence!"

A beam of light was released in Sora's direction, but the moment it was a meter away from him, the beam split into tens of small rays as they bent around him – not even grazing any part of his body.

"This is boring," Sora declared before he floated into the air and moved closer to the two, who responded by stepping back. "Now, you shall choose between yourselves. Who is the better hero?"

Hearing his question, Shoto and Yuuga both found themselves at a loss of what to say. Why was he suddenly asking them that?!

"Come on, choose. You have ten seconds. Whoever you pick will result in the other one to be eliminated. Should you not make a choice within ten seconds, I will eliminate you both."

Oh, shit. Yuuga realized what Sora was going for. A classic hero dilemma situation. There were a lot of villains that took pleasure in situations like this. He had seen a few video clips of such scenarios before. Never did he expect he would be caught up in such a situation during a test in high school.

"Todoroki is better!" Yuuga quickly responded, startling his companion.

Shoto looked over at him with a inquisitive look on his face. Yuuga looked back and hurriedly said, "Please agree!"

It took him a second, but Shoto nodded and spoke, "I am the better hero."

"Wow, it took you four seconds to make a choice. Maybe you are not hopeless after all!" Sora suddenly sounded eerily cheerful.

Then, his expression shifted back to the same bored one he had earlier as he monotonously uttered, "Just kidding."

Yuuga launched off the building. Not of his own accord, but as a result of his opponent's quirk.

"Aaaaah!" His voice slowly drowned out into the distance. Then, a resounding sound reached Shoto's ears that reminded him of a pancake falling out of a pan onto the ground.

"What…?" Shoto could only mutter as his brain processed what just happened.

"Don't forget your friend's sacrifice and strive to be a better hero." Sora simply stated before forming a gun with his hand, pointing the tip of his index finger at Shoto's chest. "Though, I never said anything about sparing the one chosen as the better hero, did I?"

Shoto had never been hit by a car before. However, he was sure if there was way to describe how he felt as his body flew backwards, it would be that he was hit by a truck.

"With that," Sora muttered, "Team Shoto is now out. My lure must've fallen in front of Tenya by now."


Team Momo – Tenya POV


"Yes, earlier, I passed..."

Tenya stood quite a distance away from the building, just in case the range of Sora's quirk was a long one. His words trailed away as he noticed Team Todoroki take the initiative in attacking the enemy. The way they went about it could've been done better, but it could work.

It took twenty seconds for Tenya's world to turn black and white as he witnessed Hanta's fall and the two girls' failure in reaching him in time.

"He is safe… right?" Tenya muttered, hoping to comfort the uncomfortable sensation that was spreading in his body. "There is no way that an aspiring hero would severely injure another student."

Then, something flew from the rooftop right toward him. Tenya quickly moved to the side, hoping to dodge whatever it was that thrown at him – only to regret it immediately as he watched his classmate smash into the ground, leaving a trail of blood as his body skid a few meters.

Tenya froze. His heart felt like it stopped beating as he stared at the immobile Yuuga on the ground. He wanted to approach him, to check on his well-being. However, his legs wouldn't move. He was afraid. A doubt rose in his mind. There is no way his classmate was dead, right? The mere thought caused something to churn in his stomach as bile rose to his throat.

"Iida, why did you stop? Come in, Iida, are you there?"

The voice didn't reach him. Tenya felt weak as his vision clouded. His mind tried to convince him that his classmate was fine, just injured, logic dictated that there is no way anyone without a durability quirk would survive such an impact.

And thus, the scout was rendered useless for the time being.


"It worked better than I expected. My knowledge of Tenya's view of the world came in handy. He idealized heroism badly. Seeing something like that would break him for a while."

Sora was smiling to himself, proud of his achievement. So far, everything was perfect. From the start, he didn't plan to physically harm his classmates. No, what he was going for was mental damage. Both Hanta and Yuuga were mildly injured as a result of his usage of his quirk. The bloody mess was also a result of his quirk. He simply made them look like corpses. However, the others didn't know that. In their eyes, the one lying in front of them was the deceased body of their classmate.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" A shrill scream reached his years.

Looking down, he spotted Kyoka running into the area, followed by the rest of Team Izuku. Right behind Kyoka was a nervous Kaminari. A few meters behind him, three students were running side by side. Izuku, Tsuyu, and Kouji.

