
TDG: Midnight Sun

Born into the royal family of the Clarity Lands, Li Solis Vernum is expected to uphold expectations as the emperor’s son. As one of six siblings, the fight for the throne is inevitable with the crave for power intensifying as they grow older. News came to the palace, stating that Solis had been a traitor all along, and was executed for treason. Now a decade later, Solis has returned. The throne is no longer at the forefront of his mind, but finding out the truth of who framed him and his Lunar Knights.

Houvdon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Solis II

Solis observed the buildings around him.

"Nothing has changed. Everything looks the same as before. I don't know whether to feel relieved, or concerned." Solis wrapped the cloak tighter against his form, feeling as if he were exposed.

He snapped the reins of his horse as he started to speed up from the slow walking he was doing originally. There was no need to sightsee if everything was the same as it used to be.

As of right now, he was an unknown. He had no rank within the empire of West Clarity, so he had to find a place to stay to raise his rank slowly.

He furrowed his brow, dismounting his steed. He pulled his horse to the side as he walked to the left through an alleyway.

He was originally going to head to the recruitment center, but changed directions to head for the library. Instead of becoming a part of the Star Knights like he originally intended, he would choose to become a scholar.

Li Solis Vernum becoming one with poetry and literature? The idea of that was so laughable since he was known to be a warrior.

This was for the better. The less he followed his old dynamics, the more his true identity would remain hidden.

Besides, whether to follow Aurora Yi'Ung as a Star Knight, or to follow Terra Finxit as a scholar, neither choice mattered. Both paths were a way for him to rapidly promote.

He headed towards the records building near the home of Li Terra Finxit, Second Princess of Royal Li House.


The first book he opened, he had to hold back a groan.

Despite his effort in trying to hide himself as much as possible, he didn't know if he could do it. His hands were meant to wield blades, not read books as a hobby. Having to open and read written text on paper is something he couldn't ever do for an extended period of time.

He cursed under his breath. He closed the book and placed it back onto the shelf.

Solis paused, his hand remaining outstretched as he turned his head to face the presence he felt.

"I'm surprised you noticed me." A scholar stepped out from behind a bookshelf. "This is my first time seeing you here. Are you new?"

Solis nodded. "Yes actually. My name is Sol Tenebris."

"Such a glorious sounding name, but it doesn't sound elegant enough to be a royal."

He had to keep the smirk from appearing on his face. "My Father was overly ambitious when he named me. He wanted me to become a known figure in the capital of West Clarity."

"My name is Michael, it is a pleasure to meet you Sol."

They bowed respectfully to each other. Solis mentally noted Michael's rather short stature.

"If I were to recommend something to study, I wouldn't be on this shelf. Only those very proficient in the most philosophical of texts would be in this section. For newer scholars, I would actually go to the other side of the library."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure. It is only right for us scholars to properly guide each other due to the Second Princess's kindness in granting us this building in the first place."

Solis froze. "Does the Second Princess come often?"

Michael nodded. "Her Royal Highness makes sure the shelves are always full of the newest books. She treats those that don't bear blades rather well."

"I see."

Michael rubbed his chin. "Now that I think about it, you look pretty strong for a scholar. Your body looks like one even the strongest of knights would envy. Are you sure you don't want to become a knight?"

He chuckled his head. "I will leave the option open in case I am unable to become a scholar. Thank you for the help Michael."

He crossed the open doorway, casting a look outside as he did so.

He practically leapt the remaining distance that was needed to be hidden inside of the building so he wouldn't be seen from the outside.

Solis recognized those features that were just meters away from the entrance of the building. Those dark brown eyes and long black hair to the robes she wore hide her feminine features, so similar to how she was dressed in the past. He remembered everything about her.

He waited a few seconds, wanting Aurora to pass by the building before he continued moving to the section of the building that Michael had directed him to.

Solis only then realized his reaction and cursed himself. He looked far too suspicious due to him not wanting to face Aurora.

He cast a look around but nobody noticed his strange movements.

He let out a sigh of relief.

Solis remembered Aurora and Terra were never close in the past. So why was Aurora here in Terra's territory?


"This is a surprise Princess Yi'Ung. You have not visited me in years."

Aurora bowed in greeting to Terra.

"I apologize for my sudden appearance. I have an urgent question for you."

"Oh? And what of the matter that you needed to delay Father's summon? Did you not ignore it to answer his call?"

"I...have not taken care of it yet." Aurora hesitated in telling the truth. "I actually came to ask you a question."

"Oh?" Terra raised an eyebrow, rising from her seat. The ends of her blue dress fell neatly to the ground. "You came all the way here for a single question?"


The Princess gestured towards her guest. "Stay. My brother will be coming soon, but I can entertain both of you. I do not wish for you to waste your time by coming only for a short time."

"I do not wish to waste both Your Highness and His Highness's days."

"Even if you are not a part of the Royal Family, you are still an important general of Southern Clarity. It was due to your efforts on the battlefield that us in Western Clarity managed to take back what is rightfully ours."

