
Template system in Bleach

Waking up in bleach, a teenager who wants nothing to do with the plot is sucked into the events that follow, watch as he tries to live his second life as he continues to run away from his past, and is forced to embrace the present and find joy for the future. I do not own bleach.

DarknessAuthor · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 ( Arrival & New people)

As the group ran, they finally saw a light that was the exit, as something buest from the smoke behind them at great speed.

" What is that?!?!?"

" It's the janitor that comes every 7 days. If you guys have time to look back, run faster." Yoruichi said as she still sat on Kai's shoulder.

Kai seemed unbothered by the whole situation, as he wasn't even moving nowhere near his full speed as Yoruichi didn't want to leave the others behind.

But as the janitor was going to catch up before they could reach the exit, the only girl of the group faced it as three little creatures flew out and formed a shield.

The shield didn't hinder the janitor as it cashed head-on into it, creating an explosion that threw everyone through the exit except Kai as he disappeared before the explosion could affect him.

( Soul society)

As the group was thrown out, they landed on the shield on the ground, while Kai stood in the air looking around with Yoruichi jumping down from his shoulder to meet the rest of the group.

" Ah, it seems like everyone is okay." the girl said.


For her statement, she received a headbutt to the eye from Yoruichi, as Kai appeared next to them on the ground.

" What's so good about it? Did you even listen to what I said??" Yoruichi asked.

" What are you so mad about? It's because of her. We are alright."

" Is this where you wanted to come, Yoru??" Kai asked as he looked around.

" Yeah, this is the soul society."

' Soul society??' Kai questioned in his mind.

Kai looked around as the dust cleared and revealed something that didn't look much different than a country village.

" This is the soul society??!" The orange haired boy asked clearly he was also shocked.

" It is, but first, I'll introduce you all to Kai." says Yoruichi.

" Ichigo, Chad, Orihime and Ishida, this is Kai." Yoruichi said as she pointed at each of them.

" Why is he here???!?" Ichigo asked.

" He..."

Yoruichi was interrupted as Kai began to speak.

" The only reason I am here is to protect Yoru, your individual safety has nothing to do with me, if Yoru doesn't ask me to save one of you I won't, just keep that in mind."


" Who want you to save them? You are probably not even that strong. Just don't hold us back." ichigo shouted.

Kai simply watched them, especially the boy named Ichigo.

' Orihime, apart from the orange hair and the weird feeling those small creatures of hers gave me, she isn't anything to special, Chad brown skin and the big muscles make him stick out in this group but again nothing to special.

Ishida black hair light skin, but the way he fights is new to me and has captured my interests from the time I saw him fight those hollows, but other than that, nothing special, but that orange haired brat ichigo the amount of spiritual pressure he has is crazy, but he can't fully control it, and it feels special or different.' Kai thinks to himself as he continues to observe them.

" Alright, everyone, listen up."

" This is the outskirts where the souls live when they just arrive in the soul society. It is the poorest area but also has the most souls." says Yoruichi.

" But there isn't anyone here." says Ishida

" That street looks the same as the one we live, I'm going first." says ichigo as he runs off.

" You can't go there, or you will die!!!" shouts Yoruichi.

" Huh?" He stopped.

But it was too late.




one after other giant objects fell from the sky and formed a wall with a gate blocking the way forward.

" It's been a long time since someone has wanted to go through the torureimon without a pass." A loud voice sounded.

And as the smoke cleared, a burly giant was crouching over ichigo.

And as he fell into Kai's eyes, a blue screen appeared floating in his sight.

<<Template Quest>>

- One attack -

<<Defeat the gate guardian in one attack >>

[ Reward]- .0001 increase in template completion.

[ Accept] [ Decline]

Kai looked at the quest and sighed. He expected this.

' Once I decline a quest, the next quest is harder or has little to no rewards, it no problem to defeat that guy with a single swing of my sword but the reward is to small, I'll wait for the another one.' thinks Kai as he declines another quest.


An explosion pulled him from his thoughts as he looked to see that the giant had blocked off him and ichigo from the rest of us by slamming his axe into the ground causing it to rise forming a crude wall.

As Orihime and Chad had already, ran forward to help ichigo.

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