
Ten Infinities Minus Eleven

The records of a man seeking perfection in the river of time and the wretchedness of incorporeality. This is a BNHA/MHA fanfiction with crossover elements. Extra Tags:- #TimeTravel, #Regressor, #OP, #ImmortalMC, #Harem-SeekingMC, #ParentalMC, #SmartMC, #ScifiElements, #NeutrallyAlignedMC, #ImmoralMC, #Crossover

Exalted_Felix · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

An Odd Family

Author Note:

So, before we get to the second chapter, I would like to take this chance to clarify something. This story is going to be long. Very long. The history of the world as well as the MC's past are going to be core parts of the story going forth. So, expositions are required to get the details of those across. As much as I'd like to focus on the "canon" story, it would feel extremely empty. And thus, this chapter will be mostly about the MC's family and the world (+it's history).

Just to be clear, soon, there will be a complete divergance from canon. This is not going to be a rewritten version of MHA with some extra stuff.


"Home sweet home," Sora muttered as he walked alongside Mirko.

"You really like to say that, huh?"

"For good reason."

The two were currently making their way through a path leading to the front entrance of a mansion. Station all around them were men dressed in black suits and dark glasses. Once the two of them were at the front door, it opened, revealing a young woman dressed in a french maid outfit.

"Welcome home, Mr. Sora, Mrs. Rumi." (A/N:- She uses the -sama suffix. I ain't writing that shit down.)

"Good work, Angie." Sora stated as he walked past her along with Rumi, who nodded at the maid.

The mansion they were currently in was built in the rather richer region of Musutafu. In fact, despite there being a few other mansions, this one was treated as more of a landmark relative to the rest. The reason being that it was built in an extremely short time (for a mansion) and it simply looked like a place royalty would stay in.

On paper, the mansion belonged to Sawano Hado. He was a man of immense presence and was the one that provided for his family all on his own – at least, that was the case prior to Sora's tenth birthday. Anyway, the truth of the matter was that the true owner of the mansion was none other than Sora, but due to his age, he had to make do with naming it his father's.

Sora and Rumi made their way through the mansion, heading to the kitchen. Due to the mansion being a, well, a mansion, the kitchen was enormous (this might be an understatement). In fact, one might mistake the kitchen for an interconnected living room and kitchen as a two-in-one. However, the "living room" was further into the mansion and was about thrice the size of the absurdly spacious kitchen.

The kitchen was divided into two sections. There was the cooking area and there was the dining area. Based on those words alone, one can imagine how it might look, however, a few times more luxurious than whatever they could imagine.

Sora looked over at the dining area, where a very long table made of white jade was positioned. To the sides of the table were extremely comfy (both in appearance and sensation) seats that were made of mainly purple jade and some kind of white fur. The design of both the table and the seats were mesmerizing due to the intricate artwork chiseled into them.

In total, there were twenty one seats. Ten on each side and one at the end of the table reserved for the family head.

Oddly enough, there were steaming dishes set on the table. A mix of eastern and western food that looked delicious. The scent of wood wafted through the air, resulting in a pleasant aroma that made one twice as hungry with so much a momentary sniff.

"Where are the rest?" Sora questioned in a neutral tone.

"Ms. Eri has been in the lab, accompanied by Mrs. Kaina and Mrs. Nejire." Responded Angie, who had been following the two silently.

"Call them over." Sora took made his way over to the seat positioned at the end of the table. "They should be hungry by now."

"Understood, Mr. Sora." She responded with a light bow before leaving.

Rumi didn't say anything as she took the seat closest to Sora's right. "That brat needs to learn how to get a break."

"I suppose so." Sora agreed. "Though, I can't say I'm not proud of her."

"Will you grant her wish?" Rumi questioned teasingly. "I bet that's the sole motivation fueling her tiny bum."

"You know that's simply not possible right now," he responded with a shake of his head, "it's not about her 'use', but simple time."

"Says the master of time." Rumi rolled her eyes.

"I'm not worthy of that title yet."

"Pretty sure you are. Don't be an ass about it like every other time someone says it."

"Then refrain from stating it." Sora deadpanned.

