
Tales of the Pokemons’ Scion (UNDER REWRITE)

Quick information before the synopsis, the story takes place in the anime/game Pokemon world, the Mc is not reincarnated, the story does not start at Kanto, it starts when he’s 4 and that’s 24 years before Ash departure (and 1 year equal 3 for us). ==================== Something terrible happened and corrupted the Pokemon God itself, making him destroy an entire universe because of its insanity. A young boy and his mother are running away to the only safe place the planet still had, a sacred place where the boy became something more than a simple human, before being teleported far away through space and time by his mother’s trusted companion. Now under amnesia and awakening in a place that seemed to not belong to his time, the boy will have to get his memories back and learn the truth about his destiny. Thankfully, the burden he has to carry will not be too hard on him as his mother wished for her boy to experience a normal life before fulfilling his fate. But would it be considered a ‘normal’ life by others? ==================== Read the ‘Author’s Note Before Reading’ has it contain needed information about the story. There is no schedule since I have a busy life and another fanfiction with higher priority. I own nothing except the Mc and whatever Ocs I will conceive.

Yasashiki · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 01

"That's... Celestic Town?" Mikael asked with curiosity as he saw a town with tall buildings split in two by a dense river made of trees that were also surrounding the entire town, making it a hard place to reach if you didn't follow the route, or have a Pokemon who could fly.

"Yes, interesting isn't it? It's the first Town to exist in Sinnoh and although it is quite advanced in terms of buildings compared to the rest of the continent, there is still an 'old' Celestic Town where the houses are still made of wood, the Historical Research Center I work in is also located near it." Carolina explained as the boy was amazed by the buildings since it was the first time he saw such structures

They weren't massive buildings with glasses all around, they were still made of concrete with medium-sized windows at each side, a lot of them having a balcony large enough to old medium-sized Pokemon as well.

"And my house is over there." Carolina added as she pointed at a place a bit separated from the halved town, quite hidden behind the giant trees that composed this forest

It was the largest wooden house in the town, not that there were many, and was indeed located not far from a place where we could see ruins of some sort, with the entrance being a building constructed like a 'U' which was the research center Carolina talked about.

"Hold on me tighter because we are going to land straight down." Carolina declared as she smirked while the boy didn't think twice about her suggestion and held himself even more with his arms around her waist

The Togekiss, who heard its trainer's order, quickly flew towards the ground while shouting a satisfying howl that could be heard by whoever was below them.

And as they were plunging, the main door opened and revealed two blonde girls with hair stopping at their necks, one of them had a bang hiding her left eye while her hair was a bit dense and curvy, while the other who looked to be smaller in size had the same length for her hair but a bang on the right eye with thin and straight hair.

Funny enough, the oldest was completely dressed in black while the youngest was wearing the complete opposite by being dressed in white, though she also had a pink Pokemon plush between her arms.

"Grandma, you're late!" the girl clothed in black exclaimed as the Togekiss landed in front of them

But as she moved towards the Togekiss, she saw two small hands holding her grandmother tightly, and moving her head to the side she saw someone with long light green hair who seemed to avoid her gaze sitting behind her grandmother.

"Hm? Who is she, grandma?" the girl asked while her younger sister approached them as well with a Clefairy plush between her arms


"Someone like both of you who will stay with us from now on." Carolina said mysteriously, but the oldest girl seemed to understand what it meant

Carolina then got down of the Togekiss and gently took the hand of Mikael before saying "Come down, Mikael, they are my granddaughters I told you about on the way."

The boy, who was still not sure about his acceptance in an already nicely going family, took Carolina's hand before landing on the ground to her side, now facing the two blonde girls.

"N-nice to meet you, I'm Mikael." the boy said as he shyly looked towards the two girls and made the oldest one smirk as she realized that it wasn't a girl, but a girly boy


"Nice to meet you too! I'm Cynthia!" the black-clothed young girl replied as she brought her right hand forwards, waiting for a handshake


Mikael looked down at her hand and decided to reciprocate by bringing his own hand forward.

Cynthia smiled heartily at this since, as much as she seemed kind and friendly, she had a hard time making friends because she lived quite secluded from the city and she was quite a confident child whose dream was to become the champion of Sinnoh and even more.

Most children she met were simply overwhelmed by her ideal, they all had simple objectives which were to become a trainer and... That's it.

She hoped that Mikael wouldn't be the same, but she had a gut feeling that it wouldn't be the case.

Maybe because, after what her grandmother hinted, he was surely someone who lost his family, even worse, he had worst luck than her since she at least still had her grandmother and younger sister.

Talking about her younger sister, she looked at the two older kids' hands and was seemingly grumpy about this handshake before pouting and going back to the house, without talking to the boy once.

Carolina sighed and said "Sorry about her Mikael, she isn't the best at dealing with 'strangers' and despite being the youngest, she's overprotective of her sister and doesn't quite like anyone who tries to get close to her, at least until she thinks they are capable."

As Mikael and Cynthia's hands parted away, the young girl suggested "Don't worry, I will go talk with her and she will surely-" only to be interrupted by the boy who declared "No, I will go and talk with her myself. I know the position I am in and also understand her point of view... If I let someone else do it for me then I don't deserve to be here." as a look of resolve was present in his eyes

He then looked towards Carolina to at least know if he had the 'right' to go inside the house to follow the white-clothed girl, and when she said "She's surely gone inside her room, the second door upstairs to the left." he rushed towards the entrance door to catch up with her

Inside, he didn't take long to locate the stairs which he promptly climbed before seeing the girl still not inside of her room as he was fast enough to catch up.

