
Tales of the Pokemons’ Scion (UNDER REWRITE)

Quick information before the synopsis, the story takes place in the anime/game Pokemon world, the Mc is not reincarnated, the story does not start at Kanto, it starts when he’s 4 and that’s 24 years before Ash departure (and 1 year equal 3 for us). ==================== Something terrible happened and corrupted the Pokemon God itself, making him destroy an entire universe because of its insanity. A young boy and his mother are running away to the only safe place the planet still had, a sacred place where the boy became something more than a simple human, before being teleported far away through space and time by his mother’s trusted companion. Now under amnesia and awakening in a place that seemed to not belong to his time, the boy will have to get his memories back and learn the truth about his destiny. Thankfully, the burden he has to carry will not be too hard on him as his mother wished for her boy to experience a normal life before fulfilling his fate. But would it be considered a ‘normal’ life by others? ==================== Read the ‘Author’s Note Before Reading’ has it contain needed information about the story. There is no schedule since I have a busy life and another fanfiction with higher priority. I own nothing except the Mc and whatever Ocs I will conceive.

Yasashiki · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 02

It's already been a year since the young Mikael started to live with Carolina and her two cheerful granddaughters.

Some people may think it was too fast, but for an entire year, Mikael had to learn a lot of things and even more than intended since he was capable of learning extremely quickly and easily.

Nothing exceptional happened aside from the huge learning sessions he had and one specific escapade with Cynthia outside of the town.

First thing first, he knew that he was in the continent where Sinnoh, the northernmost region on this planet which is called Gaia, along with Kanto and Johto was situated.

This planet has 70% water and 30% landmass assumed since people currently don't know all lands that exist, as they have no way of seeing the planet from space for now.

Most researchers were not interested in space exploration since they didn't even know all of their own planet's secrets.

This planet was quite big, bigger than most habitable planets in fact, as it has ten times the radius of a faraway planet called Earth, while the gravity was also five times stronger.

On this planet, people's life expectancy is a hundred years old, though it can change depending on the population, one becomes a teen at ten years old and an adult at fifteen.

Under ten years old, however, they are still considered children but can start going to school at five, and more importantly, they can get their first Pokemon starting from five years old as well.

The reason? Well, one year is 1080 days, separated into 36 months of 30 days each.

Every nine months, the season would change, with the four well-known being summer, autumn, winter, and spring.

There was not a different name for each of the 36 months, but there were nine simple names always followed by the current season's term.

Those seasons could differ in length, as in Sinnoh, winter is long and summer is short, while the north of it is plunged under never-ending snow.

Back to the currently known regions, Mikael knew about Sinnoh and both Johto and Kanto below it.

Under this continent was the Orange Archipelago, to its right and under Kanto are the Sevii Islands, while to its left under Johto, Hoenn, a giant island, is located.

The existence of a place called Pokemon Island is also known to be left of Johto, and above Johto, connected to Sinnoh, there is a place called Ryme City which is a blooming small region that closed itself from the rest of the continent.

The Pokemon Island and the Sevii Islands are places inhabited by few humans, and those places were blooming with Pokemons.

A long time ago, people from Hoenn sailed to the west and discovered a new continent.

They arrived in a region called Almia, which had another region south called Ferrum and another one west which was called Kalos.

Above Kalos was the Galar region along with the Isle of Armor not far from it, and finally another region west from Galar composed of small islands called Lental.

This was the current known Pokemon world, people did try to sail from the western point of Kalos to find something on the horizon only to come back to the Sevii Islands, proving that Gaia was a globe and not a flat planet.

Because of this discovery, men then tried to sail south, or north, to find something but were met by violent weather making it impossible to go further, or was it truly the case?

[Here is the map I partially did]

This was the geography lesson taught to Mikael by Carolina.

Leaving that aside, Carolina was hellbent on teaching history to the young boy, as a professor focusing on history, it was inevitable.

And so he learned, he learned more about legendaries Pokemon and their deeds to build the world they now live in, how the regions developed and how the relationship between humans and Pokemon progressed as well.

He learned how the current political system worked since he was living in the 'Pokemon Nation' which was composed of Sinnoh, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and the surrounding islands and archipelago.