Kyoka had heard the entire encounter. They were staying in a building nearby to watch what would unfold. Never did they expect to witness a classmate of their being dropped from the building on which Sora stood, only to see another one being thrown down as well.

At first, they doubted their eyes as Kyoka doubted her ears. But, with time, she could vaguely hear the voices of Mina and Tooru as they screamed.


Then, the two called for All Might with desperation apparent in their voice.

At that point, Kyoka simply couldn't stand it anymore. She broke into a run, hoping that this was all a bad joke. So far, Sora had been playful, if a bit mischievous. The only time he was aggressive was when it came to Bakugou. Never did she expect him to ruthlessly harm his classmates.

She was wrong about him. They had all been. That guy wasn't a friendly classmate. The reason those in the cafeteria offered their tables to him wasn't out of respect. Their teachers had been right all along – he was Satan. And today, he was their enemy.

Kyoka and the rest of the group soon reached the location where Tooru and Mina were kneeling beside the 'dead' Hanta.

Now, along she saw it with her own eyes – Hanta was dead. His eyes were wide open as his body was covered from head to toe while it lay in a pool of blood.

"GET DOWN HERE!" Kyoka exclaimed, rage welling up in her chest.

"Oh, I thought you guys would continue to watch from your temporary base." A voice came behind her.

Kyoka quickly turned only to be met with the sight of a grinning Sora that was floating a few meters above the ground.

"They played their game. Now it's your turn."

"Shut up!" Kyoka exclaimed, "Can't you see what you've done?!"

"Just eliminated a few heroes. What did you expect, a villain to cuddle them or something?" Sora mocked. "Anyway. The game. Right now, another one of your companions is unconscious."

Todoroki, Team Izuku immediately realized.

"Well, let's see. You have fifteen seconds to save him."

Lost in rage and frustration, Kyoka barely processed his words. Save Todoroki? From who or what? Was he bleeding?!

"You may begin now." Sora stated cheerfully before he waved his hand. The building began to collapse.

Team Izuku panicked. First, there were Tooru and Mina who were drowning in despair that needed to be brought out. Second, Todoroki was on top of the building. If it were to collapse, he would suffer a lot, if not die. Third, the danger the building posed to them.

"SHOW ME!" Sora suddenly shouted, his voice loud and powerful enough to shatter the windows of several buildings nearby. "SHOW ME YOUR WORTH!"

He was grinning from ear to ear as he watched Team Izuku clumsily work on their objectives. The ones that went for Shoto were Izuku and Tsuyu. The former activated his quirk and began to use the collapsed parts to quickly reach the top, while the latter simply made use of acrobatics to do the same. Fortunately, the building was damaged in a way that made it collapse slowly. (Or so the two thought, however, the only reason it was standing was simply because Sora was preventing its complete collapse.)

The rest of Team Izuku helped Tooru and Mina move along, while one of them took Hanta into a princess carry and ran.

Eventually, Izuku and Tsuyu reached the top where they found Shoto unconsciously lying beside a wall. Izuku turned to give Tsuyu a nod before he made his way over and lifted Shoto.

Then, just as the two were about to get off the unstable building, a figure appeared in the air. Izuku and Tsuyu both tensed as they fearfully watched the smiling Satan as he looked down at them.

"Amazing! You have potential!" Sora praised, however that didn't help at all with the dreadful sensation spreading within the two heroes. "I deem you worthy of facing my slave!"

This is bad. Izuku didn't know what Sora meant by his 'slave', but he had inkling that he wouldn't like it.

"Behold!" Sora exclaimed before he showcased a giant golden coin as he held up for the two to see. Due to being far from him, Izuku and Tsuyu failed to make out any details about the coin – except the fact that it had a pulsing glow in the shape of an X. "Now, I suppose it's time for my villain monologue, huh?"

Sora slowly floated down until his feet slowly contacted the cracked rooftop. "This is one of my ultimate creations: The Coin of Incorporeality! Through it, what shouldn't exist gets born. Be honored to witness such a glorious sight!"

The Coin of Incorporeality was one of the perfect things he had created that was a result of dozens of cycles of research and effort. It was an absurd tool that when he used it the first time, he was unable to do so again until two cycles later. Eventually, he managed to perfect it. Now, he could only use it once very fifteen days. If there was something that complimented his quirk perfectly, it would be this.

