
Tamra island; Nehebkau, the curse

Late 1990s Tamra Island for generation long as been identified as the most beautiful island to have ever existed. One filled with magical creatures of all kinds; sorcerers, dragons, elves, faries and mermaids. This creatures alongside humans coexisted peacefully. At least that's what it looked like until all forms of pretense was wiped out... ( whirlwind, thunderstorms..running footsteps) why...... What is happening?..(panting) ........scared...... (maniacal laughter) "please, anybody, somebody....help me" ... tears..... Nooooooooooo Early 21st Late at night (raining....) pants... Baby baby wake up, wake up, it's just a dream.. (muffled cries.....no please stop) (jerks up) Grandma. (stifled tears) why is this happening to me?...make it stop (hugs...pats on the back) "It's going to be fine, go back to sleep, it was just a nightmare".. The Next Morning (at the dining table) Nana; you've learnt a bad habit of picking your food (drops cutleries) What's a 'Nehebkau' (spoon falls off the table.... Absolute silence....... A few minutes later...... Nana; why do you know that name Ahora; (shivering, stutters...) " I.........it told me (whimpering) and it said it's co.........coming.......... (Nana faints......) (Screams.....)

Rita_Mathew_3740 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Four

In the water

Yeol-wool has lost all hope that she would ever be saved, tears pour out of her eyes as she thinks about the people she was leaving behind, her father would be heartbroken, her mother would cry for long but her sister, she wasn't sure if she would shed any tears for her. Closing her eyes, she let herself sink deeper.

Mermaid Kingdom

Mermaids were known to hardly come up to land but this particular day, a mermaid can be seen approaching the glistening water when suddenly she stops(looks ahead and asks herself) hmm I wonder what's that over there(rushes over)gaps) a fairy, why would a fairy be here? (pokes her)...no response(pokes her continuously)...no response(swims around her)suddenly realizes) oh no this is too deep in the water she must have fainted(places her hand over her shoulder and swims heading offshore)talks to her) I wonder how you got here don't you know that without a mermaid pearl, no creature can go too deep into the water(she sighs)


The mermaid drags Yeol-wool until she is at a safe distance away from the water and tries to wake her up but to no avail. She was lost as to what else she could do, then she attempted breathing from her mouth into hers. In the process, her mermaid pearl left her and went into yeol-wool(shrieks) no, no, no please no, what do I do? (calms down and tries to take it off but nothing happens, tried again nothing) miss you have to wake up, only when you wake can I go home...(no response) should I kill her and take it, what a waste though she really is beautiful(brings out a short dagger) Miss am really sorry but I have to do this, without my pearl I can't go back home and I have no idea when you will be waking up(she sighs) ha! like sneaking out isn't enough now my pearl is gone am so dead when I get back. When the mermaid was about to stab Yeol-wool, she feels the wind and from it, she could feel someone's presence(hides the dagger immediately).

On the other side of the river

Joon-ha who was already worried about the young lady he threw suddenly appears, he felt like he was responsible for anything that would have happened to her, so he came to confirm if she was able to swim out or not, if she did he would leave and pretend they've ever met but if she didn't then he would do whatever it takes to save her.

Joon-ha"Miss, miss are you here?. The mermaid 'is he looking for her'(tries to call out to him but suddenly stops) What if he's an enemy? Wait so what if he's an enemy or not, if he's here for her I can just go with him and wait for her to wake up and if he's here to harm her I can just wait for him to finish and then take what's mine(about to attract him when she stops again) what if he hurts me too, oh no I can't take the risk, I will find somewhere to hide first then make a noise to attract his attention. (finds somewhere and hides herself) she then throws a rock at the place where the girl was lying Loud enough to attract his attention. Meanwhile, Joon-ha had finished taking off his outer garment and was about to go into the water when he heard a sound, quickly he picked up his outer robe and headed towards the sound and that's when he saw her lying behind a rock, it was obvious someone had brought her there but he was too worried about her to care about that at the moment. He bends down and stares at her, despite being lifeless she still looks pretty(suddenly realizes his thoughts) "What am I doing(he attempts to wake her up but to no avail). So he picks her up and wraps her in his outer robe, wearing just the inner white wear, he leaves with her held not too tightly and not too loosely in his arms like holding a newborn baby. When he was about leaving he suddenly heard a voice that sounded urgent, " WAIT!

