
TDG: Midnight Sun

Born into the royal family of the Clarity Lands, Li Solis Vernum is expected to uphold expectations as the emperor’s son. As one of six siblings, the fight for the throne is inevitable with the crave for power intensifying as they grow older. News came to the palace, stating that Solis had been a traitor all along, and was executed for treason. Now a decade later, Solis has returned. The throne is no longer at the forefront of his mind, but finding out the truth of who framed him and his Lunar Knights.

Houvdon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Solis IV

"The scholarly exam begins tomorrow!"

Newspapers spread around like a wildfire as the day for the exam grew closer. Just a little under a week ago, there was some anticipation. However, it seemed to be blown out of the water.

"There certainly is a lot of excitement this year." Michael chuckled as he looked around. "Much more than the previous years."

"Perhaps there is something unusual about this year's exam? Either the population of scholars or the difficulty of the test?"

Michael shook his head. "Maybe it really is just the volume of people taking the exam. Every exam that takes place, all scholars need to retake said exam. This of course, means it is possible to get an abundant amount of passing grades. The scaling is then adjusted to compensate for the increase of intelligent men in West Clarity."

"So there will always be a set number of scholars that are nationally recognized?"

"Exactly. That's why despite me already being a scholar, I am still taking the exam."

"But judging from the size of the examinees, that must mean the end score of the exam must be extremely high." Solis finished Michael's thoughts for him.

Michael nodded. "Yes, you must score a very high score Sir Sol. I will be waiting for your results."

Solis gave a small smirk. "I must say, I too, expect you to pass. You've already been a scholar for the last two years, you can't lose out to a new one like me."

The shorter man gave a loud laugh. "I accept your challenge."

"Oh!" Michael's brows raised as he remembered something. "I heard that Second Princess Finxit will be personally overseeing the examination."

"What?" Solis widened his eyes. "Her Highness?"

From what Solis had gathered, the Second Princess never paid too much attention to the overall system that selected the intellectuals of her country despite her involvement with gathering the materials for her people to study.

So why would she personally attend to watch over an exam that would last for hours if she held no personal connection to the scholars?

"Strange isn't it? It just puts even more pressure on us."

Solis opened his mouth, about to reply-

The galloping of horses interrupted, and both men turned to the rather loud riders.

"Those are the Star Knights!" The common people were in an uproar upon seeing the well-renowned Star Knights.

The war horses stomped on the ground.

It was only a small squad, but anyone would recognize what kind of group they were from their leader.

At the lead was a woman, her coat flowing outwards behind her as she did not wear the sleeves of said garment. The sheer whiteness of her outfit was enough to attract attention as if the beauty she possessed was not enough for eyes to turn her way.

Anyone that lived within Western Clarity knew her.

Solis had only seen her with a glance, just a couple months before. If it were possible, she seemed to radiate even more beauty and grace than the last time he saw her.

Aurora Yi'Ung and her Star Knights headed to the palace.

"The General herself will be protecting the scholars? This is a first."

"There must be a large concern for safety if the General herself is here. The amount of people taking the exam truly must be out of the ordinary, so His Majesty wishes to have the greatest security for Her Highness." Solis surmised.

"But still, to bring Princess Yi'Ung herself when there are rumors of movement from Eastern Clarity is a strange decision. His Majesty must be confident in the defenses to bring our strongest General to this event."

"His Majesty is wise. His decisions are just, and his thoughts contain more foretelling than even the greatest scholar." Solis's eyes shined with a hint of emotion. "All we can do is believe in His Majesty."


"Welcoming, Princess Yi'Ung!"

Emperor Li turned his attention from his son and daughter onto the recently arrived Princess. "Ah, Aurora, there you are!"

Aurora knelt, the ends of the coat wrapped around her touching the silk carpet. "Your Majesty."

"Thank you for answering my call. I see you have brought your strongest Knights with you." The Emperor motioned his hand at the group of knights kneeling a short distance behind Aurora.

"Indeed. This is the Zero Division of the Star Knights. They are all personally selected by me to serve by my side as the Sword of His Majesty whenever he sees fit."

