
Legendary cabbages

Five days passed since Hong Yue Xian entered the Nether Realm. Today the Jade Seal Family finally delivered their end of the deal. Hong Yue Xian was led to the separate compound, so he would not be disturbed by others during his experiments.

Inside the compound he found a dozen Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualists secured to the walls with chains. They were given a special drug that makes it hard for them to control soul force and weakens them physically.

Hong Yue Xian sent everyone away before walking to a man, with the cultivation of a 1 star Black Gold rank. As per his request Luo Xiao investigated and captured a Black Gold rank expert of the Dark Guild. Of course, the man was neither Long Sha nor Gui Sha, after all they were both important in the story. Still as a Black Gold rank he was number 4 in the hierarchy and knew a lot of their secrets.

Hong Yue Xian looked at him with complicated feelings. Despite the man being a member of the Dark Guild, he knew what he was about to do was terrible, and yet he was no longer on Earth, in this world he can not be bound by his previous world rules and morals. He sighed and resolutely put his left hand on the man's dantian and his right hand on the man's forehead. He sunk his mind to his soul realm and channelled his soul force into the man's soul realm.

Inside was a dark beast, a Nether Panther, which growled menacingly before pouncing on the intruders. Immediately Hong Yue Xian's soul force glowed red and took the shape of a huge crimson wolf that charged at the Nether Panther. Normally the cultivator would use his soul force as a weapon and attack Hong Yue Xian, but he could not control his soul force because of the drug, resulting in his inevitable defeat.

Hong Yue Xian reinforced his Blood Wolf in defeating the Nether Panther, after which he let the Blood Wolf devour the man's soul realm. As the soul realm was slowly devoured, Hong Yue Xian could feel a constant amount of pure soul force being injected into his soul realm.

An hour later as the Blood Wolf finished its meal, there was a slight shattering sound originating from Hong Yue Xian's body. He slowly opened his eyes revealing a black gold glow, which disappeared moments later. He could not help but grin, as he finally achieved 1 star Black Gold rank. He glanced at the man but only ashes and a demon spirit crystal remained. Hong Yue Xian picked it up and saw it was the Nether Panther. He stored it away before looking at the the other 11 men. 'This would take a while.' He thought to himself.

It took three days to devour all of the souls. Hong Yue Xian looked at the table on front of him. There were five pellets glowing with light. These were what he called the Essence Pellets. Each one represented the full pure essence of a Black Gold rank expert, so if a Gold rank consumed it he would have a 99% guarantee to reach Black Gold rank.

After devouring six more Black Gold rank experts, Hong Yue Xian reached the limit of Black Gold rank. To achieve Legend rank he would need to either cultivate naturally or devour a Legend rank expert. Because he could no longer absorb any more, the essence condensed and formed a pellet, that could be given to others. Hong Yue Xian planned to give them to people he cared about, like his father, Xiao Ning'er and others. He would think on it more later and stored the pellets away.

He was exhausted mentally. Part of it was his need to focus and concentrate while soul battling, however, the bigger part was digesting the numerous memories and information that he absorbed. He had to spend the whole day sorting them all out. The good thing was that there was a lot of interesting information about the Dark Guild and the various families of Blackrock City, the Jade Seal Family included. He noted down what he deemed important and after a good rest, went to find the patriarch.

Hong Yue Xian found Luo Xiao and his son in the main hall drinking wine with another old man. When both of them saw him come in, they immediately greeted him.

"Ah, Mr Xian, how do you do? How go the experiments? Is there anything else you need?" Inquired Luo Xiao.

"Thank you Patriarch Luo, I am doing well and have finished my experiments. They were quite satisfactory. I wished to discuss some things with you. And this is?" Said Hong Yue Xian glancing at the old man.

"Ah. Forgive me my manners. This is the Jade Seal Family's second Demigod rank expert, Luo Fu. You can feel at ease as we trust him completely and he is aware of our deal, in fact, he was the one in change of procuring the test subjects." Said Luo Xiao, introducing the old man, who smiled and nodded to Hong Yue Xian in acknowledgement.

"Very well, I had two things to discuss with you. First, a gift for you, Patriarch Luo. While I was doing the testing, the men in their desperation told me a lot of interesting things. I noted them down for you. I hope they will be useful to the Jade Seal Family." Said Hong Yue Xian before passing the scroll with information to Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao took a few moments to read the contents, before he went ghastly pale. Luo Fu and Luo Jian noticed his change and joined him in reading the scroll. Moments later they were same as Luo Xiao. The three of them sat petrified for a minute or so before Luo Xiao fiercely turned to Luo Fu and instructed.

"I want all this information checked and if it is verified, I want you to take immediate measures. Understood?" Luo Xiao's voice was quiet but full of murderous intentions. And no wonder as there were names of several spies within the Jade Seal Family. For them who consider uniting and preserving humankind in hope of prospering one day, to have spies in their midst is the greatest shame and betrayal. After calming down a bit, Luo Xiao bowed to Hong Yue Xian.

"I am grateful for your assistance, Mr Xian. We will make a thorough investigation." Said Luo Xiao sincerely. "Mr Xian, there was something else you wished to discuss?"

"Yes, now that my experiments on Black Gold rank experts concluded, I was wondering if it would be possible to get some Legend rank experts for my experiments." Said Hong Yue Xian, as he looked at Luo Xiao expectantly.

The latter, however, could not help but get scared by his words, while the other two almost fell off their chairs. 'Testing wine on Legend rank experts, they are not cabbages you know. How do you expect to capture one alive. Ai!' Lamented Luo Xiao in his heart but he did not want to reject him outright so he started thinking about it seriously.

Seeing the silence fill the main hall, Hong Yue Xian decided to tempt the Patriarch Luo some more.

"Patriarch Luo, I realise my request is a bit outrageous, but think on it from a different perspective. True, the Legend rank experts are rare and hard to capture, however, each one is a part of the family's higher echelon. The secrets and information they possess about Blackrock City would be very beneficial to you. I am fully confident in making them talk. Besides there is information that can assist you in their capture in the scroll I gave you." Tempted Hong Yue Xian.

Noticing that Luo Xiao was moved, Hong Yue Xian decided to hit the iron while it was hot.

"I have a few pieces of equipment with Senior Inscriptions. I will give them to you if you can get me a half dozen Legend rank experts. What do you say?" Said Hong Yue Xian by throwing the last bait.

Luo Xiao's face was an image of intense inner conflict, but soon it returned to its normal calm state. He cupped his hands to Hong Yue Xian and said. "The Jade Seal Family agrees to your request, though we will need time. Luo Fu and I will personally set off for this mission. Luo Fu, gather the men." With that Luo Xiao and Luo Fu left the main hall. Hong Yue Xian did not linger and returned to his compound to wait for the good news, leaving a lone dumbstruck Luo Jian in the main hall.