"Now, come forth!"

The coin flew out of his hand began spinning in the air, its speed increasing each second. Soon, a light blue glow covered the coin and began expanding. The air suddenly felt dry as shock waves were released as a result as the absurd speed of the coin that was still increasing.

It took exactly twenty one seconds before the coin "exploded", a blinding light shining across the entire mock city.

Tsuyu rubbed her eyes, while Izuku continuously shut and opened them in hopes of getting their vision back. It eventually did. Then, they saw HER.

Kneeling in front of Sora was a gorgeous woman with rosy-pink hair so long that it draped all across the ground. Extending from her back were two pairs of wings, both enormous in size, however the higher pair were larger. On top of her head, there was shiny white halo that encompassed her entire body.

In front of the kneeling angel(?) stood Sora with his arm raised. Izuku and Tsuyu focused on it and noticed that he was clutching onto a chain that connected with a choker on the angel's neck.

"Welcome back, Ikaros." Sora smiled in a way that was completely the scary way he has been doing so far. It felt warm and genuine.

"Thank you, Master." The angel responded in a soothing voice.

Seeing this, Izuku was dazed as he muttered subconsciously muttered a "What is going on…?"

As for Tsuyu, she felt a sudden urge to run away as fast possible. Her instincts were screaming at her to get as far away from the gorgeous angel as she could. She trusted her instincts.

"Run!" Tsuyu shouted at Izuku before she dashed past him. Izuku followed after her after a brief moment of hesitation.

"Situation, Master?"

"UA High School. A test. I am a villain against my classmates who are heroes. Take flight and take out the opponents without injuring them too severely."

"Understood, Master." Ikaros responded before she rose to her feet in flash – a flap of wings – Ikaros was now high up in the sky. Her eyes shifted colors from a beautiful emerald green to an ominous red as numbers streamed across them.

"Target located. Eliminating."

Izuku couldn't even react as a gust of wind went past him, taking Tsuyu along with it. He heard a loud bang in the distance before seeing an entire building fall apart.

"Asui!!" Izuku screamed as he tightened his hold of Shoto. It was at this moment that SHE simply appeared in front of him.

"Target: Deku. Calling Card: Zeus."

A bright card appeared right in front of Ikaros before it turned into a complex futuristic-looking weapon. Izuku could only admire its beauty for a mere two seconds before a wave of extreme pain assaulted his body and mind.


Team Katsuki


"What the fuck is going on?!"

Katsuki was pissed. They had been running around for a long while, yet they didn't come any closer to finding Prince Charming. Then, they began to hear a loud commotion in the distance then that Prince Charming's voice that caused the ground to shake. The others got to the fucker first.

"Move faster, you extras!" Katsuki exclaimed before using explosions to propel himself in the direction of the commotion.

His team was fucking useless. The idiot that needed to consume sugar to do anything, some lizard-lion-hybrid-tailed fucker, and a shitty bird.

Two minutes later, he arrived upon a hellish sight.

Sprawled across the ground where the bodies of numerous unconscious classmates. The most unsettling one being that of a black haired idiot with tape dispensers for elbow joints. He was a bloody mess as he stared in his direction with wide eyes.

Then, Katsuki noticed something. Hanta wasn't just staring at him. He was not moving. The hell…?

"Look who's finally joined the party!" A cheerful voice resounded within Katsuki's ears as he noticed a floating figure in the corner of his eyes.

Once he looked over, he was dumbfounded with the sight of Sora sitting on a chair with a huge smile. On his lap, there was a some angel(?) sitting with her wings wrapped around Sora's body, as if coddling him.

"I was beginning to think you pussied out," Sora remarked tauntingly.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Katsuki responded in kind.

"Hah~ This is stupid. Ikaros, finish him."

The moment the words left his mouth, Katsuki noticed the angel's eyes turn red before she uttered, "Target: Dynamight. Calling Card: Titan."

A bright light was the last thing saw before Katsuki's vision darkened the next second.


Team Momo


"Just what to Iida?" Momo said in a worried tone.

"I think that guy got him." Eijiro said. "We all saw what he could do."

Then, they heard a variety of noises before the loud of voice of their opponent shook the ground.

