
TDG: Midnight Sun

Born into the royal family of the Clarity Lands, Li Solis Vernum is expected to uphold expectations as the emperor’s son. As one of six siblings, the fight for the throne is inevitable with the crave for power intensifying as they grow older. News came to the palace, stating that Solis had been a traitor all along, and was executed for treason. Now a decade later, Solis has returned. The throne is no longer at the forefront of his mind, but finding out the truth of who framed him and his Lunar Knights.

Houvdon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Solis III

"Hello Sir Sol!" Michael's energic voice filled Solis's ears.

"Good morning." His reply was curt, contrasting Michael's cheerful greeting. He immediately headed for the area where Michael had recommended to him.


Solis turned his head to look at his fellow scholar.

"Have you seen the date for the scholar's exam?"

"Oh?" His eyebrows turned upward. "So soon?"

Michael nodded. "Yes, so long as you take it and pass, you will be granted a title and live luxuriously in West Clarity! It'll take place in two months, so you should study hard!"

Solis sighed. "Indeed. Two months is not much time."

"If I may ask Sir Sol, you have been reading these specific texts rather thoroughly for the past couple of days. I can see you are very dedicated to these books. However, these aren't the texts that are typically read by beginners. Instead of reading poetry and the history of West Clarity, you read court cases as well as each minister's history."

Solis gave a small smile. "That is true. I simply believe that I am better suited to reading these cases rather than poetry."

"I see. Well, if you need anything, I'll be where I usually am."

"Oh Michael, I have a few questions for you regarding something I read."

"Go for it." Michael turned back around, his brow raised.

"The case of the Third Prince. Is there no record of it here?"

Michael's eyes widened as he cast a quick look around them. "That is-" He bit his lip as he muttered under his breath. "It would be best to not mention the Third Prince so lightly. It is a very sensitive subject for not just the Inner Palace, but the entire world itself."

The short male ushered Solis into a dark corner. He spoke in a hushed tone, his eyes darting back to the doorway to make sure he stopped talking when someone entered.

"The Third Prince was deemed a traitor a decade ago. All investigations and material related to him have been burned due to his betrayal. Merely mentioning his name is a crime."

"I see. No wonder why I couldn't find any material about him."

"Even his name has been removed from all texts. All official documents say that His Majesty, the Emperor, only has five children. It would be best to stop searching now before you get yourself into deep trouble and face execution for treason."

"But what was his name, do you remember?"

"He was a formidable warrior from what I remember. My memory isn't too great, since I only heard about him when I was younger. He had the greatest of achievements in the battlefield despite commanding the Lunar Knights, an army that mainly consisted of strong commoners instead of nobles that bought their way in. His name was Li Solis Vernum, the God of War, the Crimson Dragon-"

"-but he was most known for being the Blazing Phoenix, a name given to him when he rose from the ashes during the Great War."

Solis's brown eyes seemed to glow in the light.


"No memorial huh?" Solis stood at the front of the cemetery.

Buried in front of him were all the members of the Knights. Sectioned off separately were the Dusk Knights and the Star Knights.

There were only two, because the third section had been completely removed following the events of ten years prior.

All because of one person's name, Li Solis Vernum, General of the Lunar Knights, did centuries of service by one group become undermined. Graves and bodies were completely destroyed, legacies and honor were tainted.

He clenched his fist in anger. Where did it go wrong?

What did he do to warrant his and his soldier's execution?

The sound of feet shuffling broke his thoughts.

"Excuse me."

He had to reel in his expression. While he was fully expecting to encounter her soon, he didn't expect to run into her in the Cemetery of Knights. He had planned to pass the written scholar exam, and then message her as an official.

Solis bowed. "Your Highness."

Li Terra Finxit stood in front of him, studying him. "You do not look like a knight from this country. You do not belong here."

He lowered his head even further. "Please forgive my rudeness. I am not a knight, I am merely a lowly scholar that was attempting to see the legacies of those who gave their life to allow me to read texts."

The Second Princess didn't give him a second look. "Do not block the entrance next time."

"Your subject shall obey Your Highness."

"Do not disturb anyone. Leave as soon as possible. This is not a place for you to linger." Terra barked her orders before disappearing behind the gates.

Solis exhaled in relief.

The brief exchange meant that Terra, the most caring of the six royal siblings, did not recognize him as Li Solis Vernum. If he was able to fool her of all people, he really could become Sir Sol Tenebris, rather than the criminal Li Solis Vernum.

He let out a small smile.

His plans would proceed smoothly.


A knock sounded against the door. Solis's ears perked and he listened carefully for the pattern.

Two taps, a pause, and then a single rap.


The servant that had entered bowed. "His Highness has received your message. He has confirmed that he will lead an attack on the day of the scholar's exam in two months."

"I see…"

"He has also informed me to tell you that he cannot send a messenger bird. If there is anything to send to him, he would prefer you would tell me."

"Oh?" Solis's brow raised. "Rafael is currently being watched?"

"Indeed. Despite his accomplishments in war due to your advice, he is being suspected of having malicious intent. He cannot respond personally to any of your messages."

The former Prince turned his eyes to look at the texts laid on his desk. "You may leave. Tell Rafael to beware of even his closest aids."

The messenger between Solis and Rafael left the second the last word left his lips. As the door shut, Solis's gaze lingered on the wood.

He recalled the lack of a memorial for the Lunar Knights. He gritted his teeth as he furrowed his brow in rage. "Despite everything we gave, they still left not a single remnant of us?"

He exhaled, calming his heavy heart. "Phase one has already started. I've infiltrated West Clarity, and it is within time where I become an influential figure again. The most likely candidates for our downfall…"

His voice trailed off. Rather than speaking it out loud, he finished the names in his head.

Ervalion, Minister of Justice.

Creoxoli, Minister of Rites.

Li Vezerantai Stella, the Fifth Prince of West Clarity.

The three of them were the only ones that could've had enough influence to bring down the entirety of the Lunar Knights, an essential part of the empire's military force, as well as the Third Prince.

It was time to utterly destroy the ones that attempted to exterminate him.


Li ██████, the Emperor of West Clarity

Li Tempus Ruptor, the First Prince.

Li Terra Finxit, the Second Princess.

Li Solis Vernum, the Third Prince.

Li ███████ ████████, the Fourth Prince.

Li Vezerantai Stella, the Fifth Prince.

Li ████ █████, the Sixth Princess.

"Who from this list do you think is worthy of the throne?"

The parchment was set down, as the two figures continued their chess match.

"All seven of them have their own pros and cons. I wonder, which one would be the best candidate to rule?"

"Li Terra Finxit would be the obvious choice. Her kindness and compassion is a trait that most rulers lack. Having such feelings of empathy will win over the hearts of her people."

"But she is not fit to rule. Li Tempus Ruptor, on the other hand, is someone who loves his people but would not let personal feelings get in the way of his decisions."

"He lacks the ability to empathize with his people despite his love for them. It is a contradiction that is a fatal flaw for him to possess as the Crown Prince. This is also why Li Solis Vernum would not be acceptable on the throne with his lack of love towards anyone but himself. He could fool those around him, but he cannot avoid our eyes."

The one moving the black pieces chuckled. "I also see there are only seven people, the Imperial Family. Each of these children are too flawed to become the ruler of West Clarity."

"Was there someone else on your mind that was not one of those born from the current Emperor?" The one moving the silver pieces tilted their head in inquiry.

It tapped the parchment, and words appeared on the paper as if the text had been written with a brush.


██ ████ ██████, future Empress.

"She has the potential to rule not just West Clarity, but all of Clarity far better than anyone else."


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