
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 35

City Lord mansion:

At a secret meeting room that belonged to the Snow Wind Family.

"So, you are saying that Shen Hong is after your wife because he wanted her to spy on us. Also, he has an alliance with the Dark Guild?"

Ye Xiu said while looking at his son, who had just dealt with a Legend Rank demon Beast thanks to the Ten Thousand Demon Spirits arrays.

Last night, the mansion of the City Lord had been attacked. When the City Lord and the rest of Black Gold Spiritualists have arrived, Ye Qi had been done with most of the troubles. Ye Qi explained to his dad what happened, and then, he said that Shen Hong was the responsible one.

At first, it was shocking news for the Snow Wind Family that the patriarch of the Sacred Family is trying to take the position of the City Lord, and he had tried to kill Shen Xiu to take that position.

Ye Qi shook his head. "You see father, it's Shen Hong."

"In that case, you should leave your wife. She may be corrupted by her family, which we should deal with soon. "

"What if I say no."

Ye Qi stood up to Ye Xiu.

He likes Shen Xiu, and he was never loyal to anyone but himself. Seeing the insisting look on Ye Qi's face, Ye Xiu finally sighed. "Well, I don't have to tell you about what you are risking."

"You don't." Ye Qi said. There is no way he would let the Snow Wind Family punish everyone related to the Sacred Family, just because they are related to Shen Hong.

"Do you trust her that much?"

"I do," said Ye Qi, insisting.

Shen Xiu's had never planned to betray the family. After their wedding and a few sex sessions, she had been planning to vanish and die. She never planned to betray him. That's why Ye Qi had been so angry at Shen Hong.

His life, which he planned to become a great harem king story, almost ended up becoming a K-Drama tragedy show.

Ye Xiu made eye contact with his son, who didn't flinch at all and stood up back to him. It never had happened. Finally, Ye Xiu gave up on the idea of punishing everyone related to Sacred Family. It doesn't worth potentially piss off someone like Ye Qi, who would grow in the future to be the strongest man in Glory City. Ye Qi can be pissed off that he may become the real danger to the Glory City.

"So, what's your plan for now. It's your responsibility." Ye Xiu said.

"My responsibility?" Ye Qi pointed at himself, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, that family is yours to deal with." Ye Zong spoke.

After a little sigh, Ye Qi said. "I'm only telling you this now. The enemy is Shen Hong and the Dark Guild. Others from the Sacred family are being threatened by him since Shen Hong has their families' life.

"We can always have the rest of the family under our rule. If not for Shen Xiu, I wouldn't know that in the first place."

"We will trust you, this time." Ye Xiu said, clenching his fists. "Should I bring Shen Hong here?"

"No. It's a bit early." Ye Qi said.

Ye Zong and Ye Xiu looked at him, with an obvious questioning mark on their faces. Ye Qi rubbed his throat and continued. "You see, the Dark Guild isn't easy to deal with now. I bet you that they are probably planing for a Demon Horde now. We can always use the Sacred Family, before dealing with the patriarch personally."

Ye Zong rubbed his chin, while Ye Xiu, the legend rank, shared his opinion.

"True. Even so, we need a little time, so our family rise in rank through the Blood Crystal. At least, the clash would be guaranteed to our side if we fight the next few days."

"Anyway, father, I need you to do something." Ye Qi said.


"Can you kidnap their Black Gold Spiritualists?"


"You heard me."

Ye Qi said. One of the most common strategies to beat a boss in any RPG game is to take his helpers. Ye Xiu could see what in Ye Qi's mind and could only approve.

"So, when doing that, we are weakling them while we are getting stronger."

"You get it." Ye Qi nodded.

"What have I done!" Ye Zong suddenly put his hands on his head.

"What's up, uncle?" Ye Qi turned, concerned.

"I gave my daughter to a scheming person like you."

"Don't worry uncle. I will satisfy her with all the effort I have." Ye Qi grinned. "Count on me. She will feel so happy."

"You brat!" Ye Zong opened his eyes widely and pointed at Ye Qi with his finger.

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulder. "Do you prefer giving her to a Bronze Rank Spiritualist?"

"No one is better than my sons, brother." Ye Xiu said, making Ye Qi grin.

"Whatever. As long as he takes her, you will have to do my office works." Ye Zong said, before looking at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu flinched when he saw his brother giving him that look.

"Since I'm not the second one in the family anymore, I'll hand my position to you."

Ye Zong wanted to have some warm time. One of his two wives had died. And ever since, he had never slept with the second one.

