
TEAM 7: Once More

Kaguya the mother of all chakra, the ones that eat chakra fruits and gain a unexplainable power, she was the only one enemies that team 7 need to take down. After obito dies and give kakashi his mangekyou sharingan, kakashi manage to summon one of the perfect susanoo and save sakura, then all of them start to attacking kaguya who seems like want to change her appearance to the ten tailed beast or as we all know the perfect juubi. When they all trying to sealed her something bad happened. They stuck in the dimension that even kakashi kamui couldn’t take they back to where they was. And then suddenly they all wake up in their 12 years old body leaving the war behind. What will happen to them? Can they make a better future for everyone? I DO NOT OWN NARUTO, ALL CHARACTERS BELONGS TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO, AND ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST AND MAIN LANGUAGE, SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE SO MUCH GRAMMATICAL ERROR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I’LL TRY MY BEST TO WRITE AND RECHECK THE GRAMMAR ON GRAMMARLY BEFORE I POSTING IT, THANK YOU.

Arunsyfdn · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: Prepared for the Chūnin Exam!

The chuunin exam was planned to be held in two weeks, The Hokage held a meeting with the jounins to discuss which team will take the chuunin exam.

Sandaime: you all know what the reason I called you right?

All of the jounins said "hai"

Sandaime: as you all already know, we'll be hosting the chuunin exam this year, and will be held in two weeks, now I wanted to choose who's team will be joining the exam. whoever I call, please come forward to submit the data of its members. and for anyone who feels their team is not ready, please leave this room.

Half of the jounins left the room.

Sandaime: now, for the remaining jounins please put the data on my desk and take the forms.

While the other jounins take the forms sandaime continues his statement.

Sandaime: and for this year's exam, I will give the opportunity for genins who have just graduated from the academy. I have been informed that genins who just graduated this year have made many surprises and very good developments, therefore, I will give that opportunity. for the jounins whose team is ready, please move forward.

Asuma: I'm Asuma Sarutobi, want to submit team 10 to take the Chūnin exam

Kurenai: I'm Kurenai Yuuhi, want to submit team 8 to take the Chūnin exam

Kakashi: I'm Kakashi Hatake, want to submit team 7 to take the Chūnin exam

Sandaime: very well, I grant your request, please take the forms

Hearing that all the fresh graduate genins who requested to join the exam were his former students in the academy, Iruka feels worried.

Iruka: with all due respect, all of the name that they said was my former students, I doubt that they ready to take the exam, sandaime-sama

Kakashi: Iruka-sensei, with all due respect, you have no right to do that, you were not their sensei anymore, now they are my soldiers, so I'm the one who decided to take them to the exam or not.

Iruka: but Kakashi-sensei...

Before Iruka could finish what he saying the Hokage cuts him

Sandaime: Iruka, he's right, and I have decided their request too, and I believe they can do it.

Iruka: if you say so then, I can't say anything else, I'm sorry Hokage-sama.

Sandaime: that's okay, so for the jounins who already took the forms, can dismiss this room, and Kakashi (glare at Kakashi) call your team to meet me in my office after this, I have something to ask them.

Kakashi: hai Hokage-sama.

Then all of them dismissed from the room, and Kakashi searches for his teammates.

In the training fields, genins from team 7 were in their daily training.

Naruto: my stamina has been incredibly increased than the old me have achieved back then. It's good for the upcoming threats that we have to solve.

Sasuke: either do i

Sakura: yeah but anyway, what we gonna do with the next threats, you know that if the timeline hasn't changed in the next 2/3 weeks we're gonna have the Chūnin exam and what we're gonna do with Orochimaru?

Naruto: that's why we have to tell Jiji and prepare the plan, but since we've been given a holiday, we haven't had the chance to do that.

Suddenly Kakashi joins their small talk.

Kakashi: that's why I'm here to inform you that Hokage-sama called you all. And I'm going to give you guys the forms for the Chūnin exam too.

Sakura: Kakashi-sensei...

Kakashi: well since you all have been talking about that, why don't we go see him right now?

All of them nodded and go to the Hokage office.

Kakashi: Hokage-sama, they are here.

Sandaime: good, you guys can dismiss (talk to his Anbu) and make sure no one comes here before I say so.

The anbu's: hai Hokage-sama.

Then Hokage secures the room so no one can hear what they going to talk about.

Naruto: Jiji, since you will hold the Chūnin exam in two weeks, I want to inform you about the upcoming threats.

Sandaime: I'm going to ask you about that, so tell me everything.

Naruto: It's about Orochimaru.

Sandaime eyes widen.

Sandaime: Orochimaru?

Naruto: yes, he's going to attack the village during the exam, first he's going to turn himself into one of the exam participants, the team from otogakure to be exact.

Sasuke: then during the second exam, he will attack me, because he wants to kidnap and have my Sharingan, that time he will be giving a cursed mark on my shoulder. Then when the last exam, he will execute yondaime kazekage and turning himself into the kazekage, so no one would recognize him. Then during the last exam, he will attack you and his army will attack the village.

Sandaime: so, the last time I died because of him right?