"I was only carrying out my orders. Eastern Clarity had been overstepping their boundaries, attempting to expand their borders and intrude on West Clarity."

Terra nodded in agreement. "They had not only taken South Clarity, but they also reclaimed control of the independent North Clarity within the last few years."

Aurora frowned. "I found it strange as well. Why would East Clarity suddenly start to actively seek out more territory? They have been content with what they currently had for the last few generations, but suddenly they conquer both North and South Clarity?"

"It is indeed strange. Because of their violation of the peace treaties, we were forced to claim South Clarity under the protection of Western Clarity. While we did impede on the South's freedom, Father has assured me that he will continue to treat them as an independent country rather than one of our own."

Aurora nodded as the Second Princess. "Yes, the letters I receive from my commanders say that the people are safe now that they are not under the looming fear of East Clarity's armies invading."

"That is reassuring to hear. As a member of the Royal Family, I must thank you General Yi'Ung."

"It is nothing. It is what I must do to keep the promise of the Four Imperial Families."

Terra winced slightly. "Yes, the promise of the Four Imperial Families must be upheld. So long as the four territories of Clarity remain separate, it will honor the efforts our families have put into forgetting their differences."

She shook her head. "Anyway, your question. I am assuming you wished to ask it in private considering how you made sure to arrive before my brother came."

Aurora blinked. Terra seemed to have wanted to change the subject rather quickly. It was strange, but the Yi'Ung couldn't fault her.

War was never something that Terra wished for.

"My marriage status. What do you think of it?"

"Oh? Is this about what Father brought up earlier? You could have simply sent a messenger bird. You had no need to come in person for that."

"The Crown Prince brought up my former betrothed."

Terra's expression froze. Her lips that were turned upwards slightly practically shot downwards as her brow furrowed in confusion.

"I see...but what does he have to do with your current situation?"

"The Crown Prince is wise. However, as much as we hate to admit it, he is far from observant in the matters of women. If even he is able to see my attachment to someone from almost a decade ago, I wonder who else will know?"

Terra shook her head. "Aurora, that matter has already been resolved. You have been pardoned from any suspicion as well as any connection to him. Your current position as General should already reaffirm your role and dismiss all concerns about your former fiancee as nothing but baseless rumors."

Aurora could only sit and listen.

"Your past will not affect the search for your future husband. In fact, if it were to, I am sure Father will punish said man that refuses you because of a mere rumor. He considers you one of his precious children."

She gave a weak smile. "Thank you for your words Terra. I can't help but feel guilty over what had happened."

"It is in the past. While I occasionally wonder if anything could have changed, I don't think thinking about it would do any of us good. It is better to let the past die."

Aurora nodded slowly. "But still...you lost one of your siblings on that day."

"And I gained one. While I may have lost one of my dearest brothers, I have gained one of my dearest sisters." Terra gave a small warm smile to Aurora. "Do not blame yourself. It was deemed that they were traitors of this world, so they are traitors."

"Do you honestly believe it?"

"Of course not. My third brother will never betray us." Terra confidently said. "However, it is all we can believe. Whether or not they truly betrayed the Royal Family can never be confirmed so long as everyone sweeps it under the rug. I wholeheartedly believe in my brother and the people I knew in the Lunar Knights."

"You have no interest in opening an investigation to find out the truth?"

"Despite my belief in them, I cannot believe anyone in this palace. We all know the Lunar Knights were frowned upon compared to the Star Knights and Dusk Knights, despite the backing the Lunar Knights had in the army due to the Solis's, Third Prince's, presence. My brother's authority still paled in comparison to the Dusk Knights that were commanded by Father himself. Asking for an investigation for that case will put a target on my back and lower my standing with my Father."

"So it's more of you wish to ascend the throne with no controversial issues than something actually stopping you?"

Terra sighed. "You of all people should understand me. I am not the first in line to the throne, that belongs to my brother Tempus. I wish to take the throne, as do my remaining three siblings. All five of us are trying to become the ruler of West Clarity, and anything we do that Father doesn't agree with will ruin our chances of seizing authority."

She turned so her brown eyes locked into Aurora's own. "Our relationship will not impact my decision. Perhaps when I obtain the throne, I will have my men investigate the events that led to Third Brother's death. Until then, I will follow Father and his decision."

"You truly wish to become officially a part of the race for the throne?"

"Of course. All six of us wanted the throne, whether my youngest siblings admit it or not. But after what happened with Third Brother, the younger ones have stopped giving any effort for the throne. There are now only three people still aiming for the throne, Tempus, myself, and my fourth brother."

Terra blinked, as if breaking out a trace. Her eyes turned distant, seeming to look past the walls of the room.

Terra stood, ending their discussion. "I am afraid that my brother is here. If you wish to join us, you may do so. Otherwise you are free to leave."

Just as she remarked on Tempus's arrival, a voice reverberated through the halls, announcing the presence of First Prince Tempus Ruptor.

Aurora bowed to Terra's retreating back, choosing to leave through the back door rather than cross paths with Tempus through the front.


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