
Chapter 25

Soaryn Moved his arm up in a split second and punched Ulelinn in the jaw. After Ulelinn landed he walked over and offered his hand. Ulelinn grabbed it he hoisted himself up off the ground.

,"Why did you punch me"?Ulelinn asked in a serious tone

,"It was better than killing you".Soaryn replied

,"Would you like to join My team"? Soaryn added soon after

"Well since you chose not to kill me I suppose I should".Ulelinn responded,

"You made the right Choice, Now help me pick up aerd and carry him home".Soaryn simply stated,

Soaryn picked Aerd up off the ground and threw him over his shoulder like he was a sack of potatoes. Soaryn zoomed off to his house in the Busy District of Galameth. Ulelinn almost ran after him and Raethien. when he noticed Zaenia and Satyros standing there. He walked back to town with the two.

When they got back aerd and Raethien were sitting and talking which was a weird sight to behold. Soaryn was not there and they informed the small group that he went out to get a new sword. Right as they sat down they saw soaryn running to the arena as fast as he could. They saw that he was carrying a second sword. They burst out of the door and ran after him. When they caught up to him they were at the arena.

They saw the new sword he had gotten was as long as he was tall. It was made of a reddish brown material and as thin as a rapier. He did what the shopkeeper had told him to do. Went into the arena and trained with the rapier. Once he had done that he raised it to the sky. Immediately clouds formed and a bolt of lightning hit his new sword. It then shortened, Widened, and turned crimson.

"Who's there"? Soaryn Yelled putting his sword out in front of him

"It is only me and since when do you have a crimson sword" Nydaloth Questioned intrigued with the new blade in soaryn's hand

"I Just got it" Soaryn replied on edge not trusting the captain at this time,

"Do you even know how to duel wield"? Nydaloth Taunted

" Would you like to find out" Soaryn quipped back

"I would but you and your team are not on my team's level". Nydaloth Replied

,"We are quickly approaching--" Soaryn started to explained only to have Nydaloth Interrupt "Yet you are far from my level".

"If only you knew the truth about me". Soaryn Whispered to himself ballings his hands into a fist.

With that soaryn walked out of the arena and called for his team to follow him. As they were on their way home Soaryn stopped at a mission board. He grabbed one with a High payout and rank points. It was to halt the advance of monsters in Southern Harfract. The only problem is they would be doing so alone for the 5 days it would take for the Glirak to get ready. They went home for the night and Later that night Soaryn had a dream. Soaryn saw satyros in his panther form walking up to him.

"Follow me Soaryn" Satyros said,

"Why?" Soaryn replied,

," I need to show you something that will happen if this mission goes ary".Satyros stated calmly

Soaryn then followed the pantheras They walked onto what looked like a battlefield Buildings Crumbled bodies littered the area and the ground was stained red.

" This is what will happen to Galameth if you fail your next mission" Satyros Blatantly stated looking down at a man lying in his own blood.

"Then it is imperative that we don't fail".Soaryn Replied in a seriously calm tone,

The next morning soaryn woke up early and began to make coffee for everyone who were sleeping. After the coffee was made he made himself a pot of tea He never did like coffee. Then he noticed that raethien was sleeping on Aerd for the three thousandth time. He chuckled he then saw that ulelinn was beginning to stir and waited calmly. When ulelinn woke up he sat up and went to stand when he remembered where he was and that he needed to grab his stuff from his house in the forest. He Bolted out of the door forgetting to grab his shoes or even put on a shirt. He soon got to his house when he heard a twig snap. THinking it was an animal He went in and shut the door not noticing a dagger thrown into the tree he was standing next to. He went about grabbing his things he put on his boots and a black coat. HE stuck all of his knives into the loops in the coat. HE grabbed all of his large weapons and placed them in their correct spots on his body. As he left the house a weird Sensation ran through his veins. Then he ducked narrowly missing a knife that lodged in the tree where his head had been.

"Come out" Ulelinn yelled staring In the crude direction the knife was thrown. A figure soon leaped out of the tree line and landed close to ulelinn. Ulelinn recognized the mark on his coat as the Glirak's Coat of Arms. It was a shield with Red and white horizontal stripes. It also had three black swords crossing in the center. One sword came from the top and the other two came at slightly different angles making an edged arc with the hand guards.

"How are you able to dodge my daggers"? The member of the Glirak asked Ulelinn,

"I could hear your breathing"Ulelinn responded,

"I doubt that you would have to be a trained assassin to be able to hear my breathing".The figure laughed and said,

"How do you know that I am not by just looking at me".Ulelinn slyly responded,

,"No matter the hurry no trained assassin would leave a trail like you".The figure replied

Ulelinn then threw six daggers and pinned the figure to a tree.

"I left a trail because i did not think that someone would be chasing after me".He then said,

"Why –– would –– You –– Think –– nobody –– would –– follow –– you"? The figure struggled and said between the grunts of resistance,

,"SImple I am a member of the royal house of Druiga by marriage".Ulelinn Stated with a smirk on his face.

"and the punishment for assaulting a member of Druiga's royal house" he paused for a long time then slowly said in a sing-song tone"D-e-a-t-h….DEATH"Ulelinn quickly added,Right as he swung his scythe off his back a second figure stopped the sideways motion of ulelinn's scythe with a Staff. After half a second of still motion Ulelinn flew back like he had been hit by a Freight Train. As he flew he threw the other six of his 12 knives. He heard them stick in the tree. He woke up 2 hours later in the wreckage of the trees. HE got up and walked back up to his house.