
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 34

It was night. A moonless one. The darkness was surrounding the City Lord Mansion. It was so quiet. And most of the cultivators and fighters here were taking a nap or practice, except for those who guard outside and has job to do.

In Ye Qi's courtyard, Hongyue just finished having dinner after a full day of cultivating.

She thought it wouldn't be so late when she reaches the second star of Black Gold. Her master's method was surely better than her family's.

She walked out of her new house and stretched her back while thinking about her family back then, and what if her father has clashed with the other families.

It wouldn't matter, since Ye Qi hadn't weakened their family's forces — he just had put soul shackles on them.

Looking down at the ground, she let a long sigh, before closing the door.

"We attacked them first. Blame on father for doing that instead of trading."

She couldn't just believe that she had found an excuse for Ye Qi for the humiliation that he had put her family through. But still. He didn't humiliate them completely. And it was true. Shaking her head of the thought, she walked outside, before looking at the rest of the houses in Ye Qi's courtyard.

Using her sense as Black Gold, she could sense who are here.

Ye Qi isn't back yet, as it seems.

Shen Xiu, who was her master's first wife, was in her courtyard, sitting cross-legged and cultivating.

As much as Sikong Hongyue despised that big chest curvy woman, Shen Xiu is one of the few who can take her life with a simple hand sign.

On the other hand, there was that black-haired teenager.

It would be a good chance to strike him now since he is alone.

However, she shook her head. It wouldn't be a good idea to piss off Ye Qi. Besides, life in Glory City had been something she never thought about even in her dreams. It doesn't worth it to kill a bastard to lose that life.

As she was about to draw a small smile, her lips froze from going up.

She had some goosebumps all of the sudden.

Quickly, she turned her face and held her sword, before flapping her wings, gaining quick momentum.

She waved her sword.


The sound of metal clanging could be heard across the Glory City.

"Not bad, girl." Hissed a voice full of murderous aura.

"Who are you!"

Sikong Hongyue said, unleashing her soul force.

The man in front of her seemed to be a black Gold Fighter.

But since she had a stronger physical body, given the nature of her wings, so she didn't need to use her demon spirit yet.

"You mean, who are we?" The man, who was cloaked, smiled beneath the cloak.

Hongyue clenched her sword tightly.

"Leave us to take the life of the woman here quietly, and things would move smoothly for you, deal."

As he finished saying his words, behind him, more figures flashed.

Now, they were Six black gold spiritualists, in the first and the second stars.

On the other hand, behind them, there was some Gold Rank Fighters and demon spiritualists.

Hongyue clenched her fist. Another pair of wings grew behind her, and lightning started dancing around them as she floated.

"I refuse."

She would be out of her mind if she thought of betraying Ye Qi. Fighting them has more chances of survival. With a smirk on her face, she channelled her soul force and dashed.

Hongyue didn't notice. The demon spirit Ye Qi had given her was God Growth rate. It gave her an advantage over those who were even a couple of stars higher than her.

The assassins in black cloaks quickly merged with their demon spirits, changing their forms to the ones that were similar to demon beasts'.

They were surprised that they couldn't take Hongyue easily.

Instead, Hongyue could hold her own. Her demon spirit seemed to give her bizarre abilities. One of them was a bolt of black lightning that pierced the stomach of one of the offenders easily.

"Quickly, we will distract her. You kill the young mistress inside."

One of the black golds said his plan. He and the others surrounded Hongyue, who had lighting dancing around her.

"Scram," she said, a scratch on her clear face making appearance.

She quickly dashed to the fighters who were trying to kill Shen Xiu.

The black gold fighters stood in her way.

Hongyue snorted and made a wave of lightning leave her body, hitting them on the way.

However, somehow, they could resist the lightning by sending their soul force. They then combined their soul force and send one combined attack. Hongyue, all of the sudden, flew back and her back crushed one house, before she rested on the ground, dashing toward them again.

The black gold spiritualists snorted. With their combined force, taking her out would be easy.

However, seeing her level and young age, they thought it would be wiser to take her back to their headquarter. Someone may be interested in taking over her body. Who knows, she seems to have enough talent.

Hongyue had more scratches appearing on her skin. However, she didn't seems to give up as she kept sending lightning bolts and waving her swords at the guys who, with their combined teamwork, were able to toy with her.


The wall of one of the houses was broken. Duan Jian roared and dashed toward a group of men, opening his arms widely and pushing them back. The method of Ye Qi was divine-like, so he had more power than some fighters, as he sent a serge of his soul force hitting them.

