
TEAM 7: Once More

Kaguya the mother of all chakra, the ones that eat chakra fruits and gain a unexplainable power, she was the only one enemies that team 7 need to take down. After obito dies and give kakashi his mangekyou sharingan, kakashi manage to summon one of the perfect susanoo and save sakura, then all of them start to attacking kaguya who seems like want to change her appearance to the ten tailed beast or as we all know the perfect juubi. When they all trying to sealed her something bad happened. They stuck in the dimension that even kakashi kamui couldn’t take they back to where they was. And then suddenly they all wake up in their 12 years old body leaving the war behind. What will happen to them? Can they make a better future for everyone? I DO NOT OWN NARUTO, ALL CHARACTERS BELONGS TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO, AND ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST AND MAIN LANGUAGE, SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE SO MUCH GRAMMATICAL ERROR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I’LL TRY MY BEST TO WRITE AND RECHECK THE GRAMMAR ON GRAMMARLY BEFORE I POSTING IT, THANK YOU.

Arunsyfdn · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Chūnin Exam Begins!

The Academy was bustling with activity the next week. The ground were saturated with genin teams were hanging around outside, running through stretches, chatting about strategy, and anything else average genin did. Team 7 made their way through the masses carefully, making sure not to bump into anyone or draw attention to themselves, as their sensei had asked. And yes, that wasn't exactly wat he meant, but the less people noticed them, the better. Probably.

While looking down at his slip of paper Naruto asked his teammates.

Naruto: So what classroom was it again?

Sasuke: Are you really that dumb or blind? Its clearly said 301 (pointing to the paper)

Naruto: I knew that!

Naruto grumbled back, angrily stuffing the slip into his pocket. Next to them, sakura just rolled her eyes, accepting that her boys will always be like that childish even their truth souls were 17 right now.

While looking over the pinkette, naruto spoke up

Naruto: So sakura-chan, you like, took the chunin exams again, didn't you? Was it different that time?

Humming toughtfully, sakura thought back on it, going so far as to tap her chin.

Sakura: Hmm, well, it was different. Different test to be exact. But the third exam was pretty same like this one. That part was kind of easy though. But i guess training with Tsunade-sama does that.

Sasuke: I bet. Of course, this time around, its going to be far easier for all of us. We all trained under the Legendary Sannin after all.

Naruto: I always wanted to take the exam again. After training with Ero-sennin, i never got the chance though..

They'd made it to the stairs now, and started their journey up to the third floor.

Sasuke: you don't get to be chunin just because you're powerful though.. (pointed out a sly smirk) You're still the dumbass.

Naruto: oi oi, I'm smart enough to defeat pein all by my self and kick obito's ass!

Behind them, Sakura huffed out a defeated sigh. "boys", she thought.

Once they made it to the second floor, the sounds of loud arguing and frustration echoed into the hallway.

"This must be the genjutsu"

Sakura said as she reminded them, pointing to the sign above one of the doors reading "301", despite the fact they weren't on the third floor. Naruto vaguely remembered this. There had been two Chunin's blocking the doorway who wouldn't let anyone through, despite it being the testing room. Except it hadn't been the testing room, it had been a test in and of itself. Only when Sakura and Sasuke had pointed it out had the illusion dropped and people realized it was the wrong room.

"were just thinning out those who're gonna fail anyway". They heard one of the Chunin blocking the doorway.

Sakura: Great plan

Sakura pushing through the crowd, no longer holding onto their hands

Sakura: Only one problem with that

One of the chunin: yeah, and what's that?

Sakura: (smirked) It's the wrong door.

There was a silent showdown between the two Chunin who turns themselves to a genin, where sakura held her stare with her own icy eyes, one that dared anyone who looked at her to try anything. As was always the case, they didn't. The Chunin backed down, then let out a low chuckle.

One of the chunin: (smirked) so you noticed?

All of the surrounding genins were casting the team 7 looks of confusion and intrigue, trying to figure out what they had.

Sasuke: Drop the genjutsu already, we just want to get to the third floor. Where the actual classroom is. Beside, that kind of genjutsu wont work against my team.

One of the chunin: hmph. Whatever, you wont through the exams anyway. We'vw already taken it three times, and we've never passed.

It was supposed to be a scare tactics, but Sasuke just give them a cold laugh.

Sasuke: I guess you sucks then.

This earned him a scowl from the two Chunin. They shared a look before the first one, the one that resembled Kotetsu, glowered at him and said,

Kotetsu: You've only seen through the genjutsu, you still have to get past-

he dropped low onto one hand, swinging his leg into a kick aimed right at Sasuke.