Emperor Li let out a laugh. "No need for these formalities. I trust your judgement as well as your power. If I ask you to keep the temple secure, it will be secure."

"Thank you for your praise."

"I merely wanted to see how you were doing." He gave a soft smile. "Now that I see you, I am relieved by your health. You may go."

Aurora bowed deeply, but just as she was about to stand, the Emperor gave out one last command. "If need be, I permit you to use your Sacred Artifact."

Tempus and Terra's eyes both widened. They turned, as if expecting their father to have misspoke.

Aurora herself was surprised, her heart skipping a beat. For the Emperor himself to grant her permission to use a weapon that can cause immense danger for everyone around her must mean he was confident in something happening.

"As you command." Her head lowered in submission.

"Do not disappoint me." His brown eyes shined with anticipation as he leaned back into his chair.

The Princess gave a final bow before leaving.

"Father, why did you permit her to-"

"Something will happen tomorrow." He cut off Tempus's words, picking up his pen. "I am certain that despite the increase in security, those who wish to threaten peace will take action during the exam."

"Is this because of my presence?" Terra tilted her head.

"No, they would have taken action even if you had not volunteered to watch the exam." His eyes turned hooded as he seemed to gaze into something distant, his eyes glowing a dull purple. "There would be no other reason for the increase of those who wish to become scholars besides wanting to mask their trail."

"Be ready, my children. I will allow you to release your Sacred Artifact. We will stop these rebels before they manage to even get past the first phase of their plan."


"Tell Rafael that he must not be discovered at all costs. He cannot launch an attack tomorrow like the original plan. General Yi'Ung and Second Princess Finxit will both be on the premises."

The messenger bowed and left.

Solis squinted his eyes at the candle that was lit on the table. He hadn't expected Aurora to arrive, and he certainly had not expected Terra to be in the vicinity.

It threw off his plans completely. He would have to proceed with even more caution.

If both Aurora and Terra were to be there, that must mean Tempus would also be there. As the Crown Prince, it was his responsibility that both his sister and the General of West Clarity would be protected by himself.

Facing all three of them would be hard for Rafael, the pride of East Clarity.

If Sol Tenebris were to be discovered to have ties with Rafael, he would be executed for collusion with an enemy territory, one that West Clarity would have a conflict with in the future.

That was the reason for Solis's warning to Rafael. East Clarity's Crown Prince would certainly understand his message.

He could not risk ten years of vengeance being wasted in a single day.

Solis gritted his teeth. Who could have predicted this would happen? Who could have intercepted his plans?

He must pass the exam tomorrow. Getting a rank was the most important thing right now. His plans involving East Clarity would come later.

He leaned back, closing his eyes.

Just a few more months, and then he could truly start his revenge.


"Good look Sir Sol!"

"Good luck Michael."

The two men tapped their fists together in encouragement. Solis gave a grin, but even he felt unsure.

"Please prepare to enter." The commanding tone of Terra silenced all that stood outside the gates of the temple.

The heavy steel that loosely resembled gates opened widely. "Make sure to enter with your names written on the card we have handed to you. You will be given a number that will tell you which seat to sit at."

Solis looked upon the gates, his brown eyes narrowing at his former blood sister. Standing behind her was Aurora, her knights spread across the entire temple.

It will start here.


"The exam will now start."

Immediately, they all got to writing. There was no time to waste.

Solis silently prayed that Rafael had gotten his message. The knights all stood attentively near the jade walls of the temple, stretching themselves out to be evenly spaced.

It would be impossible to penetrate and attack with Terra, Tempus, and Aurora all standing guard near the front of the temple.

The time passed as he answered each question, skipping a few to go back to when he thought of a solid answer.

"Thirty minutes until the exam ends."

He blinked back into reality. Solis hadn't realized that an hour and a half had already passed since he started working on the test.

Indeed, Rafael had heeded his words and retreated-

A man burst into the temple. "There is a rebel-!"

The entrance became a sea of flames.


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