"Also, you're slipping into your sovereign persona once again."

"Ah… Thanks for pointing it out. Damn, it takes so much effort to NOT use it. One might think the opposite would be the case… Guess old habits die hard, huh?" Sora's tone had completely shifted to one might associate with an ordinary teenager (If not, young adult fit well enough).

"Yeah, yeah. So, how was your day? Any butterflies?"

"Hm… Surprisingly, too few."


"Yeah. Aside from my introduction as the overseer, everything else was suspiciously… original."

"You mean, you went through a good portion of the The First Cycle today?" Rumi's had widened marginally.


"Did you…?"

"No, thankfully, I had no breakdowns."

"Huh. I wouldn't be surprised if you had said that you destroyed the entire school and performed a reset just to soothe your psyche. Seriously, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine. Thanks for worrying, my bunny."

"Anytime, 'Your Highness'." Rumi had said the latter bit in mock-humorous tone before laughing boisterously.

The two continued to chat about relatively normal matters as they waited for the rest to appear at the table. It took about six minutes before five figures made their way into the kitchen.

"Finally," Sora said with an exaggerated sigh, "the food has gotten cold, you know?"

The new arrivals, Eri Hado, Nejire Hado, Kaina Hado, Angie, and Lina (another maid), heard his words. The maids were smiling wryly, while the others simply gave him a "like that matters" look. (Imagine a side glance + dead eyes but done nimbly.)

Everyone took a seat at the table, with the three Hado's sitting closer to Sora. Kaina was seated at Sora's left with Eri seated beside her. Sitting opposite to Eri was naturally Nejire. Beside Eri was Angie and beside Nejire sat Lina.

As such, the entire family was prepared to eat their now somewhat cold food. Sora took this moment to casually wave his hand through the air. Then, the food set on the table began to steam as if it had just been taken off the stove.

"Let's dig in," Sora stated with a smile as he grabbed a fork and knife set in front of him. (He preferred western cutlery over eastern ones.)

The rest followed his lead as they enjoyed a hearty lunch. No one spoke a word during the entirety of the process – a solid rule in the Hado mansion – no speaking during lunch time, no matter what.

Once everyone was done eating, Sora muttered in a low voice, "ARCH, we're done eating."

["Understood, Master."]

The responding voice came from Sora's left wrist. Specifically, from a digital band he wore that was a an aesthetic mix of black and white. Despite being digital and highly functional, the band looking like anything but that. It looked like a simple band one might wear to compliment their outfit.

Perhaps, if the Quirk Wars had gone differently, and humanity adapted to technology a tad bit faster, such a band would be the norm right now. However, that wasn't the case, so, the simple device on his wrist was actually decades ahead of global technology. It was a truly disheartening subject for a science enthusiast such as Sora.

The device looked simple, but it actually held quite the number of functionalities, one of which was forming a proxy with a Super AI that was named ARCH. ARCH was the result of research spanning over the course of about two centuries.

A minute after ARCH's response, two more figures appeared in the kitchen, only this time, they weren't actually living. The two that entered were 'androids', machines built in a manner that makes them look eerily human, with the only tell of them being machines lying in their blue, glowing eyes. However, they looked completely different from the way Sora's eyes.

The androids had multiple functionalities built and programmed into them, one of which was similar to the band by being a proxy to ARCH. So, in a way, the androids were ARCH dividing its 'attention' and controlling them as sub-processes. These androids were actually supposed to be built two centuries from now, but Sora decided that they were too useful to not build earlier. It's not like he had near-perfect memory for nothing.

As for the androids' appearance, well… Sora is a weirdo (mostly as a result of time – emphasis on mostly). Sora tends to like the pre-quirk era relative to the current one that's STILL adapting to quirks. How in the love of all creation humanity hadn't come up with a half-decent system despite the passing of two whole centuries? It was awful, and Sora had come to realize that a long time ago. So, in a some ways, he was a nerd of ANYTHING related to the pre-quirk era. From means of entertainment to political systems around the globe, Sora was the ultimate source of it out of the rest of humanity.

Actually, that last part is questionable, not because there might be someone more knowledgeable about that era, but because Sora being a human (anymore) is actually debatable. Though, that is a story for another time.

