
Chapter Six: Pain, Pain and More Pain.

It has been a week since that night. Ezra was avoiding everyone. He was ashamed of his behavior but mostly he was ashamed because his little sister was disappointed in him, and pissed off at him. She has been hanging out every day with Ana talking to her while she cleans one thing or the other or was cooking in the kitchen. He had to admit the food tasted better than it had before she started doing it. It had dawned on him that she had cooked the food at the conceded Alpha's pack that he intended to annihilate as soon as he got the chance. Ana was never going to be able to return there even if she wanted to. It would not exist for long that was a promise he made before the Moon Goddess herself. He thought Kerrieanne would blow off her steam and come back. Its been a week though and he hadn't seen her except when he was watching Ana. So far this week Ana has tried killing herself three times, and she screams in her sleep almost every night. He was exhusted. She hasn't told him what happened in the pack she use to be from, not that he was around much when she was awake. Ana had been sleeping in his room since that night, driving him mad. She was beautiful and innocent. He wanted her, but he didn't want to keep her as his... Did he? Ezra was sitting in his office chair when the door opened. Looking up he saw a tall Red head come in the room. He knew her, it was Courtney. Everyone KNEW her, knew her, she was the pack slut, every pack has them. Women with no self respect trying to get the Luna postion no matter what. Courtney sat on his lap clamming his lips with hers. He was tired so he didn't bother pushing her off him. She started grinding her core against his center. Erza wrapped his arms around her and let her kiss and tease him. He would put a stop to it before she went to far with it. His mate lived in the house after all. He would not put her through the shame of knowing her mate fucked another in the same house she resides. He wasn't a monster after all.

Ana was in the kitchen prepairing the evening meal, with Kerrie right there talking her ear off. Ana put the lid back on the pot when the most gut wrinching pain hit her stomach. Ana grabbed her middle and hit the floor screaming. Kerrie ran to her brothers office to get his help. What she saw when she opened the door. Pissed.. her... off.

" You have got to be kidding me Ezra!" Kerrie yelled at him.

" Kerrie, what the fuck girl, you just burst into my office like that?" Ezra snapped.

" I just bust into your room like that get over yourself Alpha, and that was my qustion. What the fuck?." She snapped back.

" I came to get your help with Ana, but I can see she is in the state she is because of your current state of being. Fuck you bro. I'll get one of the unmated warriors to help me with her. Maybe she can give as good as she gets." His sister said. Leaving his office and slamming the door.

Ezra was staring at the door kind of dumb founded at his sisters words. Did she just basically tell him she was going to get one of his unmated warriors to fuck his mate. Why, for what reason, because she walked in on the slut grinding on him and kissing him.

Ana was in pain, why? Ezra thought. The pain of betrayal, it must be what she meant. It happens if your mate is unfaithful after you meet. Anything intimate will be painful to the other mate. You don't have to except them, mate or mark them for them to feel the betrayal, you only have to meet them eye to eye so to speak. He didn't want to hurt Ana in such ways but if she is to hate him, and leave this place, he has to allow it just a little. Maddox nor I wanted to be touched by that bitch, but a means to an end and all that.

" Courtney leave my office." Ezra commanded. As soon as she was gone he ran for the door looking for his brat of a baby sister.

" She is not about to hook my mate up with anyone." Ezra muttered as he went on the hunt for the women.

Ana was laying on the floor sobbing when Kerrie got back in the kitchen. She had grabbed one of the gaurds and dragged him behind her all the way from Ezras' office, to the kitchen.

" Pick her up Cory." Kerrie told him. She might be 16 but they did what she said because she was almost the only family their Alpha had left so he loved her and would kill them on the spot if they didn't do as she asked. Besides even at 16 she was one hell of a warrior, So Cory bent down picking up the crying woman bridalstyle carring her as he followed Kerrie out of the kitchen heading for the stairs.

" Its ok Ana. It will stop soon, He isn't doing anything anymore." Kerrie cooed as she rubbed the Raven colored hair that was spilling out over Cory's arm.

" I knew what was happening. I have seen it before in my old pack. I don't know why you went to him in the first place. We both know he doesn't want me." Ana cried.

" He isn't himself Ana. This whole bond thing, and how he hurt you last week is messing with his head. Please don't give up on him." Kerrie asked her friend.