Naruto: correct.

Sandaime: well then, we have to tighten village security.

Kakashi: don't forget that he has a spy in this village, his name is Kabuto Yakushi, so you have to be careful with what you gonna do, Hokage-sama.

Sandaime: very well, is there anything else we need to be concerned about?

Sasuke: you might have to pay more attention to Danzo sandaime-sama, he wants to take the chance to take your place as Hokage but he fails because when you die, Tsunade already took the seat as the godaime Hokage. There's more information about him but we deal with him later, I just need to tell you to pay more attention to him that's all

Sandaime: and if I may ask you, you have already known about your clan massacre don't you?

Sasuke: yes I know about that, I know about Itachi as well, and I know that he has been told to do that by Danzo. And be careful with him, he possessed Shisui Uchiha right Sharingan. So he possessed a great genjutsu as well.

Sandaime: damn Danzo. I didn't know he did something this dark for the sake of Hokage hat. Thank you for the information, we should concern about Orochimaru only right now, I'm gonna do something with that. And prepared yourself for the exam okay? I'm going to promote 3 of you to be Chūnin after the exam. But I still need your best performance to show the council and make the decision. You all may dismiss now

Naruto: wait Jiji, have you heard anything about ero-sennin yet? I really need him to come here as soon as possible.

Sandaime: don't worry naruto, I have told him to come back here and he will be here in a week so I'm gonna call you if he already here. I have told him to try to bring Tsunade too because I thought we might need her too.

Naruto: that's great, thank you Jiji.

Sakura: thank you sandaime-sama, I hope she will come here to.

Sandaime: I'll try my best, now you can dismiss

All of them said "hai" and left the room.

Then after they go out of the office, they all going back to their house.


It was a bright summer Sunday, which means another training with the Konoha 9. They all have arrived in the training fields.

Naruto: Do you guys take the exam too?

Kiba: of course, I won't let you become the Chūnin first

Naruto: *sighs* you really annoying you know that Kiba?

Sasuke: you talked like you have mastered all the elements Kiba, how about train yourself a little bit harder? You might need it.

Kiba: *sighs* yeah yeah okay we here to train anyway.

Naruto: how about you guys? (Starring at team 10)

Ino: of course we take the exam too, besides, I won't let this forehead took the chance to be with Sasuke in the exam.

Sakura: he's my teammates so... I think that will answer what you have thought ino-pig.

Shikamaru: will ya stop ino? Huh, troublesome.

Naruto: Okay okay guys, let's chill out a little bit okay? How about we start the train?

Shino: That might be a good idea

Then they all train and spar together.

Sasuke: right now, I want to make a one on one spar, each other can have their battle so you guys will have the experience in the real battle. Feel free to choose who you will spar with.

Then suddenly their jounins spawn themselves.

Kakashi: and we will be the judge and protectors, so you won't do anything dangerous.

Ino: haaaaah, Kakashi-sensei, Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei.... how did you guys know we've been training together.

Asuma: Shikamaru, ino, choji, you were my pupils right? So I can and I will know everything you do.

Kiba: you too Kurenai-sensei?

Kurenai: yes, we've been watching you quite often

Kakashi: well then, choose with who will you spar with.

Then all of them choose their opponents

Shino: Shikamaru, will you spar with me?

Shikamaru: okay, I'll spar with you.

Choji: Kiba, lets spar together

Kiba: okay let's go

Ino: Sakura, fight me.

Sakura: I've been waiting for that

It's only three more who haven't choose.

Sasuke: So naruto, you want to spar with me?

Hinata: naruto-kun, you can have sparred with Sasuke-kun, I'll be all right if I'm not have sparring opponents

Then there was someone intervene them.

That person: let me have sparred with you, Sasuke-kun.

Sasuke: Lee? You came?

Lee: yeah, I've been thinking about having a spar with you since last week so what do you think?

Sasuke: okay then, let's spar

Naruto: so, you're going to fight with me eh Hinata?

Hinata blushed

Hinata: I-i really don't want to be honest, I don't think I can beat you

Naruto: stop doing that Hinata-chan. This is not about winning or losing right? Just show me everything you've got.

Hinata eyes widen and her face turns really red, she was about to faint when she heard that naruto called her with "chan"

Hinata:C-Chan? Naruto-kun called my H-Hinata C-chan?

Naruto: oi, hold it Hinata-chan, don't faint please, if you don't like it then I won't say it again.

Hinata: N-no T-that's okay naruto-kun. A-actually i-i kinda l-like it

Naruto smiled

Naruto: then I'll say that every time I call you till I die ya know.

Then Hinata fainted.

Kakashi: It looks like we're gonna do with the others first since Hinata still unconscious, so who is gonna do this first?

Lee: let us have it first Kakashi-sensei

Sasuke: yeah, we can do it first

Kakashi: maa, very well, then let's just start it.


Sasuke: you sure you want to do this lee?

Lee: I'm sure Sasuke-kun, let's do it

Sasuke: if you say so, okay let's do it.