Kotetsu: ME!

Two things happened at once. Sasuke stepped back away from the blow, hands still in his pockets, while at the same time, a green blur rushed in between them and caught the genin's leg in his hand, effectively halting the boy in his tracks.

The hallway went dead silent.

There stood Lee, holding onto the attacking genin's leg with one hand, nonplussed. Behind him, Sasuke stood watching the scene with vague interest. Suddenly, Lee dropped his hold on the genin and let him fall to the floor.

"Oof," the genin let out, hitting the wood hard. Lee just smirked.

"Hey," someone said, coming up behind them. It was Neji.

Naruto and Sakura's eyes widened as they watched the future jonin walk up to Lee, scowl already in place.

Naruto: What happened to the plan, (he chastised) You're the one who said we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves

But sasuke just ignoring him.

Lee: No need to be like that Sasuke-san, beside they were our chunin.

Sasuke: Hn. Yeah right.

Naruto glancing at Neji. Yes this time Neji still being a jerk who doesn't believe in destiny, Neji concluded that fate is something decided at birth and that no matter what one does, people cannot escape their destiny. Neji often applied this to people he viewed as weaker than himself, such as Hinata, whom he resented and considered inferior to him.

Naruto: I see you guys taking the exam too eh?

Neji: Fresh graduate genins like three of you shouldn't participate this exam

Naruto: and why is that? Are you underestimate us?

Neji: no, you just still not ready, not have the real battle experience to be exact.

Naruto: we'll see about that.

Tenten who stand beside neji couldn't handle this kind of situation, then she said something.

Tenten: can you both cut it out already? We don't have much time, let's just get going

They all didn't replies what she just said and just walk away.

They finally made it to room 301 after not even a five minute walk. And that was because there was no Lee to challenge them this time, which Naruto couldn't decide was a good thing or not...

Regardless, they made it to the right room (no Kakashi-sensei to greet them this time like he had last), and pushed open the doors.

Immediately upon entering the room, someone tackled Sasuke.

"SASUKE! You're late!"

Someone shrieked. It was Ino, and she was launching herself at him. Without thinking, he judo flipped her over his shoulder, using her momentum to carry through. She smacked hard against the ground, face up towards the ceiling.

She let out a moan as she tried to get air back into her lungs.

"Don't startle me,"

Sasuke clipped, getting over the shock. Ino, still on the ground, just blinked up at him in both admiration and startlement.

"O-okay," was her timid response. Rolling his eyes, the Uchiha helped her up, stuffing his hands back in his pockets as soon as she was on her feet.

Ino: I just, haven't seen you in a while, guess I was just a bit too excited.

Sasuke "hn'd", but aside from that he gave no response.

Naruto: Hey Ino

Naruto greeted casually, offering a small wave. Ino gave a kind smile back.

"Oi, Ino," someone called from off to the side. Looking over, Naruto spotted chibi-Shikamaru and chibi-Choji walking towards them. As usual, Shikamaru had his hands stuffed in his pockets and was slouching so much Naruto was sure Sakura would be freaking out over spinal health. Next to him, Choji was munching on a bag of chips. Because, for some reason, he literally always had chips on him. Even though weapons pouches were for, well, weapons. Not food.

Shikamaru: Come on, don't make a scene. Hey Naruto

Nodding to the other genin. Naruto offered a big smile back, glad to see his friend again (even if they weren't great friends yet).

Naruto: I'm surprised you guys are taking the test too, most rookie genin don't.

Ino: Haven't you been keeping up with the village gossip?

Naruto: Gossip? What do you mean?

Ino: well, since we do the training things together, we've been talked almost every jounin, they seems pretty impressed that we have thought to do that. And maybe that's why Hokage-sama and Asuma-sensei granted us this oppurtunity.

Shikamaru: Yeah, i can see why your sensei nominated your team to this exam. You guys already done the A rank mission successfully, which is so great for rookie genin like us, but I don't get why Asuma sensei nominated us too.


The name felt like a punch to the gut. Both Naruto and Sakura's faces dropped, memories of the fallen jonin playing through their head. The funeral, the revenge mission, Kurenai...

"Yahoo! Found you!"

Speak of the devil, and it shall appear.

Trying to shake off the shock the mention of a once dead teammate brought, Sakura and Naruto turned to face the incoming team 8, Kurenai-sensei's team.

Shikamaru: Jeez, you guys too?

Kiba: Looks like we're all here

Kiba smirked, ignoring Shikamaru. A tiny Akamaru sat on top of his head and yipped in agreement. And jeez, when was the last time he had been so tiny?