He did learn that Kalos and Galar along with their islands formed their nation, while Almia and Ferrum were both on their own.

Though those four regions had one similarity and it was the fact that they are, or recently were, ruled by a king.

Talking about kingdoms, Carolina noticed that Mikael knew how they functioned while they were studying them.

Putting a relation between his attitude which, albeit a child, was extremely polite and other quirks that made him too courteous made Carolina think that his parents were nobles.

Nevertheless, Mikael also learned what kind of jobs you could have which strongly involved Pokemon.

First of all, all jobs related to Pokemon started by being a Pokemon Trainer, only then you could take additional courses to either improve your knowledge or 'graduate' from being a trainer.

You can still have Pokemon while having another job, for example, an engineer or an architect has one or more Pokemon but they are not necessarily trainers, they still learned the basic knowledge required to handle Pokemons and they still hold a card allowing them to use them in certain situations.

If you decided to become a Pokemon Trainer, you could then become a Pokemon Breeder, Researcher, Coordinator, or stay as a Trainer to become the very best.

Lastly, someone could become a Ranger which was only possible in Almia as they forbid their citizen from becoming Pokemon Trainers.

And all of this would have to be decided when you hit five years old.

And Mikael already knew what he wished to become: a Pokemon Researcher, and even more, a Professor, which was the highest status a Researcher could get.

But being a Researcher was hard, a lot of people tried only to fail and do something else or stay as a 'simple' scientist.

This required an unimaginable amount of deep knowledge about Pokemon, from their habitats and living style to how they are capable of evolving, learning moves, and possess hereditary abilities.

Thankfully, Mikael learned extremely easily and he showed a surprising innate knowledge of anything related to Pokemon.

But something else was needed if one wished to become a Professor.

You need to make a great discovery on any kind of subject relating to Pokemon and make a thesis on it.

And talking about that, Carolina was shocked when Mikael started spouting what any researcher would call nonsense.

He claimed that there was an 18th type existing.

Right now, the world was aware of 17 types of Pokemon, and it was already ages ago that they discovered two additional types, being Steel and Dark, at a time where they didn't have the same research capabilities.

But claiming that a new type exists in this era was crazy.

Though he truly had vital proof and found it thanks to Carolina's Togekiss.

Let's rewind a 'little'.

Some months ago, Cynthia brought Mikael and Lusamine with her to venture out in the forest.

She said it was fine since she had one of her Grandmother's Pokemon with her, sleeping inside of a Pokeball.

It was the first time that Mikael left the house with her, and even more with Lusamine, and he felt uneasy about this, he felt that something bad would happen, still, he brought a camera with him since he enjoyed taking photos of Pokemon he had yet to encounter.

Going deeper inside of the forest and discovering some rare Pokemon living in it, the children were in awe with all their discoveries, and Mikael did some pretty good shots.


That was until they heard a deafening roar which made many Pokemon quickly leave this place, all flying types flew away while the others ran as fast as they could in all directions, and the sound left the three children frozen in place.

"W-what was that?" Lusamine asked completely scared as she tightened her grip on her plush that she always kept with her

"I don't know, but it's not friendly." Mikael said as he tried to locate the place where it was coming from, sadly for him, it was coming from every direction as if it wasn't truly there

"Maybe, but that's the smell of a small adventure, follow me!" Cynthia cheerfully declared she started running in a direction without looking back

"Cynthia wait!" Mikael yelled in vain as she quickly vanished behind the dense bushes and trees of the forest

Something she didn't think about was the mist that appeared around and made it hard for the two children to know where she went.

Mikael looked at Lusamine and gently took her hand before ordering "Do not let go of my hand or we will lose each other, alright?" to which Lusamine first blushed but soon nodded since she realized that the surrounding was getting misty and getting more separated was the worst that could happen

The two then started going where they thought Cynthia went but ended up arriving in front of a large pond where the mist was thinner.

"Cynthia where are you!" Mikael yelled as they couldn't find her with their eyes only

'She always acts too rashly' Mikael thought as he saw her run towards a potential danger without caring about her younger sister and him


The terrifying roar resonated again and this time Mikael understood from where it was coming from.

