
Chapter Five: The Full Moon

Ezra was sitting in his office going over the pack business when he felt a coldness wash over him. He didn't mind the cold, infact he loved it. But this was something else. It was like a part of him had died.

" Maddox are you ok man? I feel strange." Ezra said. He knew Maddox would lose his shit in a day and half but he should still be ok right now.

" Mate has left, she is trying to reject us as she leaves the territory. I can not accept it until I know she will be safe from Everyone including herself." Maddox says.

" She literally said the words?" Ezra asked.

" Yes, she is hoping to excape her gaurds." Maddox told him.

" Ok well two can play at that game, and she won't excape her gards. They are looking out for her to try." Ezra said.

Ana was riding in the backseat of a Black Suv, it reminded her of a tank one might take to a war. She was watching closely as the scenery passed, she felt when they crossed the pack berrier so she put the first part of her plans in motion.

" I Anabella Mera Caulder reject you Alpha Ezra Elijah Black as my mate and future Alpha." Ana said. She felt him reject the rejection. What was wrong with him. He didn't want her but he refused to accept the rejection. Why? She paid close attention to where she was going hoping to remember how to get back or away. She was going to find a way to excape. She was told why they were leaving the pack house. Charlotte had told her that the Alpha goes crazy in the full moon and they were taking her away to hide her. She was going to use this opertunity to run. Just as soon as she could find a way to get this jacket off. They have been traveling for hours, finally she saw another huge house come into view. It was a beautiful house. It was three stories, the paint was a light blue and the shutters were black. Charlotte and Peter helped her from the vehical telling her that she is going to be put to bed stright away, ( what was she five ) all she did was nod at them. Ana followed the two in the house only just realizing it was only those two gaurding her. Oh, this was even better.

Ana was put in her room as the other two began to unpack. It would seem they were here for two days. Well they could stay here for two days she was leaving.

" Aaliyah?" Ana called out to her wolf.

" I am here Ana. I will always be here. And I know what you are thinking." Aaliyah told her.

" Can we do it?" Ana asked.

" Yes we can. I will come forward and push you back. That way you will not feel the pain when I dislocate our shoulders and get us free of this stupid contraption." Aaliyah explained. " I will also get us out of this house." Aaliyah continued to explain.

" Thank you Aaliyah, I am sorry you got stuck with me as your human. You are a wonderful Wolf and you deserved so much more in a human." Ana said sadly.

" I love you too Ana my sweet. I disagree with you though, I would not want another human, you are so much more than you know. But you will find out if only you'd stop trying to kill us. It is draining me have to heal our wounds like a mortel would. I am still healing the wounds we receved in our pack and you keep adding new ones, You need to stop Ana" Aaliyah said.

" I do not want to be a Rogue Aaliyah. I just wanted our mate, but he doesn't want us." Ana said to her.

" I know but we can live and try to join another pack." Aaliyah said.

Ana didn't respond she just nodded at her wolf who promply knocked her out and went about her business of getting them the hell out of here.

Ezra was in his bedroom just waking up because he had not slept well all night, something was bothering him. Ana had tried to reject him, why would she do it now. She knew she wasn't stronge enough to handle a rejection. He decided it was the looming moon and went out to make sure his pack was safe.... From him.

Alex was in his quarters, he heard the footsteps knew that they were Maddoxs'. The moon had peaked an hour ago, he had heard his Alpha roaring with each failed attempt to locate his mate. Now he was comming to the source, Me.

The door to Alexs' room burst open.

" Where is she Gamma?" Maddox demanded.

" Where is who Alpha?" Alex asked back, knowing he'd regret it.

" My mate Alex, where is she?" Maddox asked him once more.

" Alpha she is gone to get medical treatment." Alex explained.

" She is not in the infurmary Alex." Maddox said all while grabbing his throut forcing him against the wall.

" Alpha she..." Alex tired to say but Maddox began to whale on him. Hitting him repeatedly. When his body was limp Maddox let Alex go, Alex sliding to the floor. He looked at his Alpha through the blood that dripped in to his eyes.

" I will ask you only once more Gamma. Where have you hidden my mate?" Maddox said coldly.

" Alpha I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to, because I do not know where she is just now. Peter called yesterday and told me she excapted, he said that him and Charlotte would find her. They haven't yet Alpha." Alex explained.

" My mate has been missing since yesterday?" Maddox yelled at him.

" Where were you keeping her Gamma?" Maddox commanded him.

Alex shook his head looking at his Alpha he closed his eyes and said " I can't Alpha."

Maddox hit him again and left the pack house.

