
Chapter 24

They went out of the city and followed him into the forest. They ended up seeing satyros stop at the edge of a clearing. They saw Soaryn fighting Ulelinn. Raethien had to hold Aerd back from going into the clearing As they sat there and watched. Ulelinn dropped his scythe and pulled out his daggers. They watched soaryn sheath his sword and picked up the scythe.

Soaryn begun to use it like it was an extension of his arm. He held off every attack Ulelinn threw at him. He swung the scythe like it was his longsword. He was not even breaking a sweat while doing moves that the captain would have issues doing. Soaryn swung the scythe and he hit ulelinn. Ulelinn dropped his daggers as he flew across the clearing. Soaryn threw aside the scythe and sprinted for the daggers.

He picked them up and begun his assault on ulelinn who had gotten up and unsheathed his rapier. Soaryn was quicker than ulelinn even in his armor on.

Aerd and Raethien stood there mouths agape. Then they spoke quietly to each other.

"Good thing he is on our side" Raethien spoke quietly.

"I agree with you on that" Aerd responded in awe.

Then he realized who he agreed with. Soaryn then was like a hurricane. He moved with speed and fluidity. He was able to hit every weak spot without the blow being fatal. Ulelinn stopped one of the blows and the he was disarmed. Soaryn heard the fives breathing. Then threw the daggers and told them to come out. The four of them walked out into the clearing.

," HOw much of our sparring did you see" Soaryn asked

" Since you picked up the scythe", Aerd responded quickly

" Well I guess the secret is out" Soaryn mumbled.

" I can see why you would want to keep the fact that you can use multiple weapons a secret You would be able to kill anyone you wanted to if you tried to". Ulelinn Said,

" Shut up big brother". Soaryn grumbled,

"you never mentioned that you had a brother"! Aerd, Raethien, and Zaenia yelled in Unison,"

"Well now you know".Soaryn then responded,

"Why Didn't you mention it?" aerd asked a little hurt.

"You didn't ask" Soaryn said simply.

"Well they must be close to you" Ulelinn said,

"We are his team and have been around him longer than you have recently".Aerd snapped at ulelinn,

"Well actually it is about even what do you think I was doing when i was training".Soaryn Piped in,

"well i thought you were out here killing monsters".Aerd Said,

,"that is only partially true most of the time i was sparring with Ulelinn".Soaryn explained

"He is right about that".Ulelinn added.

Aerd then walked over and challenged ulelinn to a fight reaper on reaper.

"Sure, not that you are going to win". Ulelinn bragged.,

Ulelinn then went over and grabbed his scythe. He picked up off of the coarse dirt in the clearing. Aerd allowed Ulelinn to fix his scythe while he went to grab his own. Ulelinn had to go to his home in the forest to grab a new scythe because he knew he wouldn't be able to fix that one in the amount of time he had. He went back to the clearing and waited for Aerd to return.

Aerd got back 15 minutes later. Ulelinn dropped out of his tree he was sitting in when Aerd returned. They stood at opposite ends of the clearing. Both of them staring the other down. The others stood just outside the clearing watching. Then they launched forward and with a clash of metal. Each clash of steel rang with the intent of murder. Aerd swung hopelessly trying to at least graze Ulelinn's body. It didn't work however as ulelinn was to fast and was calmly moving his body out of the way of the blade. Aerd showed he too was hiding something.

Aerd then leaped back and touched the dry cracked earth. Then zaenia saw that his mouth was moving but she couldn't tell what he was saying. After that the ground under ulelinn erupted in the form of a pillar. Then the ground under aerd shot him up to the sky. Aerd then started spinning his scythe and chanting the same thing repeatedly. The bats came out of the cyclone he had created with his scythe. Ulelinn was overwhelmed by the bats and he was knocked off his pillar but he dug his scythe into the side of it as he fell. He then started his methodical descent from the pillar.

Aerd then passed out on top of his pillar. The ground returned to normal. Ulelinn was still standing when the dust cleared. Soaryn, Raethien, and Zaenia ran into the clearing. Raethien ran to aerd's side and shook him awake. He coughed as he woke up from his exhaustion.

," Well that backfired i must be pretty rusty when it comes to magic" Aerd coughed

Ulelinn then picked up his scythe and walked over to Aerd. He brought the scythe down. Raethien felt a warm trickle of liquid on the top of her head. soaryn had caught the blade before it punched through them. Aerd then looked around her head and saw soaryn holding back the scythe.

"Nice catch Soaryn" Aerd Chuckled before passing out from exhaustion

"What are you doing?" Soaryn glaring at his brother.

"Getting rid of Casualties on your team." Said Ulelinn

Realizing that his brothers hands were still on his scythe Soaryn quickly disarms Ulelinn and his eyes widen in horror realizing what he was just about to do. This was because his Fist was about to connect with ulelinn's chest right at the V in his rib cage. If Soaryn had followed through with the hit he would have killed his only surviving kin.