Looking at the pond of water, he didn't saw his reflection but instead a big purple-like substance constantly moving right above it, and when Lusamine followed his gaze, they got frightened when the portal grew in size and started to devour them.

Incapable of fighting back the pulling force, Mikael held Lusamine's whole body and put his back towards the portal, protecting her from harm with his own body if it could at least save her.

When both children vanished, the only thing left on the ground was the Clefairy plush of Lusamine, laying right next to the pond with the portal which stopped pulling things within itself.

After an unknown amount of time, Mikael awakened as he fell unconscious after being swallowed by the portal, quickly verifying if Lusamine was fine and thankfully, she was currently unconscious in his embrace without any visible wound on her.

"Thank God you are alright." Mikael let out as Lusamine's eyelids fluttered before opening her eyes to see Mikael's face too closely

"Too close..." Lusamine mumbled which made Mikael wondering a little until he moved his head backward and said "S-sorry... You, are you alright?" as he realized that he just embarrassed her

"Hn." she muttered before looking around and discovering that they were standing upside down in a place that, at first, looked similar to where they were before getting swallowed

But everything was all over the place, trees were not just upside down, but they could be seen flying around in this large space along with pillars and crystals that, by looking closely inside, showed them places they knew around.

"W-where are we?" Lusamine asked as they both got 'up' from laying 'down'

Mikael, who learned more about Sinnoh's legends than those from the other regions, for now, declared "I think that we are in the Reverse World... And quite lucky too." as he saw that they landed on the ground softer compared to the surroundings and are indeed lucky to not have splashed on the floor somewhere else

"Since the day you lived with us, you are the embodiment of the word 'Lucky' though sometimes I truly wonder the meaning of that word." Lusamine said which eased the mood slightly

Judging by their current situation, it was a welcomed intervention.

"We should stay careful since it is said that our world's laws are completely erratic in this place... And I hope that we won't get found by its ruler." Mikael said as he started to think of a way to go back home, seeing the portal 'below' them when they looked upward

'We can't jump inside of it and there is no pulling force either' Mikael thought before sensing Lusamine's hand poking his arm as she said "Look!" and pointed in a direction

Shifting his gaze to where she was pointing at, he saw Cynthia's silver pearl necklace floating around.

"Cynthia is here too! At least, she should be fine because she's with Togekiss." Mikael said delighted by the new

In a way, it would be better for Cynthia to be outside, but knowing that she's in this Reverse World with them is a relief because they could count on Togekiss to bring them outside.

"Let's try and find her, it should be easier for us since she should be flying around, just be careful and don't make too many noises because this World's ruler is dangerous." Mikael said, receiving a nod of agreement from Lusamine who grabbed one of his hands tightly, making her feel protected

Over the last few months Mikael started to live with them, she realized not only his luck but his 'aura' which always made her feel at ease as well as how soothing his voice was.

Even more, all of Carolina's Pokemon quickly got friendly with him, and that's something Lusamine didn't miss either.

Moving at the border of their 'island', they saw rock stairs appear in front of them and when they started taking them, they completely shifted their point of gravity and were now walking on the side as if it was normal.

Luckily for them, those stairs brought them near enough of the necklace and Mikael hastily grabbed it and packed it away in his pocket.

"This place is truly amazing." Mikael said as they kept on moving and multiple islands appeared when they neared an edge and brought them in another direction, without forgetting to take photos on the way since it wasn't a place much explored before

All of this while looking around to locate Cynthia, but still got amazed by the crystals floating that showed them many wonderful places in their world.

And after an unknown amount of time walking around and surprisingly not getting sick by the change of gravity, they heard the same deafening roar as before.

Looking towards it, they saw a giant grey serpentine draconic Pokemon with red and black horizontal stripes, multiple golden spikes on each side, and more near the edge of its tail, three golden rings that looked to be able to grip objects or people, with six black tendrils ending with red spikes, and finally, a golden-crowned head that opened like a mandible.

"That's Giratina!" Mikael exclaimed before looking at what it was chasing only to be surprised and added "And he's pursuing Cynthia! Quick, we have to help her!"

