
Tales of the Pokemons’ Scion (UNDER REWRITE)

Quick information before the synopsis, the story takes place in the anime/game Pokemon world, the Mc is not reincarnated, the story does not start at Kanto, it starts when he’s 4 and that’s 24 years before Ash departure (and 1 year equal 3 for us). ==================== Something terrible happened and corrupted the Pokemon God itself, making him destroy an entire universe because of its insanity. A young boy and his mother are running away to the only safe place the planet still had, a sacred place where the boy became something more than a simple human, before being teleported far away through space and time by his mother’s trusted companion. Now under amnesia and awakening in a place that seemed to not belong to his time, the boy will have to get his memories back and learn the truth about his destiny. Thankfully, the burden he has to carry will not be too hard on him as his mother wished for her boy to experience a normal life before fulfilling his fate. But would it be considered a ‘normal’ life by others? ==================== Read the ‘Author’s Note Before Reading’ has it contain needed information about the story. There is no schedule since I have a busy life and another fanfiction with higher priority. I own nothing except the Mc and whatever Ocs I will conceive.

Yasashiki · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"M-Mom, where are we going?" an extremely young boy with green eyes and waist-length green hair with a braid asked with a trembling voice as he was getting carried by his mother

"Huff... Huff, don't worry sweetheart, we will soon be safe." the beautiful mother who had the same hair color and fair skin replied to her son, trying to reassure him but was doubting her own words

Looking at their surroundings, the only thought anyone could have would be 'chaotic'.

It was daytime, but the sky lost its blue shade and was instead pitch black with multiple rifts piercing it, from which surged lightning strikes capable of destroying whatever met them, the ground was not only shaking, but it was also splitting rapidly, creating giant crevices deep enough to kill you before you could meet the bottom floor because of the scorching heat below.

Not a single tree was left around, they were all withered, and so were the bodies of any living organism around, be it humans or Pokemon, all were back to dust.

No life could possibly keep up with the environment, and yet a mother was able to run with her child between her arms.

But around them was an almost invisible barrier capable of protecting them from the dangerous environment... For a time.

Far behind them, the ruins of what may have been a blooming city could still be seen, but even the mightiest castle couldn't withstand the ongoing apocalypse.

Looking towards the direction they were fleeing, a temple was surprisingly still standing, it was normally hidden between mountains and forest but none were subsisting anymore.

This temple could be considered holy by some people and Pokemon, or demonic for the rest, as it was the only place on the planet that could prevail for so long.

Nothing ever grazed the temple as if it was indestructible, but would it stay like this if the ground beneath no longer existed? Surely not, yet, it was the only place the mother wanted to reach along with her son.

Successfully reaching the temple after climbing a few stairs, the door was still completely shut down, at least until the mother made her son's palm touch the center of it, from where lights moved through the door and lightened up the whole temple, making the door split open from the middle.

Quickly going inside, the child was left in awe at the depiction present all over the walls.

The more his mother brought him deeper inside of the temple, the more he understood that those depictions narrated the story of the world itself.

He was also wondering why there were so many white squared sculptures on both sides of the corridor, and wondered, even more, when he saw the last few of them opened and empty, looking more like casks waiting for something longer than larger to be held inside.

At the end of the path, you could see a giant statue of what looked to be both a Pokemon and a human intertwined together, the face was that of a beautiful human girl with long hair that fell over her human body, but the six pair of wings on her back as well as the unnatural number of arms that finished with claws, and lack of legs since it didn't need any was contrasting its human nature.

Inside the statue's palm was floating a crystal shining with all the colors the human eyes could see and looked to be energizing the temple.

The mother, finally able to rest albeit shortly, put her son down and with a ragged voice, she started explaining "Listen to me closely Mikael, the only way for the universe to not fall under corruption is for you to grab the crystal... You are the only one Mikael, the only one who can save both humans and Pokemon alike from this plague that already affected our God... You have to become their King, our King." as she was stroking her son's cheeks who had watery eyes

"A King, like father?" the boy asked as he listened to his mother's words and was surprisingly not panicking, surely because the warmth brought by his mother's hands makes him feel safer

She smiled at his concern, remembering her dear husband who did his best to let them escape, before replying "More than that Mikael... You will be a ruler, strong enough to bring back God to reason."

