
TEAM 7: Once More

Kaguya the mother of all chakra, the ones that eat chakra fruits and gain a unexplainable power, she was the only one enemies that team 7 need to take down. After obito dies and give kakashi his mangekyou sharingan, kakashi manage to summon one of the perfect susanoo and save sakura, then all of them start to attacking kaguya who seems like want to change her appearance to the ten tailed beast or as we all know the perfect juubi. When they all trying to sealed her something bad happened. They stuck in the dimension that even kakashi kamui couldn’t take they back to where they was. And then suddenly they all wake up in their 12 years old body leaving the war behind. What will happen to them? Can they make a better future for everyone? I DO NOT OWN NARUTO, ALL CHARACTERS BELONGS TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO, AND ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST AND MAIN LANGUAGE, SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE SO MUCH GRAMMATICAL ERROR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I’LL TRY MY BEST TO WRITE AND RECHECK THE GRAMMAR ON GRAMMARLY BEFORE I POSTING IT, THANK YOU.

Arunsyfdn · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 11: Opening the seal

*The next morning at Hyūga Compound*

That morning Hinata was doing her morning routine, such as making breakfast and drinking a glass of tea to start her day. While she was in the kitchen her father called her.

Hiashi: Hinata, come here for a sec.

Hinata looked at her father

Hinata: Hai father, I'll be there in a sec.

As she comes to his father's room, her father talks to her.

Hiashi: I hear you were having training with some boys lately.

Hinata: yes father, iam.

Hiashi: i see. I don't like you to be around that yellow hair boy, you will be the heir of this clan, you can't train like that with someone outside the clan, especially training with him.

Hinata: B-but father, I-i really like to train with him and the others, it makes me improve myself.

Hiashi: That's my final decision, and don't try to argue with that.

Hinata felt so down and sad, knowing she was forbidden to see him and the others again, but she really couldn't do anything right now. She just can reply it with a simple nod.

Hiashi: you can continue your training with Neji, and me.

Hinata: Hai father.

Then she leaves the room.

It's only a week before the chunin exam starts. Every country that has been invited has come to the leaf village one by one.

Naruto and his teammates finished their mission, and they were on their way to have lunch at Ichiraku. They always come to Ichiraku after they doing their mission or training because of Naruto, who else likes that ramen more than Naruto, the others just don't want to argue with him they just come and join him.

As they walked to the Ichiraku, there were 3 kids who attacked Naruto.

Hyaaahh eat this Naruto-niisan

But their attack was easily dodged by him.

Naruto: you need to improve your skill before you attack me like this again Konohamaru

Konohamaru: Don't underestimate me Naruto-niisan, here let me show you my improvement.

"Hāremu no Jutsu (Sexy Jutsu)"


Konohamaru turns into a nude woman

Naruto: Nice try but that jutsu wont work against me, ya know.


Konohamaru: RUNNNN!!!


Konohamaru runs as he is chased by Sakura, then when he runs, he bumps into someone.

"Ouch, that hurts you idiots!"

Then that stranger picked him up.

Naruto and the others saw who they were, and they knew that they were shinobi from Sunagakure (sand village), Sabaku No Temari, and Sabaku No Kankuro.

Kankuro: Look when you run, idiot.

Konohamaru: whoaaa, Naruto-niisan, help me!!!

Naruto: oi, leave him alone

Kankuro: Genins from Konoha huh?, let me teach this Gaki a lesson first.

Temari: Kankuro!, Stop, before he saw you doing that.

Kankuro: He hurts me, so i won't let him go before i teach him a lesson.

Sakura: you should do what she said. You don't want to have a diplomatic problem with another village by doing this don't you?

Then from above, there was someone throwing a rock to his head.


Sasuke: leave him alone

Kankuro was shocked, because he can't sense his presence.

Kankuro: another genin huh?, I should take this seriously then.

Then there was someone shouting at him.

"Kankuro, stop. You disgraced our village."

He froze when he heard that voice, he knew who it was.

Temari: G-gaara… I tried to tell him but he wont listen.

Kankuro: H-he was attacking me, so I just protected myself.

Gaara: Shut up

Gaara stares at Sasuke who can attack his brother without making his brother know it.

"He was good, I should kill him later for serving my mother a good meal" Gaara thought.

Then they jumped down.

Sakura: seeing you being in this Village, that means you have something you need to do here, am I right?