Maddox began to track his mate. He knew if Peter had anything to do with the disappearance of his Mate with the soul purpose of keeping her away from him, then the asshole would take her as far away as he could possibly get her. So he headed out towards the farthest side of the Island where they had ( for lack of a better descirption ) vacation homes. It would take several hours to get there by car, but he could do in less than hour.

He was about twenty minuets from the pack house when a sent crossed his nose, it smelled like warm Apple pie and Roses, Mate. He turned to his right following the sent. He had been going in this way when he heard a loud roar. Running now he saw the bear that had his prey trapped in a tree, his mate. Where bears could climb trees they would not climb one that couldn't hold their weight. It was good the woman didn't weight more than bird. Without thinking twice Maddox jumped the bear catching it by surprise knocking it over and away from the tree.

Ana screamed as the bear swipped Maddox accross his stomach. She was still in the tree watching the brutle battle below, unable to watch anymore though Ana closed her eyes. Maddox was wounded but he was still fighting a bear to protect her. He says he doen't want her but he was doing a good job protecting her even from herself. Goddess the man was confusing. They fought for what felt like hours but she knew it couldn't have been more than a few minutes. When she could no longer hear the sounds of fighting Ana slowly opened her eyes. Looking at the carnage below her perch her eyes widened as she saw what lay still at the base of the tree.

Ana jumped down from the tree with her wolfs help landing on the ground next to this hidous heap. She crouched down beside it shaking it gently. She wasn't worried about the bear anymore Maddox had killed it, No she was worried about her Alpha Wolf.

"Maddox?" Ana called out to him, she was afriad he was dead. Maddox opened his eyes looking at her, his eyes full of hate.

" What are you doing out here Ana?" Maddox asked weakly.

" Odd as is sounds I was running away. I am sorry my stupidity got you hurt." Ana said.

" It will take more than a fucking bear to..." Maddox pass out mid sentance.

" Maddox?" Ana yelled.

Nothing, no responce. She was crying now.

" Aaliyah, what can we do?" Ana asked her wolf.

" A lot Ana, we can help him, but do we want to help him? We can be free of him or we can save him now and take what is to come to us at his hands." Aaliyah told Ana. She knew what her human would chose, but it still had to be her choice.

" Liyah what kind of choice is that? He will die without our help, we are strong we can teach our mate to love us. Please we have to help him." Ana cryed.

" Okay Ana we will save him, but we can't heal him completely we will stop the flow of his blood and heal the enteral wounds then begin the blood flow again. We will heal the flesh enough he won't bled badly. He can not know what we are Ana so he will have to heal the rest of him." Aaliyah said.

" We can save though?" Ana questioned.

" Yes."

Ana placed her hands over the gushing wound in Maddoxs' side, she never flinched at his wolf/human like body. She wasn't repulsed by it neither. She realized she already loved him no matter his apperance. Closing her eyes she concentrated all of her energy into her hands. She was searching his mind link trying to connect with his bodys internal systems. Now conneted to his mind she has gained control of his bodys behavior. Slowing the blood she concentrated on his wounds. They were bad but she was better. Healing what of her mate she could without giving herself away she closed her eyes a moment. Siging she stood up, then calling on her wolfs strength she helped Maddox up. He was simi conciuos so that helped a little. They began walking toward the pack house.

" Why?" Ana heard a whispered voice.

" Why what?" Ana asked.

" Why are you helping me. I know they told you I will kill you." Maddox replied.

" Yes they did, but you told me first." Ana said.

" Explain." Maddox told her.

" Your reputation Alpha, It proceeds you wherever you go. Even as a captive I heard the stories of the Dark One." Ana explained.

" Why then?" Maddox asked through gretted teeth.

" Why what Alpha?" Ana asked.

" Why would you help me?" Maddox asked. He didn't know why but he needed her to answer that question.

" Because Alpha you are hurt." Ana replied.

" You rejected me, or at least you tried." Maddox chuckled weakly.

" Yes, but your human refused it." Ana snapped.

" I refused it, he didn't know what he was feeling. But I DID." Maddox snapped angruly.

Ana nodded her head at him falling silent. They walked like that until they reached his room in the pack house.

Ana helped the Alpha lay down, when she turned to leave he grabbed her hand pulling her on the bed next to him pinning her down.

" Maddox what are you doing?" Ana said.

" Taking what is mine. I don't want you, but I also don't want anyone else to have you. You will never surrender yourself to anyone but me and I would never ask you to, or I will kill you and him. So if I mark you and then reject you, no other self respecting wolf will have you. Thus salving all my problems" Maddox said, his eyes had changed. Before they were cold but softer. Now they were cold and hard, she could swear if she looked deep enough she could see the pitts of hell in them.

