

In Addition, the build up over time, accelerated my mana cores purity to break through the black realm, dark purple, purple, light purple, breaking through into the dark red mana core relm, before finally settling on red.

The black relm, is the most impure relm everyone awakens in. Purple is the next realm, and is known to be the easiest relm to get through. 

Pretty much everyone who awakens gets past the purple relm in under a year. The reason is that this realm allows one to cultivate this realm with any form of mana present in someone's surroundings. Because in this realm, a mage can't identify different attributed mana.

Most people settle around the red relm. The red realm is the mana core level that awakens your elemental affinity. Thus slowing down a lot of people's cultivation. At this realm and beyond, you can begin, but only manipulate your given affinity, and only use that affinity to cultivate.

For example, Rey is a dark red core mage of fire and earth affinity, so he can only use those elements. Alice however is a unique deviant, she's a light red core mage that uses a unique magic affinity, that in this world is unidentifiable. But I could tell it used a weird branch of the water element.

Arthur had an affinity with all four basic elements. The basic elements deviants used the same mana as their basic forms. But for someone with more than one affinity, in order to cultivate they needed not one of their affinities to advance but each affinity of mana they used.

It was a good thing and a bad thing, usually making it harder to advance their mana core purity, but also easier to find and regenerate their mana pool.

Now this didn't mean that inorder to collect mana, for say a water affinity that you needed to be near water, or something like that. All types of mana is everywhere, but some places like a mountain, or ocean certainly lean more toward a certain affinity.

Luckily I had a lot of free time, I didn't have any chores, because the Helstea manor had servants. I wasn't bothered by any parents for they were all working.

I was also considered a bit of a prodigy, so I was kept to waste my time with a tutor. But thankfully Lilia was, so she didn't bother me either. 

So I had a lot of free time that I usually used to train, my current goals, we're strength conditioning now. I wouldn't forget about it, but it was now time to focus on magic.

And so for the rest of the day I practiced and experimented with a myriad of pent up magic ideas, for the rest of the day.

At the end of the day I was able to walk while using mana rotation. I decided I'd constantly keep using mana rotation to get used to it, and use the exes mana to nourish my body.

I wasn't sure If I should tell my parents or not. In the end I decided I wanted to go out to the beast glades along with Arthur when he came, so I would have to reveal it eventually to get permission to go adventuring. 

There were a few months till my fifth birthday, I decided that would be when I revealed I awakened. 

Ever since we arrived in Xyrus city, I haven't been able to be with my parents as much as before. So I haven't had many opportunities to spar with my dad.

I mean it makes sense, it costs a lot more to live in this city than in some other town. Especially to stay in such a large noble manor.

When it came to skills regarding mana outside of elements, it was necessary to learn but there wasn't many things to learn.

There was only learning to familiarize yourself and increase your control over mana. Other than that all you really need to learn is to cultivate and reinforce your body with mana. Though, I'm trying to go up and beyond. Inaddition to mana rotation and fusing you mana with your body, to better strengthen, adapt and allow you to use a beast will in the future.

I had some extra ideas. I mean you could go as far to increase one's control over mana to make mana strings, and some other things. I mean I'd mess around with those simple techniques that aren't really necessary for fun, but I wouldn't go out of my way to train them.

I mean some things were out of the norm, for instance a pure mana construct. I don't know how much mana that would require, but I already knew my mana wasn't pure enough to pull that off.

Another idea was to not only reinforce my body with mana in a fight but to also coat my body with mana. People of this world already do this but only with elemental mana.

My idea was to replicate, my mana to appear similar to Nen in the HunterXhunter anime, when fighting to be able to use more force.

Attempt to control my mana in a sharper form rather than flowing. Mana operates in a flow, similar to water, but also like air, in an intelligible form. It doesn't lump together naturally, but moves with the physical world, like a shadow.

So if one could manipulate one's own mana it would be logical to assume, one could also shape it. Most people just use it for reinforcement, but who's to say you couldn't turn it physical like a construct or simply make it sharpen someone's sword, not just reinforce I h it, but also sharpening, by manipulating your mana to be sharper like a blade, then possibly make a pure mana blade, without the elements.

That was my goal and idea. Of course I couldn't do that now, I'd first start with the basics, by hopes that once I obtained a silver or white core one day I could turn these ideas into reality.

With the day coming to a close I had to go to bed, to rest. Sleeping was one of the most annoying things. It required a lot of time, to do seemingly nothing.

I played around with the idea of lucid dreaming. It was a type of sleep that existed in this world and in my past. It was a way to stay conscious during sleep, a lesser form of most of the time self inflicted sleep paralysis.

It was a pretty cool concept, but I wondered if I could expand upon it, in a magical way. Like what if, I could cultivate while sleeping, it required my consciousness and stillness. 

When sleeping I was motionless, and using lucid dreaming I was conscious, but my consciousness was probably locked away my subconscious, meaning my consciousness was locked away from my body.

But I didn't lose hope. When night came, I attempted to put myself into a lucid dream. There were a myriad of methods to obtain this.

The best or generally the only way was to fall asleep while thinking. 

If you fell asleep with your eyes open, your eyes would stay open. So if you could fall asleep while thinking in your mind it would stand to reason you could continue thinking while thinking. 

And that was what exactly happened when lucid dreaming. Now that begged the question couldn't you just fall asleep while cultivating, but sadly the answer was no. Cultivating required more concentration that would be lost when falling asleep, and ultimately shut your mind down.

That also meant that even when lucid dreaming, one would lack concentration to cultivate. And that was true and one of the problems, but what was the most difficult problem was simply staying asleep while exiting the dream world and sensing the outside world.

Now this was hard but not impossible, I luckily am able to do it pretty easily. Most hunters and adventures are able to do this, by sleeping lightly in the wild, enough to sense danger when sleeping.

Now when I was lucid dreaming I reenter the state of mind that I was stuck in after my first death and before my second birth. The void or limbo realm. I had extremely good familiarity and control in this dream realm.

Exiting was not something I really ever try'd, but always could sense I could always do it. When I was first stuck in the void I was first stuck outside of this dream world I was so familiar with. Outside was just nothingness, but I knew now that I was reborn, something would be there, or I would be able to sense something other than nothingness.

So entering a lucid dream, and floating around my dream realm like a spectator or god of a universe. I willed myself to leave, and I did leave my dream realm, but what greeted me was again nothingness.

I could see nothing… but I could hear my heartbeat and breathing… I could feel the soft bed and most importantly I could sense the mana all around me, mimicking the physical world like a second shadow.

I attempted to extend my will and intent out into my body, specifically my mana core, and… it began to react.

The next second I could sense all the mana in my body's and in the surroundings slowly gravitate toward my solar plexus.

Being absorbed into my mana core and purifying it. It worked! First attempt too! But… it wasn't perfect. At the rate I was cultivating while asleep… was about 10% my cultivation speed when awake.

I sighed in disappointment… but it was better than nothing, so I continued.

The next day I woke up, all groggily. It seems this method truly isn't perfect, not only is it slow, but also affects my sleep.

Well, I guess I'll have to try some different methods and experiments to weed out the defects.

And so time passed… as a few months got lost in the river of time.

Punching out into the air, a shockwave of air follows.

Stomping the ground, pillars of earth rose.

A boy wearing loose clothes and a belt of stones, he continued for a while before his legs gave out. He sat in a meditative position while the sun was gradually overtaken by the moon.

He stood up.

Sighing, it's been a month since my fifth birthday. Making my way to my bedroom, I thought over my strength, situation and future.