[Giratina Origin Form]

In front of them, they saw Cynthia mounting her grandmother's Togekiss who tried to fly away from the giant Pokemon madly following them, and as much as Cynthia loved adventures, she was frightened and strongly held herself on Togekiss.

And not only it was right behind them, but it also opened its mouth and launched a Dragon Breath at the Togekiss, only to surprisingly have no effect at all, and all of this was taken by Mikael's camera, but not activated by his or Lusamine's hands...

Mikael discovered that it did nothing and was curious about it, but he didn't have the time to think more about this.

'I know that it's a banished Pokemon because of how violent it was, but what did she do for it to be so hellbent on hurting her' Mikael thought before looking where they came from at first and saw crystals shard

'She broke one of the crystals uh' Mikael said as he sighed before shifting to Lusamine to order "Stay hidden here, I will get its attention so Cynthia can find you, then both of you leave by the portal, is that clear?" as he didn't want Lusamine to be attacked by Giratina as well

"A-and you? We can't abandon you!" she mumbled as he shoved her into a small alcove

"Don't worry about me, I know how to leave this place whenever I want thanks to my studies... I will be fine, you trust me, right?" Mikael said while lying to reassure her

Lusamine bit her lower lip and mumbled "B-be careful." as she did trust his judgment

Mikael smiled at her before turning away and running on a barren island where crystals floated around, he then neared one of them and looked towards the creature before shouting "LISTEN HERE YOU EKANS ON STEROIDS, I'M GOING TO DESTROY THEM IF YOU DON'T STOP ME."


The enormous serpentine dragon then shifted its gaze on Mikael and with a raging howl, changed its focus and dashed on him.

Mikael stayed still and waited until the last moment to surprisingly make the crystals float in front of him while his eyes shined with the colors of a rainbow.

Giratina promptly stopped its charge, fearing to destroy the crystals that separated him from the boy, and when its raging red eyes looked right into the boy's rainbow eyes, it was slightly curious but still not sane.

During this time which felt like hours but was only seconds, Lusamine did as Mikael said and Cynthia was able to find and snatch her from the alcove, before flying towards the portal against their will since the Togekiss, who heard what Mikael ordered to Lusamine, did as he wished.

Stealthily looking at the two sisters flying away, Mikael smiled before mumbling "That's the least I could do... I owe Carolina too much to not save you two."

Sadly for him, this small instant without looking at Giratina was enough for it to move the crystals away and bring its opened mouth at Mikael, surely trying to swallow him once and for all, though its current mouth was too small for Mikael to be gobbled in one piece.

Mikael, who for someone still four years old, was not scared of what should have been his last moment, and brought his hands forwards as if it was going to help him stop the creature.

Surprisingly, his hands which should have met with Giratina's mouth instead landed on its mandibles, and the moment it had contact, the rainbow energy that the boy has in his eyes also flowed from his hands and quickly spread on Giratina, making it shine and in the split of a second, it looked... Different, divine, even.

For an instant, the grey color became whiter, the black stripes pure white, and the red stripes blue, its eyes also became green and beautiful jewels appeared on its wings.

[Primal Giratina]

But sadly, this didn't last for long as Mikael took off his hands, exhausted by what he just did, and fell unconscious.

The Giratina though, was back to how it looked when he was enraged, but his eyes had signs of reason, and it was also a lot calmer as it looked at the boy with both curiosity and amazement.

{I apologize for the unreasonable acts of aggression I delivered before against your partner.} Giratina said with telepathy as he talked to something, or more precisely multiple beings, who never showed themselves but accepted the apology from the antimatter incarnation Pokemon

Giratina then grabbed the young boy carefully with its claws and started flying towards the portal he came from as well as the portal his friends took to go back to their world.

{I shall give you something as an apology.} Giratina said as something appeared in the boy's hand

Farewell, Mikael. I'm sure that we will see each other again.} Giratina declared while surprisingly knowing his name before making him fall inside of the portal with the unexpected gift in his hand


The first half was needed to tell you how this world is working.

The flashback is quite a surprise, I hope.

Yasashikicreators' thoughts