
Tales of Magus And Gods

A Magical Mysterious story which is about a Webnovel writer participating in WSA 2021 for the 10,000 dollars money price. With this goal in mind he pours his soul out in his stories, unloading his frustrations of life. But then one day, he dies from some mystical blood red text that appears on one of his chapters which drowns and devour him. Then he is thrown in a cycle of transmigration into some strange and epic worlds. From the practical world of science into the cruel world of assassins, then in a mystical world of demons and gods, Thrown into impossible situation, forced to suffer and left with nothing but death and dread. Finally he has a chance at life in an another unprecedented world this time he refuses to give up, learning through life and morphing of spirit as a greater destiny awaits him.... _______ The story's background is inspired from the work "Tales of Reincarnated Lord" and could be classified as a Fan Fiction. I have added my own characters and story but any resemblance is inspired and I would make clear that I don't own that work and the cover is not mine either. —Keetarp(Author)

Keetarp · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 7 : Chakra

Styles family of the Karrion Empire held somewhat impressive military achievement in the past and have acquired a high grade Battleforce technique in return for their service.

As the direct descendant and legitimate son, Allen was also entitled to practice a portion of the Blazing Lifeblood Rage technique, and had it not been for the grave error Allen committed in the past, he would not have been exiled.

Being exiled isn't just about losing financial support and background but more importantly it also meant not being able to receive the traditional Battleforce technique of his family.

As per the family rules, being a legitimate son Allen should get the part detailing and reaching up to at least copper rank, but due to his crime and hasty expulsion mixed with schemes he inherited nothing.

He merely had the technique till the Peak Iron rank.

That being said, the main cause for Allen's stagnant realm in Battleforce is due to the lack of Battleforce technique itself.

The manual from Styles Family only allowed him to train up to the Peak Iron rank.

He has already reached this stage years ago, but he cannot advance because he has no certain path to follow.

Previously Allen tried to refer and switch technique but his Battleforce revolted and caused him a minor injury.

Blazing Lifeblood Rage technique is famous for being overbearing and explosive, which is why Allen's martial strength is so high.

But this comes with a drawback that he cannot switch techniques with different attributes even after practicing till only Iron level. Such problems conventionally only happen for Battle Warriors at or above Silver rank.

As for creating a new Battleforce technique suiting him, Neither previous nor the current Allen has the necessary information, resources, needed ability and skills for it.

He can only either find something which suits him and don't contradict the nature of Blazing Lifeblood Rage technique or just return to Styles Family to get the full manual.

'Theoretical, I could turn to other techniques and learn from them and somehow try to create one for me from the scratch but it would take a lot of research and time.'

'Although I am obviously not reluctant to research but I need immediate increase in my prowess and strength to carry myself around, I cannot just sit around and invest so much for just a chance of creating a technique which may not even work. I need to start now.' Allen weighed his options and decided his course of action.

He is already a peak Iron rank and he cannot breakthrough immediately so, instead of running around looking for technique and taking the risk of returning to the Styles family he should worry about becoming stronger.

If nothing else he would even throw the path of Batleforce altogether. Ideally he doesn't want that but, he cannot sit around doing nothing.

Allen stopped contemplating and sat cross legged on the ground. This time his expression was extremely serious as he began to slowly chant mantra of <Cataclysmic Flame God Technique>.

Allen decided to firstly capitalize on his strong suits and cultivate his soul force, this would help to stabilize his current surplus soul force inside his soul realm.

For now Allen's high soul force is like a block of hard iron. It's capable of causing damage to others but it's too crude and inefficient.

Through meditation, cultivation and manipulation of soul force and practicing the <Cataclysmic Flame God Technique>, Allen wants to craft and refine a sharp sword out of it.

Afterwards he would control and condense it to form an equilibrium between his physical and spiritual force to create his chakra pathway system.

This is both difficult and time taking, thankfully in the moving ferry Allen has nothing better to do except for waiting to reach Kemosin Ruin Islands.

For his future development Allen would start by pushing his strongest trait further ahead and think about the other ones later.

In the calm and tranquil room Allen's body aura changed as a solemn and indifferent feeling emitted from his body.

He silently started to chant the first meditation mantra. He already has the soul force surpassing a normal human so, he only needs to bind and control it and stabilize his chaotic sea of consciousness.

"The sacred fire shall emit the radiance of its pride, the reddish tint, the blazing heat and scorching fights. To become light is not the same, as we burn to blaze the maim."

An illusionary sun appeared in his mind, as a gale formed around the cabin and blew the sheets off of his bed. Allen's long black hair danced in the air and his body emitted a reddish glow.


Fifteen days later, the ferry that Allen was travelling had to take a detour because of an sudden sea storm. And now its expected time for arrival in the Yruen Port increased.

The Yruen Port is the market established just before the Kemosin Ruin Island. It's a joint place acting as a resource station and entry point run by various authorities joining hands.

The Kemosin Ruin island is very famous for being a hotspot for many adventures, researchers and also a great avenue for Battle Warriors to gain experience. As there is great inflow and outflow of crowd, the area evolved a great business around itself which is exploited by all the main powers around the islands.

Allen was currently in his room as he held his sharp sword and practiced the <Phaseless Moon Dance>.

