
Chapter 2

Many months later the heroes had banded together because they were seeking the same thing. Except Eron Torak he decided to help them because he enjoyed battle. They had been paid to go to the mountain of water and go to the summit and cure the spirit that calls the mountain home. This is where the fort is they had just gotten to the town of Wimborne when the fighting started, a Bear had decided to attack the troop. This was the shapeshifter he wanted help them because the summit was also his home he ended up being hit with Eron Torak's fist Sven was knocked unconscious and reverted back to a humanoid figure. Sten and Rallen decided to help Sven when he told them that he wanted to help them cleanse the mountain spirits. The brothers decided that he would be allowed to join them and the loot they find will be split evenly among the seven. Eron Torak said he would keep an eye on the shapeshifter. Sven turned into a bird and perched on Eron Torak's right shoulder.

They walked into town and asked about how to get up the mountain. Many of the locals just gawked at the massive Iskanshoo. The others said that there was a door that few could open or said that he was a madman for wanting to go to the summit of the mountain. The locals told him that the door was in the ruins of a fort that was called Ulentor Fort. The other bit of information that Sven told them was only shapeshifters could open the doors to the summit, otherwise they would have to climb to the summit.

They then started their climb to the fort to get to the summit and cleanse the spirit of water. The troop had just arrived at the fort when the water in their canteens turned black and tasted of ash. They made it to the door and Sven set out to work when three legions of orcs attacked them in an attempt to get to the spirit and defile it even more.

Eron charged them, shield first and rammed 30 of them Rallen casted spell and it rained meteors on the enemy legions. Sten pulled out his sword and cut half of a legion in half in an amazing amount of speed. The twins ran off to find the general of the legions. Victor pulled out his spear and axe and skewered and chopped orcs in half. Sven was almost done with the ritual to open the door. Rallen cast another spell and it then turned him into a dragon and he personally killed a legion and a half before he ran out of energy to keep his form. Sten then charged over and killed the other half of the second legion. The third was being destroyed by the twins and Eron. The twins had come up behind the general and chopped him into pieces. Eron killed 1500 orcs and the twins killed a 1400 orcs. Sven then came to the battle and slayed the last of the orcs.

They went in the door and were transported to the spirit's domain. The spirit tried to kill them on sight but Rallen had stopped the attack with a magic shield. The group channeled their energy to Rallen who then cleansed the spirit. Then there was a brilliant light and the spirit spoke to them and gave them a gift for cleansing him. He gave them the power to cleanse the spirits of Sharnem. Then he released Sven to help them on their quest. They traveled to the mountain of light and again it got really dark as if an ash cloud had covered the sun. The mountain of light looked like a giant golden spire that reflected light and was thus named the mountain of light.

The troop had just gotten there when the ash cloud covered the sky. Sven lead them to the door which was hidden by the light. They got up to the summit and used what the spirit of water had given them. The spirit of light thanked them and gave Sten the power to call all of the spirits when their need is greatest. They then set out to the mountain of stone.