
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 36

The second Time-space skill Qi has gotten was the ability to rewind injuries and wounds. More likely, rewind the body state. It works for himself and others. And it's consuming according to the situation.

It was a skill that can heal anything to the best possible situation, whether it is the future or the past. However, this skill only works on injured people who didn't die.

Three days have passed.

Shen Xiu sat next to her house, next to the other girls: Ye Ziyun, and Hongyue, whose body shape looked firmer.

Meanwhile, they looked at Ye Qi, who got a couple of inches taller, more muscular, and was sitting cross-legged, while cultivating.

"What's happened to your make-up."

Ye Ziyun turned to Shen Xiu, who had been barely able to walk. Shen Xiu's eye make-up was somehow ruined. It was like she gagged on something so hard that tears fell from her eyes.

"You don't ask…" Shen Xiu rubbed her legs and stretched her back. "Who would think that Ye Qi would grow up so fast, he became like a Demon, and I'm not as stretchy as a demon beast's female."

Usually, she spends nights with him, given her cultivator stamina. Yet, last night, she had felt like a virgin for the second time. And he was more savage in bed.

"What do you mean." Ye Ziyun wondered as she looked at Ye Qi. Surely, he looks quite different.

"Look at his crotch," Hongyue said, unleashing her sixth like sense. She was flinching. For someone who had been affected by a thunderbird species bloodline, she would be very tight for a demon bloodline. "Luckily, I'm still human for most of my blood."

Ye Ziyun unleashed her sense and could see behind his clothes. and then, she opened her eyes widely, blushing, and shaking. "How did it even fit!"

Ye Qi flinched in response and ignored the girls.

Smiling, Shen Xiu extended her long legs. "I'm not a little girl. You have to find out later. But tonight, I'll be the one to find out." Shen Xiu felt that she is becoming more obedient.

"I'll cook him something." Ye Ziyun nodded slowly, a sweat drop. "I'll eat more physical elixirs." She needed to mature faster.

Meanwhile, Ye Qi was ignoring the conversation he was hearing outside.

Currently, he was in his own mental space, a landscape of endless darkness.

Ye Qi thought about his time back at the sub realm, where he had used his silver eyes to see the past of the meteoric Thunder God Sword.

Ye Qi had gained the intent of those who held the sword. Since the Spiritual God of lightning was one of them, Qi got his understanding of the lightning law.

Exhaling slightly, Ye Qi cultivated the law. Blue sparks filled his mental space before they became large lightning bolts. The calm landscape turned suddenly into a lightning storm. Ye Qi was hearing thunder and his eyesight was full of blue energy.

The law energy of lighting outside was entering his soul realm, replacing the soul force, and using the law to advance himself, which was rising his speed quickly.

Somehow, the gemstone on his neck, along with the bloodline of the Abyss Demon, has increased his cultivation speed more. The bloodline of the Legend rank Demon played a role since the demon beast's cultivation is sealed within their bloodline.

The girls, who had been checking out Ye Qi's demonic body, saw what was happening outside.

Ye Qi's body was wrapped in a blue aura, sparks of lightning dancing around him. They were like snakes of lightning, and they were moving slowly as if they were tamed by him as if he was able to control them.

Ye Qi's cultivation was rising nonstop. He now has the same understanding of the law as the previous spiritual god. It would mean that he would become a spiritual god in this world once he reaches beyond legend rank.

Curious about what's people reaction outside, Ye Qi prospected his surrounding. The girls observed him in awe of his genius.

Ye Qi soon stood up, his cultivation is near to breakthrough to the second star. If one looked carefully, one will sense that most of the soul force and law energy was sucked dry by him.

'So, this is the power of law.'

Ye Qi stood up, and lightning sparks danced around his hand. For sure, now, he has a strong offensive law, besides the Time-Space law.

An Abyss Demon's blood, time-space, and lightning law, and a very strong body. Ye Qi now has all the assistance he needs to have the best fighting abilities all of the time.

Talking about the ass-ets. Ye Qi looked at the three girls. Ye Ziyun was blushing unlike herself. Shen Xiu didn't fix her make-up. Meanwhile, Hongyue was staring at his crotch. Ye Qi could tell why.

