
Chapter 10

Crastros waved him away. Trunce went over to Benzi and asked where the king was. Benzi replied quickly that he had no idea where the king was. Benzi did say he knew where the other dragons had fallen. Trunce, Crastros, and Benzi went to the Dead Zone. They got their the next day and saw Metano covered in blood standing over the dragon in the crater.

Crastros flew at Metano and made him fly back ten feet. Crastros asked why Metano why he was covered in blood. Metano said that 100 dwarves attacked him and he made a forest of their bodies and iron spikes. Then the dragon in the crater woke and asked where he was. Trunce answered him and said you are in the Dead Zone of Sharnem Kalahanda fifth in line for the seat of dragon king. Benzi asked Kalahanda if he knew where Draco was. Right as Kalahanda opened his mouth Engon landed and challenged Metano to a fight. Kalahanda answered that he knew where Gendelen, seventh in line for the seat of the dragon king, was but not Draco.

Engon and Metano had their fight. Engon won by over powering Metano with his flames. Crastros told them to stop fighting so that they could find the other 3 fallen stars. The 5 of them set off for Gendelen who was in the ruins of the Half-Breed capital. They made it to Gendelen later that day. They found him still sleeping in his crater. Engon woke him up and asked him if he knew where Draco was. Gendelen said that he did not but he did know where Fraxin, sixth in line for the seat of the dragon king, was. The 6 of them flew to where Gendelen said where Fraxin had landed.

It was night time when they got to the coast. They set up camp and got a fire going with the help of Engon. Gendelen and Crastros were talk peacefully. Gendelen told Crastros about their titles.

Gendelen said,"Engon is the Fire Dragon, Metano the Iron, Fraxin the Ice, Trunce the Wind, Benzi the Light, Kalahanda the Caustic, I am the Sky.

Crastros asked,"Then what is Draco"?

Gendelen replied,"He is all of us as well as Life and Death that is why he is called the Dragon King".

Crastros asked,"Who is the strongest after Draco"?

Gendelen answered,"Engon and I am the weakest".

Crastros stated,"So strength determines the hierarchy".

Gendelen replied,"Correct".

Engon yelled at them to come and eat.They got up and went to get some of the stew that Kalahanda made. They ate their fill and then they went to sleep. In the morning they woke up and torn down camp and went to find Fraxin. Gendelen said that Fraxin had landed in the ocean about half a league out. Gendelen flew out to look for Fraxin while the others searched the coast. One hour later Gendelen saw a chunk of ice floating in the cold waters of Sharnem's northern coast. Gendelen flew down to the ice and saw Fraxin inside the ice still sleeping. Gendelen placed his onto the ice and guided it to the coast.

Gendelen got there and the others help bring the ice out of reach of the tides. Engon melted the ice and woke Fraxin up. Fraxin froze Engon's head before he could speak. Fraxin got out of the ice and started to head for Ulentor Fort. Crastros stopped Fraxin and asked him where he was going.

Fraxin quietly said,"To report to my king now unhand me spirit".

Engon yelled,"Fraxin stand down and tell us where Draco is".

Fraxin said,"No I was ordered not to let you and Metano see him".

After that a fight ensued between Fraxin and Engon. It soon became obvious that Engon was stronger. Then Fraxin stopped moving and his scales glowed and then Engon started walking slowly. Fraxin then opened his eyes and said something that was inaudible. Then Engon fell the ground encased in 90 inches of ice. The all looked to their right because they heard a thud. It was because Metano had fallen the ground encased in the same amount of ice. Fraxin told them to follow before they broke free which would be in about 72 hours. They all flew after Fraxin and they soon arrived at Ulentor Fort.