
Tamra island; Nehebkau, the curse

Late 1990s Tamra Island for generation long as been identified as the most beautiful island to have ever existed. One filled with magical creatures of all kinds; sorcerers, dragons, elves, faries and mermaids. This creatures alongside humans coexisted peacefully. At least that's what it looked like until all forms of pretense was wiped out... ( whirlwind, thunderstorms..running footsteps) why...... What is happening?..(panting) ........scared...... (maniacal laughter) "please, anybody, somebody....help me" ... tears..... Nooooooooooo Early 21st Late at night (raining....) pants... Baby baby wake up, wake up, it's just a dream.. (muffled cries.....no please stop) (jerks up) Grandma. (stifled tears) why is this happening to me?...make it stop (hugs...pats on the back) "It's going to be fine, go back to sleep, it was just a nightmare".. The Next Morning (at the dining table) Nana; you've learnt a bad habit of picking your food (drops cutleries) What's a 'Nehebkau' (spoon falls off the table.... Absolute silence....... A few minutes later...... Nana; why do you know that name Ahora; (shivering, stutters...) " I.........it told me (whimpering) and it said it's co.........coming.......... (Nana faints......) (Screams.....)

Rita_Mathew_3740 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Five

Throne room

A room decorated not so lavishly in gold and dark red colors, even the chair was made with pure gold and some ancient wood which the table was also completely made of. The King who is dressed in a purple robe with gold-colored artistic drawings is sitting on his throne staring at cabinet members who had also taken their seats.

It seemed like although the battle between the beast and Joon-ha and Son-wook had taken place in the forest away from civilization, the King had noticed something wrong with the surroundings, which prompted him to call for a meeting.

The King (coughs to get the attention of his cabinet members who were probably wondering why they were suddenly summoned) "I'm certain everyone here must have felt the strange energy in the air today, what do you think could have been the cause of such erie atmosphere"

(Cabinet members murmuring amongst themselves)

"it wouldn't be the demons causing a disturbance, right?", " I think you're right, they've been up to no good", "why blame this on my demon race", "Your demon race is the only one that uses black magic", "What's that supposed to mean, what about the sorcerers?", " why bring unnecessary people into this conversation", "What are you implying and what do you mean by dragging us sorcerers into this conversation, how about your fairy race, don't they also make use of magic?", (sarcastic small laughs erupt), " we all know the fairies are known for goodness, so why bring them into this, could it be that it's really your sorcerer race causing trouble"(looks at his fellow cabinet member from the sorcerer race suspiciously).


Of course, since the king was selected to rule the whole of Tamra, the elite members of each race were chosen to be a part of his administration.


While the argument was going on amongst his cabinet members, the king was busy massaging his temples. It can be seen that he was used to seeing them fight amongst themselves, looking towards his younger brothers who were also a part of his cabinet members, he pleads for help.

The second brother, San-ho gets up and tries to get them to stop arguing, but seeing that it isn't working he gives his elder brother a look that says "I tried" and sits back down. Getting annoyed by the increasing voices, the king takes his seal and hits it quite hard on the table, getting their attention, he snaps at them, "All I asked is for anyone to tell me if they have any idea what is going on, not only am I not getting any reasonable answers, you all have decided to engage in verbal confrontation" (messages head again, sighs) Min-ho you are the kingdom's chief adviser, what do you propose we do?",

Min-ho gets up, with his three index fingers on his forehead, he slightly bows to show reverence to the king. "I will suggest we get some of our finest warriors to commute around the island to find out what is happening and where it's happening. Until a good response is brought back and a solution to the ongoing problem found, a curfew should be placed on the island, that way we will be able to avoid anyone getting hurt from the unknown danger" ( he bows and sits down).

(With a smile, looks at his youngest brother who has taken his seat with a proud smirk on his face) "as expected I can always count on you when it matters,(facing the cabinet members) Go back home and inform your people of the imminent danger and convince them to stay indoors for a while until further notice,(turns to his personal guard) assembly our finest warriors and give them my order, they are to scout the land and if anything strange is discovered it should be reported back to the palace immediately, meeting dismissed(he stands up and leaves).

In the forest

Looking at the scenery, you will notice it's already late evening and yet Chungjo and the group are still in the forest. The mermaid was already getting frustrated, Son-wook was drained and Joon-ha was becoming overly suspicious of the person leading them ahead.

Chungjo's inner mind 'I will keep walking in circle, by the time they notice, they would be too tired to continue and luckily that dumb thing would have died without me lifting a finger (smirks to herself). A frustrated mermaid" Ugh, how long do we have to keep walking, am beginning to think you don't know the way to your house, that is of course if you're even related to this girl". (Clenching her fist and mutters to her hearing alone) "this dumb thing, she's just like that evil seed, trying to ruin my plan and make me look bad well try again, if I can't even teach her a lesson then am not a part of the royal family,(she speaks loudly enough to their hearing) that is not it, am just slightly bad at directions that's all. Please wait here, while I go to scout the area to see if I can jug my memory"( about leaving when suddenly Joon-ha stops her) "Wait! (She turns to face him with a smile which he ends up being disgusted by but not showing any emotions, he utters a sentence to try to hide his irritation) "Son-wook will go", (notices that they are all staring at him weirdly, he comes up with an excuse) it's getting late, let him do it. Chungjo who was almost dying from happiness due to the surprise" concern" he showed towards her) "It's ok, I.i.i mean you've seen my strength, and am not really scared of the dark(looks up at him expectantly) actually I function better in the dark, am one with the darkness" (she puffs her chest as if she was asking for praise). ( Responding sarcastically) "am sure you are, Son-wook will go, am afraid if you were to go you might not return(turns to his friend) go if you see anyone at all, bring them here so we can ask for directions" (Son-wook nods and leaves). Of course, he had to go, unlike that stupid maiden who was smiling non-stop thinking she was asked to stay behind out of concern for her safety, he knew the real reason his hyung asked her to stay and it was because unlike the golden-haired newcomer, his hyung and him have been training for a long time and although they might not be able to brag that they can hear people talking from a mile away but they heard what she said clearly, he still couldn't believe someone would hold such malice towards their own flesh and blood(he shakes his head) and to think she is actually royalty, makes me wonder what we've gotten ourselves into.

Joon-ha looks down at our "sleeping beauty" in his arms, "royalty, hmm, interesting (he whispers).

As for Chungjo, she couldn't stop wishing that she could just walk up to Joon-ha and pick up the" thing" he was holding, out of sight, out of mind" but she knew she had to calm down in order not to ruin her image in front of the man of her choice, unknown to her whatever impression she was trying to conjure was already ruined.

The mermaid who had been trying to figure out what next to do in her head suddenly looked at Chungjo and for some reason, she could not explain turned pale, she just felt that the girl she was seeing right now had an expression that said 'she will destroy anyone who messes with her' and she knows this because she had seen the same expression on her brother, although not directed at her, every time she sees him wearing such an expression, she gets really scared because she knows somebody was going to die, so there and then she decided to avoid the girl as much as possible while praying that whoever her feelings was directed at would at least be given an easy death.

Hey guys, me again, how are you all doing? How is the weather over at your side? it's really cold here, if it's same with y'all then please don't forget to put on your cardigan, take a hot cup of tea or coffee while relaxing in a serene environment reading my story(winks)

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