Anyway… Since Sora liked pre-quirk era, he tended to entertain himself with video games played back then. It wasn't hard to build an all-in-one emulator that could play games from any device belonging to the years 1980-2022.

After the appearance of quirks, society took a quite the fall within months. It wasn't the conflicts that were the result of delusional teenagers getting superpowers that did it, no, it was society that collapsed on itself. Simply put, after millennia of humans not having powers (the only records being divine ones), the sudden incidents in which a few humans manifested actual fantasy-like powers was enough of a push to tilt society enough for it to collapse.

In the beginning, several religious groups, both old and newly formed, claimed the incidents as miracles signifying either the start of a new age, or the end of the world – in other words, the apocalypse.

However, those groups were far from the only ones that centered themselves around the ability manifestations. No, there were far too many groups. And, most disagreed with the opinions and beliefs of other groups. Thus, society didn't crack, no, it shattered like brittle glass. And thus, whole industries stagnated, which included but wasn't limited to: movies, anime, TV shows, and such. As a testament to humanity's impeccable lust, the pornography industry stood unharmed. (If anything, it grew as a result of many seeking a quick method to gain cash as their last hope in enjoying the world before the inevitable end.) (A/N:- Believe it or not, that would be the case. Humans are weird.)

So, it was for that reason that 2022 was recognized as "the last golden year of gaming". Anything created beyond those years tended to contain the extreme agendas of some cult or group. Sora hated those with a passion.

Back to the androids – they were based off of 2B and A2, characters from a game released back in February 2017 that went by the name NieR: Automata. It was a highly popular game depicting a science fiction world that was post-apocalyptic with the majority of the population being "machines" and "androids" rather than humans.

The 2B modeled android looked just like the character, except it didn't have a black blindfold covering the eyes. As for the A2 model, it was a cleaner and patched up version of the one from the game.

Basically, they were high-quality eye-candy that Sora liked, thus he had them built for every cycle past the forty-seventh cycle.

The two androids proceeded to offer "cleaning" services to those seated at the table. Basically, a highly precise LASER device that was capable of outputting a magnitude of frequencies, released at highly precise time-frames, was the cutting-edge invention that replaced sinks. Once that was done, the androids then began to clean up the table.

With their hands now being clean (and Eri asking for a mouth-"wash"), they all got up from their seats and headed over to the living room.

It was time for Sora to explain how his day went and then calculate the margin of change caused by his actions after a "reset", which they called 'butterfly' – a reference to the butterfly effect.

Once everyone was sitting on a couch, Sora began his retelling of the day. No one interrupted him until he was done completely.

"Wow…" Nejire was amazed. "So, you somehow managed to keep everything that close to canon?!"

Canon was the informal/unofficial label given to The First Cycle. As one might expect, it was as a result of Nejire taking up her one of her brother's hobbies (like she always seemed to), reading quite a few books while at it.

"I was surprised as well," Sora stated thoughtfully, "my estimates turned out to be completely off the mark."

"Life is like that," Kaina commented in a serious tone.

"Eh, don't start preaching about life to the one that has seen more of it than you, please."

"Higher age doesn't mean higher wisdom." Nejire proclaimed seriously (more like, attempted to be serious).

"Pretty sure the experience of living centuries will end up with you wiser, no matter what." Sora said.

"Hey, Papa," Eri suddenly interjected, "how old are you anyway?"

With those words uttered, Sora froze. Shit. If it were anyone else, he could've avoided answering by teasing them or avoiding the subject by changing it. However, he has had a vow to always be honest with his daughter for the longest time. He didn't want to break that vow now.

"I… don't know exactly." That was the truth. "Though, I did count it last cycle out of boredom. It was something around 21,000 years."

Silence. Utter silence. That was the state of the living room for a long while. Yes, they were aware that he had lived through a lot of cycles already, but to hear the sum of all his years like this was something else.

"Oh yeah," Rumi said, perhaps hoping to shift the subject away from his age, "you said you explained to them what an EX-class quirk is."


"Did you actually do that? Aren't EX-class quirks supposed to appear one hundred and fifty years from now?"