"Wait, wait brother!" Ye Xiu extended his hand to Ye Zong.

Ye Xiu had seen how much Ye Zong was working, day and night, nonstop and not sleeping.

"What's the problem."

"I won't have time for my wives." Ye Xiu said.

"It's okay, it's your responsibility—"

"You know what." Ye Xiu put his hands behind his back. "I will start looking for Black Gold Demon Spiritualists in the headquarter of the Sacred Family."

Before Ye Zong could say anything, Ye Xiu vanished to thin air. Ye Zong then looked at Ye Qi.

"You know how to read and write. Besides, as a peak Gold, you have the ability to work for a month before even feeling tired."

Ye Zong intent was obvious. He needed a break, and someone is going to take responsibility.

"We will talk about that after the wedding. My wife is Gold Rank, and she has a month worth of stamina. Sorry uncle, but I can't leave my girls halfway"

Quickly, avoiding the palm that was heading toward him, Ye Qi merged with the Shadow Devil spirit and entered his void form, vanishing to thin air, leaving Ye Zong opening his mouth widely.



Ye Qi was back to his courtyard, sitting next to his purple-haired beautiful cousin. He was just done kissing her. Now, he was playing with her long silk hair, his other hand on her smooth thigh.

"What's with you, Qi." Ye Ziyun said with concern and a horny blush on her face.

"Nothing much. Your dad is trying to add troubles to my life."

"No way!" Ye Ziyun put her hands in front of her mouth before an angry expression takes over her face. "How dare he!" she exclaimed.

"Don't worry about that." Ye Qi said.

"Anyway," Ziyun had noticed that Ye Qi was here because he was waiting for something. "When are you moving?"

"When Hongyue comes." Ye Qi said.

He had sent Hongyue on a mission after last night. Giving her some keywords, Hongyue had been sent to the Holy Orchid library, to look for books with lines such as Black Dragon Bloodline, Silver Wing family, and so… but those lines were translated into their era languages.

Since she is Black Gold, Hongyue has bigger mental capacities than other people. Cultivation increases the strength of muscles. The brain was one of those muscles. Not to mention, she has the ability to see her surroundings without the need for her eyes. She should be able to look through the books without spending much time… only the necessary ones since the library is huge.

"She is a good girl." Ye Ziyun looked down to Ye Qi's hand that was wrapped around her thigh, gently squeezing it. Her womanhood twitched, seeing that strong hand. Not able to resist, she put her hand on his, and then she smiled at his face. "I want to marry soon."

"Don't worry. I'm planning to do that."

Ye Qi had that in their head since he is going to reach Black Gold soon. After reaching that rank, he will go outside the Glory City, outside the mountain series, and then, find the Temporal Demon Spirit Book. Ye Qi was worried. Even if they have the family to deal with the Dark Guild, they aren't strong enough to deal with the Demon Lord. Ye Qi didn't want to suffer some tragedy because he wasn't strong enough.

That's why he planned to marry and bang all the beauties after having the Temporal Demon Spirit Book.

Ye Qi, no, Josh, thought about the Dark Guild. He clenched his fist. When he was done with his thoughts, he found his lips being sealed with Ziyun's. He closed his eyes and inserted his tongue, kissing the stunning beauty back and enjoying the sweet taste her soft lips has.

hugging her soft body to his and kissing, Ye Qi unaware of how much time was passing.

"Ahem ahem."

Suddenly, a cough caught their attention. The cousins stopped kissing and looked at the source. Ye Qi wasn't unaware, same for Ye Ziyun, as they knew who came here. Turning to the brown-haired beauty Hongyue, Ye Qi stood up.

Hongyue looked at Ye Qi, half closing her eyes at his lips, before looking at Ye Ziyun's lips. There was a small strand of hair in front of her face. Frustrated, she exhaled, and that hair strand went up, making her look cute in the middle of her action.

Ye Qi didn't question why she is frustrated. Instead, he asked.

"You're done?"

"Yes," Hongyue answered with a nod as she was half closing her eyes on him.

Ye Qi wondered what's with her eyes. "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Nothing." She turned her face and gave him a storage ring. "I have done what you tasked me for."

"Good job," Qi said. "You're so helpful."

Giving his back to her, Ye Qi took the books out of the storage ring and activated his ability. He looked at the book's past experience, and started seeing what's the writers has experienced. This way, even though people would think that Ye Qi is just looking from outside, he would remember the content from one look. After few seconds, Ye Qi shook his head. Hongyue and Ye Ziyun may think it's a couple of seconds that have passed, but for Ye Qi, it felt much longer.