This is the sword technique or kenjutsu learned by Hiroki Goto from Shinobi World. Hiroki wasn't a fantastic or powerful shinobi with huge chakra reserves so, he learnt a few skills through his ninja career.

This exquisite technique was further modified by many sword martial skills Allen learnt and practiced in the soul cultivation world.

This technique was extremely adaptable for a swordsmen as it relies on speed, agility, deception and explosive strength.

Allen elegantly danced in his room and his sword was his partner. His moves were delicate and eloquent but it was laced with unadulterated killing intent.

If anyone were to fight him, then they would be dazzled and overwhelmed by his flashy moves and agility.

"The First Dance of the Waning Moon."

Allen's aura sharpened like a well crafted sword and his sword turned illusionary, leaving behind multiple afterimages.

He jumped and spun in the air with a airborne twister and he turned into a spinning death wheel.

He slashed down on the ground with a thump and stopped just inches before cutting the wooden floor apart, his sword stopped inches before the floor but the sheer momentum tore a sharp slit on the floor nonetheless.

Allen was practicing as well as venting his frustation because even after fifteen days, although he was able to practice his cultivation technique increasing his soul force.

But all attempts at creating chakra pathway systems have been useless without any results.

He faced constant failure because his Battleforce was very overbearing and unstable. His high soul force is able to cope up and somehow control it mildly but the essence of his soul force cultivation technique is also offensive which creates a contradiction and keeps them apart without forming an equilibrium.

*Huff* *Huff*

Allen wiped his sweat with frustation and masterfully moved the carpet around to hide the damage or else he would be made to pay for damage remuneration.

"Not only chakra have been very difficult to form, but I have also reached a bottleneck in my soul cultivation." Allen thought as a wry smile appeared on his face.

The combination of the soul force and Battleforce isn't stable and the formation of chakra is the mixture of physical and spiritual force in a proportional and complementary manner.

This world naturally doesn't support the chakra pathway system so, Allen has been using his Battleforce to stimulate his physical force and trying to use soul force to stabilize it with the spiritual force but it all resulted in failure.

Allen is quite lost about what to do.

Allen progresses have been slowed in soul cultivation after reaching the peak of broze rank.

This has nothing to do with lack of talent, Allen suspected this to happen even before cultivating.

The only reason he could reach the peak 5-Star Bronze rank in soul cultivation so quickly was because he already had enough soul force condensed in his soul realm.

After reaching the peak of bronze rank, Allen had voluntarily stopped pushing his bottleneck because he wanted to develop his body as well, to maximize his potential. Only when Allen would maintain the equilibrium and establish the synchronization between all power systems can he develop to the peak.

For now, Allen's soul realm has enough stray soul force. He has gained great astral blessing and also devoured Shen Fei who was a Gold rank demon spiritualist and although Allen has lost a great amount of soul force through his transmigration, but it's still enough for now.

But when the chaotic and surplus soul force is completely tamed and assimilated into his soul realm. Allen would have to cultivate by himself.

And here is the issue: The cultivation of soul is very hard in this world!

After comparison, Allen could say that the benefit reaped in one day of cultivating in the soul cultivation world is equivalent to ten days here! And this is just the start. As he progresses the problem would only become more troublesome and his cultivation would be even slower.

"When all the stray strands of soul force are absorbed, the only thing that can help me are the resources. Even in the soul cultivation world, Elixir and herbs were very pivotal for reaching higher realm much less here."

"Thankfully my cultivation technique is rather high level if not then, I wouldn't even know if I could soldier through the garbage technique Shen used previously."

Allen picked his sword and started to polish it, he could only calm his mind, throw away his frustrations and think rationally.

Making haste would be unhelpful, All problems have a solution. If Allen finds a way to synchronize his physical and spiritual strength, then not only would he be able to form chakra but his speed of breakthrough in the respective power would also increase.

"With my various powers I could match up to a copper rank easily and if I were to use all of my strength and give my best I could possibly challenge and even defeat a 5-Star peak copper rank."

"Usually, this kind of strength is considered rather good for my age group but in the wider sense, it isn't worth speaking about."

"In fact, the lowest strength criteria to even become an annotated Knight is Silver rank and only people at that level are fairly reputable. The Gold ranks are the elites, while let's not even talk about what comes above that." Allen kept on wiping his sword as he looked at his reflected face on its edges with a lost expression.

The balance of inner and outer, the external and internal. it isn't as easy as it may sound. The Shinobi world laws allowed Chakra and had an environment where it thrived hence, there was no problem in achieving it there but this world isn't the same.

Suddenly Allen's eyebrows frowned and his glazed black eyes shone.

He suddenly picked his sword with a thinking expression and as seconds passed the corner of his mouth curled to form a wicked smile.

"The balance of spiritual and physical is the understanding of the body and soul, reaching a level of control but... My conjecture as to what is the appropriate way into reaching that balance is based on another world. Those rules and laws are not applicable here so, what if the accurate defined proportion that I am trying to balance is actually the cause of failure! and instead of rigidly following convention I should only focus on reaching a harmony of its own."

"I have been trying to command the sword swinging it wildly, rather than tame it. I am making the biggest mistake in swordsmanship of not using my momentum for myself. My rigid control and unaccommodating nature is the cause of my failure as it only breaks the delicate bond."

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