


life is like a long rollercoaster ride so many emotions at the same time but when it stops...


We are all standing outside the school as the police are here to investigate. non of us know whats going on when we got here the police were already here and we saw Caroline in tears and giving a statement to a lady police officer and beside her stood another girl in an even worst state and the boys were talking to another officer along with the principle who was sweating buckets by now. we weren't really needed but we aren't planning on leaving caroline and the boys here alone especially not in the state she's in.

"here " Kathy handed me a water bottle

" what's this for?" I asked her confused

" well it was for caroline but she won't take it and neither will she take any of the snacks so here"

" so she won't eat or drink huh?" I said taking the bottle from her hand

" hm~ and to be honest I don't blame her. she did see a lot of blood"


she gave me another hum in response.

" well all we can do is help her recover from that trauma," she said as she helped me up from the pavement (she was sitting down ).

" Yeah "

To be honest, I can't believe that she would do this to herself I mean I knew her very well and it was hard to believe Vennessa would do such a thing...


We've been here for about three hours now and the police told us to stay around until the end of school, well until 1 pm and it was only for Caroline, Dalton, Teo, and the other girl but she had to leave and was taken straight to the police station as she said that the girl dieing had told something to her. This is still a mystery for everyone but it doesn't sound like suicide for some reason...and I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way.....


" SO what now guys," I asked them coz we have been here for about 3 hours

" well we have to be here till 1 pm" Teo replied and looked down again at his phone

" But you guys can go home and rest "Caroline finally said after a long time of being silent and we don't blame her she's seen way too much to be in speaking condition

" nope we are staying right here with you guys," Kathy said

" yeah you need us more than anyone else right now, " Sofia said turning to Caroline

" right guys?" Olivia asked turning to all of us and we nod in response


I'm thankful for them for being here even though they don't have to I just hope that they won't learn the truth because if they do they will probably leave me all alone like everyone else.....