

Now Art will be stronger and more skillful, I laminate. Now I will have to act even more jealous, and hardworking to catch up.

Later that night at the dinner table. Our dad had a smug smile and our mom seemed a little helpless.

"Hehe, alright boys starting tomorrow we will start your official training—" he spoke before being interrupted by our mom.

"And you will begin your studies, no training until after lessons." She spoke with a stern stare at our father and gentle gaze toward us.

I just pouted then screamed flailing my arms about. " I wanna bee ana magie! Achtcher! How to bee a magie?!"

My mom giggled, while my brother cringed. Thankfully dad spoke. "Loki being a mage takes time. If you want to be a mage you have to grow up to be a big strong boy. That's why we will be training starting tomorrow, so you can grow up big and strong faster."

"But-but I wanna be ana magie now!" I pouted.

Alice smiled warmly, giving me heat pats, "you'll be a magie real soon Loki, until then become a strong swordsman."

And so days passed, Arther and I woke up early, I acted all excited and jumpy. But instantly was depressed at the school work. Arther also seemed annoyed by it. Acting like a genius he flew through the work, while I acted slow and stupid. Though I could tell he tried to slow down a little to stay with me.

And Alice noticed, smiling warmly at Arts act of thoughtfulness. Later Reynolds took us to do some minor conditioning, the swordsmanship.

Arther seemed fine with the conditioning, but once we got to the swordsmanship practice it seemed he just wanted to start cultivating again.

So he quickly ended a little spar against our father, before going back inside to meditate. 

Watching Arther walk away, Rey sighed. Then looked back at me, and get determined to have some fun with me.

He felt that Arther was too much of a genius, and it was making him mature faster than normal kids, and he didn't like it that much. So he resolved himself to spend more time with him and be more committed toward time with his kids.

And the first step of that was to help Loki become more skilled to keep up with his brother.

A few weeks later, Arther was annoyed with all the school work, and decided to plow through it, to spend more time cultivating. I acted all jealous and more determined to work hard for this stupid school stuff.

Conditioning and sparing was normal, Arther caught up to me in conditioning, and is now about to start passing me, further fueling my desire to work hard.

Our parents could see it and was a bit worried about it, and felt bad for all the pressure I put on myself.

I was beginning to feel bad faking all this. But now it was kinda real, it all just looked amplified since I'm a toddler.

I couldn't keep up with Arther's fast growing strength. Though I got back some confidence in our spars. Arther kept messing up, trying to relearn all his advanced techniques. So I was able to win sometimes and even look better, causing my cute pride to be unleashed in its full glory.

My parents also started to notice me act more like Arther or mimicking him more. Especially when Arther started meditating, I tried too under the idea that I'd become a mage faster like this. 

Arther wasn't sure it would work even though he knew it was possible, he also didn't know how to help me, even though he had some theories.

He also felt bad, for being reincarnated and sorta messing up what he thought as a family, and was a little self conscious. 

He didn't suspect me at all it seemed. 

Arther never had any suspicions that Loki was also reincarnated. But swore to treat the family he was forced into as more than a family, and repay them when he grows up and gets stronger.

A few months went by…

We were all sitting at the dining table, eating our dinner. When Rey broke the silence seemingly a little frustrated. "Honey… I think we should get the boys a proper mentor—"

"What!!" Mom spoke slamming the table. Before all hell broke loose between our parents' argument.

An hour later of non stop arguments. Reynolds gets and idea and look at Arther and I. "You too have a say in this as well, do you want to go to a big city and have a real teacher."

I didn't know what to say, but acted all panicked, Alice was going to take advantage of that, but before she could Arther spoke up looking all cute. "Can't mommy and daddy come meet the teacher."

Stunning them both, I breathed a sigh of relief and continued eating. I made sure to eat extra food each meal, in hope of becoming stronger faster.

They them broke out in laughter, I looked up courisly. Even though I already knew the outcome.

"I guess we didn't really think of that." Rey speaks in between chuckles.

"Yeah, I'd also like to meet the teacher." My mom got in.

"Alright then it's settled, we're going to Xyrus city." My dad declared.

This trip to the floating Xyrus city, the capital of the human kingdom, was a three week long journey from the town we were staying in.

I didn't realize it, but we were actually leaving the next day. It seems our parents' old adventuring group has been in the area for a while now, I thought they left after they helped rebuild our cabin, once Arther destroyed it. But it seems not.

I wish I had some more time before we left, but I guess it's fine.

The next day. I was especially tired not being able to snooze a little. Thankfully our parents woke up early, made breakfast and packet our bags.

Unfortunately I had to carry my bag myself. I showed my displeasure. 

"Don't worry Loki dear, you only need to carry it to the carriage." My most spoke encouraging.

So with bread in hand and a bag of dried fruits and nuts, we sent off. Leaving quite a bit of stuff and memories at our cabin, and only took the necessities.

Walking toward the end of the town, I could see many people similar to us and a lot of carriages. What has always captured my intricate was the myriad of animals they use to pull the carriages.

Odd magical horses, moose's, elk, giant chicken like beast, lizards, bulls and more. It seemed we got stuck with the lizards. They were the least social and friendly, my least favorite.

Arriving at our carriage, we saw the twin horns and were instantly greeted.

Arther gave a really well mannered introduction.

I on the other hand. "Boww douwn mortwals! for the great Loki Leywen is hewre!" I spoke in a cute proud manner.

Arther cringed and my parents faces twitched.

Then Arther and I were squared by a pair of enormous breasts. 

'I've been waiting for this moment! Time to active special skill super-breath control.' I inwardly though attempting to live through the suffocation of breasts.

I swear this blond lady looks like any cliche elven goddess.

Then we got thrown in the air by a giant man.

"Hah, now I'm truly a god at this height!" I spoke smugly looking down on everyone, annoying and embarrassing my family.

Arther seemed interested in the assassin looking girl, Jasmine was her name.

Not long later, we set off in our carriage. There wasn't enough room so Arther sat on Alice's lap and I on the fake elven goddess Angela's.

During the day we ran into a pack of thorn wolves. Nothing special, at night we had a campfire.

The spear user Adam challenged us to a spar. I tried to decline, and my mom came to my defense saying I wasn't a mage yet. I pouted, but Arther took up the challenge.

Impressing everyone, even our mom and dad. Claiming that he was a little monster, then everyone was giving him attention and asking about his skills. I acted a little grumpy.

Jasmine was especially interested in Arthers martial skills, so he demonstrated a few of them.

A few days later, Jasmine was actually able to do a few. 

Everyother day we'd stop by a lake or river, gathering water and taking baths.

I recognized this like lake we were at today, it was the day of the bandits.

I was outwardly call, but internally I was a little scared at how I'd handle the situation. I knew how everything ended out fine. 

But I was the weakest here and needed to survive, I kinda wanted to complete my awakening, but decided against it.