"Hongyue, good news for you." Ye Qi turned and smiled at her.

"What?" Hongyue said, a little redness spreading on her cheek when she saw him smiling.

Ye Qi usually smirks at her. But for the first time, he smiled at her.

"I have found a way to awaken the thunderbird bloodline." Ye Qi said. "And…" he paused.

"And?" she repeated after him.

"And it would heal your disease. You can live past sixty now."

She had really a great job last night. Ye Qi didn't mind rewarding her. If not for Hongyue, then his wife may have died.

Luckily, Sikong Hongyue was there for protecting them. When she had been injured, Ye Qi had really felt bad for her.

So, when he saw her opening her eyes widely, trying to process what he had just said, his warm smile became warmer.

"Really!" she gasped, opened her arms, and quickly jumped at him, before hugging him to her chest and jumping, forgetting that he is her master. Her action was logical, given the fact that no one of her family will live past sixty, even if they reached Legend rank.

Meanwhile, as she was jumping, Ye Qi's face was getting rubbed by her soft double D boobs. Hongyue had grown them after eating elixirs here in the Glory City, making her look more mature.

Ye Qi didn't mind. He closed his eyes and let her hug him as much as she wants while sniffing her milk scent.

"Relax, we have yet to do that." Ye Qi said. "Also call Duan Jian." He has two

Hongyue didn't hear the bastard's name from happiness. She let Ye Qi out of her embrace, and she stared down at him, noticing that he looked quite drank after the hug.


Hongyue held his hand, bent down, and kissed his storage ring, allowing him to see her chest. Ye Qi, as she expected, gave the slit area a longer look.

"Master." She said, noticing where he was staring. Ye Qi tried gently to take his hand back. Hongyue didn't leave his hand. Her cheeks turned pink when she stared at him with her green eyes. Ye Qi seemed to appear by her melons, and there is no way a Black Gold spiritualist miss that.

In a quick motion, Hongyue took advantage of her speed, and her face flashed in front of Ye Qi.

With wide opened eyes, Ye Ziyun, who was standing on the side, put her hands in front of her mouth, grasping the air.

Hongyue just kissed Ye Qi.

Surprisingly, Ye Qi didn't look surprised as he just let his tongue slip inside of hers as he closed his eyes and sucked her tongue.

Hongyue opened her eyes widely open the tickling good feeling she felt. Kissing feels that good, and tongue can be used!

She pulled back.

"Well, well." Ye Qi crossed his arms. "Am I that charming?"

Hongyue took a step back, blushing. "It's normal for the master to do what he does to his fiancee. I saw you kissing her, and we already held hands. It's not much."

Ye Qi had an urge to laugh. Meanwhile, Ye Ziyun was trying to move forward, if not for the force field made by soul force stopping her.

'Sly Bastard.' Ye Ziyun could tell that it was Hongyue's soul force. That woman is playing innocent while is she planing for this.

Hongyue blushed when she saw Ye Qi suppressing his laugh.

"So, it's normal for me to do what I do to my girls." Ye Qi found it mind-blowing.

"You stare at them. You stare at me." She shrugged her shoulders. As long as she is with someone who provides her good food, so be it.

"You fell for my charm then." Ye Qi teased, not caring if his fiancee is here. 'I love this world's rules.' They allow him to flirt with other women.

Getting teased, again and again, Hongyue's happiness turned into a total embarrassment. Although she was a warrior, she has always lived like a princess, before becoming a servant. Blushing, she gave her back to Ye Qi and flapped her wing.

"Call me when you need me, master." She flapped her wing and started walking, swaying her hips on the way. Hongyue was thinking if her dad was here. Would he tell her that she is ruining their bloodline? Hongyue found that she won't care, just like Duan Jian's mother had done.

Ye Qi shook his head, ignoring the tent that formed in his pants. Great, a winged girl in his arms. Something to add to his perfect life picture. But first, he has to remove the Demon Lord and possible enemies from that picture.

"Wait." Ye Qi raised his hands.

Hongyue stopped, turned, and raised her eyebrows. "Yes."

"We will start soon, very soon. Get into that house, half-naked. First, I will be passing by Duan Jian."

Hongyue nodded and told him that she would be waiting.

"Why half-naked!" Ye Ziyun retorted. Ye Qi said it's a serious thing And he would be professional about it, just like he had done to Ning'er. This caused Ye Ziyun to be surprised that Ye Qi had a history with Ning'er.

