
Tales on the Void World

The world was destroyed without anyone noticing. Almost everyone here has been transferred to the Void world where monsters rule. Displaced people were empowered to defend themselves. Can they handle it or like those sent earlier also failed.

Eybilklawn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: The woke up

After a few hours, Benedict moved. He looked at his spatial ring and released all his fragments.

"Would you like to combine

10,000 pcs. strength stat orb fragment

10,000 pcs. intelligence stat orb fragment

30,000 pcs. agility stat orb fragment

10,000 pcs. speed stat orb fragment

10,000 pcs dexterity stat orb fragment,


"Yes" the fragments into orbs were immediately formed.


you received

100 pcs. strength stat orb

100 pcs. intelligence stat orb

300 pcs. agility stat orb

100 pcs. speed stat orb

100 pcs dexterity stat orb

Would you like to use the stat orbs?



As for now, you may only use a maximum of 10 orbs each stats and skills"

newbie guide 1:

use only 2 orbs each hour to upgrade your stats and skills.

Newbie guide 2:

Start upgrading the vitality stats into 100+ first before other stats"

When he read the panel, he immediately inserted it into his spatial ring. At the same time he released 2 vitality stat orbs.

"Would you like to use 2 vitality stat orbs? Yes/ No"

"Yes" Benedict said, the two orbs became colorful particles and entered his body.

Benedict felt a slight change in his body. Little by little, his body is sweating. His whole body, even his face, was covered in sweat. Even his head was sweating.

He took out 5 more vitality stat orbs.

"Do you want to use the 5 vitality stat orb?


"Yes" and immediately it became a colorful particle and entered his body. For a few moments, Benedict seemed to have a fever.

Benedict felt slightly dizzy and bowed. He leaned against the big rock.

"If it's like this and there's a backlash"

all stat and skill orbs appear.

100 pcs. strength stat orb

100 pcs. intelligence stat orb

300 pcs. agility stat orb

100 pcs. speed stat orb

100 pcs dexterity stat orb

Again he took out the things obtained from the human corpse

100 pcs strength stat orb

100 pcs speed orb

93 pcs vitality stat orb

100 pcs agility stat orb

100 pcs dexterity stat orb

100 pcs intelligence stat orb

100 pcs null stat orb

100 pcs basic sword skill orb

100 pcs basic bow skill orb

100 pcs basic dagger skill orb

100 pcs basic fire magic orb

100 pcs basic wind magic orb

100 pcs basic healing magic skill orb

100 pcs mana orb

100 pcs stamina orb

100 pcs low grade spirit orb

"Would you like to use the orbs.


"Yes" Once again the orbs turned into colorful particles and entered his body.

A few moments later, Benedict was almost delirious.

"Ahhhhhhh" Benedict felt like his skin was being torn and it seemed to be burning. A lot of knowledge also entered his mind. Benedict was almost contorted. He can't even understand up and down, left and right.

He spent some time in that situation. Slowly his feeling is getting better. Until he falls asleep.

When he woke up, he felt a change in his body. He looked at his arm. It is slightly bigger compared to his previous stick body. He looked at his stat/skill panel.

Name: Benedict Sanchez

Age: 22

Race: Human

Level 1

Territory level: none

Stamina: 200/200

Mana Core: Level 10

Spirit Core: Level 10

Status point Remaining: 0

Strength: 150

Agility: 120

Speed: 125

Intelligence: 209

Vitality: 130

Dexterity: 125

Skill Points remaining: 0

Hand of Tyche

Tier: Mythical

Level 1:

Drop items × 100%

Drop probability × 100%


Tier: Common

Level: 1

Intermediate sword skill

Tier: Common

Level: 5

Intermediate Archery skill

Tier: Common

Level: 1

Basic Fire magic skill

Tier: Common

Level: 1

Basic Healing Magic skill

Tier: Common

Level: 1

Basic Wind Magic skill

Tier: Common

Level: 1

Benedict sighed. He removed all his panels and stood up. In his absence, Benedict felt changes. He feels that he has grown taller. From being 5'4" he is now 6'5". His vision also sharpened. And above all...

"My hair grew longer?" Benedict wondered. He smoothed his hair. Benedict sighed and looked away before continuing to walk.

While continuing to walk, Benedict changed the lvl1 spatial ring and put on the lvl5 spatial ring. He inspected its contents with the panel.

"Lvl 5 Spatial Ring


5 pcs silver coins

800 pcs copper coins

1pc wooden bow

500 basic arrows

1pc steel sword

1pc steel shield

5 pieces of meat

1 pc letter "

He took out the letter and read it.

"My dear father,

I am now in Goblins territory. We have a lot here. The rest of us they eat. The woman is raped to become a mother. The others that have given birth to Goblins are being eaten by them. I am afraid. Maybe one day I will be raped and eaten. I hope this letter reached you. Shinya was the one everyone agreed to bring the letter. Because he was the only one who acted quickly among us


"His name is him"

he thought back to the woman the Goblin had killed a while ago.

His hand clenched in anger. The letter he was holding was also crumpled.

"I have to save them."

Benedict's eyes are sharp.

Looking at the path of the Goblin.

He took out his bow and arrow. He hung it over his shoulder. Again the sword was drawn and the torch was tied to his waist.

He spelled out the Goblin's path. After about an hour, he heard a notification sound. He immediately opened it.


Congratulations you gained new skill

Investigation Lvl 1"

He closed the notification panel.

He continued to spell and follow the Goblin's trail.

"Detection Level +0.0001

Detection Level +0.0001

Detection Level +0.0001

Detection Level +0.0001

Detection Level +0.0001

The 1st ability of Hands of Tyche is on effect.

Detection Level exp +0.1

Detection Level exp +0.1

Detection Level exp +0.1

Detection Level exp +0.1"

The exp points keep coming out in front of him. Again he closed it and immediately blinock.

As time went by, his detection skill became stronger and stronger. He opened his notification panel.

" Detection skill (Common)

Level 10"

Benedict just sighed."

He had been walking for five hours when he saw Goblins.

He immediately hid in the tree. He quickly climbed a tree.

Appraisal skills:

Name: ???

Race: Goblin

Level: 2"

He took his quiver from his back and took an arrow. He aimed at the Goblin who was 300 meters away. He released his bow.


It hit the Goblin's head. The Goblin fell immediately.

Again he slowly turned around and used his detection skill.

He saw someone moving at a distance of 10 km. He just focused his eyes on the moving object. After a few hours it came 5 km.


You unlocked the skill Hawk eye Level 1"

He immediately used it. His vision came a little closer and he could almost see the movement. He still didn't look down at the creature. He stayed in that position for a few hours. as time goes on, his pain also gets closer.

"Appraisal skill

Name: ???

Race: Goblin

Level: 3"


Appraisal skill level up to 10.

Appraisal skill is now a passive skill"

The Goblin's head now has what looks like a notification tag.

"Looks like it won't come close"

in Benedict's mind. He decided to go down. He slowly came down from the tree. He approached the dead goblin. When he opened his palm it turned into a particle and entered his Spatial ring.

He slowly approached the Goblin while ducking.

When he estimated the distance, he aimed his arrow at the Goblin and fired it.


Again it hit the Goblin's head and he fell.

Again he slowly approached.

When he got close to it, he checked first if it was alive or dead. When he confirmed that it was dead, he immediately placed his hand on it and it became a particle and entered his Spatial ring.

Again he traced the path to the Goblins' fortress.