
Chapter 3

The group got there a week after they cleansed the spirit of light. They got to the slopes when the mountain and all of the surrounding ground turned black with ash. The group made it to the door when they were swarmed by goblins who wanted to help. They helped them get to the summit and Sten gave their leader a large gold coin that weighed about three stone. The group found the spirit and cleansed him of the ash with the cleansing spring water. The spirit of stone granted them with the power of the Earth. The heroes then decided to head to where all the signs pointed.

The group decided to walk to the mountain of darkness. When they got there the mountain turned red with fire. The group could easily see the door to the summit but they had no way to get to it without being burned alive. Then Sten remembered what the spirit of stone gave them. They then used this power and walked on a stone bridge that they had built using the power of the Earth. They made it to the door when the bridge started to fall apart. Sven speedily opened the door and they all hurried inside. Once inside it was dark and cluttered with magical armaments that changed to fit the wearer Eron put on a breastplate and it morphed and fit his body. Then he put on the greaves that morphed and fit. The group had put on all of the gear necessary. Then there was a debate on who should get the sword. Eron went and tried to pull it out of the wall and he failed. Sten then tried and pulled it free and therefore he got to keep the sword. Then further in the tunnel the found a shield on the ground and Sten grabbed it. Once they got to the summit they prepared for battle with the spirit of darkness once they got their they saw a masked man running away from the scene where the spirit was completely corrupt and spouting flames.

The group did battle and the twins were struck down. Then Sten snapped and battled the spirit one on one he beat the spirit down and cleansed him with the spring water. The spirit gave Sten the power to summon the hordes of the dark and brought back the twins. The spirit gave the armor its true power the sword and shield along with the armor glowed with a golden light and the armor was stronger than Porares's wings yet light as mist. The spirit told Sten the name of the sword and his destiny. The swords name was Azarith and Sten's destiny was to contain the spread of evil. The spirit also told the group to head to the mountain of fire where the masked man named Truse the Dominator.

The group set out then used the doorway out of the mountain. But as they left they saw a new room that had not been there before Sten went inside and the door shut. The room glowed with blindingly golden light. There in the center was a new sword Sten pulled it out and it flooded him with memories that were not his own. He was then stormed out of the room and slammed into his friends. They then left Sten was dazed and could not walk Eron him on his back and used the power of the Earth to get to town quickly. Once there they then bought a room at the inn. Eron laid Sten on a bed and let him rest. When Sten awoke from the flood of memories he felt greatly stronger and that is when the sword Zarith spoke and said he was Azarith's twin when they were fused as one they were the great sword called Spirit's Bane. Zarith also said that Sten would need it in order to beat Truse the Dominator. Zarith told Sten to go to the smith of the woods to have him fuse the swords. Sten told the group that they need to find the smith of the woods in order to beat Truse the Dominator.

The troop walked down the mountain and headed towards the woods in the center of Sharnem which was all around the mountain of darkness. Sven took them to a smith that the spirits and their servants knew of. The troop got there and Sten went inside and came out a day later with one large sword that looked like it had all the spirits of the mountains infused within the blade. They then started walking to a near village to buy horses to travel to the mountain of fire. They bought the horses and a wagon to haul their things. They bought the horses with a large silver coin they had found in the mountain of darkness. They had 6 horses and 1 mule and cart. They all rode as fast as they could to the mountain of fire. Once they got there they dismounted and started the climb to the summit. Their armor protected them as they went up the mountain. They made it to the summit where they saw the spirit of fire giving his power to Truse. They all fought Truse to no avail. That is when Sten disrupted the flow of energy by stepping in between the spirit and Truse. Sten gained power from the spirit and used Spirit's Bane with the ferocity of an orc in a rage. Sten broke the barrier that Truse was using to protect himself from the attacks. Sten had destroyed the barrier with speed that was unfathomable. When the smoke cleared Sten had Truse on his knees begging for his life and that is when Sten let the spirit of fire have Truse's soul for imprisoning him and taking his power. The spirit of the flames gave Sten the on gift he could bestow for such an admirable action. He gave Sten wings of pure blue flame and some of the power Truse had wrongfully stolen. When this gift was bestowed for it to be fully functional Sten had to survive the metamorphic process which consisted of Sten bursting into bright blue flame. Sten survived and when he did he thanked the spirit and gave him the sword that belonged to him and the spirit turned it into weapons for the entire troop and gave them all the weapons that had been made. The spirit also gave Spirit's Bane back to Sten. The troop finally began the descent down the side of the mountain.

They eventually went back to the fort on the slopes of the mountain of water. They got there and with the help of the villagers they rebuilt the fort and protected the doorway to the summit from all who wished to defile the land. Sten still protects the door to the summit to this very day as an immortal servant of the spirits. Immortality was a gift from the spirits for destroying the defiler and saving all of Sharnem for now.