"Y-You will stay with me, right mom?" the boy asked as his complexion shifted from eased to worry

She kneeled, hugged her son, and said with a soft voice "Of course sweetheart, mother will forever be with you... And everyone who rests in the temple will be too."

She then leaned back and said "Go and take the crystal, will you do it for mother?" as she was still gently grabbing his arms and slowly caressing them

"Hn." the boy muttered before turning around to face the intimidating sculpture, climbed the small stairs that brought him where the crystal was, and snatched it at once, not wasting time

The moment the boy did so, he got overwhelmed by the powerful energy coming from the crystal.

Usually, anyone who tried to touch the crystal would simply end up dying from the energy outburst, but the boy was able to absorb everything without being hurt.

Instead, it was like something warm was covering him, protecting him from harm, and also poured a lot of information inside his brain while the casks slowly lost their shine, and some sort of energy also left his mother.

When the flow stopped, the crystal broke into pieces as it lost its light, and the child started to fall as his consciousness already left him, but was seen floating while laying in front of his mother.

"Thank you, Celebi." the tired mother said to her Pokemon who showed itself by leaving its invisible state


"Bii!" the cute green onion-like Pokemon uttered before the mother asked "He's still far too young to withstand the backlash of all the information he just assimilated... Could you lock them away until then?"

"Bii Bii!" Celebi expressed as it used its psychic powers to do what it was asked by laying its small hands on the boy's head

The link between the Celebi and the mother was not simply a relationship between a trainer and her Pokemon, no, Celebi was her partner, she was chosen by it and that was the case for the royal family for ages.

Every member had a mythical Pokemon as their partner, a relationship that was brought by fate, to which Mikael was no exception, albeit he may be a unique exception...

Once Celebi finished locking away most of Mikael's memory, the temple, which lost what kept it standing, started to crumble down and fall under darkness.

"Celebi, I beg you to bring Mikael away! I want him to grow up and enjoy his life as any child should! Bring him to a safer place, I don't want him to feel the burden he has to carry until he has the power to, no matter how long it takes." the mother asked her partner, giving away her chance to survive, but transmitting her hopes to her child

Celebi, knowing that her partner wouldn't be able to go with her son since the current state of the world was making time travel already near impossible, parts being caused by the Creation Trio going crazy as well, did as asked and light surrounded the young unconscious boy before making him vanish from this already lifeless universe.

The mother started to cry every tear she held back until now as she knew that she wouldn't see her son again, before confessing "I love you, Mikael..." as the temple's roof crashed down where she was laying, marking an end to the last life present in this corrupted and broken world


"Are you sure you found him lying there?" a deep man's voice asked as he questioned what he just heard

"Are you doubting me, Eric? I do not see any reason to lie over such a matter." an old woman with short nicely cut hair which lost its color to become grey replied

The middle-aged man with a white coat, short brown hair, and beard then muttered "Still... Finding such a young child in the middle of nowhere and with a serious head trauma." as he looked toward the unconscious boy with shredded clothes and bandaged head

"We need to find some proper clothes for him too, I don't know what happened there to leave him in an extremely sorry state." the doctor said before adding "And as far as I know, I never saw someone with particularly unique natural green hair around here... He doesn't have anything that can tell us his identity either, we will need to wait for him to wake up."

The old woman was feeling pitiful for the boy since she found him alone in such a dangerous forest, with no adult or tamed Pokemon around him.

At least, not any that were noticed by her.

"Let's wait until he wakes up, perhaps we will know more." the old woman said as she neared the boy and decided to take a chair to sit down to his side

The doctor had a serious look on his face before declaring "I'm afraid that the injury he received on the head will have some serious consequences... Though, I cannot be sure."

The doctor called for a Blissey to come and nurse the child for some time since he couldn't just stay here all day waiting for him to wake up, he needed to go and buy a few things for the child.


Something strange though was the unwavering will from the Blissey to stay at the child's side, and it was so until he showed signs of awakening which happened to take a few hours even while being constantly watched over by the Blissey.

The old woman did stay inside the room most of the time, only left it to get food and have her usual human needs, she also realized how full of attention the Blissey was for him, as well as the child's eyelid twitching.