Kiba: Man, all of the rookies, guess we're all kick-ass, huh?

Ino: Hah, you wish, Team 10's gonna kick your asses, no doubt.

Kiba: Hmph, as if, We've been training a lot of time together don't you remember? Surely we know how your team can do and no way we'll lose to you.

While the two teams bickered back and forth, Naruto noticed Hinata almost hiding behind Shino, face beet red.

Oh shit, he thought in panic. She's still got a crush on me. But I'm seventeen!

Hinata: H-hello, Naruto-kun

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. What do I do?

Luckily, he was saved by another voice, a familiar voice, interrupting.

"Hey you guys, you should be more quiet." Turning around, Naruto had to fight hard to keep his fists unclenched as he locked eyes with none other than Kabuto Yakushi, Orochimaru's lackey and spy. Out of the corner of his eye, Naruto saw Sasuke's eyes narrow threateningly, finger twitching as if itching to start a jutsu. Sakura was the same.

Kabuto: You guys are rookies just out of the academy that eveyone have been talked right?

The traitor continued, ignorant of their hostility.

Kabuto: Screaming like school girls... Jeez... This isn't a picnic.

The other two genin teams looked more subdued now that someone older and more experienced was telling them off. Meanwhile, team 7 was just trying their best not to deck the guy. It was proving to be rather hard.

Are you sure you don't want me to give you some juice? Kurama suddenly spoke up. Frowning, Naruto shoved the idea down, as tempting as it was.

Naruto: I know he's strong, but we can't just take him out here and now

Pity, the fox mumbled. It's been a bit dull around here. Naruto just rolled his eyes and focused back in on the conversation taking place. Kabuto was pointing out that they were drawing unwanted attention to themselves.

Naruto: quiet down before he cause a scene

Sasuke: If we cause a scene you'll be drawn in

Sasuke pointed out dryly, almost glaring daggers at him.

Sasuke: Which'll make you a target too. And I don't think you want that.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes at the Uchiha.

Kabuto: Hm, so I guess the Uchiha are smart

Sasuke: What I am or am not is none of your business

Sasuke growled back, arms now crossed over his chest.

Kabuto: Hm, touchy

he smirked. Sasuke only narrowed his eyes further. Kabuto eventually got the hint and backed off.

Kabuto: Right, well, good luck on the exams.

And with that, he backtracked to his team, throwing them one last glance over his shoulder at them, glasses gleaming bright white.

Once he was out of hearing range, Ino turned to Sasuke with a quizzical look.

Ino: What was that about? You didn't have to be so cold to him.

"Hn," was all he responded with. Both genin teams stared at him with apprehension, uneasiness radiating off of them. They knew he was distant from their time in school, but this was... cold.

Sakura: We're just stressed

Sakura tried, seeing their unease. They didn't seem convinced, but they accepted it anyway.

Shikamaru: *sighed* Whatever, troublesome.

Naruto tried to hide his grimace, but he had a feeling he was failing.

Sasuke: Shit.

Sasuke suddenly hissed, turning away and hiding his face from whoever he'd spotted. Both Naruto and Sakura raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like Sasuke to hide from someone...

Sakura: What?

Sakura deadpanned. Not saying a word, Sasuke gestured behind him to an area a few yards away, where a genin team from Kusa was milling about.

Naruto: Eh? What's the deal? Naruto asked, squinting at them.

Naruto: They're just genin.

Sasuke: No, Her.

He gestured again and this time Naruto spotted familiar bright red hair and glasses. It was-

"Karin, you do as we say or else, you got it?" One of the genin on her team growled. He was glowering at her like she was scum on his sandals. Not a look any shinobi should give their teammate. Naruto had only ever seen the other Uzumaki as a bitter teenager, so seeing her so meek and small was startling. Karin just nodded mutely to her teammate, movements subdued and withdrawn.

Sakura: That's not very nice of them.

Sakura muttered under her breath, frowning deeply. Naruto echoed the same sentiment.

"Don't step out of line," the other Kusa genin ordered. "You know the only reason your here is to help us. Don't get smart about it." Again, Karin nodded her small, timid nod, head down and arms folded protective tight across her chest. She looked... scared.

Before he knew what he was doing, Naruto was racing over.

Sakura: Naruto!

Sakura hissed while Sasuke tried to grab him. But he wasn't paying attention. Then, he was standing in front of the genin.

"Hey," he said, not knowing what he was going to say. Well, he had an idea. But it was probably crazy.

"Buzz off," the first Kusa shinobi said, arms crossed. The second boy copied the first, angry pout glaring him down.