" Maddox you can't do that, you can't just take someone without their permission." Ana explained.


Maddox wasn't back at full straghth yet but he was still pretty strong. Aaliyah was trying to push forward to fight him off, but Ana stopped her pushing her back instead.

" Aaliyah trust me ok?" Ana said to her wolf. Aaliyah quickly backed off letting Ana do what ever she was planing.

" Maddox, by the moon Goddess herself, I refuse to accept a forced mark!" Ana yelled just as Maddox sunk his teeth deep in to her neck. Maddox didn't feel the bond connect, what he felt was sick. He didn't understand at first then he remembered her last words, she'd refused his mark. But that was impossible right once you bite to mark the mark appers and your linked? At least thats what he thought. Looking over at her he could see her neck bleeding badly. He just couldn't fight this lathargy that was consuming him. Closing his eyes his last image will haunt his dreams. The sun was rising at this point so the last images went to both wolf and man. Ezra saw Anas' neck, he wanted to go her, help her, but he was just so tired. Closing his eyes he watched the blood pour from her neck, knowing he was the cause.

Ezra opened his eyes to see his beta, his Gamma, And his pack doctor standing over him.

" What are you all doing in my room?" Ezra asked.

" Well Alpha." Peter began.

" Kerrieanne found you and your mate passed out on the bed, she called us. Alex took your mate to the hospital and Charlotte stayed and treated you. Alpha your mate has lost a great deal of blood but she is recovering. We saw the wounds in your side, Alpha you should not have survived those wounds. Ana was the only one with you so she must have helped you before bring you home." Peter explained.

" Is she ok?" Ezra asked.

" She has not opened her eyes yet Alpha but her vitals are normal." Charlotte told him.

Era nodds then adds

" Please leave me be for a while and send me Kerrieanne so I can let her know I'm ok."

" Yes Alpha." Peter said everyone turnning to leave.

Ezra heard her footsteps before she ever reached his door. Turning he sat up waiting for her to enter, because she never knocks.

" Ezra." she squeeled as she ran for him.

Catching the female in his arms he kissed the top of her head.

" Erza why did you attack that girl?" She asked him.

" It nothing for you to worry about. I just wanted you to see for yourself that I am fine." Ezra said.

" I want to know Ezra. I have known for a long time about your ferrial wolf killing Omegas but she helped you and you attacked her. Why?" She asks crying now.

" Why are you crying Kerrieanne?" Ezra asked. He didn't understand why she was so upset, she didn't even know the girl.

" Because you attacked her for no reason after she helped you, you didn't even do it because she happened to cross your path at the wrong time. You hunted her Ezra, Alex told me. I know he shouldn't have but I made him tell me what happened after I found him nearly beaten to death." Kerrie said still crying.

" She is my mate Kerrie. She tried to reject me and then when Alex said she had excaped from Peter and Charlotte Maddox lost his mind. He doen't want her, neither do I. But he isn't willing to let her go right now neither." Ezra told the girl.

" You are going to reject her. She is your mate Ezra. You can't reject a gift from the Goddess you idiot. I will not speak to you again until you come to your sinces." She yelled at the stubborn man in front of her. She turned on her heel and marched out of the room and stright for the pack hospital.

Ana woke up in unfamilier surroundings. She could here a machine beep and she felt something warm in her hand. Looking over she saw a young girl with long dark hair and light brown eyes, she was sitting next her bed holding her hand.

" Hello." Ana said.

" Hello I am Kerrieanne Grace Black most people call me Kerrie. Ezra is my big brother. I am here to ask you to forgive him." The girl explained.

" Forgive him?" Ana asked.

" Yes, I know he is your mate, and I know he attacked you. I am here to ask you to forgive him. Give him another chance to prove to you that he is the brother I know. He is a good person. I know the romurs about him, and where they are true no one has the whole story. I know he can love Ana, because he loves me." Kerrie told her.

" He doesn't want a mate. He tried to force a mark on me last night to try and claim the bond. I don't know why but he did. All while saying he wants to kill me." Ana explained.

" Ana please he really is a good man deep down. You have to care enough to find him, the true Ezra." Kerrie begged.

" I can see you already care for him at least a little. You look sad when you talk about him. Ana I can help you find my brothers heart if you will stay and try." Kerrie kept working on her resolve until she caved.

" I will try, but I can not promise you I will stay if I can't reach the man you know inside him. Okay?" Ana said. Kerrie smiled sticking out her pinky and shook on it.