
Wine for souls

The next morning Hong Yue Xian said farewells to his father and secretly left Glory City. As for his destination it was the Nether Realm. As for the reason it was simple. Unlike Glory City there are many experts of Black Gold rank, Legend rank and even Demigod rank, if he can devour their soul realms his cultivation would skyrocket. Of course it may sound simple but the process was wrought with danger. High risk, high reward.

For the last two years Hong Yue Xian studied all the maps of the surrounding mountains, and was finally able to pinpoint the likely location of Nether Realm's entrance. He travelled carefully through the forests and after a week of hurrying along, he finally found a wide cave leading to what seemed to be an underground world.

Hong Yue Xian tried approaching the cave entrance but was hindered by some kind of invisible barrier. 'Hmm. I was prepared for that.' He thought as he sunk his mind to his soul realm. He focused his soul force and used it to pull the barrier into his soul realm. The moment both of them touched, his soul realm glowed with the blood red light and began to devour the barrier. Soon Hong Yue Xian felt the hindrance gone as he was able to walk into the cave.

What greeted him inside was a desolate landscape, a rocky ground filled with cracks dripping molten lava and spewing sulphuric gases. It was not the most habitable place but he did not come here to enjoy the view or settle down. He looked around and after noticing a city in the distance, started to walk there.

Along the way he was ambushed several times by Dark Elves but with his cultivation at peak Gold rank he made short work of them. After an hour walk he finally reached the city. He donned a black cloak around himself and walked through the streets marvelling at all the different races gathered in this Blackrock City. It did not take long for him to find his destination - the Jade Seal Family.

Hong Yue Xian approached the guards, introduced himself (as Xian Yue), and requested an audience with their patriarch. The guards said that the patriarch was a very busy man and not to be disturbed on a whim, to which Hong Yue Xian assured them that it was to their family's benefit. Reluctantly one of the guards ran off to report, leaving the rest of the guards and Hong Yue Xian to wait for several minutes, before returning and inviting him in.

Hong Yue Xian was led to a main hall, where a forty year old man in grey robes sat in the middle. Standing by his side was a young man who held a resemblance to him. The grey robed man was the patriarch of the Jade Seal Family, Luo Xiao, while the young man was his son, Luo Jian. Both of them looked at Hong Yue Xian curiously, as the latter was very young.

"Greeting Patriarch Luo, my name is Xian Yue and I would like to do business with the Jade Seal Family." Hong Yue Xian cupped his hands as he bowed.

"Greetings, Mr Xian. What kind of business do you do?" Inquired Luo Xiao.

"I am a merchant and a wine maker. I can sell you the best quality wine and equipment with primary inscriptions, in return for a favour. Here are the samples you can check and see if you are interested." Said Hong Yue Xian as he took out several different types of wine and spirits, as well as an inscribed sword and armour, and passing them to Luo Jian.

Both father and son were shocked by his words. They did not really care about the wine but the inscribed weapons and armour were very rare and super expensive, yet he was speaking as if he planned to sell many of them. When Luo Jian brought the samples to his father, the latter could immediately tell that both sword and armour were of great quality.

Luo Xiao could feel his heart thump as he looked at Hong Yue Xian once more. There was a great possibility that behind him stood a Primary Inscription Master. He tried to calm down and keep his voice from shaking as he asked. "Mr Xian, how many inscribed equipment do you plan to sell to us? And for how much? If you wish we could host an auction, do not worry we will only take the fee, the rest will be yours."

Hong Yue Xian clicked his tongue in amazement at the effect inscriptions had in the Nether Realm. "Patriarch Luo, like I said I have a task I need your family's help with. The inscribed equipment will be your payment. As for how many I plan to sell, that depends on how well you do the task."

"And what is it that you need help with, Mr Xian?"

"I am a wine maker and when I create new wines I need to test them on people. Some might end up poisonous and deadly, so I need live test subjects. Furthermore these people must have a high cultivation, a dozen or two of Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualists would suffice. I am sure you have many enemies. I want you to capture them alive and bring them to me. Don't worry they will not survive the tests. Oh and as many Legend rank demon spirits as you can get. In return I will give you the equivalent amount of equipment and wine. You still haven't tried the wine yet. I assure you it is safe and has great taste." Said Hong Yue Xian, pointing to the wine bottles.

Hearing his request both Luo Xiao and Luo Jian felt a chill down their spine. They kept wondering what kind of wine making requires such brutal methods. Still they would be getting rid of their enemies and receive inscribed equipment at the same time. Luo Xiao decided to accept the deal but before that he turned to his son.

"Jian'er, you like drinking wine, right? Try Mr Xian's and tell me what you think." Said Luo Xiao, while smiling at his son, before whispering to him. "Don't worry, if anything happens to you I will make him wish he was dead."

"But father..." Luo Jian looked pleadingly at his father, who ruthlessly told him to drink the wine that could kill a Black Gold rank. Seeing he had no choice, he gulped anxiously and opened one of the bottles. Immediately, an intoxicating fragrance filled his nose, causing his mouth to water. Without thinking any more he poured himself a cup and drank it in one gulp.

"My God, this is the most delicious wine I have ever tasted in my life!" Exclaimed Luo Jian trembling in excitement, before pouring himself more. He did not forget to open other bottles and taste them all. In mere seconds he became drunk as he kept on drinking wine.

Luo Xiao watched his son, dumbfounded by his behaviour. He also smelled the wine and poured himself some. The moment it touched his lips, he could not help but shudder. He finally realised that the wine was no less valuable than the equipment. No wonder creating it requires such strange methods.

After the guards carried the intoxicated Luo Jian away, Luo Xiao resumed the negotiation and agreed to a deal. He immediately sent his men to kidnap some enemy experts, and asked Hong Yue Xian to stay in the mansion while he waits. Luo Xiao also decided to host an auction, where he will sell some of the equipment and most importantly wine. He could already foresee the madness they will induce.