
Tales on the Void World

The world was destroyed without anyone noticing. Almost everyone here has been transferred to the Void world where monsters rule. Displaced people were empowered to defend themselves. Can they handle it or like those sent earlier also failed.

Eybilklawn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 Creating Territory

Do you know how to open it?"

"I don't know either sir. According to the elders in our village, only the chosen ones can open it" answered the woman.

"When did you come here" asked the woman.

"Awhile ago"

The woman looked at him, surprise in her eyes. He returned his gaze to the road.

"If you just arrived in this world, that means. Seven days from now, a monster wave will attack. The arrival of the chosen ones will signal this. And the chosen ones will also be the guides of the creatures living in this world."

"Seven days?"

"Yes, seven days. Sir, did you come from the human world?"

"Yes why"

"According to the elders in our village, this world has forty hours of morning, and 10 hours of night"

The 2 continued walking until they reached their destination.

"That's the altar I'm talking about" the woman said, pointing to a statue-like thing. It has the shape of a tree branch wrapped in vines. Above is a disc like object. It is covered with moss.

They approached it.

Benedict held the statue-like object and parted the moss slightly to reveal the writing.

Suddenly a Notification panel appeared.


You received an Iron territorial token

Note: A territorial token cannot be effected by the skill Hand of Tyche

Kindly choose

Option 1:

Use this area to be your territory

Option 2:

take the territorial token"

Benedict pressed Option 1.

Suddenly, the statue glowed and took on the color of steel.


You are acknowledging as the owner of this territory. You now have 1 kilometer square territory to manage. You may now recruit citizens to help you manage your territory."

Another notification panel appears.

" Congratulations for having a Beginner Level Territory Level 1. You received the following:

1 pc Level 1 Wooden chest

10 pcs Lvl 1 Warrior class change scroll

10 pcs Level 1 requirement scroll Warrior class


effect 1 of Hand Hand of Tyche is taken effect, you receive the following:

100 pc Level 1 Wooden chest

1,000 pc Lvl 1 Warrior class change scroll "

A ball of light appeared above the territory token and became a particle that entered Benedict's spatial ring.

After this the earth moved. A house-like stone structure rises around the territory statue.

Meanwhile, where those who were left behind rose a pole 12' high with a round ball on top. The same goes for other parts of the territory.

"He is indeed one of the chosen" said the woman who was taking care of the wounded.

In Bennedict's place, he stands in front of the Territory statue while reading his notification panel.


New function acquired. Territorial building function is now open.

Note: Only basic building level 1 can be built by Territorial building Function. Architect and workers are needed for the following upgrades.

Note: Territorial Shrine is the only building that can be upgraded without the territorial architects and workers."

He took out the wooden box from his Spatial Ring.

He opened the wooden box.

"You received the following:

1 pc. Basic Landlord building blueprint

1 pc. Basic Barracks building blueprint

1 pc. Basic Warehouse building blueprint

1 pc. Basic medical facility building blueprint

1 pc. Basic Forge building blueprint

100 pieces of wood

100 pcs stone

100 pcs iron

100 pieces of bread

10 kg of meat

100 bottles 1 liter water

10 pcs small healing potion

10 pcs small detoxify potion

1,000 pcs Copper coins

Note: Due to 1st attribute, drop rate ×100% of the skill Hand of Tyche triggered you received the following:

You received the following:

1 pc. Basic Landlord building blueprint

1 pc. Basic Barracks building blueprint

1 pc. Basic Warehouse building blueprint

1 pc. Basic medical facility building blueprint

1 pc. Basic Forge building blueprint

10,000 pcs wood

10,000 pcs stone

10,000 pcs iron

10,000 pieces of bread

1,000 kg of meat

10,000 bottles 1 liter water

1,000 pcs small healing potion

1,000 pcs small detoxify potion

100,000 pcs Copper coins"

He immediately inserted it into his Spatial Ring. He only left a Landlord building blueprint, barracks, medical facility, and warehouse each.

"Basic Landlord building blueprint:

Can be built using territorial shrine.

Construction needed:

100 pcs woods

100 pcs stone

10 pcs iron

Basic Barracks building blueprint:

Can be built using territorial shrine.

Construction needed:

100 pcs woods

100 pcs stone

10 iron

Basic Warehouse building blueprint:

Can be built using territorial shrine.

Construction needed:

100 pcs woods

100 pcs stone

10 pcs iron

Basic Medical facility building blueprint:

Can be built using territorial shrine.

Construction needed:

100 pcs woods

100 pcs stone

10 pcs iron"

Again Benedict approached the territorial statue. A panel appears here and the Territory Map is displayed. He studied the entire map of his territory. Benedict also studied how to build buildings. He first built the landlords Building. The ground shook again. Behind the Territorial shrine rose the house made of stone and with a wooden roof.

After this he placed the other buildings. On the left is the barracks. Near here is the medical facility. Next to the landlord's building is the Warehouse.

When it was over, he left the shrine. The woman who took him to that place was still there.

"Let's go to them" said Benedict to the woman and walked towards the location of the people who survived.

"Yes sir" he agreed. The surprise at what happened is obvious here. It followed immediately.

When they arrived, Benedict immediately spoke.

