


I've skipped school for two days now and I don't think ill be going anytime soon, to be honest, it's just hard to take in that she would do this to her self. no, she can't she just can't do such a thing to herself self I know her too well to accept the fact that she suicided.....after all, there was a time when I loved her...even though she .....broke me


it's been two days and Teo still hasn't come to school. so we all thought of visiting him.

"so this is where he lives?" Caroline interrupted my thoughts

"yup, oh, and don't mind if his room is like literal garbage can " Olivia said

"are you done overreacting? if so we would like to go in" Umer said with an annoyed face.

we walked up to the door and rang the bell. no one answered for a little while we stood there waiting and finally, someone opened the door.

" Hey...guys, " Teo said a little hesitant

"hey bud! " Adriel said pushing Teo to the side and entering the house and we all followed him in.

" s-so what are you guys doing here?"

what wrong with him?

" We came to see you," Caroline said with a smile while she stepped closer to him, and then she held his face in surprise.


we were all processing what was going on, caroline was just starting into Teo's face. it took a second forTeo to figure out she was holding his face and that's when he just-

" WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" he yelled making Caroline flinch and she immediately took her hand back.

"c-can I ask you something?" she said in almost a whisper, looking down at her feet

but Teo just ignored her and sat next to Adriel, we all went silent for a second and then realized what just happened and Sofia quickly asked Caroline what she wanted to say while Teo was just staring daggers at her.

" I was just going to ask why he looked so weak, it's like he hasn't slept for days or isn't really well..." she said still looking down to her feet not daring to look at any of us

" what do you mean? he seems fine to me " Umer said slapping Teo on the shoulder.

" no he doesn't, look around his eyes and his face has lost all its moisture and he looks like he hasn't had a good sleep for days" she pointed out.

now that I look at him better, he does look dull and weak.

" shes right." Kathy said with a stern tone looking straight into Teo's eyes " is there anything you have to tell us, Teo " she asked

we all turn to Teo but nothing comes out of him

Kathy lets out a sigh " seriously? Did you think non of us will notice? "

"notice what?" I asked

" The fact that the only reason he is skipping school is that he still loves her," Kathy said with a smirk.