The gold rank fighters flew back, as Duan Jian surprised them by opening his arm and pushing them back.

Duan Jian endured the punches and the combined hits on his body from them.

He clenched his fist, roared, and kept punching.

The torture he had been through his life didn't take his will down. Let alone some pity coward assassins.

Damn. One of them stabbed him with a dagger on the rib.

However, he won't stop, for the sake of Ye Qi, whom Duan Jian in his debt.

"Haa!" Duan Jian, despite only touching the edges of Gold Rank, kept punching, while his face was getting punches all over.

Very soon, from Shen Xiu's house, the wall of the house was breaking.

A huge flame left it. Duan Jian quickly jumped to the side.

The crimson fire swallowed the fighters and turned them into ashes.

Soon, Shen Xiu walked out of the house in her Sacred-flame cat form.

She had just woke up, and she was disturbed.

Shen Xiu looked around. Hongyue was on her knees, panting and fighting. It meant that the other party is black gold.

"Persist. Soon, the help will arrive."

When Black Gold fights, the city would shake from the impact of their battles.

Shen Xiu jumped up, avoiding one of the Black Gold fighters who tried to stab her, before opening her mouth and sending a fire beam at him.

"Damn it. She is awakened. We have to accomplish our mission."

The assassins knew that things may come to this. Jumping back and landing on the roof of one of the houses, they took one scroll.

Opening it, they channelled their soul force to activate it.

One of them started chanting something.

From the scrolls, the pattern of some kind of summoning array started speeding as the scroll fell on the ground.

A crack started to appear in the middle of the air.

"I won't let you," Hongyue said as she flew toward them.

"This girl is very persistent. Let me take care of her."

One guy, who was one star Black Gold said.

Hongyue seemed to be tired and injured from their earlier clashes.

It would be easy to take her out.

He jumped forward and dashed toward her.

Hongyue was aware of her situation. But she went to the clash anyway.

"What's going on."

From thin air, Ye Qi arrived.

Ye Qi, in a very quick reaction speed, which was boosted by the time which was slowed five times looked around.

Quickly, merging with his demon spirit, he dashed forward and used the blade to stab the cloaked man in his neck, before he kicked him on the ground.

Looking to the side, there was Hongyue, about to clash with him.

Ye Qi flipped and landed on the ground, avoiding the clash as he held Hongyue from the waist and grabbed her down with him.

"Master. They were trying to kill your wife. I did what I can." She said, panting.

"Good job."

Ye Qi, despite feeling shocked, looked at them.

After Hongyue's words, there was no point to argue with them.

Ye Qi quickly made a hand sign.

If one looked carefully around the mansion, one would see pillars with golden colour.

Those were pillars to hold the inscriptions of one of the most fearsome array.

With the hand sign, the Ten Thousand Demon Spirit array was activated.

Ten Demon spirits, a bear type and snake type, some spirit was a tiger wrapped in flame, appeared in forms of demon beasts.

The assassins were shocked by what they were seeing.

The scroll that they just activate took a lot of their soul force.

They couldn't even resist the movement of the demon spirits. And even if they could hit on them, nothing would happen to the spirit, since they are spirits and can come back again.

Ye Qi, with no mercy, killed them. The bear and the snake shook and bit them to death, not to mention the Bear's claws that cut two of them in half… pieces.

"Are you fine?" Ye Qi flipped back and appeared next to Hongyue and Shen Xiu.

He looked at Hongyue.

"I did what I can, to protect her. She was their target. And he got stabbed as well."

She, at first, pointed to Shen Xiu, before pointing to Duan Jian.

Duan Jian was panting. It was like he has a fever. When Ye Qi looked at his ribs, he saw a dagger, deep inside of his ribs. Jian held the grip and was about to pull it out.

"Don't take the dagger out. If you take it, you will lose blood faster. Use soul force to stop internal bleeding, and then, go to the hospital."

Ye Qi said. Duan Jian nodded, and, slowly, he put his back on the wall of one of the houses. Ye Qi looked back at Hongyue, whose face was full of scratches. Seems this girl did a good job protecting Shen Xiu.

"I will reward you later."

"Humph, I only did my job."

Sikong Hongyue turned and gave her back to Ye Qi. Ye Qi, looking at the perky big ass that faced him, sighed and felt relief.

"At least, the important parts weren't hurt."

