
Tales on the Void World

The world was destroyed without anyone noticing. Almost everyone here has been transferred to the Void world where monsters rule. Displaced people were empowered to defend themselves. Can they handle it or like those sent earlier also failed.

Eybilklawn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: First Goblin Raid

Chapter 4

First Goblin Raid

In several hours of walking he saw more and more Goblins. He was approaching the Goblin fortress.

He immediately released the arrows when he saw that he was not with him or that he was walking away from his companions. He immediately let them in so that there would be no trace and the Goblins would not be overwhelmed.

He approached slowly, his detection skill just opened.


Sense Skill (Passive) Level 1 acquired.


Sense Skill, you can sense anything within 100 meters. Diameter will widen with each level up"

He continued to spell.

He was only a few kilometers away when he heard a noise. He saw more Goblins.

He immediately went to the nearest shelter and studied the status of the area.

His opponent was over 100 according to his visible count.

There are also many wooden prisons full of people.

He pulled out an arrow and stuck it in his mouth. Again he took another arrow and aimed it at the nearest Goblin. Immediately it was released, the goblin fell down with an arrow wound to the head. He immediately pulled out the bow again and released it. He released his bow a few more times. Everything released hit the roaming Goblins. He quickly advanced while taking cover. All the Goblins he killed he put in his Spatial Ring.

He repositioned himself and shot his arrow at the approaching Goblin again.

He was getting closer and closer to the fort. It's only about a kilometer away. He took out another case of arrows and put it on his shoulder. He made a hasty move.

"Harrrrwww" screamed a Goblin as he saw the Goblin next to him fall. The Goblins who had been sitting and eating people stood up. Someone even stood holding the person's arm while eating it.


This Goblin was hit in the head by an arrow. The food was dropped and fell.


they were clearly shouting furiously.

Benedict stood up from hiding and continued shooting. When the Goblins saw him they immediately rushed at him. But before they could get close, it fell down and was hit by an arrow in the head.

But they did not move and rushed forward. Benedict also continued to shoot. When he saw that they were close to him, he let go of the arrow and drew the sword sword from his waist. Benedict also rushed forward.


the head of Benedict's first cut fell. He continued to attack the group of Goblins. With a cut the Goblin dashed to the left split.


He parried the Goblin's right attack with the Steel shield. Again he sliced ​​the attacker's neck and stabbed his neck again. He immediately attacked the left lying Goblin.


Again he tackled the attacker and kicked him. Again it attacked to the right. When he noticed that he was surrounded, he ran back. When he saw some distance he pulled another arrow from his Spatial ring and loaded the crossbow. He immediately released it and hit the Goblin's body. It didn't die but it slowed down. He charged her again and the second she released the arrow she fell.

He made a quick attack. He pulls three arrows from the torch to speed up the loading of the arrow.


The remaining Goblins screamed. Benedict soon had no bow. It released the arrow again and took out a sword from the Spatial ring. Benedict rushed again.

"Yahhhhhhh...." Benedict also shouted. He immediately attacked the closest one. After attacking the kanam, he immediately cut into the one on his left. In the corner of his eye he saw an attack on his back so he jumped forward. He immediately faced up and attacked horizontally from right to left. He hit the one on his right with his shield and sliced ​​the one on the left with his sword.

Rawwwwwwwr..." shouted a Goblin. The fifteen remaining Goblins stopped short and ran to retreat. But Bennedict couldn't allow it. He took out a bow and arrow from the spacial ring again. He immediately took a bow and shot one after another. released.

"hah-hah-hah" Benedict's eyes were still sharp looking into the distance even though he was catching his breath. He felt the surroundings. Soon he fell to his knees on the ground.


he shouted loudly while looking up and panting.

On the other hand,

The surroundings became silent. The girl felt trapped among the other girls kidnapped by the Goblins. They were very scared but when they heard the silence, everyone felt it.

knock knock knock

They heard footsteps. When they looked at it, they saw that there was a man dragging his sword that was slipping on the ground. It was obviously very tired from a hard fight. He almost fell over from exhaustion. it's good that it was supported by his staff.

