
Seeee ya bwowher

The bandits wanted the kids and woman alive so they wouldn't kill me. And if I wasn't to escape after they captured me I could awaken then and flee. But I knew the bandits would be exterminated.

Swimming underwater as far as I could go with my eyes opened but blurred by the water. I swam to clear my thoughts and get a moment of silence.

I realized water actually had a unique aspect earth didn't. I already knew water was better with flowing, but good control of any element except maybe lightning, could roughly replicate it.

But water had a special trait of pressure. Sure gravity was pretty much the same, but it felt different being underwater then above ground affected by gravity.

I wonder if a water user could isolate the pressure in water magic and create a new branch of magic.

Sigh, I was getting side tracked, but now that I think about it, mom probably doesn't feel comfortable with me going too deep.

I could hold my breath for a few minutes, but this lake was more like a pond. It was wide, but didn't go so deep nor hold any strong monsters.

Using my still baby fat body, I floated up to the surface, then got a stern stare from my mom, giggling lightly, she eased up and hugged me but still gave me a little reprimand.

Before everyone got washed off by Angela's wind magic and clothed before setting off again.

For later that day.


Rocks fall from a cliff causing a mini earthquake and avalanche.


Sounds of wind pierce the sky.

"Bandits!" Someone yells from the two horns.

Angela sways her staff using a large scale wind magic on the sky, a second later a horde of arrows appear piecing the sky, before being deflected by the wind magic.

On the cliff ridge archers of the bandits appear. Everyone else charges the bandits on the ridge, before being intercepted from the rest of the bandit group.

Helen the groups archer target the other archers, Angela deflected the bandit archers attacks. While the rest of the group holds off the short range bandits, but they were out numbered.

They could only hold them back and wait for Angela and Helen's help, while mom grabs Arther and I before hesitating whether to help out or run away.

Our dad was yelling at us to run, but she kept hesitating, forcing Rey to take a risk to overturn the situation. He launches an unexpected attack at a bandit killing him but at the same time, he got stabbed.

Alice went pale and quickly ran over. The twin horns covered for him, while Alice made the decision to step in.

She casts her own spell on Rey, a healing spell, healing his wound temporarily, and using the rest of her mana to cast large scale strengthening and protection spells on her allies.

Rey judges Aruther to be mature enough, so he asks him to "run and protect mom and Loki."

He nods in determination, taking a burden off Rey's shoulders.

The bandit leader gets irritated but also excited at seeing Alice's magic display. "Change of plans boys! Don't hold back! Kill them all at all cost!" Signaling to the hidden mage to reveal himself.

But he doesn't yet, we run, while the bandits seem to go berserk, making trouble for the Twin Horns.

We were getting intercepted by a bandit, but Helen intervened with Arthers help. But we were slowly leaving the protection of Alice's wind magic. 

A few archers took advantage of that, and attacked toward them. Arther though was able to impressively deflect and dodge them. 

Unfortunately the mage now begun to reveal himself. Their true goal now was the girl with unique deviant magic.

Launching a powerful spell that seemed like a meteor shower for us, but in reality was only a lower mid tier spell.

Arther realized the threat of this attack, but didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself, he felt it was his duty, to give back to the family he was loved by, even though he didn't think he deserved it, and stole their kids body, the least he could do was save them.

With this resolve he threw a dagger, tied with a mana string toward the mage, it went through the fire spell, so the mane didn't see it coming, and couldn't react.

He pushed our mom and I away, getting hit with the spell, he reinforced his body with mana, negating most of the damage from the spell, noticing his dagger hit his mark. He yanked the mana string, pulling the mage with him down the cliff face, helping not only save us but also taking out a key opponent.

I knew he would survive, but acted distraught with my mom.

The Twin Horns were able to finish off the bandits relatively easily after that, but it wasn't a joyful victory, but a mourning one.

As each member comfered us, before continuing our journey.

The rest of the journey was relatively gloomy and quiet. I actually liked the quietness, it allowed me to continue my cultivation far better.

I was inwardly unsure in my head if I should 'fake reveal that Arthur was alive.' Maybe make a note he left, or say I got a telepathic message from someone.

But eventually put it to the side, we would get a message of his survival in less than a year anyway. Until then I'll act as if I'm in denial, and that I believe he is still alive, with some instinctual hunch bullshit. 'Say we twins and have a spiritual instinctual connection of some sort.'

Then when it comes out that he's truly alive, I'll act smugly like I knew it all along.

It also seemed the lizards pulling our carriage somehow was affected by our groups gloom, making them slow down a bit more that expected, we arrived at Xyrus city a month later, a week longer than we had expected.

Walking through a pretty large town, below the floating city, we came to a monument, with a weird runic space, seemingly the entrance or portal to get to the city.

I inwardly made sure to commit these runes to memory to study later on.

The guards of the area checked our identities and asked us some questions, before we paid a fee, then let us in.

I knew around now, Arthur was with that stupid dragon, stuck in a cave filled with weird fruits.

Vanishing then appearing at a similar monument, but this time, hundreds of feet above ground in the floating city. I got a little dizzy from the teleportation.

But then gaped in awe, the story didn't do this city justice. It was grand, and had buildings seemingly as large and tall as ten floor skyscrapers.

Everything looked clean and organized, packed with a lively atmosphere, the place looked like a mix between medieval and modern. I suppose this is what the medieval world would look like with a bunch of magic and some helpful higher beings intervention.

I looked super childish looking at everything with curiosity, the atmosphere seemed to be contagious and my parents finally revealed happy expressions, looking around and seeing my happiness.

We walked around, like it was a tour, but I knew it was because of my dads terrible navigational skills to find the noble we were looking for.

He was too embarrassed to admit it and ask for help. My mom noticed this, and took the opportunity to ask for help, without intentionally shaming him.

A few hours later, we found our way. My mom was nervous about meeting nobles, they didn't have the best reputation, especially with commoners.

But my dad insisted that these guys were really nice nobles.

Not long later we, arrived at the mansion, but had to ask the guards to notify the nobles.

Alice thought we would have to wait weeks before we could get an audience, and wanted to get a room at an inn. 

But my dad insisted we didn't have to. She didn't really believe it, but kept quiet. And surprisingly for her, a few moments later the guards let us in, and we were instantly welcomed by the noble family in person.

My parents bowed, but I didn't, I remembered their characters from the book, and knew I'd be fine. My mom got really scared at my manners, and tried to get me to follow her lead but I stuck my tongue at her.

My dad chuckled knowing these nobles well enough, but also sweatdropped at my mom's aura.

The Noble of the house looked on a little interested, before speaking. "What business does the Leywin family have today?"