"Very well." Ye Ziyun clenched her teeth, "I always have been nice to her. I'll make her spit facts now." She turned then to leave, angry at her friend who didn't tell her that Ye Qi used to touch her naked body.

"Why is she angry?" Hongyue asked.

"She wants the wedding soon, yet she is angry that we have to deal with few things first, like the Dark Guild."

Hongyue lowered her head. She had been in this world for few days, and she had learnt enough while eating street food. One of the things she learnt was the existence of the Dark Guild, and how they are betraying humanity, and that Ye Qi is the number one genius in this place.

Soon, Hongyue realised that she is alone with Ye Qi, which caused her to almost blush.

"I'll be waiting for you." Hongyue entered one of the houses and took off her clothes.

Meanwhile, Ye Qi entered Duan Jian's place. Duan Jian, after eating some pills, was healed from his wounds yesterday. He had done a good job as well. Ye Qi knew that this man would throw himself to death if Ye Qi asked him to do so.

Ye Qi then explained to Duan Jian that he had found a method to awaken his bloodline. Duan Jian listened carefully as Ye Qi said that his method would make him feel pain.

Ye Qi's method was quite different from the novel since he has learnt more using different knowledge resources about the body and the bloodlines. However, it is still pailful, since Dragon Bloodline was one of the noblest bloodlines ever.

Duan Jian knew that he would suffer. He believed that he had been enduring pain since he was young, so no pain is enough for him. Accepting that, Duan Jian told Ye Qi to do it. Ye Qi took a group of needles, some herbs, and made a painkilling medicine.

"Don't worry, I'm prepared." Ye Qi has medicine to lower the pain. There is no way he acts like Nie Lie. Ye Qi is a modern man who refuses to do surgery unless he is drugged.

Duan Jian, after eating the medicine, started having his bloodline awaken. It was painful, yet, the medicine made him feel it was funny that he started laughing while screaming.

Duan Jian's cultivation broke through to Golden Rank's peak in no time.

Physically, however, he reached the Legend Rank, gaining the toughness of a Black Dragon that no weapon would be able to harm him.

Ye Qi shook his head. Black Dragon had great defence and black flame, which Duan Jian would gain.

On the other hand, Ye Qi is planning to get a Demon Bloodline. They aren't like dragons. But they have scales to defend themselves. However, it wasn't the limit, since he would be able to integrate with more bloodlines in the future.

Ye Qi left him and went into another house to see Hongyue, who was sitting on a couch, extending her long thick legs, and waiting for him.

When he opened the door, she stared at him and put a leg above another. "My turn, master?"

"Call me Ye Qi or sir." Ye Qi shook his head. Being called master over and over had a real

"But it doesn't feel right." Hongyue was a good that was well raised by her father. One can't call his master by his name.

"Whatever." Ye Qi sat down in front of her and had his jaw draw a bit.

She was half-naked in front of him. Her waist was slim, with a layer of abs on her stomach. Her hips were wide enough, and her chest melons were in a good size. And she was beautiful, with nice skin and a perky butt. Even if she was sitting, being half-naked didn't take the charm away.

Slowly, Ye Qi felt blood rushing to his little brother, making himself harder as he was examining the features of the beautiful winged servant.

'Ning'er isn't the hardest challenge, it seems.'

Ning'er, at that time, had been very hard to heal. Hongyue was a mature teen, older than Ning'er. And Josh was a straight man.

'Luckily, I cam prepared.' He had banged his wife this morning, so he has more control over his yang energy.

Ye Qi took a group of needles and medicines, which he made. Soon, he drew an array around her body, his finger caressing her naked skin.

"Ah… ah…" Hongyue, embarrassed and blushing, was breathing heavily, feeling Ye Qi's little finger playing around her body. When it touched her nipple, it got hard and she couldn't help by letting out a soft sound.

"Why are you moaning." Asking that, Ye Qi took a step back.

Hongyue turned her head away from facing him. "Why are you hard." She said gently and slowly. Even without looking, she can tell that.

His bulge throbbed in its place. Ye Qi nodded. "I'm a man, I have needs."

"I know. I wasn't telling it is wrong."

"Then why are you asking?"

Annoyed by his question, she glared at him and said. "I just wanted to make you notice yourself, Ma,s,t,er."

"I'm very aware." Ye Qi let his face closer to her, smirking. Hongyue opened her eyes widely and took her face back one inch.