Benedict looked at the prisons in front of him. He approached them. Immediately cut the rope and sat on the side of the cage

"Let the others go" said Benedict. The girls came out one by one. As soon as it is released, immediately rush to release the others captured by the Goblins. They also released the bound men. The men are almost gone.

When everyone was freed, they were crying for joy. They also helped weak men.

Soon a woman came around a corner. It holds a large stone.

"Wahhhhhhhh" he yelled while hitting that part.

"yahhhh..." a grunt was heard.

"Wahhhhhh.." it continued to beat. It cries.

Those who saw only looked. No one is silent. Another came with tears still flowing and took a stone. Like the first one he helped her.

Look no further, these are the newborn Goblins.

"If you're done with what you're doing, combine the corpses of your comrades and the corpses of the Goblins outside."

Benedict ordered as he sat on the side. The idle women obeyed. While others are treating men who are still alive.

Someone approached his woman. He wanted to cure her. He raised his hand to refuse.

"Just help the others who are hauling the corpses that are scattered"

the woman did not complain and immediately followed. While leaning, Benedict fell asleep.

Benedict didn't know how many hours he slept. When he opened his eyes, they were already sitting near him. Benedict slowly stood up and looked at those who were sitting and lying down. 36 people. He took out some food and some bottles of water from his spatial ring. Benedict just looked at them. And went straight to the pile of goblins. He looked at her and looked at the food. There is no need to speak and ask. Someone took a loaf of bread and they took it one after the other.

Meanwhile, when Benedict got close to the Goblins, he released the other goblins he had killed.


they became particles and entered his spatial ring.

After the Goblins were dissolved, he approached the piles of human corpses.

"Have you said goodbye to them yet?" Benedict asked. He couldn't take his eyes off the cluster of corpses."

"Y-yes" replied a voice.

When he heard the response, he extended his hand to them.


They became particles and once again entered his Spatial Ring.

He approached the five men who were lying wounded. A woman attends to them.

"Which of you knows how to build a house."

They just looked at him. Benedict looked away and looked around.

"I know how to build a house." there is a trace of difficulty in the man's speech. It forced itself to move. The woman supports it.

Benedict glanced at it. And looked at the woman supporting it.

"Has his wound been cleaned?"

"Yes, sir" the woman answered sparingly. Benedict looked at the man again. He sat on the right side of the man. He examined the wounds on that part.

"Sir, are you one of the chosen ones" he heard a woman's voice. This also answered him.

"Why?" replied Benedict. he didn't look at the other person. he just focused on the wounded man.

"If you can include us in your territory and become one of your subjects." woman's language Benedict looked at the speaker. He turned his attention back to the wounded man.

"I have no territory"

The two women looked at each other. It's a sign of surprise.

"Isn't it, when you are chosen by the Goddess of Creation, she will give you a territory to rule over?" a woman whispered in surprise to the woman who asked Benedict.

Another woman came. This is the one assigned to pick wood.

"What are you talking about?"

It was curious. to two women.

"He is said to be one of the chosen but he has no territory" whispered one.

"Is it okay?"

"I just heard that one of the chosen ones but no territory was given"

"But he can return the dead to the cycle of life, right?"

"Wait, I passed someone earlier. This is where we will find out if he is indeed one of the chosen" whispered the woman carrying the trees and fruits. It approached Benedict.

"Sir, can you open the altar? I passed an altar earlier while walking here"

"What is the altar for?" Benedict could hear the conversation of the three. Although he wanted to say that what they say is the Goddess of Creation is the reason why he doesn't have a territory, he chose to remain silent. He also has many questions that want answers.

"Sir, it will be dark in a few hours. We need to open the altar to be a shield from the approaching dark mist. The altar covers the territory that the dark mist cannot enter. When our wounded comrades are caught, they will weaken and may become zombies," explained the woman.

Benedict thought.

"Come with me" Benedict stood up. The woman put down what she was carrying and led the way to the altar.