"Bli! Bli!" the Blissey happily exclaimed while the old woman got up from her chair to go and call the doctor who was back from his stroll outside

When the young boy opened his eyes, only the Blissey could notice the subtle rainbowed glow that they had before going back to their natural light-green color.

"Bli!" the Blissey exclaimed again once the boy was awake, making him turn to his right to see the huge pink and white fluffy ball with a nurse hat on the head happily cheering for him

"...A Blissey? W-where am I?" the boy asked as he wasn't scared by the Pokemon but noticed that he didn't know this place

"Bli Bli!" the Blissey explained to which the boy replied "A medical center? But I was- I was..." only to realize that nothing else was reflecting inside his mind

When the boy was starting to feel anxiety from not being able to remember what he wanted, the door suddenly opened and a man's voice said "Did the boy wake up already?" which made him turn away to look towards the door

"Looks like he did." the doctor added before nearing the boy who was looking at him with both curiosity and unease

"Bli Bli!" the Blissey exclaimed which looked to soothe the boy somehow

"If you say so..." the boy muttered which made the doctor raise an eyebrow at those words

'He didn't understand what Blissey said did he?' the doctor pondered before dispelling such a stupid thought

"Are you feeling any kind of pain?" the doctor asked before doing anything else

The boy looked at him, touched his head where he felt the bandages but replied nonetheless "I don't feel any pain at all... And why is my head bandaged?" before taking off the bandages with ease which made the doctor exclaim "Wait, don't-" only to be stupefied by the lack of any visible damage the boy previously had on the head

"H-how?" the doctor exclaimed since he saw the boy that the old woman brought back completely stunned and bleeding from the head, an injury that should have been deadly

"We should be glad that the boy is fine, Eric." the old woman said as she put her hand on his shoulder while smiling

The boy then looked at her with curiosity before she added "Oh my, where are my manners! My name is Carolina, I'm the one who found you wounded and unconscious deep within the nearest forest."


The boy quickly replied "Thank you." with a smile before adding "My name is... Hum, my name is Mikael, I think?" as he had a hard time finding his own name while his smile slowly vanished

"You think? Do you remember what were you doing in the forest? Most of all, do you have anyone, a parent, or a guardian that we could contact?" Eric asked without much tact

"I... I don't know." Mikael muttered as he clenched his hands on the sheet while looking downward

'He did get a head trauma, I just hope that it isn't a long term amnesia' the doctor thought before feeling a hand on his side that made him look back at the child

Michael still looked quiet but for some reason, tears were flowing from both of his eyes unknowingly.

"Ssssh, it's alright boy, you can cry as much as you want." Carolina said as she hugged the boy who started to cry even more without knowing the reason

"I still need to ask some qu-" Eric exclaimed only to get interrupted by a deadly stare from Carolina who shifted her gaze on him before looking back at the boy with a warm smile

After a while and only once Mikael was calmed, the two grown-ups moved a bit further to begin a silent discussion.

"You shouldn't ask him anything more. If he cried like that when you asked about his parents, it can only mean two things, they died, surely under his eyes, or disappeared, and even without remembering it, his subconscious knows it well." Carolina said as she was slightly mad about the doctor previous tactless attitude

As Eric scratched his head embarrassed to be lectured, he replied "He lost most of his memories, though like every amnesia, we don't know what someone can and cannot remember... If we want the kid to get his memories back, he will need some sort of trigger, be it a location, a word, Pokemon... It can take a long time too."

Carolina had a look of sympathy when she turned back to the boy who only looked at his sheet as if he was sad, even though the Blissey did its best to support him.

"I didn't get to ask about his age if he knows it, but since he doesn't have anything proving his identity, he will need to be taken care of by someone, I can call the orphanage unti-" Eric suggested but Carolina shifted her gaze on him again and declared "I will adopt him, at least until he remembers if he has anyone to rely on... For now, I will be his family."

Eric raised an eyebrow and asked "Are you sure about that? You already take care of your two granddaughters alone!" as he tried to stay as quiet as possible

Carolina sadly smiled and seemed to recall something depressive as she retorted "You already know what happened to their parents... This boy's fate is similar to theirs, and he looks to be the same age as the oldest, it will be good for them if they become friends as my first grandaughter's stubbornness is making it hard for her to get any as for the second, she may be a bit crazy even though she's two..."