Then Sasuke activates his Sharingan and starts to attack Lee. They begun to fight using only taijutsu, Sasuke knows that lee can't use any ninjutsu, so he just needs to use his taijutsu against him, besides he wants to increase his ability too.

Sasuke dodges his punches and kicks.

Sasuke: damn he's really fast.

They have punched each other for ten minutes. Then lee shouted

"Konoha senppuu (leaf gale)"

He kicked Sasuke in the stomach and make Sasuke thrown back.

Sasuke: not bad Lee.

Lee starts to attack him again, and he kicks Sasuke in the face and make him fly, and when Sasuke fly lee already on his back and he shouted

"Konoha reppuu (leaf whirlwind)"

Lee kicks Sasuke's stomach and makes him fall into the ground.

And when lee wants to attack Sasuke that still on the ground. Sasuke body just disappeared changed into a branch

"Kawarimi kah?" Lee and the other's thoughts.

Sasuke then spawns on the back of lee and can knock him off.

Sasuke: you're really good lee, your speed and power were the best than each of us. That was a good match

That's what Sasuke said as he helps lee to get up and give the unison signs.

Then after that spar between choji and Kiba started, and choji get the winning match

Shikamaru and shino match drew as they both show equal strength.

Ino and sakura match drew to. Sakura could easily beat ino, but she doesn't want her to feel down if sakura wins.

The last match was naruto vs Hinata as she already awake from her faint

Naruto: Are you ready Hinata-chan?

Hinata blushed

Hinata: Y-Yes Naruto-kun

Naruto: don't hold back this time okay? Show me everything you can.

Hinata nodded. Then they start the spar.

Hinata activates her byakugan and starts to attack him with her gentle fist.

Naruto easily dodges her and starts to punch her and make her fall back a little bit.

Kiba: why do naruto have to fight with her, they not even an equal

Kurenai: you shouldn't underestimate her Kiba, this is not about winning or losing, it is only a spar and training to have you the experience on one on one battle.

Hinata starts to attack him again, and she starts using her jutsu.

"Juukenhou: hakke rokujuu yonshou (gentle fist: eight trigrams sixty-four palms)"

She punched him

"Two palms"

"Four palms"

"Eight palms"

"Sixteen palms"

"Thirty-two palms"

And when she wants to do the sixty-four she jumps back panted

Naruto also panted because of her attack

Naruto: still can't do the sixty-four huh, Hinata-chan?

Hinata: I think so.

Naruto: that's okay, just train a little bit harder okay?

Hinata nodded and start to fight again.


From a distance, Hiashi look her fight

"Still can't do the sixty-four palms..." hiashi thought and he sighed "but her power and ability has been increased a little bit, that's good enough for her right now"

Then when she was attacking naruto, she wanted to try the new jutsu that she has been trained, she starts to gather chakra on her hands and showing a little lion on her fist.

"Jūho shōshiken (gentle step: spiraling twin lion fist)"

She attacked naruto and make naruto fall

Seeing that jutsu make hiashi eyes widen

"S-she can use the secret jutsu? Who taught her that?" Hiashi thought

Naruto: that's good Hinata-chan

Hinata: t-thank you naruto-kun, I cannot do that without your help, by training with you I can use that a little bit even its not perfect yet.

Naruto: Nah that's awesome ya know, you should be proud, you're really strong Hinata-chan.

Hinata blushed

"So that kyubi brat who train her huh? He really a special boy" hiashi thought. Then he left


Naruto: we should end this Hinata-chan, your ability has increased so much than the first time we trained.

Hinata: R-really?

Kurenai: you are strong Hinata, believe in your self, and what naruto just say okay?

Hinata nodded.

Then after they all finished the training their jounin talk to them.

Kakashi: Well, you all showing us great ability and potential. You all really a good asset to this village.

Asuma: yeah, you all, Konoha 9 might become the greatest genin generation that Konoha has.

Kurenai: you all have a good potential, surely you will be the important shinobi in a few years.

All of them cherished and smiled

Kakashi: well, you have to work in teamwork more, but with this power and ability that you already have, you all we're ready to take the exam. So prepare yourself and good luck

All of them say "hai" and leave the training fields.


Naruto: Hinata-chan, let me walk you home okay?

Hinata nodded and they both walk together.

When they arrived at the Hyūga compound, naruto was saying goodbye to her.

Naruto: well see you again Hinata-chan, don't forget to keep train okay?

Hinata blushed

Hinata: I will naruto-kun, thank you.

Then naruto walk away.

Hinata come inside the house and was greeted by Natsu

Natsu: welcome home Hinata-sama

Hinata: I'm home.

Hiashi look at her with a curious face, he still couldn't believe what he just saw, his daughter was really strong but he still doesn't want to admit that.

That's all for this chapter, I hope you guys like it. So this is the first wave of the Orochimaru arc. The Chūnin exam will be starting the next chapter, just stay tuned.

I'm sorry if there were grammatical errors. Thank you for understanding I hope you can still understand the story. Make sure you vote this story with your power stone. And don't forget to give this story a review okay? And comment anything if you have any suggestions or a thought.

Thank you Minna xoxo