Her cheeks turning pinks, Hongyue turned her face and stared at Ye Qi, eyes widely open.

"This. Master, I can see you. But you have to focus on other things."

She found that there is nothing with Ye Qi's insolence. When it comes to the master-servant relationship, nothing is wrong with sexual stuff between master and slave.

That what her father had been doing all the time back then with his concubines.

Her mother was even a slave to her dad as well.

So… morals are different.

"Who raised you." Ye Qi sighed.

Ye Qi, no, Josh, who came from Earth, can't even understand women from his world, let alone women in this world.

"Ye Qi. I think it's him. My broth—"

Shen Xiu was ignoring the flirtatious thing between Ye Qi and his servant. Instead, she was more focused on the facts that were in front of her. She was almost killed tonight, and it made an impact on her.

Ye Qi patted her back. She looked back at him and smiled. Ye Qi opened his eyes widely.

"What in the…" Shen Xiu felt overwhelming pressure. Such pressure usually comes from a legend rank Demon Beast.

Lifting their head, they saw a crack in the space, a door like.

From it, stepped a huge demon, covered in black scales, dark red wings.

His body was covered by fire from head to two. His head had two longhorns.

It jumped out of the cracks, a giant sword in its hand.

When the humans looked in front of them, they saw an 8 meters tall, demon.

"What in the…"

Hongyue's lips twitched. Her jaw that was dropped was shaking non-stop.

This is the first time she stands up in front of Legend rank Demon Beast, and a demon as well.

"This." Shen Xiu clapped, "The Abyss Demon!"

She couldn't believe that they summoned this to kill her.

"You know it!" Hongyue turned and yelled in Shen Xiu's direction.

"The Abyss Demon. It can be summoned through a scroll from the Abyss Realm." Ye Qi answered calmly.

He had just activated his <<Eyes of Past and Present>> and learnt what he can about the demon beast.

When Hongyue and Shen Xiu looked at him, Ye Qi calmly said, making eye contact with the giant demon beast.

"Stay back."

The Abyss Demon let out a snort. Holding his giant sword, his wing flapped as he took a step forward. His footing was melting from the heat that its body's flames generated.

"You know." The Meteoric thunder god sword appeared in Ye Qi's hand.

He pointed at the demon, gaining its attention.

Ye Qi put the grip next to his shoulder, the sword's big blade resting on his back.

The Abyss Demon paused his steps, seeing that Ye Qi has something to say.

"I always wanted to have a barbecue party. But what I was lacking is good coal. You can be a good replacement for it."

The Abyss Demon lifted its sword and waved down, creating a shock wave that shook the whole City Lord's mansion.

Ye Qi, in no time, appeared on the roof of one of the buildings, holding a rock.

That rock had a seal on it, which looked like an inscription pattern.

The Abyss Demon looked at Ye Qi's original spot, wondering if he swung his sword too strong that Ye Qi vanished.

But where the heck his blood is?

The Abyss Demon looked next to his feet, carefully. It was ready to jump at any second.

"Hey, big fella."

The Abyss Demon was called by the same annoying voice.

Looking forward, Ye Qi was playing with a rock in his hand. His other hand was forming a hand seal.

Meanwhile, many guards, fighters, appeared to run toward the location of the demon.

"Young master, run away. We are here to cover you."

The soldiers said when they looked at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi threw the rock up. It reached the sky easily.

Qi calmly looked at the soldier. "Stay back, it's an order. I got this."

If one looked down carefully, one would notice Shen Xiu crying. While Hongyue shaking. Duan Jian was just observing, not moving an inch from his spot despite being close to the clashing area.

But if one looked around, they will notice many demon spirits appearing across the City Lord's mansion.


The Abyss Demon screamed as it waved its sword. Ye Qi, who was slowing the time, could react quickly and used his Space Seal to teleport to the location of the rock, which was some hundred meters above the demon beast.

Ye Qi, while looking down at the confused demon beast, made some hand seals to active the Ten Thousand Demon Spirit array.

Very soon, while Ye Qi in the air, many demon spirits appeared.

Ye Qi decided to do various attacks.

Almost twenty demon beasts, water type, attacked the Abyss the Demon

Ye Qi could tell that water was annoying for it. However, it vaporised as soon as it hit its body.

"Alright, time to test lightning."

Ye Qi made another hand seal.

There were more than 300 demon spirits with lightning attributed.

And one of the array functions is to use them to generate lightning.