The young girl, who heard the loud sound of Mikael's steps on the wooden stairs, shifted her gaze to the boy while frowning before asking "Why did you follow me?"

The boy who looked at her with a warm smile in between two breaths he had to take after madly rushing replied "Because I desired to."

Sadly for Mikael, the white-clothed girl simply let a 'Hmpf." as she entered her room and closed the door a bit too strongly

Mikael didn't give up, however, and instead decided to near the door of her room and sit down with his back on it, instead of irrationally knocking or forcing his way in.

His smiling face vanished as his eyes became thoughtful before saying "You know, I'm extremely grateful for your Grandmother to have given me a place to stay." while no sound was heard coming from the bedroom

"See... She told me that she found me heavily injured at the head inside of the forest she was currently researching in, completely alone without any companion, with only ragged clothes on my body." Mikael started to tell as he tilted his head up, looking at the roof

"When I woke up, I was laying on a bed in a place I didn't know, with people I didn't know as well looking at me... But worst of all, I didn't remember anything more than my name... I... I was scared, and I still am." the boy continued to explain without knowing that the young girl was carefully listening on the other side

"When the doctor wished to know about anyone who could have been with me, a guardian, parents, Pokemon, I started to cry without knowing the reason." he kept on saying as his eyes were getting slightly wet from mentioning this topic

"But after thinking a bit more about this, I didn't need someone to tell me why... I have a feeling that whatever happened to put me in such a state was something terrible and ended up leaving me alone, without memories and family." he added as tears slowly flowed from his eyes, and his voice cracking more and more

"But then, a spark of hope bloomed inside of me as your grandmother proposed to adopt me, though I was hesitant at first since, after all, she was a stranger in my point of view, but, she saved me before and I couldn't imagine someone who already did so much for me to be evil." the boy added as he was cleaning his moisty eyes while the girl on the other side of the door clenched her arms tighter around her plush

"But then, your grandmother also told me that she lived with her two lovely granddaughters, and when I heard that part, I was anxious, anxious to be considered an annoyance, anxious to weaken your already well-built relationships and daily life with my presence."

"I'm ready to live quietly with you three, I will do my best and stay as silent as possible to not be noticed, and when I am a bit older, I will leave so your lives will go back to what it was before as if I was never there to begin with." the boy finally declared before getting up to leave with a miserable expression

And as his feet made the wooden floor crack with each slow step, the bedroom door suddenly opened and the little girl shouted "You don't need to do that!"

The boy turned towards her as he opened his eyes widely at the unexpected answer before asking "Are you sure? I-I don't want to become an annoyance..." to which the girl promptly replied "Yes I'm sure! You can live normally with us! I-it was just childish from me to act as I did, even more without knowing the circumstances first..." as her cheeks reddened a little since she was embarrassed by herself

Mikael's expression bloomed into a smile that came from the bottom of his heart as he blurted out "Thank you!" while a small tear, of happiness this time, flowed from one of his eyes

"Hn." she mumbled as she scratched her reddened cheek since she was flustered by the handsome boy's smile

"Oh, and hm... We didn't get to properly greet each other... Once again, I'm Mikael, nice to meet you!" the boy declared as he bowed slightly which was a bit odd considering the era they were currently in

"N-nice to meet you too..." the girl first replied as she looked away before looking towards him again to add "I'm Lusamine." with a subtle smile


Unknowingly to Mikael and Lusamine, both Cynthia and Carolina listened to everything that occurred above, before Carolina asked "So... What do you think of him?"

Cynthia, who smirked once more, quickly replied "As I thought, he is... Different from others."

Carolina chuckled before adding "I know right? Just like you, he behaves differently than you would think, and honestly, he's a tough boy to support such a trauma, even more since it barely happened."

"Oh and, before you bring him with you in one of your adventures outside, I will not allow it until I can properly teach him the basic knowledge he forgot and need, and I will learn what he still remembers as well." Carolina added as Cynthia had a shocked expression before blurting out "H-how did you know that I was leaving the house secretly? Did Garchomp tell you?"


The elderly woman smirked before replying "What did you expect he's my companion after all, not yours, so of course he would tell me that you sneaked inside of the forest with him!"

The look in Cynthia's eyes was the embodiment of the word 'traitor' as she tried to find the sleeping Garchomp outside who sneezed for some reason.

Carolina chuckled before mumbling "Seriously those kids, all troublemakers in their own way."

'And thinking back to how he seemed to communicate with Pokemons and how his wounds healed themselves... I don't know what's his past, but I only heard in a few legends the ability to do so' Carolina thought as her history researcher side came back

Nevertheless, what Carolina noticed about Mikael may be the most surprising, but something she shouldn't forget was how he could befriend any Pokemon quickly to the point of them doing their best to help him.

"It will get even livelier from now on isn't it." Carolina said out loud with a smile as Mikael was going back downstairs with a cheerful expression on his face since he was glad to be accepted by everyone in his new family

It was the beginning of Mikael's new life, and it would start with a lot of studies.