"You're right. I gave them a different description than the official one that is yet to exist. If I were to tell them the truth about EX-class quirks, they would find it so absurd that they would pass it as me bullshitting. Heck, they were already surprised enough when I said my quirk is superior to All Might's."

"Ah…" Rumi intoned. It made sense. EX-class quirks were… ridiculous. Once they started appearing, the Earth was set on a one-way course for demise within a few years. The truth was that Sora didn't have an EX-class quirk. No, he has a class that is the only one known in the history of all cycles as an "O-Class". It was commonly referred to as one of the following three: Omega-class, Zeroth-class, and Origin-class.

It was a class created to label potential quirks that fulfilled some ridiculous criteria. Fortunately, only one such quirk has appeared so far, and it belonged to Sora that was arguably the best person it could've ended up with.

Now, how did Rumi know about all that? Did Sora sit down and tell her about the future? Of course, not. Rumi has the knowledge of a few cycles. Sora had come to realize that he needed a solid team, so he learned to keep others within his "reset bubble" so that they would keep their memories.

It was for that reason that Sora found it weird that Eri still called him 'papa' despite her mental age being way beyond her physical one. Though, he suspected it was HER version of a coping mechanism for living more than two thousand years. Each of the other co-regressors had their own way of coping. Their personalities became a mix of how they were in the beginning, prior to being pulled into Sora's shenanigans, and whatever experience they accumulated during the cycles.

"Forget that," Kaina spoke up, "what are your plans for the students?"

"As expected, you realized the reason for me bothering with telling the class about my quirk." Sora was smiling brightly as he lovingly peered into her eyes.

Kaina Hado, formerly known as Kaina Tsutsumi – the pro-hero Lady Nagant. She used to be HPSC's "cleaning" agent. That was the case until Kaina killed off the HPSC's then-president. After that, she was thrown into Tartarus.

Not only was Kaina intelligent and had great battle power, she was additionally a good advisor and leader. So, Sora always had her on his side ever since he found out about her for the first time. Every cycle, one of the first few things Sora did shortly after a "reset" was rescuing both Kaina and Eri.

"Class 1A and Class 1B of the heroics course are going to be useful for what I have planned. So, in this cycle, I will nurture them and build a solid relationship with them."

"You're going to fuck the girls, aren't you?" Rumi bluntly asked.

"Not necessarily."

"He's going to fuck the girls." Rumi concluded.

"Lay it off, will you? I know I don't exactly have the best of records when it comes to the female gender, but still, it's not like I will just sleep with anyone."

"You say so, but I still vividly remember the Second Dive, during which you slept with Endeavor's wife and daughter, recorded yourself jizzing all over their faces and then having it played on TV channels with the message 'Yo Endeavor, this is how you're supposed to treat your wife, not hit her. She likes it, as you can see. P.S. Your daughter felt like joining in, don't mind her.'."

Dive. That's the 'official' words his co-regressors came up with. It represented resets that involved them. Basically, the first time he took someone back with him during a 'reset' was the First Dive.

Rumi then leaned forward with squinted eyes, "What I'm trying to say is that you have absolutely no shame and are unhinged as fuck at times. There is no way you won't end up sleeping with all the girls in your class if you're going to 'nurture' them." She practically spat out the word "nurture".

"Rumi…" Sora voiced with concern, "are you acting like this because I didn't do the master-pet play with you last night? I told you I wanted to function at 100% for the first day. Not that any of you listened…"

The first day at UA was something important for this cycle. Sora desired to function as optimally as possible. However, the women claimed that he would be busy from now on, so they wanted, in Rumi's own words: One amazing fucking night.

That's how Sora ended up late to the first day of UA. Fortunately, he arrived just in time to leave an unforgettable impression on the students. So, it all turned out well in the end…?

"Don't try to change the subject," Rumi said with a scoff, "this has nothing to with last night."

"Sure, it doesn't," Sora muttered to himself with a roll of his eyes.

["According to the data I have at hand, Master has a 99.987% chance of sleeping with a female classmate. An 89.424% chance to sleep with all his female classmates. An 83.834% chance to sleep with all the females from the other class."]