"Woah. So manly…" Eijiro muttered. The rest of the group gave him an odd look.

"I think we should hurry over there," Ochaco said with a serious look on her face, "Hado can't be allowed to rest."

"Good point," Momo agreed. "let's hurry then."

Following the direction from which the noises came from, Team Momo quickly moved along. Due to their plan of going from behind, they had moved a little farther away than they wanted to. So, it took them a little while to reach their destination.

However, none of them expected the sight that waited for them as they reached an open square.

At the center of the square, there was an giant eerie structure that was as tall as a five floor building. The structure looked like a flat-headed tree with no leaves. It had branches extending horizontally.

Then, they noticed them. Their classmates were hanging from the structure by a rope wrapped around their wrists. It was terrifying. Just what the hell had happened?!

"At last, the last batch of heroes arrive!" A loud voice greeted them as two figures appeared right in the air in front of them. One of them was their classmate, but the other? Who was she?

As Team Momo observed the angel, they suddenly realized that they were ignoring something important.

"Hey! What is that!" Ochaco shouted as she pointed at the structure.

"Oh, nothing much," came a nonchalant response as Sora shrugged, "just the game you will be playing."

"Huh?" A confused mutter came from both Ochaco and Momo. Meanwhile, Eijiro gulped as he felt like something real bad coming.

"It's simple, really. You have a minute to choose one among yourselves that doesn't fit being a hero. Then, the other one or both of the other two must render him unconsciousness. Either by beating him up or something else."

"That's not happening!" Shouted Ochaco with a frown marring her face. He can't be seriously expecting them to do that, right?

"You don't have a choice, mortals." The angel suddenly spoke, her voice both calming and chilling at the same time (how???), "do as matter Master commands or experience the consequences."

Just what was this situation? Team Momo was confused. Naturally, they had no idea about what had commenced prior to their arrival. However, all they knew was that the rest of their classmates had all been defeated. Now, the three of them were the only ones left to face this monster of an opponent.

"Hurry up and make a choice. If ten seconds are to pass, one of them goes," Sora stated as he pointed behind him with his thumb.

Huh? What is that supposed to mean?

They didn't say or do anything. Ten seconds passed. Then, it happened – One of their classmates, Denki, began to fall as the rope appeared to be suddenly cut by something.

It was then that Team Momo realized just what sort of hell they stepped into. One ruled by a handsome devil and an ethereal angel.


Yagi Toshinori, otherwise known as All Might, watched the entire battle through the live camera feeds around the mock city. On one hand, he was somewhat glad that Satan held back from traumatizing the students too hard. On the other, the students still suffered great mental damage.

Forget it, let alone forgive him, it would be a miracle if they didn't come to hate his guts for allowing this to happen.

Just why did this Satan and the devil in the form of a rat happen to be born in the same era?! He respected Nezu a lot, but some of the things he did were downright heartless. While he understood the importance of the students going through this experience, he just couldn't stand this method.

"Ah…" It was about to end.

Two students fell to their 'death' before Eijiro volunteered himself as the worst hero, screaming at the girls to knock him out. Thankfully, rather than beating him up, Momo produced a small dart that probably had some chemical in it as it quickly knocked out the boy.

Through the screen, Yagi saw Sora appraising Momo's actions before slowly clapping with a wide smile. That smile… That accursed smile.

Yagi bitterly watched the scene of Ochaco and Momo both breaking out into tears as their emotions found an outlet.


Sora awkwardly stood in place as he watched the two girls sitting on the ground crying their hearts out. Maybe he overdid it a little? No, no, this much is necessary. Still, maybe comforting them won't be a bad idea.

"Alright, you two, this was just a test. None of it is real. Everyone is safe." As Sora said that, he moved closer to the two before lowering himself and pulling them both into his embrace. "I kind of got into my role a bit too much, I guess."

The girls didn't say anything as they silently sobbed. Earlier, they witnessed the sight of two of their classmates smash into the ground. The noise made by the body continued to resound within their minds.

They coveted comfort and warmth. Even if it came from the very monster that was the cause of their distress.

The applications of the coin and a lot of things related to it will be explained later. I'm wondering if any of you can figure out what Sora's quirk is.

Exalted_Felixcreators' thoughts