
Chapter 26

When he got there he saw ten of his knives. He also saw that the blood on the tree and the ground was still wet. He followed the trail and found his last two knives. Later down the trail he noticed that the blood was beginning to dry. He followed the trail until he saw a cave. He set a trap and waited for the figures to leave the cave.

Ulelinn decided to leave at sundown. He got to his brother's house around ten o'clock. When he got back he saw that everyone was asleep. He took off his gear and went to sleep.The next morning soaryn woke everyone up with a frying pan and a wooden spoon. Everyone woke with a start.

That's when Soaryn announced,"We will be going to Druiga"

"Do you know where it is little brother?"Ulelinn asked,

"I don't but you do".Soaryn Replied,

,"What makes you think that I know where it is". Ulelinn responded

"Druiga is the only place in Risaga that one can learn to use a rapier".Soaryn said,

"Fair Enough"Ulelinn Replied

They all went out and got everything that they would need for the trip. The group followed Ulelinn back to his house in the forest. They saw the destruction and the amount of blood on the tree. When Ulelinn came out he was wearing a Rust colored Robe with a gold crest embroidered into it. He produced an orb from the folds of the robe. The orb was a light blue with silver flecks floating in it. There was a white dragon who seemed to fly around the inside.

"Everyone Grab the orb and listen to me when the gate opens".Ulelinn said,

"Ok". The group replied

They all grabbed the orb. A few moments later a loud whoosh signaled the opening of a gate to Druiga.

"Don't let go and walk into the gate as a group" after they got to the edge of the gate Ulelinn said"Oh and I am part of the Druigan Royal House so, don't touch anything when we get to the other side".Ulelinn Said,

Then they all took the last step before what ulelinn said soaked in. They dropped into Druiga's Throne Room. After being there for a minute guards launched into the room rapiers and pikes in hand. They ordered them all to drop their weapons. Ulelinn then walked from out of the group into the open. The guards put their weapons down and bent down on one knee.

,"These people with me are from Kotosyn one of which is my brother and the rest his team" Ulelinn Said in a commanding tone

" I am Ulelinn's Younger Brother and this is my team" Soaryn Stepped forward a little shocked at the recent development.

Soaryn Introduced them all,"The one with the scythe is Aerd, Raethien is the silver haired girl, Zaenia is the blue haired little Girl, and our mascot is the little black cat".

As if on cue Mr. MeowKins jumped down in front of the group and yawned curling up and falling asleep.

"You five, and Little black Cat follow us" The guards said in unison,

"Where are we going?" Ulelinn Questioned.

"We are taking you to the king and your wife".The guards said.

"Ouch man" Soaryn looked hurt

"You got married and didn't invite me?"

"Sorry Bro the marriage was a surprise to me too" Ulelinn Said calmly pushing open the door only to be knocked down by a young girl who looked to be twenty one who wore the same crest as Ulelinn. She also had long blonde hair with emerald green eyes that seemed to shine with the smallest amount of light.

"I am glad your back Husband" She smiled at Ulelinn with affection.

"Oh and guess what dear…...I'm Pregnant"