'The place where you live is not helping them much as well' Eric wanted to say but kept it to himself as he facepalmed

"Then I will prepare everything you need so you can go back before the sun sets out." Eric said before leaving the room

"Thank you." Carolina mumbled before moving towards the boy and cheer him up as much as she could

*A few hours later*

"Are you ready?" Carolina asked the young boy who had a new set of clothes and lost his depressive attitude as he brushed a Bidoof's head on his lap


"Yes Mrs. Carolina!" the boy said as he got up from the couch he was currently sitting down while laying the now disappointed Bidoof on it

"I never expected my Bidoof to let anyone goes near him, even less brushing him... He's a tough guy that even scared a trainer's Rampardos not too long ago."


The Bidoof looked towards the doctor with a mean look as he didn't want the child to know about that before hearing "What do you mean Mr. Eric? He's a kind and fluffy little guy!"

The Bidoof looked scary whenever the boy didn't look at him because when he did, he only showed a dumb and cute smile.

'Kind my as*' the doctor thought before Carolina declared "Are you coming, Mikael? We need to be home before night comes." with her usual warm smile

The boy nodded and ran towards her as she waited right outside of the house, the door already wide opened.

The boy looked at the bag that the grandmother carried and couldn't help but ask "Isn't it heavy with everything you put inside?"

Carolina put her hand on the boy's silky green hair and explained "This bag is special Mikael, it can hold more than what it looks to be able to and the weight is heavily reduced as well."

The boy's eyes shined as he exclaimed "That's so cool Mrs. Carolina!" to which the old woman replied "You can call me Grandmother, or Grandma if you want... Mrs. Carolina is too formal for me."

The boy seemed to ponder for a few seconds as he put his hand on his chin before replying "Alright, Grandmother!" proving that the time she passed soothing the boy was worth it for his complexion

She then took her hand back and searched for something inside of her bag, and once it was out, the boy was interested in the white and red ball that she now had in her hand before throwing it.

His curiosity faded away when he saw a white avian Pokemon with broad triangular wings, three spikes ok the back of its head with one red, white, and lastly blue, small feet as well as a tail, without forgetting the numerous red and blue triangular marking on its belly.

"That's a Togekiss!" the boy said which surprised both Carolina and Eric who was outside as well

"Kiss!" the Pokemon exclaimed cheerfully


"How do you know that, Mikael?" Eric asked since it was not a Pokemon you saw every day, and Mikael was only four years old which was even less reasonable

The boy looked down and realized "I... I don't know... It's just, I know it but I don't remember how."

"Stop annoying him, Eric." Carolina said as she looked at him before shifting her gaze to the boy and added "Come here, Mikael, we will travel on Togekiss' back."

The boy did as asked and hopped on the Togekiss' back, followed by Carolina before waving his hand, saying goodbye to the doctor and the two Pokemon that were sad from his departure, namely Blissey and Bidoof.

"Farewell Mikael." Eric said before adding "In case you remember something or get injured, come back here alright?"

"Alright Mr. Eric!" the boy shouted before the Togekiss left the ground and started flapping its wings when his trainer asked him to

"Why would he come and visit an old and eccentric man like you, Eric?" Carolina said teasingly but never heard his answer since the Togekiss was already moving high up in the sky

And once up there, the boy was not only amazed by the view, but he was surprised by a large number of flying Pokemon that the sky was currently displaying.

It was mostly composed of Starly and its first evolution, something to which Carolina proudly announced "Welcome to Sinnoh, Mikael."


"Sinnoh? Is that where we are going?" the boy asked as he either never heard this name before or didn't remember it

Carolina chuckled before explaining "You are already in Sinnoh, it's the region. The place we are going is where my home is, and soon yours too."

"And where is it?" the boy asked interested by his future living place

"We are flying towards Celestic Town, Mikael." Carolina announced as the Togekiss flew faster without endangering his two passengers

"Celestic Town... What a beautiful name." Mikael mumbled while unconsciously smiling


That’s the start of my potential second fanfiction, I hope it will be worth the attention.

Tell me what are you thought about this prologue.

Comment if you find grammatical mistakes too.

Thanks for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Yasashikicreators' thoughts