
Chapter ~ 1


Teenage life is short and sweet, isn't it? Surrounded by friends and full of different colors. But it's not all good... some of us have it bad or as I would call it Different from the rest. So here are nine Different stories to give you a taste of teenage life.


" Ugh great I'm late on the first day," I thought to my self while running through the hallway to find my classroom.

"9A, 9B! That's the one" ok Caroline just walk in and smile. I stepped in and everyone stopped their work and looked at me and all I could do was awkwardly smile.

Sofia :

I was talking with Olivia and Katherine when the whole class went silent and I turned around to see a nervous-looking girl standing at the door with a visibly awkward smile. I walked up to her and put forward my hand.

" Hi I'm Sofia," I said as she shook my hand.

" my names Caroline," she said in a more confident tone.

" well nice to meet ya! Caroline " Katherine said as she walked up to us.

" I'm Olivia and this is Katherine," Olivia said

" you can call me Kathy, " Katherine said as she put her arm around Carolines shoulders

" oh ok nice to meet you guys," Caroline said with a more comfortable look

" so you're new huh?" asked Teo as he walked toward us with the rest of the guys

" yeah," she said with a smile

the guys introduced themselves and sat down and Kathy gave her seat to caroline and sat with Olivia so that Caroline could sit with me.

Olivia :

" well, she seems nice," I said to Kathy

"yeah or maybe even too nice" she replied

I gave her a hum in return and focussed on the lesson that was about to begin.