He rubbed the back of his head and walked toward them. Shen Xiu winked at him to go back to their room, saying that he may be tired after work.

Meanwhile, Hongyue asked Ye Qi to teach her what he had been doing like she was taken aback by the lightning. Standing up and extending her arms, Ye Ziyun hugged Ye Qi. As he hugged her back, Ye Qi found out that she was rubbing her soft body against him with a curious expression on her face.

"It really got bigger." She muttered that his member throbbed against her, making her look at him in awe.

Ye Qi only leaned down and kissed her, saying. "Grow up too, or my back will hurt from bending over."

Ye Ziyun only giggled and said, "You can lift me, so I'll stay at I am now."

After a chuckle, Qi kissed her again, before grabbing Shen Xiu's hand, saying. "Join us soon."

Hongyue spoke from the side as she stood up, putting her hand on her chest. "Since we are in a master-servant relationship, we don't need marriage. I can join."

Shen Xiu shoot her a glare and was about to take Hongyue's life if not for Ye Qi holding her hand.

"Alright, cultivate your body well." Ye Qi patted Ye Ziyun's head, as Shen Xiu took her to his room since it was night. He then looked at Hongyue and winked. He had already kissed her many times in the last three days, playing with her sensitive part, and she was too good to be a servant. He will strike against her tight thunderbird hole when the time comes. Yes, that is what held him back. Since the times are bad with his conflicts with his brother in law, Ye Qi was holding the romantic staff until another notification.

Hongyue's cheek turned slightly pink when she looked at her crotch. Knowing what Ye Qi is thinking, she said. "Don't hold back. I'm a Legend Rank fighter. I can handle it."

"He has to handle me first." Shen Xiu grabbed him, before murmuring. "Or it's me who has to."


Ye Qi opened the door to the City Lord's mansion headquarters. Seeing his dad having a grim face, Ye Qi couldn't help but ask.

"Did something go wrong with the sacred family?" He was curious since the weather was gloomy. Ye Xiu shook his head and pointed toward his brother.

Ye Xiu shook his head. He had done a good job with the Sacred Family, as he had kidnapped everyone he could feel its aura about Black Gold. Ye Xiu can say that it is amazing that he found many treasures with the Black Gold spiritualists, and, some of them appeared to belong to the Dark Guild, which explained why they have treasures, such as scrolls that summon Demon Beasts and attacking scrolls.

"Something bad happened to your uncle." Ye Xiu said with a low tone that held sympathy when he pointed at his brother.

This meeting wasn't about these people and their treasures. It was more of an internal family matter.

Ye Zong shook their head and stood up, after rubbing a tear from his eye and looking at one box that was in front of him.

"My son has died." Said Ye Zong, barely able to say his words in one breath.

"You mean." Ye Qi was shocked.

Ye Zong then started explaining. Ye Qi, although he had a bad impression on Ye Han, who was easy to manipulate or by people like Nie Lie and Shen Xiu, felt so bad for Ye Zong when he saw his red eyes.

Ye Zong told them about what had happened this morning. Yesterday, he had gotten a letter, telling him that his precious adopted son will come back safely to Glory City. this morning, Ye Han came back. However, his body wasn't the same. It was wounded, burned, and beaten.

The cuts on his foster son's skin weren't demon beast made. More likely, certainly, they were made by a human-made blade. And everyone knows that demon beasts don't use swords.

Ye Qi would use his new healing skill if not for the fact that it doesn't work on those who died a long time ago. The wounds can be rewind, but souls can't be given back. Unless, of course, one used a treasure from the higher realm. That's how Wuxia worlds work.

'Well, at least no Foster brother/cousin drama for me.' Ye Qi lowered his head, patted the sad Ye Zong.

"Who has done it, I'm sure…" Ye Zong half-closed his eyes as he had suspected. "Ye Han is Gold Rank, a 3rd-star, above that, and very talented as well. The Black Golds of the Sacred Family were captured by us. Ye Han would be able to escape in case he met a stronger Gold Rank."

"It's Shen Hong." Ye Qi looked at the body with his silver eyes and could tell the truth.

No one around drew surprise on his face.

It was expected.

Ye Zong stood up, closed his eyes, and clenched his fists.

