
Chapter 23

"So what other forms do you have?" Soaryn questioned?

"well anything feline related, some canine related, one very special one that I hope you will never find out" with that he changed into a fox kit and curled up on Soaryn's lap. Now understanding what he meant by some canine related Soaryn sat there and waited till the others awoke.

It didn't take long till the sound of Raethien's screams broke the silence. After that the sounds of aerd's yelling was heard before a great pressure was felt and aerd flew past soaryn at break a neck speed he could feel the wind flow past him….Zaenia was now awake. Breakfast was awkward as Raethien blushed not looking Aerd in the eye. Aerd glared at Zaenia and zaenia was just silently eating still not accustomed to eating with a group. Zaenia was surprisingly the one to break the silence when she agreed to go with them. After breakfast they gathered up their things and left the clearing starting their adventure to becoming the best team in Risaga.

3 months have passed and the group has been growing through the ranks the once d class has become c class borderline B. they had all become closer not that raethien and aerd would admit that they have. They had become efficient enough and worked well as a team. They had just got done with their latest quest when soaryn faced Zaenia.

"Here" he said holding out a small box to zaenia.

"We all chipped in and got it for you" Aerd Said as she took the box. Opening it she found a small necklace with a Tree like talisman on the end. Tears developed in her eyes she had never received anything from anyone before. As the tears fell from her eyes the group one by one hugged her til they all had their turn. As Raethien put the necklace on,zaenia smiled she finally, in her eyes had people to depend on.

Later that day they returned to Galameth. After everyone was asleep soaryn left the his house. He carefully stepped over the bodies of his friends. He made sure to make no sound as he left. Once he was out of the house he went to the arena. When he got there he was surprised that the dent in the wall was still there. He quickly put on his armor and ran as fast as he could and as long as he could. Then after he was tired he picked up his sword and his shield and began to practice with the pillars in the center of the arena.

Dawn came and soaryn was still training. The captain saw soaryn and noted that soaryn had gotten stronger and faster than last time. Before soaryn left he swung at one of the pillars and cut through the pillar. As it fell he spun around it and bashed it with his shield. After it was airborne he lept up and slashed again. He landed with what was left of the pillar.

"Well done, well done"! THe captain complimented as he clapped and inspected the broken piece of stone laying before him.

"I have gotten better than last time, our next battle will be between our teams"Soaryn said,

The captain replied in smart tone," Your team will have to be better than the Glirak to be able to say that" And with that the captain spun on his heels and turned away from soaryn.

After that soaryn left the arena and went home. On his way home he found himself in his old training ground smiling at the old memories surfacing to the tip of his mind.

"Been awhile huh?" question a voice behind soaryn.

"Yeah" soaryn stated back not turning around Already knowing who it was.

"You want to spar?, It has been a while after all" stated the voice.

"It sure has….Brother"With that soaryn turned around to catch a blade two inches from his chest.

"Come on surely you haven't gotten soft" Ulelinn seemed to taunt though on the inside he was smiling his little brother was growing up. As soaryn drew his sword he had flashbacks of his brother.

Two boys were sitting by a pond skipping rocks and telling jokes. "You know soaryn" Ulelinn Called over skipping his last rock.

"Yeah Big brother?" Soaryn said looking up into his brother's eyes.

" I am going to be a prince of another kingdom one day." He proclaimed propping his foot up on the rock he had been sitting on puffing his chest. Soaryn Stared at his brother in awe.

"Really?" Soaryn gasped

"Yeah And then I can help support you, me and mom" Ulelinn declared ever since there father walked out he took charge and wanted to be there for his family.

As the steel of soaryn's blade hit Ulelinn's his mind drifted to a different memory.

Soaryn was crying he was coming home from school one day and some richer boys teased, pushed, and hit soaryn. The oldest boy of the group liked to hit soaryn he felt inpowered. As the boy threw his arm forward soaryn coward ducking his head under his arms for protection waiting for the pain. However The pain never came, When he opened his eyes he found Ulelinn holding the boy's fist glaring at the other two. Ulelinn then lunged at the oldest boy. The other boys ran from them as they were fighting. When they got back with the guard Ulelinn was standing over the boy. Ulelinn ran into the forest. The guards never ran after him. Soaryn then on his 10th Birthday he went into the forest and his brother found him. They spared and ulelinn trained him to fight.

Ulelinn told soaryn where he went after he hospitalized the boy who bullied him. He went to Tasanmi while he was there he was trained as a reaper, assassin, and a knight. Though he preferred his scythe over the small dagger or long sword. He learned a new fighting style in a new continent called Driuga. The Style he learned was to use a rapier. Which took quick sudden moves but, they were just as devastating as a longsword.Ulelinn had taught soaryn everything he knew. Though due to the large training it required his body started to break itself down.Now Soaryn only used a longsword as to not Destroy himself. He vowed never to use more than two weapons unless sparing with his brother.

Soaryn lunged forward using his longsword like a rapier. HE hit Ulelinn's scythe and it cracked. Ulelinn jumped back dropping his scythe in the process. When he landed he grabbed two daggers from his back.

At soaryn's house Aerd woke up. As he stared at the ceiling he debated getting up to train. His chest felt heavier than normal He lifted his head and saw Raethien using him as a pillow. He smiled still groggy not comprehending what he saw and went back to sleep. They all awoke to Raethien's scream. After 30 minutes of yelling at aerd and aerd getting thrown through the wall once again. They noticed satyros scratching at the door. They let him out and then the followed him in his house cat form.