"Do any of you know healing magic?"

No one answered. Everyone just bowed.

Benedict sighed.

"Do any of you know medicine?" Benedict asked again.

" I am sir, I know how to treat, but I need a detoxify potion to clean their wound and a healing potion to heal their wound." said the woman who had been busy taking care of the wounded."

" What's your name"

"Lin sir"

Benedict just nodded. He took out 100 pcs small recovery potion and 100 pcs detoxify potion from the spatial ring.

"Does that fit," Benedict asked.

Everyone was obviously surprised by what they witnessed. Each drug costs less than 100 copper coins but

it was just given as if it were nothing.

"You, what is your name?"

he faced the woman who guided him earlier to the territorial shrine.

"Jennifer sir" it answered.

"Follow me" he walked again.

Jennifer looked at her companions. They just nodded. Although she had doubts, Jennifer followed the man.

They entered the medical facility. Benedict inspected the surroundings. Only 5 beds here.

"Not all patients will fit here," said Benedict. Jennifer looked at the person who spoke and turned her gaze to the place again.

They left here and went to the barracks. Bennedict inspected it. 20 beds here.

"Patients fit in here."

Benedict said. Benedict faced the woman.

"Tell them to bring the patients here. The medical facility will be used by the women as your resting place." After speaking, Benedict immediately left. Meanwhile, Jennifer returned to her colleagues.

Benedict went to the warehouse. It's 500 square meters but it's empty and there's nothing. He proceeded to the Landlord building. The warehouse is the same size as the Landlord building, the only difference is that it has a bed and a table. Benedict went to the bed and sat on it. He opened his panel.

"You now have a territory. New options are now unlocked.

You may now chat to world chat 1 times per day.

You may now chat to Continental chat 1 times per day.

You may now chat to Regional chat unlimited per day.

New function added: Coin bank.

New items added in marketplace/others"

He went to the marketplace/others

"New items:

frying pan ×1: 1 silver coins

Pot ×1: 1 silver coins

T-shirt ×1: 1 silver coins

pants ×1: 1 silver coins

wooden pail ×1: 100 copper coins"

Benedict went to Coin Bank Option

"Coins: 0

would you like to transfer coins? yes/no"


"How much would you transfer?"

"Transfer all"

His coins were immediately transferred to the coin bank.

"Auto covert coins had been done. Your coin counts are:

Gold: 2 pcs

silver: 999 pcs

copper: 982 pcs"

He went back to the marketplace and bought some

10 pcs water skill orb

100 lower grade mana orb

1 pc frying pan

1pc pot

1pc wooden pail

30 pcs t-shirt (variant color), pants (variant color).

"Congratulations you unlocked the sell option"

Another notification pops up notification

"1st attribute of Hand of Tyche has taken effect You received the following:

1,000 pcs water skill orb

10,000 lower grade mana orb

100 pcs frying pan

100 pcs pots

100 pcs wooden pail

3,000 pcs t-shirt (variant color), pants (variant color)"

It immediately entered his Spatial ring.

He went to the sell section.

He experimented with it.

"sell item" he chose a goblin axe.

"Goblin ax ×1: 10 copper coins. Sell it? Yes/ No"


"Do you want to collect or deposit it in the coin bank?"


"You received 10 copper coins"

Again a notification appeared.

"1st attribute of Hand of Tyche has taken effect You receive 1,000 copper coin"

Bennedict deposited the coins. And he will draw 1 copper coin.

But unlike expected he only got 1 copper coin.

"100× withdrawal from coin bank doesn't work?" Benedict frowned.

He even sold 185 goblin axes.

"Goblin ax ×1: 10 copper coins.

Sell ​​item: 185 pcs

Amount: 1,850 copper coins

Sell ​​it?



"Do you want to collect or deposit it in the coin bank?"


"You received 1,850 copper coins"

"1st attribute of Hand of Tyche has taken effect You receive 185,000 copper coin"

He deposited it.

Auto convert. of coins is done.

You deposited: 185 silver coins

Total coins in bank

Gold: 3 pcs

silver: 184 pcs

copper: 981 pcs"

Benedict went to the stall.

He tried to put 1 litter of water in his stall


items that can be brought to marketplace cannot be sold at the stall"

He just sighed


He just took out all the orbs he had.

5,790 pcs strength stat orb

3,409 pcs agility stat orb

3400 pcs speed stat orb

3401 pcs vitality stat orb

100 pcs dexterity stat orb

2,300 pcs intelligence stat orb

100 pcs null stat orb

2,732 pcs water skill orb

10 pcs fire skill orb

10 pcs wind spirit orb

100 pcs earth spirit orb

50 pcs healing skill orb

120 pcs sword skill orb

25 pcs archery skill orb

5,790 lower grade stamina orb

10,000 lower grade mana orb

he returned the 25 pcs healing orb to the spatial ring. He used them together.


As for this action, you will suffer tromendeus pain from physical, spiritual, and intellectual changes. You will be unconscious"

Even before Benedict had finished reading, he immediately felt the sensation of crushing his bones and flesh. He also felt a strange pain that he didn't know where it came from. He didn't even know if he was screaming because he couldn't hear even his voice. He was in that state for a few hours until he lost consciousness.