"Then… what are you thinking of." She asked.

Ye Qi smiled. Without the girl being aware, his hand had done its magic, striking different spots in her body with the needles.

"I promised you with a reward, didn't I."

"Yes." Hongyue lifted one eyebrow. Isn't Ye Qi doing it now — Healing her and awakening her bloodline?

Ye Qi, suddenly, put his lips on hers, feeling her soft lips. He was alone with a mature woman, and she was half-naked. He didn't deny his own desire and kissed her, letting his tongue taste what she ate in the morning. Hongyue closed her eyes, enjoying the kiss and moaning inside of his mouth. She moved her tongue with his, and damn, that excited her.

After few seconds, Ye Qi pulled back. "Now, enjoy having your reward."

Hongyue looked at her body, to see that Ye Qi has done something to her pressure points.

Hongyue started feeling her blood boiling, and different things were running through her body. Thunder started dancing around her body as the feather on her back was becoming shinier.

Soon, her cultivation broke through to the 3rd Star Black Gold. Not only so, but her muscles became more defined.

One can clearly say that her physic reached Legend Rank.

However, it wasn't like Duan Jian's.

Duan Jian's physical body was so tough that it won't be hurt, as a Black Dragon's body.

Hers was more likely a thunderbird, which lends her its strength, sharpness, speed. But Thunderbird doesn't have a very strong defence compared to Black Dragons.

"Good results." She said opening her eyes to see her body surrounded by lightning. It was needless to say that she suppressed her father here. After examining herself, she was ready to give Ye Qi a beaming smile, since he had healed her disease. However, he wasn't there.

Feeling a bit sad, she lied down on her back. Since she was half-naked, she covered her boobs with her arms. Her mind started drifting her back. Recalling how Ye Qi was touching her body, she pushed her underwear to the side and started rubbing her crotch with her finger.

"Master… ah… oh…"

She was lucky that no one could hear her.


Meanwhile. Ye Qi was in a private place, a guard, who happened to be Black Gold Spiritualists, was guarding him.

Ye Qi was standing in the middle of an inscription array. In front of him, there was essence blood, which was on fire, surrounded by a circle. Ye Qi activated the array with a hand sign, and the blood essence started moving toward his body, the inscription patterns on him shining.

"Ouch… ah… Hey… no one told me it would hurt my nuts!"

Ye Qi was suppressing the urge to scream. His body, blood, was changing. The power of the Abyss Demon was invading him. He felt that his body was on flame. With each second, his temperature was rising, his muscles were growing, his bones and skin were getting tougher.

"Is this even working." Ye Qi wondered.

Is he getting a demon's bloodline?

'Stop, not you.' Ye Qi held his crotch and screamed, feeling the heat.

When he pulled his pants down, he saw his little brother growing without getting hard, as a Demon has.

'Luckily, I didn't choose a bird species.'

"It works!" Ye Qi opened his eyes widely, feeling that he is transforming into a human demon.

Soon, the door was opened, and the guard took a step to the side. The guard opened his eyes widely when he saw Ye Qi walking, and Ye Qi looked different. He was quite taller, more muscular, and his body looked so tough.

Ye Qi felt like another person.

"Young Master! You, you have broken through."

Also, Ye Qi has broken through to Black Gold.

Ye Qi smiled at the guard.

'Not only that. I have a Legend Rank physic. The defence and the power of Abyss Demon are with me. Unfortunately, it's not fast. However, with it, I'm more complete with my demon spirit.'

Having a strong physique allowed Ye Qi to surpass the weakness of Shadow Devil.

Shadow Devil was very fast and have mysterious abilities. But compared to its peers of demon beasts, it wasn't very strong physically. However, with Ye Qi's now bloodline, not only he has a fast Demon Spirit, but also, he can be as strong as a Demon from the same level.

Opening his hand, a hell flame gathered on his palm and lit up. The flame, to Ye Qi, was so gentle. Fire won't be able to hurt him now.

like an Abyss Demon, Ye Qi can wrap himself in flame, since he has its innate abilities, except for wings and horns.

"Yes." Ye Qi smiled as he guard. "You can leave." With this, Ye Qi is assured that he can deal with Shen Hong personally. Thinking about Shen Hong and the Sacred Family, Ye Qi wondered how his father is doing with them.

Meanwhile, I should cultivate the lightning and time-space law, since I met the physical requirements.

Josh, after breaking through Black Gold, had gained other two things.

One of them was an increase in his abilities.

The second one was another skill.