Using the combined strength of the demon spirits, Ye Qi made another hand seal. From the sky, a great lightning bolt descended and cut the arm of the Abyss Demon.


The Abyss Demon yelled, showing his weakness was lightning.

Ye Qi was only thirty meters above it. Quickly, making another hand sign, Ye Qi made the ten thousand spirits attack the demon. The demon waved his sword. But whenever he kills a spirit, it comes back, and the others would attack it from its back.

While it was roaring, Ye Qi sent more lightning bolts, and he noticed that lightning was its weakness.

Ye Qi entered the void form.

The Abyss Demon was distracted by the damage the lightning and the ten thousand demon spirit were doing to him.

He didn't notice that Ye Qi appeared behind him, the thunder sword held tightly by his hands.

The demon spirits with the lightning attribute transferred it's lightning to the Thunder Sword.

Channelling his sword intent and soul force, the sword shone in blue light, and Ye Qi waved it.

"Ha… Ha…"

Ye Qi flipped back and landed on the ground, on his knee.

'What a consuming sword.' Ye Qi smirked as he looked at his blue sword.

The demon spirits vanished to thin air.

"Master!" Hongyue yelled as she extended her hand. She looked at Ye Qi. Behind him, the abyss demon was standing and is about to cut him.

"Yes." Ye Qi looked forward.

"Be careful," Hongyue yelled as she dashed and was to pull him.

However, as she hugged him to lift him, Ye Qi didn't budge from his spot.

"What are you doing. It's over." Ye Qi said.

"Over?" Still hugging him to her body, Hongyue looked at the Demon, which was opening its eyes widely.

something happened that made all the guards around open their eyes in awe.

The Abyss Demon's head slowly started sliding on its neck, before it fell on the ground, followed by its body.

Ye Qi didn't move his head from her chest. Surprisingly, her neck's skin felt so soft.

'This is what I'm living for.' Ye Qi thought.

However, if this got longer, the situation would get awkward, as Ye Ziyun was running toward him.

"Hongyue, I can stand up."

"Oh. I apologise."

"No need to apologise, thank you." Ye Qi said. She opened her eyes widely, just like Shen Xiu.

Ye Qi continued. "For stalling the assassins for me."

But still, Hongyue's eyes were widely opened. Ye Qi decided to ignore her. He took some elixirs from his storage ring and drank them in one gulp. Soon, his soul force was regenerating.

"Take Duan Jian to the doctor."

Ye Qi turned to the abyss demon beast.

Its body, some of it is not destroyed or burned.

Even a part of it is still having its flame.

"A legend rank demon beast…"

He seemed to think about something. This demon beast, despite not being fast for a Legend rank spirit, its body was so tough. One can easily tell that. Even after many demon spirits attacking it, it still stood up high and fought.

"It has a strong body. Fire barely hurt it." Ye Qi opened his eyes widely. Wasn't he just, a few days ago, looking for a Legend rank Demon beast. And now, an Abyss Demon from the Abyss realm — a parallel world — came to him on a silver plate.

"Leave the body. I need to see its blood."

"Ye Qi!"

Ye Qi was still focusing on the body that he almost ignored the purple-haired stunning beauty that was hugging him strongly.

Ye Ziyun was afraid of her fiancee.

"I'm fine."

Ye Qi said, his face not at her, but his hand patting her hair.

Ye Qi smirked. 'Time to have Legend rank toughness and strength'


Shen Hong massaged his template, not knowing how to deal with the report he has in his hands.

Last night, he had sent a group of Black Gold elders mixed from his family and the Dark Guild to kill his sister.

However, they measurably failed and got themselves killed.

Not only so, but they had summoned the Abyss Demon from Abyss Realm.

One must know that Demon is very strong physically and has a flame that compared to the hell's itself.

However, it did no damage, and they managed to kill it.

Shen Hong looked in front of him, toward one of the assassins that had managed to escape from the City Lord's mansion.

This guy, for sure, had given back some essential reports.

the brother of his rival, Ye Xiu, has broken through, reached Legend Rank.

This thing would stand in the middle of his dreams of controlling the Glory City.

Now, the Snow Wind Family has two Legend Rank, and Ye Mo is one of them, which makes it harder.

"Shen Xiu, for sure, would tell them about us."

Shen Hong muttered as he put his hands behind his back.

He was thinking about the future.

Would he just look while his plan would fail?


Ye Xiu just had broken through.

