


In this world, there are two types of people. one the kind that is too good for their good. and two which is they seem good for the bad of others.


Its been a month since Caroline joined our school and we have grown pretty close to her and she's a pretty nice person. she had no difficulty fitting in with us and surprisingly she even got Kathy on her side normally Kathy can be a little harsh or distant until she knows she can trust a certain person. well anyway, it's good that she's more comfortable with new people now and its all because of -

"hey! morning Dalton " Caroline said cutting right through my thoughts

" oh morning Caroline" as I said that she gave me a bright smile and threw her stuff into her locker

"you are early today, any special reason?" I asked her

" Nah not really, just felt like coming early today," she said while walking with me to class

" oh ok. "

we stepped into the class and to our surprise, we saw Teo.


I was sitting in class all alone when I saw Dalton and Caroline.

" Hey guys"

" hey, Teo how come your here so early? " Dalton asked

" I don't know I guess I just felt like coming early to- " I was cut mid-sentence by a scream

"what was that, " Caroline asked wide-eyed

"I don't know," Dalton said turning to me

" well let's see what it was!" I said running to where the scream came from

I ran towards the girl's washroom and stopped in front of the door and Caroline and Dalton stopped with me then Caroline stepped in and

" AHHHHH! GUYS COME IN RIGHT NOW!" she screamed from inside

I didn't think twice and ran in with Dalton and the sight in front of us left us all speechless...


I stepped in and saw a girl with tears in her eyes and she pointed at the floor and all I could do was scream for the guys. Teo came in with Dalton right behind him and they were at the same state after seeing another girl laying on the floor with her wrists slit open and blood all over the floor and mirror....