" I am not giving up." Ana said tiredly. " Kerrie will you see if someone else will take over dinner please. I would like to lay down for a while." Ana asked as soon as Cory layed her on her bed and left the room. Kerrie left the room to find someone to tend dinner, not remembering Ana was not suppose to be left alone, espeically if she was emotional. Ana stood as soon as Kerrie left the room locking the door. She sat on the floor and grabbed the the razor from her pocket. Ana then began to cut along her inner thigh.

Ezra was running through the pack house following her freashest sent. He followed it to the kitchen seeing Kerrie there talking to one of the women.

" Kerrie where is Ana?" He asked.

" None of your business big brother." Kerrie told him.

" Who is with her Kerrie?" Ezra asked his sister, ice in his voice.

" No one you idiot, she would never stoop to your level." Kerrie said.

" Kerrie, I didn't do any thing. Courtney came in and started grinding on me." Ezra told her.

" You didn't stop her though, did you." Kerrie said angryly.

" No I didn't. But I have not nor will I sleep with her. Its just fun letting her think she has a chance." Ezra said chuckling at the very angry girl in front of him. Pissing her off more.

" Its fun hurting your mate, because you want a slut to think she is intitled to a Luna position." Kerrie asked.

" No, That was a bonus." Ezra said, his voice cold.

" Now, where is she Kerrieanne?" Ezra asked again.

" Ana is laying down Ezra. It really hurt her when you were with that slut." Kerrie told him.

" Alone!?" Erza shouted becoming afraid all of the sudden.

" Yes I told you..." Kerrie trailed off as Ezra ran from the room as fast as his legs would carry him, headed straight to Ana's room.

Ezra could smell it long before he hit the fourth floor. Ana's blood, there was nothing else on earth that smelled like it. He ran to her door turning the knob. It was locked, she fucken locked him out. Did she really think a lock would keep him out if he wanted to get in. With that thought he kicked the door so hard it flew off its hunges. Following the door accross the room Ezra got to Ana lifting her and placing her on the bed. She was passed out, he knew because she was mubbleing something he couldn't hear. Looking over her wounds his eyes widened at the amount of blood leaving her body. He ran his hand up her outter thigh looking at the long gashes there. She had cut to deep this time, She would die if he didn't help her. He closed his eyes calling Maddox to the surface. Giving him control Ezra sank back in his own head.

" What the fuck have you done Little Wolf?" Maddox asked his mates sleeping form.

Closing his eyes he shifted to his beast, looking down at the tiny woman on the bed. Bending forward he kissed her on her head, then he bit into his own wrist, opening her mouth and forcing her to swallow. He might not be able to force his mark on her, but he could damn sure force her to live. Alpha blood ran in his vaines and he would give it to her before he'll let her parish by her own hands. Ana was still mumbling the same words, he never said he didn't hear, he said he couldn't hear it. But he had and now he couldn't unhear it.

Ana opened her eyes, looking around at her surroundings. She was in Ezra's room at the pack house.

" Aaliyah?" Ana asked.

" I'm here." Her wolf said tiredly.

" Did you heal the wounds?" Ana asked she was really hoping her wolf would be to tired to heal those wounds.

" No, Ana I didn't. I did knocked you out, so you wouldn't cut us anymore than you had, But I did not heal us.." Aaliyah told her.

" How then?" Ana asked confused now.

" Our human mate come in. When he saw us on the floor passed out and bleeding all over the place, he picked us up and placed us on the bed. Ezra let Maddox out and he fed us his blood after he shifted. When the bleeding lessoned and the wounds began to close." She said shrugging. " Maddox picked us up and brought us to their room. Ana he healed all of our wounds. Not just the ones you caused, he healed even the ones Darien caused." Aaliyah explained.

" Why?" Ana asked. "They were just with someone else Aaliyah."

" Yes Ana, I felt it to. We talked about what we were going to have to suffer if we saved him that night, Remember? You promised you'd handle it ok. I mean sure we didn't know what it would entail exactly but we know he'd hurt or even kill us. But you accepted it to the point you refuse to let me put you to sleep. What happened Ana, Why did you try to kill us again?" Aaliyah asked.

" I know what I said then. I didn't lie. I could have done it then I think, but now?" Ana said sadly.

" I know, you have fallen in love with him, both man and beast. I have felt it myself. We are going to have to see this through if we want to have our mate as ours. It will be difficult but we will do it together. But the next time we face our mated monster please let me do it. I can put you under you wouldn't feel the pain like you did the last time." Aaliyah was pleading with her human. Ana had refused to allow Aaliyah to knock her out when it came to what their mate put them through because she wanted those memories, and that pain. She said it was her way of showing him she wouldn't leave him or hurt him.

