
Chapter 9

It was the dead of night 25 years after Crastros went to sleep. Everyone had lived in unity and was happy. Twas the night of a festival when 8 stars fell from the sky and they different parts of Sharnem. The first made a crater of the dead zone. The second in the Krall Oasis. The third in the stone hills. The fourth ½ a mile from the northern coast Sharnem. The 5th in the ruins of the old half-breed capital. The 6th hit the Meadow of Light. The 7th hit the the sulphur fields and the 8th hit dead center in the courtyard of Ulentor Fort.

The next day the 14 porares woke up and went about their chores. Then they saw the 8th star that had fallen to the ground. Sten and Sven went and woke up the man who had fallen from the sky. When the got to the man you had fallen they saw that he was wrapped in wings. They were not like the porares light and feathery wings. They were leathery and scaled. The man also had a stout snout and had ridges on his head. He also had a black draconic tattoo on his face. They woke him up and the man sat up immediately.

Sten inquired," What is your name".

The man responded quickly,"Draco".

Sten asked," Well Draco where are you from".

Draco pointed to the sky. Sten had a puzzled look on his face.

Draco explained," Myself and 7 others fell from the stars for questioning the spirits".

Sten asked,"What did you question"?

Draco said,"We questioned the relevance of the spirits holding mountains as their domains".

Sten inquired,"Why did you question that"?

Draco explained that they watched from the sky and were not allowed to interact with the people of Sharnem and they are on the planet they could at least interact with the people.Sten agreed and then he asked what race Draco and the 7 other stars that had fallen. Draco said that he and the other stars were dragons and he was their king. Draco also said that they each have different abilities and that he has all of their and his own.

He then demonstrated one of the other dragons abilities and created an iron geyser that spewed iron dust. Soon the entire fort was coated in iron dust then the geyser stopped. Afterwords Draco touched a bucket and mumbled something. The iron dust coated the bucket. The 14 heroes were shocked and thought their was some trick to his abilities. Draco said that there was no tricks to his abilities. He also reminded them that he was a dragon and as such was able to use magic.

Meanwhile on the Mountain of Light Crastros woke with a start. He got up and spread his wings and flew to where the dragon had fallen. He woke up the dragon and asked why he was there. The dragon said that his name was Benzi and that he was a dragon and the fourth in line for the seat of the dragon king.

The dragon that had landed in the Sulphur Fields was woken by the Fire Spirit's servant. The dragon's said his name was Engon and he was first in line for the seat of the dragon king. Engon got up and unfurled his wings and flew in the direction of the the Krall oasis.

In the stone hills the dwarf king sent an army to find the fallen star. When the army got to the crater and climbed down.Then they proceeded to surround the dragon. They woke up the dragon and asked his name. The dragon responded snidely that his name was Metano and he was second in line for the seat of the dragon king. The dwarves asked what he was. Metano said that he was a dragon. The dwarves heard that and then charged Metano. He stomped on the ground and iron spikes shot up and skewered all the dwarves. Metano walked through the forest of spikes and bodies he created. He then flew to the Krall Oasis.

There was nobody in the Krall Oasis when Trunce the third in line for the seat of the dragon king. He woke up because he smelled sulphur. He sat up and he saw the oasis he was in. He got and flew northeast to the Meadow of Light to where his younger brother Benzi was. The next day he made it to the crater Benzi had made. He followed the scent of his brother to the top of the Mountain of Light. Trunce saw his brother and yelled his name. Crastros flew at him like a freight train and Trunce knocked him aside with a gale force wind. Benzi told Trunce to stop and talk to Crastros. Trunce look and apologized to Crastros for knocking him aside.