


I can't take it anymore! This guilt is eating me up slowly and from the past few days I've been seeing her everywhere and the way she looks at me .... it's driving me crazy it's almost as if she's blaming me for her state.

"I can't take it anymore ....."

That was all I could think of as I run the knife through my flesh once again...


Its been a week and schools finally opening but the hallways look more empty than usual days and well that was expected after what happened. I don't think Caroline will come today and as for Teo and Dalton they might come, I guess.

" Hey Ethan " I heard someone say as I'm walking to class

I turned around and saw caroline trying her best to smile at me but it looks weak and frail compared to her normal ear to ear bright smile in the morning.

" hey, how are you?" I ask her giving out my best smile hoping that it'll cheer her up

" well, I've been better if I say the truth " she replies

" um yeah sorry, that wasn't the best question to ask at the moment huh? "

" Nah it's okay I don't mind," she says as we begin to walk towards the class only to see that everyone was there except for Teo.

" oh Teo isn't here," she said once she noticed

" yeah," I said

I guess it affected him a lot more than we expected. even though he said he cut all ties with her...


We all were still in shock from last week's incident but still made up our minds to attend school if not for the boys but at least in case, Caroline came and just as we were about her she stepped in and was looking around lost. and that's when I noticed that everyone was looking at her as if she killed the girl. I let out a loud sigh and went to her and held her hand and brought her to her seat.

" don't mind them "

" Yeah, it's not as you killed her. so you're fine!" Kathy said in an attempt to make her smile but those were horrible words to use so I let her know that by pinching her arm.

"What!?" she asked raising her voice and that's when we all saw that Caroline was in tears breaking down in Olivia's arms who was next to her.


I just trying t be funny but I hurt her, ugh I'm so mad at my self for using those words out of all the things I could have said to her.

" shit!" I cursed myself under my breath as Sofia sat next to Caroline to comfort her

I could feel Dalton glaring daggers at me and to be honest, I deserve it. but through all this, I can't help but question where Teo was I mean I am worried about Caroline but Teo wasn't affected by this so much that he would skip school. In fact, it wouldn't have affected him at all, after all, he did hate her to death... Vannesa.