Temari: yes, we were genins from Sunagakure, we're here for attending the Chunin exam.

Sakura: i see.

Gaara keeps staring at Sasuke. Then he talked.

Gaara: you (pointing at Sasuke), you're good, what's your name?

Sasuke: Uchiha Sasuke.

Gaara: I should fight you later, so i can kill you.

Sasuke: hn, like you can kill me that easy.

Naruto: looks like killing was the only thing that you like huh gaara?

Gaara: I'm not talking to you.

Naruto: oh you will eventually. Just wait and see yourself.

Without saying anything Gaara and his siblings leave them.

Naruto: we really should think about what we're gonna do with him

Sakura: Yeah, it looks like you have to fight him again naruto.

Naruto: I wish i don't have to do that, let me see if i can talk to him personally so Kurama could talk to Shukaku.

Sasuke: we'll help you with that.

Then they leave the place and walk towards the ichiraku.

When they were eating, there an anbu coming to Naruto

The Anbu: Naruto, you were summoned by sandaime hokage.

Naruto: Hai, I'll be there.

Then Naruto goes to the Hokage Office.

As he arrived at the office, he was shocked looking at someone.

Naruto: Ero Sennin?

Jiraya: you have quite mouth to talk to someone that you just met

Naruto: Sorry

Jiarya: looks like you already know me huh?

Naruto: Yeah, Jiji has told me about you, and how pervert you are.

Jiraya: i'm not a pervert!!I'm a super pervert.

Naruto: What's the difference?

Sandaime: Stop that, both of you. Naruto as you were already here, i want to introduce you to one of the legendary sannin, Jiraya.

Sandaime: Now, let's just get to the point. Jiraya, I want you to give this boy the key that yondaime left to one of your toads.

Jiraiya: What?! Are you being serious right now?

Sandaime: yes

Jiraiya: Are you sure he's ready to deal with that?

Sandaime: yes, he's not as bad as you think, the truth is he was pretty good, i'm sure he's ready.

Jiraiya: if you say so then i can't say anything else.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu)"


Gerotora: Jiraya, why did you summon me ?

Jiraiya: ah Gerotora, it's the time to release the key.

Gerotora: what?! Are you sure? But Yondaime gave me the key so no one can release that beast, but why do you want the key right now?

Sandaime: Yondaime left that key because he knew that this boy could control that beast.

Gerotora: But he is still a mere genin, how can you be sure about that?

Naruto: I might be a kid, but don't underestimate me.

Gerotora: very well. Here, give some chakra to each of your fingers and put your hand to this seal.

Then Naruto doing what he said, The key starts to be written on Naruto hand.

Naruto: Thank you Gerotora-san.

Gerotora: I have nothing to do here, so I'll go okay, be careful with that seal kid.

Naruto: I will, don't worry.

Then Gerotora leaves.

Jiraiya: Now, do you want to open that seal right now?

Naruto: yeah, I'll try it now.

Sandaime: I'll put some protection just in case something bad happens.

Naruto: Don't worry, I got this

Naruto start to come to his mind and talk to kurama

Naruto: Kurama, i got the seal, i"ll open this right now

Kurama: It's about time

Then when the seals were open something happened with naruto and everything turned into white.

"What is this? What happened?"

"Its looks like there was someone opened the seal"

"Hi, Tou-san, Kaa-san," Naruto said.

Minato: Naruto? What happened? Did you open the seal?

Naruto: yeah i open that.

Kushina: but what about the kyuubi?

Naruto: don't worry about him, i already be friends with him, and his name is Kurama, so don't call him Kyuubi again okay?

Minato: are you sure? But how? This isn't supposed to be like this, don't you have to beat him first?

Naruto: naah, he's my friend, why should i beat him?

Kushina: I think he is right, if he hasn't controlled Kyuubi, no, Kurama, Kurama should attack us right now.

Minato: I know you can control him, Naruto.

Kushina: so, how have you been?

Before Naruto answer it he runs towards them and hug them tightly with a tear on his face

Naruto: I really want to do this, ttebayo

Kushina. Ttebayo? You are really my child Naruto.

Minato: I'm sorry for making you a hard time by sealing Kurama into your body

Naruto: That's okay Tou-san, if you weren't seal him i don't think i will meet you guys again like this.

Kushina: so, tell us about you. Has anything bad happened to you since our death?

