

Standing up she looks around a littler nervous not seeing Arther, "Arty sweetie, where are you?" She spoke, walking back towards are room. Glancing in it, not seeing Arther, she seemed to get even more nervous. 

Before looking into the office and sighing in relief, seeing Arther leaning on a book, safe and sound.

"C'mere little Art, it's time for our walk around the village. Wanna see new things hmm?!" She tried to get a response from him was picking him up and tiring him up right next to me.

I fake giggle, ending up coughing and spitting up a bunch of mucus onto my mom. Acting startling myself, and actually startling my mom.

"Oh sweetie are you alright." She spoke concerningly. Before I erupted into giggling, drooling mucus and snot beginning to leak from my nose.

I notice Arther and my mom are clearly a bit disgusted at the scene, but mom quickly grabs another cloth and wipes my face clean.

I act like it was uncomfortable and attempt to push it away, halting my laughter, and pout once my mom finishes cleaning me, giggling a little at my cuteness, I sigh inwardly.

Graphing the basket from the table, Alice walks outside, grabbing our dad, Reynolds's attention.

Putting away his sword, he jogs over making stupid faces grabbing my attention, but Arther acts like he doesn't see anything.

Before he arrives in front of us booping our little noses and patting our heads, with a silly smile.

"Let's go honey, I'll lead the way. And, ho let me carry that for you." He speaks, trying to act like a gentleman.

Making my mom smile, and snicker a little, I just act like a dumb ass, while Arther watches on cringing at everything.

And so our walk begins, seeing all that the village has to offer. The little cabins, stalls, fields, farms, wells and wooden walls surrounding the area.

It wasn't much, but it made for a good few hour walk. Most of the time we got held up with social encounters.

I acted like any true baby, and fell asleep after the first hour. I don't really know what else happened after that, except that I woke up in my bed, that I share with Arther.

Sitting up on our bed, I rub my eyes a little and notice, Aurther on the other side of our little bed, in a meditative position.

I guess he's begun cultivating already. Checking on my own progress, I'm about halfway finished forming my mana core. Oddly my half formed core seemed to only have two colors, all others seemed to have been expelled, not even in the general domain of the half formed core.

I sighed before my face was replaced with a mischievous glint. I crawled over to Arther, before pushing toward him in a bear hug, yelling loud baby war cry's.

Successfully stunning Arther, it seemed he almost attacked me for real, before realizing what was happening.

He was pinned and I was probably humiliating him will my baby dominance, he didn't resist, just glaring at me in annoyance.

I kept blabbering, my war cries leading to my goal. A bunch of mucus and snot began dripping from my face, threatening to fall onto Aurther.

Him also realizing this, took it as an actual threat, attempting anything he could do to get away.

He got up attempting to crawls away when I pulled him leg as leverage to bounce onto him, running all the mucus on him. He sighed and glared In defiance, before I burst into a bunch of giggles, hugging him. 

He just sat there relishing in the feeling of being defeated by a baby.

It seemed to be in the middle of the night, because usually after I make much noise, our mother comes in to deal with us. They never leave us home alone, so someone is always with us. And if it's our dad here alone with us, she makes him stay in the same room as us. Believing he's too irresponsible otherwise.

So not long later I act like I went back to sleep, noticing Arther going straight back to cultivating his mana core, I do the same.

A few hours later, the sun blare through our window, but we both ignore it. And not long later, we can hear our parents waking up handling some chores, before coming to check on us. Noticing me sleeping, but Aurther by this time acts wide awake, and made some baby noises to get her attention. Probably hunger, needs to poop or wants to read some more.

Either way I don't care, cultivation is key, other than the necessity. A few hours later I too joined in for breakfast and the bathroom, or I should say my mom finally cleaned my diaper. After that I messed with Aurther a bit in his reading session, before I carried on with my baby workout.

And like that time passed, about two years to be exact.

I can walk! Well I have been able to walk for a while now, about a year, and I am proud to say I was able to walk a full month before Arther was able to.

I think my parents and Arther noticed my pride too, for they began to make things a little harder for me, and challenging me, with little tasks. 

Whatever, it was good toddler training. Especially after I and Arther expressed an interest in our dads sword practice. 

Our dad Reynolds's wanted to train us, but my mom, Alice had non of it. Saying we were too young, but I was able to sneak a twig inside from out side, and used to as my training sword for fun.

And my parents noticed, my dad was super happy, and mom just sighed and let it be.

Now though, my mom finally allowed Arther and I to train with our dad a little, as well as allowing us some freedom in the front yard, as long as we are being monitored.

Oh yeah and as soon as our vocal cords were grown enough, Arther begun talking, making our parents think of him as a genius, and believing it had something to do with being around books.

I probably could speak too, but I didn't. I acted like I was struggling, and always made cute baby noises in the middle of words and took lots of breaths before fully speaking.

Now though it's not as bad. But I made it clear I was jealous of Art's speaking abilities and acted extremely competitive toward him.

Right now though, Rey was practicing his swordsmanship, while Alice and I were gardening. I was just helping out, enjoying the sun lights warmth and fresh air. Art was inside the house, acting asleep. But I knew he was just cultivating again.

The next second though…


The cabin seemed to implode on itself, sending a shockwave in all directions, destroying the peaceful atmosphere.

Everyone around was shocked, even me, but a second later I realized what was happening and smirked inwardly.

Mom screeched in fright before, running toward the cabin realizing Arther was still inside. Rey quickly grabbed her and me, shielding us from the impact.

Alice quickly broke the embrace after the explosion, with a terrified expression, she ran towards the cabin.

Seeing the place in shambles, but oddly Art, was completely fine and even floating.

She sighed in relief not caring to process the situation and leaped toward him taking him in her embrace and sobbing.

I just acted shocked, not understanding the situation like a toddler would.

But once I noticed my mom crying so I started crying and stumbling over to her and hugging her, muttering, "donnt crrry mama." Over and over.

Before she also took me in her embrace. Rey walked over inspecting everything, realizing his son Art just awoke as a mage.

He was ecstatic, and ended up breaking up into laughter.

"Mama is dada okey?" I asked with dried tears on my face looking weirdly at Rey.

Breaking out of her stupor, she glared back at Rey. Probably thinking of how he could laugh at such a time, before paying my head and saying. "Dads happy isn't he." With a provocative glare.

Rey smiled wryly. "I can't believe my son awakened as a mage, and hell he's not even three years yet."

"Mage? Hell!" I spoke innocently with a tilt of my head.

Lightly knocking my head, "don't listen to that idiot." My mom spoke.

I just pouted, while I watched my parents argue about their future plans and education for Art and I.

Well it was about time Arther formed his mana core, I finished about a year ago, but have been reinforcing and expanding it since then.

Now Arther is going to have a spike in strength. I've always been a little stronger than him, but he's always been able to either beat me or tie with me thanks to his past fighting experiences.

It's helped me a lot learn how to fight by fighting him, our dad isn't much help, he doesn't have a style or anything, he just goes with whatever.