(Turns around, looks ahead, and sights a girl about age seventeen which should be the same age as the lady he was holding)," And who might you be(he asked), ' am the one who saved her...(silence)..." then how come I didn't see you when I got here",(rolls her eyes and purse her lips) 'who do you think made the noise that brought you here'. Too lazy to argue with her, he throws her a sentence. "Come with me but keep your distance(he turned around immediately and continued walking). Mermaid,(looks at him like he was some weird creature and murmurs) who wants to get close to you.

Joon-ha headed to where he had " abandoned" his friend.

In the forest that led to the pathway to the river

Son-wook looks at Chungjo who kept staring in the direction his friend left in(coughs to grab her attention)awkward small laugh) he-he, umm he's not always like that, it's just that when we got her we met a lady, and in order to avoid letting her get hurt, Joon•ha had to use his inner eyes to throw her somewhere safe, he must have gone to check up on her, you know just to make sure she's safe.

If Son-wook had looked at Chungjo in the eyes when talking he might have caught the glimpse of ruthlessness that passed her eyes when he mentioned the lady they met.

Absolute silence

Chungjo could not be bothered about talking to the man standing not too far from her, she would have left if he had not opened his mouth to talk to her but she was really glad he did if not how would she have known that the 'thing' who is supposed to be her so-called sister was seducing the man she had her eyes on.

The sister that hasn't even seen the man's appearance due to being frightened...

Joon-ha suddenly appears while Chungjo is still acting her one-sided play in her head. Son-wook sees his brother who abandoned him"Hyung, wow I can't believe you left me here all by myself". Joon-ha turns to look at Chungjo who is also looking at the girl he was holding while emanating a kind of malice(he subconsciously covers the girl in his arm to avoid such malice approaching her, then he turns to look at his friend"isn't she here(he asked while pointing to Chungjo who had finally composed herself), Son-wook stared at the lady who was finally revealing a friendly aura and sighs, walks up to his brother and asked "how is she(he walks closer to take a look but Joon-ha stepped away before he could go any nearer, speechless...) " she's hurt we need to find a physician(a voice replied). All heads turn to the voice

Son-wook inner thought"shit he only went out for a few minutes where did he find this gorgeous golden-colored-haired lady.

Chungjo's inner thought" seems like every type of insect is attracted to my man

The mermaid who had been labeled an insect" Um I didn't mean to interrupt but we really need to find a physician, she needs to wake up so I can go home". Son-wook calls out to his brother in a whisper "Hyung (uses his eyes to ask who she was)

Joon-ha(with a frown) she's the one who saved the lady( turns to the mermaid who had puffed up her chest with pride) you can leave, I will look for a physician and make sure she is saved.

Mermaid( rolls her eyes at him)inner thought) who cares about her, I just need my pearl to go home but I can't let them know what if they laugh at me, or what if they take it for themselves, the two men look okay but I can't say the same for the lady over there(suddenly speaks up in a tearful dramatic manner) am not leaving, I want to be here when she wakes up. Joon-ha stares at her suspiciously while Son-wook who is already infatuated with her goes to her and pats her while reassuring her that he will make sure she leaves together with them.

Meanwhile, Chungjo was tired of all the drama and she was becoming really angry because "her man" was still holding that girl. So she walked up to him but before she could get closer he stepped back (clenching her fist while being hurt, she tried to calm her emotions and faked a smile) it must be tiring to hold her why not give her to me

Everybody turns to her, and while looking at her suspiciously, she looks at them and fakes a laugh(raises her brows) why are you all looking at me, I just want to help besides I know who she is. They look at her more suspiciously(clenching her fist real hard, she exhales) she is my sister. Now they are even more suspicious especially Joon-ha and the mermaid, since they were more sensitive to people's feelings they've already noticed she didn't like the girl in his arms and now she was suddenly claiming a blood relationship with her. Seeing the awkward situation, Som-ha decided to step in"Umm since you say you know her why not just take us to your house and we'll place her there ourselves, after all, we are partially responsible for what happened to her. Chungjo looks around and sees everyone staring at her weirdly(bows her head)inner conversation) it's always like this whenever she is involved everyone sides with her but not this time, I will make sure to have this one person to myself, you can't blame me sister, you could have just died quietly but you decided to come back and now you think you can take what's mine(clenches fist real hard)still her inner thought) NEVER! (raises her face and looks at them with a bright smile which made them shudder) sure let's go, am sure our parents would be happy to know the name of the people who saved their beloved daughter.

Joon-ha"lead the way"

Walking in front of them, if only someone was close by they would have been scared of her menacing smile.

Ok, seriously girl what's wrong with you?(sigh)

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