Naruto: a lot of things happen. I've been bullied, ostracized, and something like that, since everyone only know that i'm the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi, but that's okay tho

Kushina: We're really sorry about that Naruto, if only we did not die that day, your life wouldn't be that miserable.

Naruto: That's okay, I'm glad I can see your beautiful face and beautiful long hair Kaa-san.

Kushina laughed.

Kushina: you're the second person who liked my hair Naruto, could you guess who the first one is?

Naruto: it was Tou-san, isn't it?

Minato: Of course, I was the first one who told her that she has a beautiful long red hair

Kushina blushed.

Minato: see? She even still blushed when i said that

Kushina: I-i'm not blushed ttebane!

Naruto laughed

Naruto: you said that word Kaa-san hahaha

Kushina: don't mock me like that ttebane!

Naruto: you did it again ttebayo hahaha

Everyone laughed.

Kushina: I wish I could have more time like this, I would do anything to have a time like this again.

Naruto: yeah, I wish that too. But don't worry, I always know that you guys are always here in my heart.

Kushina: oh Naruto…

Kushina runs and hugs Naruto.

Minato: It looks like our time is almost up, say the last thing you wanna say to him Kushina.

Kushina: Naruto.. Don't be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong.. Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm.. Also.. Don't stay up late.. You need lots of sleep.. And make friends.. You don't need a lot of friends.. Just a few.. Ones you can really, really trust.. I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard.. Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.. So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well.. Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy.. Oh, and this is important.. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi.. Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money.. Put your mission wages into your savings account.. No alcohol until you're twenty.. Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation.. Another Prohibition is women.. I'm a woman, so I don't know too much about this but.. All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women.. So it's only natural to take an interest in girls.. But just don't get hooked on bad women.. Find someone just like me.. Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know..Naruto, from now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship.. Be true to yourself.. Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true.. There's so much.. Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you.. I wish I could stay with you longer..I love you.

Naruto: Don't worry Kaa-san, i will eat properly, and i tried to bath every day, i go to the leaf hot spring once in a while too, i love to sleep, and i sleep quite enough, i make a lot of friends, and don't worry they all were good friends to me and i trusted them as they trusted me, you were right about the school and academy, i don;t really good at it but i'm not depressed, i really respect Iruka Sensei, Kakashi Sensei, Ero Sennin, and sandaime, i respect them all, i'm not twenty yet so i wont try alcohol before i turns into twenty i promise, and about the woman, i think i find a woman that exactly like Kaa-san, but i don't know if about that feeling yet, but don't worry it will be just like you Kaa-san. Even if its hard, i have my comrades to deal with it together so don't worry about that too okay, i'm going to be the best Hokage so i can save this world, i will try my best to reach it and i won't give up until i reach it, i won't go back on my words, that's my nindo, my ninja way ttebayo, i really wish have more time too kaa-san.

Kushina: Minato, do you have your last word to him?

Minato: i think my last word is…. Same as your mother.

Naruto: I love both of you so much

"We loved you too Naruto" They said

Then they disappeared.

Kurama: look at you crying like that really melts my heart you know that brat?

Naruto: damn you Kurama

Kurama: Hahahaha, just kidding kit.

Naruto: thank you for always looking after me kurama, now i should get going, i'll talk to you later, bye.

Then Naruto wakes up.

Jiraya: did something happen kid?

Naruto: a lot, and it was good tho

Jiraiya: good? How can it be good

Naruto: Let's see, umm I met my parents, both of them, and they left a message for you to make me your apprentice like my father.

Jiraiya: is that so? Minato told you that? But how about Kyuubi?

Naruto: yeah, He's good, He's name is Kurama, and i really have been friends with him so don't worry about that.

Jiraiya: Well, you are really good at this age can control that beast like that.

Naruto: i guess i'm just that awesome right?

Sandaime: as you have finished opening the seal and controlling it, you can dismiss now naruto, and always be careful about that okay?

Naruto: Hai, I will. Then I should get back to my apartement, bye.

Then Naruto leaves the room.

So, that is for this chapter, i hope you guys liked it. And i’m really sorry for not updating in 2 weeks, i've got a lot of tasks to do and i was on the final exam for my college. And after I'm done, which is next week, I will post a new chapter more regularly I promise.

Don't forget to, Like, vote and review this story, it helps me a lot to gain the motivation.

Next Chapter The exam will begin. So stay tuned and see what's going on the exam.

Thank you, Minna xoxo

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