Ana turned over in the bed not answering her wolf. She couldn't promise not hurt herself again. She wasn't sure she could keep that promise, so she wouldn't make it. Just as she rolled over though, she ran face to face with Ezra.

Ezra was looking at her, he knew she was awake before she turned over. He wanted her to talk to him, to tell him why she wants to die so badly.

" Why Ana? Why do this again?" Ezra asked her. He'd had to let the beast out last night to save her. Honestly Ezra wasn't sure he would. He was glad he did though. He didn't realize it until last night but he can't lose his Little Wolf, yes, his, Little Wolf. The tought scared him. He knew Maddox would hunt her every full moon until he got what he wanted from her, and killed her. Ezra also knew that Maddox would not have saved the Little Wolf for no reason. That too scared him.

Ana just turned over ignoring his questions. She couldn't answer them anyway. What would she say? Oh, I'm sorry Alpha but I have fallen in love with you and your beastie, so forgive me if you fucking other bitches causes me to become a bit suicidal!" Yeah... No she wouldn't be telling him that.

" Ana, look at me." Ezra said, his voice a little harder than it was when he first spoke to her. Ana turned over looking up at him.

" Why Little wolf?" Ezra repeated. Lowering his head to her neck, he inhailed her scent. He knew he shouldn't let himself care for her, but he did. Maddox wasn't going to like what he is planning now. Now he has to keep Ana safe from his beast.

" I was sixteen when he died." Ana said quietly. Deciding to tell him a part of the truth.

" Who Ana?" Ezra asked hoping to keep her talking.

" I will tell you what you want to know. But you have to promise me something first." Ana told him.

" What is it you want Little Wolf?" Ezra asked.

" That no matter what you learn from me you will not retalliate, No matter what you feel for me now or in the future you will not hunt my pack and wipe it out." Ana said.

Ezra staired at her, did she know his feelings were changing. She couldn't? Deciding it was a figure of speach, he answered her.

" I can promise that I won't hunt them, I can promise that no harm will come to the innocants in the pack. I can't however promise you that I will not kill them. They are going to be punished for what I know that are guilty of." Ezra explained.

Sighing Ana began.

" His name was Damon West. I loved him once." Ana seeing Ezras posture stiffen she continued.

" I guess I still do, the fact that he has died doesn't change who he was to me." Ana said her tears falling freely again.

" Who was he to you, my sweet Little Wolf?" Ezra asked.

" A brother, not my blood but still my big brother. He came to my room on my sixteenth Birthday and told me he had found his mate in another pack. He said when he asked our Alpha to transfer him out the Alpha said No. So Damon came to tell he goodbye and gave me a hug. He was going to run. Just as he hugged me goodbye though, Darien come in and saw us thinking he was in love with me and I him. Darien killed him right there in my room. Right in front of me. I thought the memory ended at the hug until other night. I had blocked the killing part out. Darien's birthday was the next day, and when it turned out I was not his mate, he locked me in the attic. That is where I have been since that night two years ago. If you hadn't decided to come to the pack, and they didn't need me to cook your food. I would still be in that attic. So you see Alpha you did save me, because if I had not seen you that day, I would not have been able to excape. It was your words that gave me the strangth to run." Ana explained.

" Yes I remember, you jumped off in the lake." Ezra said flatly.

Ezra closed his arms around Ana, pulling her into him. He was glad he hadn't promised not to kill the bastard.

" Little Wolf please stop hurting yourself. You very nearly finished what you started that day, last night, you have to be careful, you can't leave me. Do you understand?" Ezra said to her as he lowered his head and kissed her. He literally pressed his lips to hers, hard. He tightened his arms around her running his tongue across the ridge of her bottom lip. Asking her for entrance. Ana clamped down on her lips so she wouldn't give in and open to him. Ezra pinched her side causing her to gasp, just as soon as her lips parted he plunged his tongue inside her mouth. He searched every inch of her mouth. He kissed her like he was drowning and she had all the air he needed. Then lifting his head he placed it on her chest, like he needed to hear her heart beating.

Ana was looking at Ezra, she was confused. Why would he say that? Why would he do that? Why is he laying on her chest being craddled by her? Ana not knowing what to do brushed her hands through his hair. Though she never promised to be careful. Ana felt when he went to sleep, brushing her lips across his head, " I will try." Ana whispered out into the darkened room.