
Tamra island; Nehebkau, the curse

Late 1990s Tamra Island for generation long as been identified as the most beautiful island to have ever existed. One filled with magical creatures of all kinds; sorcerers, dragons, elves, faries and mermaids. This creatures alongside humans coexisted peacefully. At least that's what it looked like until all forms of pretense was wiped out... ( whirlwind, thunderstorms..running footsteps) why...... What is happening?..(panting) ........scared...... (maniacal laughter) "please, anybody, somebody....help me" ... tears..... Nooooooooooo Early 21st Late at night (raining....) pants... Baby baby wake up, wake up, it's just a dream.. (muffled cries.....no please stop) (jerks up) Grandma. (stifled tears) why is this happening to me?...make it stop (hugs...pats on the back) "It's going to be fine, go back to sleep, it was just a nightmare".. The Next Morning (at the dining table) Nana; you've learnt a bad habit of picking your food (drops cutleries) What's a 'Nehebkau' (spoon falls off the table.... Absolute silence....... A few minutes later...... Nana; why do you know that name Ahora; (shivering, stutters...) " I.........it told me (whimpering) and it said it's co.........coming.......... (Nana faints......) (Screams.....)

Rita_Mathew_3740 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter six

Son-wook POV

Walking deep into the forest, Son-wook can be seen using his earth's ability to make a sign that will help him retrace his step back to where he left his friend and the others. 

(sighing) "I've been walking aimlessly in this forest for a while now wondering when I'll see a soul.

He suddenly hears heavy footsteps approaching(sights a tree and climbs to the top to get a better view of what was approaching). He sees some able-bodied men in uniform, dark red and silver-colored attire,(exclaiming like a fanboy) "fuck, those are the light soldiers, the cream of the top, the best amongst the royal guards, (suddenly stops to think) they must have been alerted by what happened in the forest, I better hurry back and inform 'hyung' (suddenly stops, he exclaim from the idea he just got) wait! Hyung said to get anybody so we can ask for directions, (hesitate a little ) but this is not just anybody, this is the elite guards themselves and they sure look fierce (he shudders) it seems what happened earlier must have warranted suspicion from his majesty (sighs tiredly) I can't keep hesitating, I just need a well thought out plan to use to get their attention and not bring any suspicion to myself (thinking, suddenly remembers something and exclaims with joy). "that's right (hits his thigh excitedly) how did I forget about that, we have an injured person with us, we can literally claim to be walking and saw her and besides if I remembered correctly, she's royalty, I don't have to let them know am aware of that though, while they check up on her, they will discover that and pay more attention to her while ignoring my hyung and I (smiling at his well thought out plan, he suddenly sighs). (internal monologue) it's not like hyung and I can't go to the palace ourselves but we can't let that sister of hers discovers that we've seen through her real personality, I don't want to attract unnecessary problem to myself, more so, hyung absolute hates complicated situations like this and besides this is a family problem, we really should not get ourselves involved. Then again if I had not come across anyone till now, I would have gone back and "suggested" we go to the palace to report the case of being lost or we could just take them home (sighs) but the elves back home might not be that welcoming, they are really adverse to strangers suddenly showing up( sighs again ) I can't keep sighing like this at this rate am turning into an old grandpa, got to admit though, life is really strange, while some people desire to experience the feeling of family, others don't value the one they have (shakes his head, looks up and exclaim with fright) shit! They're almost gone I can't keep wavering, I have to catch up with them before they go any further (he flashes and suddenly vanishes from where he once was). 

Still inside the forest

Chungjo POV

You are probably wondering why am not worried about being called out for lying. It's simply because I'm certain nobody would come here so late and even if they do, I don't have to worry cause it's not like everyone is aware of what I or "the other one" looks like and even if they do, I can just come up with an excuse of being tired which ended up affecting my memories for a while and if am asked why I didn't speak up after resting, I can just say I decided to wait for the one they sent(snickers) so I don't have to worry about anything and even though I hate the idea of my prince charming holding that accursed thing at least I can still see him up front. 

Joon-ha POV

Ever since I was a child I have always attracted unwarranted attention from others, especially ladies, although I've always found this annoying, I've never felt as disgusted as I feel right now. I really want to remove those eyes right now(sighs, looks at the sleeping beauty in his arms, places his hand to confirm if she has a fever when he finds out she is just slightly hot, he smiles at her unconsciously). Chungjo who saw this scene was almost boiling with anger, looking at her sister, a murderous glint flashed across her eye, it was only for a second but Joon-ha felt it, holding the little one in his arms closely, he looked at Chungjo who have been staring at him for a while now and shudders ( he wondered what had transpired between the two sisters for her to hold such malice towards her sister. (Eye flashing, he decided to probe her out using a wisp of his elf power). Looking at her, he calls out. 

"Miss must really love her sister" (answering almost immediately with an annoyed tone) what love I find her really annoying, why does she have to get everything easily (sudden quiet)(inner monologue ) "What happened why did I suddenly say that,(looks at Joon-ha suspiciously) "did he do something (decides to rephrase her statement, with a smile) but of course I still love her not like I have much of a choice tho, after all (gritting her teeth slightly) she's family".

Joon-ha seeing that she almost caught on to him using his elf power on her, which he confessed, was quite impressive seeing how she was able to detect that something was not right. He decided to change the topic by asking another question.

"Miss must really enjoy staring at the opposite sex" (she unconsciously answers arrogantly) "of course not, only the good-looking ones and I've seen a lot of them but none was worthy enough to buckle the hook of my sandal (looks at him shyly) only you are worthy", (looking at her disgustingly) "you should quit while you can (turns his face away from her) after all dreams are for sleeping". Clenching her hand tightly, she looks down with an aggrieved expression but says nothing. 

An awkward silence 

Mermaid POV

It has been really quiet here and lucky for me I love the silence, suddenly there was a murderous aura and it was clearly directed at the girl in the ice prince's arms, wonder why though I thought they were sisters, hmm, I really can't fathom what the girl is thinking though. The ice prince must have noticed which must have been why he asked the infatuated girl who had been staring at him for the longest time a question. I thought he was bent on ignoring her though and what was with that arrogant answer, wasn't she bent on leaving a good girl image, what went wrong, Was she tired of pretending, or (looking at the ice prince suspiciously) did he do something? (she said to herself while staring at them both like one watching a drama) but I have to say though, that Ice Prince sure is cold (she shivers).

Back to Son-wook

Stops to catch his breath

"I'm almost getting close, fuck why are they walking so fast, if I wasn't so close I would have thought that they were using a flying artifact" (vanishes again). Almost appearing in front of the soldiers, he was intercepted harshly and hit on the face with a force stronger than his, immediately he turned really pale and had even spit out blood, clutching his stomach, he tried to introduce himself but couldn't, at this point if there was anything he realized was the fact that he was still too weak and he most definitely had to train more.

Son-wook POV

I have just finished battling a possessed beast and did not get enough time to rest or something to eat and I also had to wander about looking for help and yet this is what I get(sighs with anguish, using as much strength as he could he throws at his waist pendant). One of the soldiers picks it up and passes it to the one suppressing him, which he supposed is the leader.