
Chapter 12

After the fight between Darcon, Engon, and Metano. Darcon destroyed the Spirit of Darkness. Darcon then turned back into Draco and between the base of his wings had the seal of the Spirit of Darkness had burned into his scales there. The shapeshifter had seen this and jumped in and explained that Draco had inherited the powers of the Spirit of Darkness as well as the mountain. Then Draco had decided to flatten the mountain, which was his to do with as he wished, and built Fallen Star Keep. Draco flattened the mountain so that he could be the first spirit to interact with the people of Sharnem.

Three days after Draco announced that Sharnem would be protected by the dragons but they needed two people to help them. Hordes of people from every race swarmed to Fallen Star Keep. It was newly built by the 6 original dragons they built it in 17 hours 16 minutes and 19 seconds. It was well built and it the center of the sectors. It was a neutral territory. The keep had eight colors one for every dragon and each one tapered off to a point so the building looked like a multicolored pizza. The sector that Ulentor Fort was in was protected by Fraxin the Ice Dragon. Fraxin spent most of his time in Ulentor Fort with the Porares.

At Fallen Star Keep there were people outside waiting for the gates to open and the choosing of the new dragons to begin. Draco walked briskly to the battlements on the top of the front gate. He announced that they all had the potential to either be dragons or be in one of the elite draconic squads. His arm flew up and the gate opened, the people flocked in. They went to the front desk where all the dragons said that they needed to choose which one they were going to train with before proving event started in a week. The people chose because they understood the fact that training is important. Especially when proving oneself to be the best.

The people got into lines and each dragon told them to hold out their arms to accept the brand. The brand would prevent them from leaving Fallen Star Keep and keep the training from killing them. The brand would also allow them the abilities of the dragon spots they are attempting to get. The 6 dragons went down the rows in front of them and touched their forearms. The brand appeared on every one's arms and the brand was the color of the dragon that touched them. I was one of these people who was branded. The brand I got was from Benzi the Light Dragon. My brand was yellow and glowed as if the sun resided within it. My name is Kaor I became the first dragon prince with the same abilities as Darcon. I did not know it at the time that I would have as much power as I do now. I trained non-stop with Benzi and after a day I managed to beat him in a sparring match. After that I was rebranded under Trunce after 3 days I beat him. Little did I know that each brand received ment that you got the abilities of that dragon. I was transferred to each dragon individually and I beat them all within hours of being transferred to them. Whereas others had only been transferred only once and were having issues with their second dragon sparring. I was then sent to Draco after beating all of his dragons. He branded me with the fire dragon and we spared using only fire it took an entire day. After I beat him he gave me the mark of the Iron Dragon. I beat him using all of my abilities and it only took 3 days. The next day he announced that there was a new position in the Fallen Star Keep. It was the position of Draconic Judge only someone with all 7 brands could be eligible. Then the next day the positions were announced. I was given the title of Draconic Prince. My younger brother Kernon was made the Fire Dragon and an Iskanshoo named Krall became the Iron Dragon. The next week we were ordered by Draco to go and find out who was worthy to be in our individual squads. Draco announced that the Fallen Stars would be choosing their squads. More people had arrived at Fallen Star Keep after the announcement.