

Our conversation slowly led to adventures, to drama to my Kandama, to finally magic and mages. Where I childishly presented my philosophy on magic.

This world doesn't have the clearest portrayal of magic and the elements. Fire was seen as superior to all the four fundamental elements.

But under my philosophy, I portrayed that, that was wrong, and water was for flow, pressure and adaptation. Earth, for hardness, resistance and strength. Wind, for speed, sharpness and malleability( meaning everything has a gas form). Fire for, versatility, large range spread, and intensity.

I didn't touch up on the deviants because they were more complicated, and usually just extensions of the four basic elements.

Wind-vibration focusing on speed. Fire-lightning focusing on intensity. Water-Ice focusing on flow or stillness/calmness. Earth-gravity focusing on resistance.

They're are also other odd and diverse deviants, like Alice's healing/support magic. The elves plant magic. The dwarfs magma magic, and many more, some known and some probably unknown.

Either way I wanted to make friends with the royals and also subtly influence them, but more than anything I wanted to keep my acting up.

The beginning of the auction is always a little slow to build up to the ending. Though that didn't mean they were bad quality. 

Everything auctioned were a myriad of different element B or A rank dungeon boss beast cores, some lesser quality but uncommon potions and artifacts.

Then it moved on to some rare herbs and monster materials, a few higher quality potions, artifacts, and weapons/armor.

Ending off the auction with a few artifacters, weaponsmiths and alchemist master creations, or unique, unknown relics of the past, and a few AA rank dungeon boss beast cores, including a unique one with dual affinities of fire and wind.

Apparently a beast with multiple elemental affinities can combine their elements instinctively, so a person who has a wind and fire affinity, using this beast core has a certain chance at uncovering the secrets of how to fuse those elements just like the beast, and tap into a stronger affinity rivaling deviants. In Addition to potentially acquiring its beast will.

Some of the auction items stole the attention of the kids but not for too long.

After the auction, all the nobles went to a short after party. The royals made a brief appearance before going back to their, I don't know? Castle? I never saw one? But this auction from the outside looks like a small castle, so I guess it's possible.

Since the auction house was hosting the after party, Vincent had to be there. But it wasn't really a place for kids, so Lilia and I were stuck cooped up in the VIP room.

It was a long night, Lilia was tired and fell asleep on the couch. I was bored, and didn't have my kandama. I gave it to Curtis to keep, it's easy to make and he really liked it after I taught him about it.

So I just spent the rest of the night cultivating, waiting for the after party to end, so Vincent could close the shop, and we could use the carriage to get home.

Time passed and without noticing the after party finished and the parents finding us in the VIP room. 

I was slapped on the head without remorse. "Ah!!" I screamed in fright and pain, rubbing my head I Looked up seeing a stern glare from my father.

"I heard of your little stunt." He spoke pissed.

"Huh, what do you mean old man?" I glared back.

"Oh so you didn't disrespect the royal family?" He asked questioning, but anyone could tell it wasn't a question, but rather an accusation.

"What royal family?! Hmmp… mortals! I'm gonna be a god one day anyway!" I spoke as if everything I said was justified.

"Shut it! You're in trouble!" My dad said before holding my shoulder, in hope I couldn't get away from him, and I couldn't I was stuck under his palm, so I glared at him in annoyance.

"Okay over here will do!" A voice sounded, from a tall boulder.

It's been about a month since the auction. I was punished in the form of manner lessons and other studies.

I aced everything, I aced everything right out of the box. But my parents were stubborn and made me continue the lessons for the rest of the month.

It was one hell of a boring and waste of time. I kinda regret my past actions. Just because it took the entire month to recreate my kendama again.

But today I was over it, it was time to awaken as a damn mage already. So finding a large boulder to sit upon in our small backyard, so I don't destroy any greenery.

Even though I've been coming up with a way to not destroy everything around me. I need to create counter measures just in case, and also because, my awakening will probably cause a larger mana explosion than Arthur's. I mean I've been holding it back for like three years.

So sitting in a meditative position, I tense myself before willing, all the little mini clumps of mana I've gathered toward my solar plexus and collide.

When they were about to collide I could feel the energy rubbing against each other almost not wanting to collide, before they all immediately collapsed into each other and fused. 

It caused a mini mana shock wave. I knew this was not good and tried to will the shockwave and resist it from leaving my body, but it hardly did anything.

Attempting a bunch of weird theories desperately, I was sure I was doomed to damage not just the Helstea yard but also some of their manor.

Thinking one of my last Ideas, willing my focus into my mana core. I would see it was black but, was slowly fading into dark purple to purple to light purple, it was going to halt there, but I willed my mana core to spin and rotate, pouring my intent to suck in all mana imminent mana in my vicinity. 

My mana complied, sucking all the mana in my body and in a range of three meters around me, straight into my mana core, forcing my mana core to change colors again to dark red, then once again into red. 

But oddly it had an odd ring now rotating around my mana core.

Willing it to move or do something, it thinned out all around my mana core. But it didn't get absorbed by my mana core, instead it covered it in a red hue in a protective manner.

 I didn't know what it was doing, but I willed my mana form my core, throughout my body, it worked, and it seeped into my blood, bones, muscles and skill like a black hole.

It seemed that thing covering my mana core wasn't restricting my access to it. I then attempted to draw in the mana from the air and the ground of my surroundings, and it worked too.

I tried to remember in the book, Arther had to fuse his mana into his body inorder to strengthen his body and control his beast will.

I guess that's what my body was doing absorbing the mana. Hmm I should also try learning other techniques, oh like mana rotation, like that dragon taught Arthur, it's pretty self explanatory.

The book showed Arthur taking a while to perform the feat, but it was a relatively simple thing, all you had to do was constantly absorb mana from your surroundings.

It didn't help in cultivating, but did help to constantly regain your stamina and mana pool while in combat, but that was the hard part.

Attempting the recreation of mana rotation, I could do it after a few attempts. But then I stood up and opened my eyes—.

"Ah! Everything looks so… much better!" I smiled while admiring my surroundings and also noticing the perfectly fine area.

Nothing was destroyed, that's good. 

Okay, right. Mana rotation. Then walk, err I'm losing control. My mana spins out of my control.

Huh, this may take a bit. I need to learn how to accomplish mana rotation while walking first then, running then fighting.

That was the hard part. This also acted as a perfect mana control practice technique, I did notice my mana control was already pretty good. 

But I knew I was only good at controlling my mana within my body. I've been messing with mana in my body for the past four and a half years after all.

I'll get a better understanding of mana before I start mastering my elements.

Waiting to awaken my mana core all these years has expanded my mana core, well I haven't been able to compare my mana pool to others, but I'm sure it's larger. 

The delay and build up over time also strengthened my core, not by purity, better mana or anything like that. But it was just a stronger core, I felt even if someone tried to destroy my mana core, it would be better defended or more resistant then any normal mana core.

My mana core wasn't just a battery and medium for mana control. But a well defended control tower. It was the difference from a house and a military base.