Meanwhile, if Shen Hong isn't wrong, the Dark Guild has their legends and treasures. Not to mention, the Demon Lord himself.

"So, is there more?"

Shen Hong asked the assassin calmly, his eyes scanning the poor man.

"No patriarch. We have done our best. Yet. That young master of the Snow Wind Family, somehow, could summon demon spirits and kill the Abyss demon with a lightning bolt from the sky."

The man didn't seem to lie. However, this information was a bit hard for Shen Hong to accept.

For real. Is there someone who can summon demon spirits?

Shaking his head, Shen Hong believed that it was just a lie from the man, an excuse, so he won't get punished.

"Saying nonsense only makes things worse."

Shen Hong raised his hand and made a hand seal.

In no time, the soul left the body of the assassin, leaving him to death.

Shen Hong merged with his spirit and shot a very hot flame from his palm, burning the corpse of the man into ashes.

"What a bad smell."

Shen Hong waved his hand in front of his nose, thinking about a solution for his situation.

He, as a Black Gold and a leader, knows that one must think out of the bubble.

Shen Xiu wouldn't cover for a brother who would kill her.

However, that didn't mean he is hopeless.

"Shen Ming."

He called one of the trusted subordinates, the main affair elders.

Despite the main affair elders being weak, he was still reliable.

The main affairs elders entered the room and kneeled in front of Shen Hong.

"Did you call me, sir?"

"Yes. How things progress with Ye Han and the elder Ye Rong."

"As you ordered, we killed the Black Gold Ye Rong." Shen Ming said. "Ye Han is left to go back to Glory City, just like you ordered. Since we killed his only supporter to the City Lord seat, he would start scheming and weaken the family from inside. This is the plan all along?"


Shen Hong rubbed his beard, nodding that the main affairs elder got it right.

"Change in the plan." Shen Hong continued. "We are going to kidnap him and use him as a potential hostage in case things went bad. Meanwhile, contact the Dark Guild. We need to move soon if we are going to take over the Glory City."

That what Shen Hong's new plan is.

Ye Han, even though he was adopted, to the City Lord, was like a real son.

Even the City's lord daughter, Ye Ziyun, doesn't get as much attention as her foster brother.

Originally, Shen Hong was planning to leave him for the sake of weakening the Snow Wind Family.

However, now, plans changed.

"As you order."

Shen Ming stood up, a drop of sweat descended from his forehead to his chin, before falling.

Things are heating up.

The plan with Dark Guild. Those guys were scarier than the lunatic patriarch.

Dark Guild won't even hesitate to send a Demon Horde to destroy the Glory City.

Sometimes, Shen Ming would wonder what in the hell the dark guild has against the Glory City.

Can't they just let people live in peace while eating and working?

But no way of that.

As Shen Ming was suppressing his urge to sigh on his way out, someone entered from the door, his face full of sweat.


He called as he threw himself to the ground, his face full of sweat.

Shen Ming recognised this guy.

He was one of Shen Fei's bodyguards.

Shen Fei, last night, was supposed to spend his time in a brothel, as a stress reliever after his injuries.

However, the guards are here now, however, Shen Fei isn't here.

"What happened!"

Shen Hong said loudly, his eyes opened widely.

"Young Master is…"

The bodyguard said with tears in his eyes.

He continued. "He is dead! We found his neck severed by a blade. We suspect that one of the prostitutes got him off guard." The guard sniffed. "We should have done our job. But young master never let us inside with ihm in brothels…"

While the man was saying his excuses, Shen Hong was non-attention to that.

"Shen Fei." Shen Hong murmured, shocked. "Dead? My son?"

He felt that the world was flipping on him.

Flashes of Shen Fei, from the day he was a baby, to the day he grew and appeared to be a genius, and then to the days he reached Silver Rank appeared in Shen Hong's eyes.

His heir, who he had been proud of, is dead.

Panting, Shen Hong opened his eyes widely, lifted his head, and roared as loud as he can.

Because of his cultivation base, his yell was heard by almost half of everyone in Glory City, a tear leaving his eyes.

"Patriarch, calm down." Shen Ming tried to approach his leader, but a soul force field prevented him from doing so.

The man who was in front of Shen Hong wasn't so lucky.

"My son!"

Yelling, Shen Hong slammed the man with his palm.

The head, because of the strong soul force, exploded and the brain scattered across the room.

Shen Ming crossed his arms, unable to resist the huge soul force.