Naruto: I'm not talking to you.

Naruto dismissed.

Naruto: I'm talkin' to her.

He turned to Karin. The girl blinked in surprise, shrinking away from the sudden attention. Without thinking, Naruto barged on.

Naruto: So like, this might sound weird, but I saw your red hair across the room and the only people I know with hair like that are Uzumaki, ya know. And like, I'm an Uzumaki, 'cept I don't got red hair like my mom did, and if you're an Uzumaki too that means we're family and I've never had family before, so are you an Uzumaki? Although if you are I don't know what you're doing in Kusa, because Konoha and Uzu were allies an' everything ya know.

It was said all in one breath, words practically overlapping. It left poor Karin blinking in shock at all the information that just spilled from his mouth.


"Hey, we said buzz off! Quit bothering us," one of the Kusa genin said, trying to shove him away. "She's not interested in your stupid rambling, ya weirdo."

Karin: I can speak for myself, Soya.

she squeaked, eyes suddenly hard. Apparently this was new behavior for her, is both the apparent named Soya and his partner stared at her, blinking in disbelief.

Soya: What did you say?

Soya growled lowly. Karin gulped nervously, backing away slightly until she was partially hidden behind Naruto.

Karin: I didn't mean anything by it

she whimpered, eyes focused on the ground.

Naruto, having had enough of these two assholes, spoke up.

Naruto: You don't really act like a team, ya know.

He growled, leveling the two boys with a cold stare.

Soya: She's just here to make sure we become chunin. It's the only thing she's good for.

The anger bubbling in Naruto belly burned hotter, threatening to seep into his chakra.

Now's not the time Kurama, he thought to the fox, curling his fists to hide the claws threatening to grow.

Naruto: I bet she's better than any of you,

he growled. He'd seen her in action, he knew she was.

Soya: Oh yeah?

Soya challenged, stepping into his space. His fists were curled at his sides in a supposedly threatening manner, not that he was all that intimidating.

Naruto: What's it matter to you?

Karin: Wait!

Karin suddenly cried, tugging on Naruto's arm.

Karin: Please don't fight,

She begged. Her red eyes were wide in fright as they flicked back and forth between the two boys as they squared off.

"Naruto, back off," a new voice joined in. Glancing behind him, he saw Sakura and Sasuke were standing there with a scowls on their faces, bodies tense as if ready to spring into action. Either helping him cream this bastard or stopping him from doing so himself, he couldn't tell.

Sakura: Remember what we planned

Sakura reminded him in a hushed tone.

Right, he remembered, thinking back to the plan that they already thought.

Naruto: Yeah, I know

He grumbled, stepping away. Soya and his partner looked smug about it, which just further irritated him.

Soya: Come on, let's go Karin

Soya said, walking away as an announcement was made about seating arrangements. Instead of immediately following him though, Karin hung back.

Karin: Um, Naruto, you said it was?

She asked, looking over at him.

Karin: Are you really an Uzumaki?

He nodded.

Naruto: Through and through!

The girl gulped nervously in response, eyes flitting down to the floor for a moment before back up to him.

Karin: I am an Uzumaki

She admitted in a small voice.

Naruto: So was my mom.

The look of grief that flashed across her face combined with the use of past tense told Naruto everything he needed to know about her mother. She was gone. He grimaced at the realization.

Karin: I guess that means we're family?

She tried. Shaking off his frown, he nodded and gave her a big smile.

Naruto: Undirectly i think, but yeah, I guess so.

Before they could say anything else, there impromptu family reunion was interrupted by a proctor calling all genin to their seats, as the exam was about to begin. Karin started and was about to turn around before Naruto caught her arm.

Naruto: Hey

he whispered holding onto her arm to stop her from leaving.

Naruto: Find me after the exam. Family's gotta stick together, ya know.

A faint smile lit up her face. It didn't quite reach her red eyes, but a small blush colored her cheeks, showing her appreciation.

Karin: Yeah, sure thing

She whispered back. He smiled back at her before letting go of her arm and letting her hurry of to find her seat. He looked for where Hinata was sitting instead of at the seating chart, as he remembered sitting next to her the first time around. Once settling himself in his seat, Ibiki Morino, the first exam proctor, got up in front of the assembled genin.

The first exam had begun.

So, Thats it guys for the chapter 12 interesting isn’t it? So make sure you like this story so you wouldn’t miss the next chapter. Next chapter would be much interesting than this one. A lot of things would be happen in the next couple chapter, So just stay tuned okay?

And yeah, don’t forget to vote and give this story a review too okay?

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank you, Minna xoxo

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