"ARCH, you traitor."

"Even your sex dolls' brain knows you well enough." Rumi remarked with exasperation.

She just called the androids sex dolls. Wow. He hadn't even fucked them… yet. But still, what the hell is wrong with her?

"Rumi, is something bothering you?"

She sighed. "I guess you wouldn't get it until I say it loud and clear. Listen, we love you. But, if you are going to be getting others into this, you would barely have any time to spare for us."

Ah… Sora finally realized the problem. Honestly, Rumi's concerns made complete sense. And so, he began contemplating a solution.

After a few minutes, he came up with something. "How about this: I won't spend time with those at school outside of necessity. So, in the case I DO end up sleeping with a classmate, it would probably happen while we're at school, and I probably won't bring them over to the mansion."

"It's like you're forgetting how possessive you can get," Kaina comments a nonchalant manner.

"How about we take this moment to clear up who you're going to end up fucking? Outside of those brats, I mean." Now, Rumi had her back pressed against the sofa as she crossed one leg above the other.

"Not that many. Himiko is a must. I know you all like her as well."

"She's as unhinged as she is fun, so just a female version of you. No shit we like her."

Sora grinned at that. Rumi always seemed to get along with Himiko best (somehow), once she had cast aside her idealistic version of heroism. Though, it did take two Dives for that to happen. Seriously, Rumi can be so damn stubborn when she wants to.

"Aside from her, there is also Rei and Fuyumi."

"Right after I mentioned the Second Dive's incident. Don't tell me you're going to have a repeat of that?"

"No…?" Sora couldn't be sure. He tended to do some unusual things when bored. Let's just make it clear that you live for thousands of years, especially in cycles, you tend to be bored – a lot.


"No comment."

As the two bickered, Sora noticed that Nejire and Eri were being oddly quiet. Well, the latter was always lost in her mind, thinking about something related to her projects in the lab. However, she was also very attention hungry. Usually, she would be sitting in his lap, seeking the comfort of his hand stroking her head as he spoke with the rest. As for the former, she was just as affection hungry, if not more. She was also talkative by nature, so seeing her silent like this felt wrong.


"Huh?" She responded as if broken out of a daze. "Yeah?"

"You've been quiet."

"Ah, I was just… thinking of some…" She lowered her head as a blush began to creep her face. "Of some… things."

Suspicious. Very suspicious. Sora felt the sudden urge to tease her into oblivion. Seriously, no matter how many years pass, Nejire somehow continues to remain as upbeat and energetic (+curious) as ever. Sora appreciated that about her a lot.

"Well then, how about you accompany me to my room and tell me about the 'stuff' you were thinking about, hm?"

Nejire's head snapped up as she focused her eyes on his, with her face still flushed red. "Okay…"

And thus, Sora enjoyed life in the mansion as usual as he thought of various plans he could set forth for the second day at UA.


Might Tower


"No, no, no…" A tall, muscular man stressed as he paced back and forth in a lavish office. He wore what appeared to be a hero costume.

"Why did he decide to attend UA in this Dive?" He was muttering to himself with a mix of fear and worry in his eyes. "What am I even supposed to do with him? I will be teaching the heroics class, but anyone I send his way will be akin to throwing an egg at tungsten coated with adamantium."

The man was none other than the current number one hero, All Might. Yet, the man was stressing about one 'student' of his, if he can call him that in the first place.

"No, this isn't just about teaching heroics anymore. HE will do as he pleases. I've already learned that a few Dives ago. So, what's the best course of action? Just throw everyone at him so he can 'teach' like he always does. I hope the students can forgive me for doing this…"

And thus, All Might chose to damn his students by facing off against Satan. Should he have known the trauma this choice would… still choose to make this decision. No way, Satan was too scary when he got pissed. In fact, this was for the betterment of the students! Yes, yes, they need to experience a tiny bit of fear to understand the truth of the world. (All Might realizes he might need some therapy, but heroism can't wait for his traumas to recede!)

Next chapter: The students of 1A learn why Shota refers to Sora as Satan.

This turned out to be more fun than I expected.

Exalted_Felixcreators' thoughts