"I will kill the bastards with my own hands now." Ye Zong said, unleashing his killing intent as Black Gold Demon Spiritualists. "I regret not killing him earlier."

"Ye Han had been killed four days ago, meaning, before we know about Shen Hong, he was dead." Ye Qi said. "The letter you got about his arrival was fake. It was sent by Shen Hong… he was about to send it to you early, if not for the fact his son was dead by an unknown assassin."

since everyone thinks that Ye Qi can read ancient languages because he has spiritual talent that allows him to understand the intents behind the words, they believed that his words hold the absolute truth.

"Why. I can't understand, why is he doing this to me, just why. We live in the same city, and we protect the same families. Does becoming City Lord worth doing this."

"Yes…" Ye Qi patted his uncle, not wanting to tell him that Shen Hong had killed his first wife as well. No need to make the man sadder. "I will take the revenge from him by my own hands." Ye Qi then reached his storage ring and pulled a scroll, before handing it to Ye Zong.

"What is this." Ye Zong opened the scroll. His tired eyelids shook when he saw the inscription pattern. "An attack pattern, forbidden technique. Legend rank."

Ye Qi nodded. He had got three of these in the Prison Abyss Realm.

"In case you fought the bastard before me, use it on him, before I do." Ye Qi gave his opinion. He was sure that Ye Xiu can beat Shen Hong. However, one has to be ready for all of the possibilities.

"I will attack him, right now." Ye Zong said, ready to get out.

However, from the door, a soldier entered with a horrified expression on his face.

"City Lord. Bad news! The… ha… The…" the soldier was panting as he was talking.

Ye Qi bit on his lips, he knows what is going to happen. That was an expected result of his visit to the Prison Realm.

However, luckily, Ye Qi had asked the City Lord to build another 10.000 Demon Spirit array in front of the walls, making a strong defence for themselves.

"What's it?" Ye Zong asked anyway.

"Demon Beast Horde is approaching. Millions of demon beasts are heading to Glory City. Our scout assumed that they will be here around one day and a half."

"I see." Ye Xiu clenched his fists. He looked at Ye Qi, who nodded. The two of them understood each other.

'Shen Hong would be killed in the battle.'

There had been conflicts with legends of the Dark Guild that would happen in the case that Shen Hong was captured first. But now the chance to kill him has presented itself, it would be taken. Not only Shen Hong played on Ye Qi's nerves, but he killed the City Lord's foster son.

"I see." Ye Zong clenched his fist and punched a near wall, making it turn into dust. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling. Slowly opening his purple eyes, Ye Zong turned to the soldier and told him to tell everyone to gather.

"Tell Shen Hong to come here, or I will come and drag him personally. If someone from his family misses the event, then I will kill them personally." Ye Zong was unable to contain his feelings and said as he made his way outside.

"Keep an eye on him." Ye Qi transmitted his voice to Ye Xiu.

"I know. Stop telling me. I'm not too old to forget an obvious thing. Any case, I will capture him."

When everyone left the room through the hole Ye Zong had made, Ye Qi was left alone. He lowered his head and lifted his hand, looking at it.

It's the first time he will face a Demon Horde, yet it's not the first time he had seen a one. It's for sure very terrific. Ye Qi took a deep breath. His heart that has hardened ever since he came to this world was beating sturdy, like a natural-born warrior. "Sorry uncle." Ye Qi muttered. "Just the idea that he tried to make my life tragedy will let me take the revenge from you.

Ye Qi walked outside, put a hand on a wall. On the wall, a small seal appeared. Ever since he has broken through to Black Gold, Ye Qi could gain the ability to make two space seals at the same time.

Ye Qi left the mansion, shaking his head. On his way, he found the black-winged guy waiting. Ye Qi saw that he was almost breaking through to Black Gold as a spiritualist and a legend as a fighter. "Come, you need to fight." Ye Qi said.

"Is there something happening?"

"Have you ever fought millions of demon beasts?" Ye Qi asked.

"Have you?"

Duan Jian asked Ye Qi curiously.

"Whatever." Shaking his head, Ye Qi walked toward the direction of the wall.

Not answering that question, Ye Qi opened his robs and stretched his arms. In any case, he was prepared for this event more than a month ago.