
Chapter 4

One day 300 years after Truse the Dominator was killed and Sharnem was cleansed, Sten Firebeard was taking a walk through the cemetery to visit the graves of his friends and brother. He left offerings for them and he then left the cemetery. He went to his favorite spot to watch the sun rise. He used his wings of blue flame to get to the top of the tallest tree and he sat there and watched the sun rise. From his perch he say 10 legions of orcs and goblins marching to the Ulentor fort from the east. He flew to the front gate of Ulentor fort. He then grabbed his greatsword which Eron Torak left to him. Sten put his armor on and summoned a horde of dark creatures. They decimated the 10 legions of orcs and goblins. Then Sten released the horde and went inside the Ulentor fort to sleep.

He awoke to an earth shaking boom. He went into the courtyard and found a man in a suit of armor that shone like gold but was stronger than the metal that made up the mountain of light. Sten picked the man up and put him in the infirmary where Sven Dagger was working. Sten put the man into a cot. Sten and Sven waited for seven days and that was when the man woke up.When he woke he asked where he was.

Sten said,"You are in Ulentor Fort at the base of the Mountain of Water."

The man then said,"My name is Crastos I'm a porares.".

Sten and Sven both yelled,"WHAT?".

Crastros explained that he was thrown to Ulentor Fort by creator of the spirits. They had a long conversation about why he was thrown to Ulentor Fort.

Crastros said that,"He was sent here to find 11 heroes and destroy the defiler forever."

Crastros shot out of his seat like a rocket and ran out of the door and into the courtyard. He saw 600 legions of orcs, goblins, golems,and dark creatures. Crastros opened his wings and flew into the sky. His weapons and his battle armor appeared as well as a cape that had the visage of a griffin head emblazoned on it. He lifted his arms and he bent back his wrists to a 90 degree angle. He shoved his arms to the sky and swords with chains attached flew out of his sleeves. He grabbed the blades as they were falling and landed in front of the 600 legions. He shoved the blades into the ground and pulled the spears off of his back and attached them and charged the massive army. He ripped into the army like a hurricane through a town as was common around the mountain of water. He ripped the first 300 legions apart like they were nothing the other 300 retreated to regroup. Crastros detached the spears and pulled his blades out of the ground using the chains attached to them. The chains morphed and each link looked like daggers. While he had his back turned the remaining legions charged with no clue that the chains had changed. Crastros turn and threw the swords and they ripped through the legions like they were made of paper. He killed them all except the general in which he had used his blades and staked his feet to the ground. The general was an Iskanshoo that joined the defiler for money and glory. Crastros pulled his greatsword off of his back and severed the head of the general and put his head of one of the pikes his army had before they were ripped to pieces. Crastros returned with the weapons of the fallen soldiers and his trophy. Sten had just stood on the battlements and was shocked by how quickly Crastros finished the battle. He finished the battle in an hour and retrieved the weapons in 15 minutes. Crastros hauled the gear back and that is when one of the bodies got up and ran away. Crastros picked up one of the spears and hurled it at the last soldier and it impaled him. Crastros hauled the rest of the gear into the Ulentor Fort and restocked the armory. Sten and Sven went onto the battlefield and retrieved anything that was salvageable. They returned with 7000 pounds of steel and iron for the smelters in the fort. They used Sten's wings as the source of heat for the forge. Sten's wings melted it all and at the end it was 3000 of iron and there was 4000 pounds of steel. After that Sten went to sleep and slept for a week. When he woke up Crastros threw six feathers into his back under the wings of flame. Sten slept for yet another week and when he woke he had wings like Crastros's wings. He also had on his chest a symbol that read Paladin.

Crastros entered the room and said,"Paladin Sven got injured and needs help getting the wound to stop bleeding."

Paladin ran to the infirmary and he applied pressure to the wound and it stopped bleeding. Then Paladin's hands started glowing and the wound closed and it scarred over. Crastros then threw 8 feathers into Sven's back. A week after that Sven woke up and had a symbol on his chest that read Assassin. Crastros was sitting in the corner when Sven woke up. Crastros gave him a piece of paper and an order. Sven ran out of Ulentor Fort and headed south where he saw and enemy battle camp. Sven read the paper it read.

Assassin you are to say your name and imagine yourself becoming a shadow and then sneak into the camp. From their you are to find the leader of the camp and then kill him. After cutting his head off BRING IT TO ME with as much speed as your wings will allow.


Assassin did as the paper said and activated his porares ability and it cloaked him in shadows. He snuck into the camp and found the leader. He waited till the leader was alone and then cut his head off and left a note telling them to leave or that they would meet the same fate. After that, he cut open the back of the tent and flew off toward Ulentor Fort and he returned at dawn. He saw Crastros and then landed and walked over to him head in hand. Assassin gave Crastros the head and went to his room to sleep.

Crastros went to the next place where there were heroes. He flew off towards the mountain of flames. He landed in Dirkhand Fort at the base of the mountain. He went into the barracks and threw feathers into four of the soldiers. They were the following races races, one was a iskanshoo, the next was a dwarf, the third was an elf, the fourth was a man. Crastros found the commander of the fort and he threw feathers into his back. A week has passed the five of them woke up each with a different symbol on their chest. The commander had the symbol of tactician. The dwarf had berserker. The elf had sorceress. The iskanshoo had the symbol for protector. The man had the symbol for hunter. Crastros gave them weapons and told them to protect the fort from the hordes of orcs that were on their way.

Hunter ran off into the forest that was the only way to get to the fort. Sorcerer made a wall of flame in front of the gate. Berserker stood in the clearing before the wall of flames. Protector stood behind the gate and was waiting with shield wall in front of him that he set up before the wall of flame was raised. Tactician was at the map table making plans on where the enemy would enter and attack and he told the others what to do.